View Full Version : New Conglomerate needs you

2003-08-03, 01:25 AM
This is a desperate plea for players to join NC. This night we we're vastly outnumebered on Konried (as of this post we have less than 5%), and from the looks of it every other server. We need more soldiers to join our ranks. Please create a character on another server as NC if you are not one already, and start playing. I beg you.

2003-08-03, 03:02 AM
gawd we're not all desperate. maybe in your opinion. Emerald is fine, for one thing. but 5%? Jesus, you guys *do* need help...

2003-08-03, 03:10 AM
I am willing to help when i get my new computer:D :D :D !
Which might be several months:(

2003-08-03, 10:08 AM
I feel for you guys I really do, it seems the biggest attraction to NC used to be the JH but now the Lasher does everything the JH did but uh better and has longer range. But .....

Historically aren't freedom fighters usually small in number? And being that NC are fighting the good fight (according to them!) their numbers right now are appropriate!



2003-08-03, 10:16 AM
Originally posted by Caspertoo
I feel for you guys I really do, it seems the biggest attraction to NC used to be the JH but now the Lasher does everything the JH did but uh better and has longer range. But .....

Historically aren't freedom fighters usually small in number? And being that NC are fighting the good fight (according to them!) their numbers right now are appropriate!



You obviously haven't read the NC'c story then. They broke off as their own seperate nation, not just a scruffy bunch of guys with sticky bombs and black trenchcoats.

And btw, for that post, I will cut you.

2003-08-03, 10:48 AM

Jeez all you have to do to get the NC fighting mad is make their weapons outdated and have the majority of their troops switch sides like rats from a sinking ship, then point it out to them?


Hope you to see you on emerald then ;p

2003-08-03, 10:56 AM
I'm sure that the MCG/Lasher buff suddenly made NC so horrible, terrible, and unbearable to play that this is necessary.

2003-08-03, 11:25 AM
They need to put commercials. I have not see any for planetside:(.

2003-08-03, 11:37 AM
NC are awesome they can fight for freedom. they dont worship technology,they dont follow tyrants, and they know whats right. it would be cool to see some vs and tr trade sides.:ncrocks:

2003-08-03, 11:45 AM
I do my part for NC/Markov from time to time.. up to about BR12 now I think.

2003-08-03, 03:31 PM
^5 arakiel =)

2003-08-03, 03:36 PM
Originally posted by Arakiel
I'm sure that the MCG/Lasher buff suddenly made NC so horrible, terrible, and unbearable to play that this is necessary.

This has nothing do with nerfing or bufffing. Its just about empire population. The JH is still incredibly powerful, so I don't understand why so many people jumped ship. Maybe they like the glowing knife of VS, or the TR armor reminded them of Spiderman. Either way we need more NC dammit.

2003-08-03, 05:33 PM
I've already done this. As soon as the zerg started jumping over to VS I made NC and TR characters, so I could play for the new underdogs.

I'll be glad when things settle back down. For good or worse I'll be glad to see the Lasher get nerfed. I hope they use the big nerf bat. AS a diehard VS player since Beta I hate all the traitors who jumped on board just because of one weapon. I enjoyed the pre-lasher buff days when the VS had to fight tooth and nail for base caps. It's way too easy with the zerglings all carrying Lashers.

Give us back the old Lasher, please! I never used it or needed it anyway.

Cauldron Borne
2003-08-03, 05:39 PM
I picture the New Conglomerate as the Confederacy of the future. Misunderstood, yet when they put their minds to it they always kick the yanks...uh... Tr Vs butt. I just hope NC doesn't go the way of the CSA. Winning early on, but just couldn'y hold out.

2003-08-03, 06:29 PM
Yeah crazycrazy i was thinking of making the same post. As nc player on konried I must honeslty say I have hardly ever fought outside my our own 3 home conts because of the lacking number of nc. Even if Nc mounted an attack on nme cont it wouldn't last 5 mins past the first base being capped , before the vs/tr zerg would turned up.
If I ever see nc locked cont (i've heard it does happen every now again) I will be sure to take a sceeny.