View Full Version : DHelp error and such

2003-08-03, 02:09 AM
i just reformatted my drive and reinstalled Win98SE and now when I go to log on to PS....I get this "DHelp" crash and the game won't start.

Other times the game just doesn't start at all. Just hangs and then ...nothing....it shows PS running in the Programs window but no game.

One time it said my vidiocard showed less the 32 Megs of ram and my has 256 megs
GeForce FX5600

any help will be appreciated.

2003-08-03, 03:12 AM
did you scan for a virus?
and what are your system specs?

2003-08-07, 04:30 PM
Thunderbird 1.2
GeForce FX 5600
512 DDR
Asus K7A 266 Board
DirectX ver. 9.b
all updated vid drivers

i have scanned for a virus..... none found