View Full Version : Deliverer, the unappreciated stepchild.

2003-08-03, 02:11 AM
I've been experimenting with various vehicles over the past few days. All of the various rides in PlanetSide have their uses, but I was surprised at the overwhelming usefulness of the Deliverer compared to the rarity of the vehicle itself.

Top Speed: 75, the same as the lightning.
Acceleration: 3, the same as empire tanks.
Manuverability: 3, the same as empire tanks.
Threshold: 7, same as the Galaxy.
Armor: 2,000, only 500 less than the empire tanks.

The dual 20mm cannons atop the Deliverer are each equal in damage as the Magrider's driver-operatored Pulse Accelerator. Except the Deliverer gets TWO of those bad boys, each on a 360 turret.

Most people don't even realise the Deliverer is amphibious. The Deliverer easily floats along the top of the water at about 20kmh. Very nice for lakes and bridge battles.

In addition to the above mentioned advantages, it dosen't need a tech plant to be built, and it seats a total of five people! Why is no one using this bad boy?

2003-08-03, 02:23 AM
I was a passenger in one not too long ago. Was very impressed by the twin dual 20mm's. Good range, good punch, great for helping assault a tower, plus with high armor and good speed, ramming is also a good option. It would be something I would look at in the future.

Can it carry a max?

2003-08-03, 02:25 AM
No MAXes. Only Sunderers and Galaxies can carry MAX suits

2003-08-03, 02:26 AM
Nope. No MAX slots.

2003-08-03, 02:27 AM
I think most peopel opt for a sunderer or tank if they're only getting one vehicle cert for ground transport. The sunderer can carry 2 Maxes and it guns are devastating. I do agree that the deliverer is under-used and definitely fun to drive, but since you have to be in agile to drive it, and it costs 3 cert points, its nto always the first choice.

2003-08-03, 02:51 AM
Typically the Sunderer is superior in every way, except handling. It's people who can't stand the ox-handling of the Sunderer that typically get the Deliverer certification. Myself, I have the certification just because no one else seems to :)

2003-08-03, 03:00 AM
I prefer the deliverer over the sunderer as manueverability = life in my opinion. The only real issue the del has is that it doesn't run things over well. Ok, its a positive if you are looking for a laugh.

Don't underestimate those guns either! If your gunners are competent enough to focus fire on a single target few things are safe. The deliverer is particularly effective against reavers because of its guns direct fire and high damage ;)