View Full Version : "A Striker rocket is stronger than a Decimator rocket."
2003-08-04, 03:44 AM
- YNuke, New Conglomerate, Markov
I just thought I post this for those of you who wanted a good laugh. I was healing in the little alcove that the back door is in when I see a smoking Liberator slowly strafe to a complete stop at the opening and begin to fire on me. Already this guy did two things wrong: NEVER hover and NEVER engage an enemy when you're about to explode. I fired a single Striker rocket at him and his Liberator went down, almost taking me with it. Then came the "wtf u h4x0r n3rf striker!" tells as well as the quote in the subject. I'll give him the benifit of the doubt if he didn't know that a shot from the Phoenix does 50 more damage than one from the Striker. But c'mon, a DECIMATOR? I /ignored and then told him he should play around with all Empire-Specific weapons before he bitches. The sad part about it is, he was BR14+....I would think one should more or less know the different damage amounts by then.
2003-08-04, 05:29 AM
I feel your pain.
When people's idiocy cause me grief, wouldn't it only be fair retaliation to defend against grief and kill the mud faced son of a whore? I think so. Next SONY advertisement campaign: "Wanna kill an asshat?"
2003-08-04, 06:19 AM
Actually, for ease of use and sheer ability to dominate a battlefield without any use of skill whatsoever, a striker rocket probably is stronger than a decimator rocket.
2003-08-04, 08:02 AM
'to dominate a battlefield without any use of skill whatsoever'
It's not *that* easy to kill stuff with the striker. It's not impossibly hard either, but in most combat situations it is certainly not fire and forget.
2003-08-04, 09:23 AM
Originally posted by AtomicBanana
'to dominate a battlefield without any use of skill whatsoever'
It's not *that* easy to kill stuff with the striker. It's not impossibly hard either, but in most combat situations it is certainly not fire and forget.
Quoted for truth. It's very easy to tell the difference between a newbie striker user and a seasoned striker user. Newbie striker users will generally end up forcing their target behind cover or out of range by locking on too early, making them waste some if not all of the rounds they fire. Not only that, but strikers can be a real pain when targetting ground vehicles, because it's so easy to lose the lock. I admit, strikers can be extremely good against air vehicles if you don't lock on until two or three rounds are live, but the weapon has its shortcomings, just like all Empire-specific AV weaponry.
Actually, in retrospect, I think it's the level of ignorance about strikers that makes them as successful as they are in some situations. People don't understand how to use the weapon, really, so they don't understand how to increase their survivability against it.
2003-08-04, 09:40 AM
The striker is a bullshit weapon. It is actually most effective at killing the things that it shouldnt be getting locks on in the first place. Namely aircraft and MAXs. The Striker is not AA and will get nerfed when the AA changes go in. Lets just hope they nerf the insta lock onto MAXs, and... Yes, I had the striker Cert for quite some time, its friken bullshit how easy it is to drop MAXs and aircraft
2003-08-04, 10:11 AM
well, the decimator is excellent against MAXes, but everything else it just blows, because its so slow.
2003-08-04, 10:37 AM
Originally posted by Queensidecastle
The striker is a bullshit weapon. It is actually most effective at killing the things that it shouldnt be getting locks on in the first place. Namely aircraft and MAXs. The Striker is not AA and will get nerfed when the AA changes go in. Lets just hope they nerf the insta lock onto MAXs, and... Yes, I had the striker Cert for quite some time, its friken bullshit how easy it is to drop MAXs and aircraft
If you would, please tell me what AA weapon exists for infantry... Ok, now that you're speechless, let me remind you what PlanetSide strives for... diversity, so that each empire's weapons are effective in different manners.
Your Vanu Lancer fires in a straight line and any person with a steady hand can easily whip out stationary targets with little effort compared to a striker, which has a target lock range limit that isn't equal to your viewing distance and when fired in dumbfire mode is pretty inaccurate when aiming at wall turrets. Because you claim to have used the weapon, I won't remind you that you can't lock onto wall turrets because the rounds will just hit the base and do no damage unless you get creative with your firing. The Phoenix can be shot from the backside of a tower, over a base wall and right into an enemy AMS with no fear of getting shot back at anytime soon.
The Lancer and Phoenix are excellent distance AV weapons that can be fired with little risk to the user. Against moving targets, they rely on one's reflexs to keep the target in their curser while they fire. The Striker is capable of locking onto a target, which makes it great in up-close battles where nothing is blocking the user's view of a target, as well as against aircraft who are dumb enough to fly high and slow so as to place nothing between them and a Striker user.
From your distgruntled stance, I'm assuming you probably play as a Vanu MAX who has been killed by Strikers far too often. It's called balancing... just like infantry will run from a MAX they're aren't equipped to attack, a MAX should run or kill very quickly somebody who knows how to handle their AV weapon, no matter the faction. You need to accept that there is no single weapon in this game that makes you effective against everything (post-lasher nerf patch that is) and you need to pick your battles and run from something you can't handle.
The NC have a great up-close weapon called the Jackhammer that can chew through targets unfortunate to be close by, an AV weapon that can keep the user safe and fly over walls. The VS have a wonderful and devestating short to medium-range weapon called the Lasher that'll eat up anything with two legs, a hover tank that'll run over those that make it away, and an AV weapon that fires straight and doubles as a sniper rifle. The TR sports an AV weapon that'll follow a vehicle in the open, a great selection of MAXs when compared to other empires, and verstile vehicles that are a combination of speed and firepower, rather then leaning towards the extremes in any direction.
Learn what to run from and when it's time to run... you won't win every fight, and nobody will care about your whining when you're dead.
2003-08-04, 10:40 AM
The decimator is awesome if you know how to use it. Your story reminds me of the time that my reaver was almost dead. I was flying to a base because I didn't have engneering yet so someone could repair it for me or I could get a new one and this vs guy below me shoots me with a beamer. I thought that he possibly couldn't kill me with that so I started to unload rockets and bullets at him but he takes cover. Then he runs after me and shoots me a last time and I start droping like a rock. I clicked the bail button and I bailed and somehow bounced alot higher then my falling reaver. Then when I land I discovered that whent that guy shot my reaver down he kept running towards it like a moth to a light and he got underneth it and it crushed him. Very fun:D .
2003-08-04, 11:27 AM
Fly against the VS for a day, then fly against the TR for a day. Still convinced?
2003-08-04, 12:00 PM
You sure do assume a lot Nixon. I noticed you want to Focus only on my Vanu character and ignor my TR character. I cant fit all my characters into my Sig but I have 5 characters over BR10, one in each empire. 2 TR, 2 NC, and 1 VS. I have played extensivly with every cert that you can have in planetside and my ruling on the Striker is that it is bullshit. I am sorry if that bothers you, and certainly a nerf will indirectly cause my TR character some blight as there could be low populations....etc, but weapons like this need to be properly balanced. Would it make you feel better for me to admit that Yes, the lasher is a bit too beefy at the moment? Yep it sure is and I have sent my feedback. I dont particularly like the proposed changes as I feel the main problem with the Lasher is the ammout of damage it does to MAXs and armored targets without the hassle of AP ammo.
The Devs have made the statement that AV weapons will be pointed back to the ground where they should be, and the proper AA will be buffed accordingly. We know the Skyguard will get double the range, so I suggest starting there, or perhaps try a Burster. An anchored Burster takes out reavers and skeets in seconds and while they cant hit a Lib at 400m, everyone is having that issue at the moment. No one uses a Burster and you hardly ever see them on the battlefield. The reason is obvious and that is because the TR have thier cake and can eat it too. Why have the limitations of a vehicle of MAX suit when you can do AA as a grunt?
I am just calling a ***** a *****. Sometimes you realize that you have to give something up, even if it is your OWN empire, so that the game doesnt suffer as a whole.
2003-08-04, 12:00 PM
:ugh: ontop of a tower with a lancer you can't hit a lib thats flying max height
No range...
2003-08-04, 12:56 PM
Well, you have to admit that your first post comes off as being more of an emotional rant rather then a balanced arguement. Most of the time, that tends to come from people on the recieving end of something they find unbalanced... stuff like the JH, Lancer, Striker, and Magrider.
Don't get me wrong, I supported the nerfing of TR MAXs long ago because every confrontation with one usually ended with a lot of pissed off people. The Striker, however, is one of the advantages that the TR has up there along with their MAXs. At first, I too believed that the weapon was simply too much bang for your buck, but as I used it I quickly became aware of its disadvantages. For one, to kill a MAX you need to fire off four shots... which requires a reload that can damn near take forever, and most vehicles also require more then one clip's worth of ammo. An added benefit of the Striker is that it can easily be used indoors as well, while the VS and NC weapons are more suited for outdoors and over distances.
But there's one thing all AV weapons have in common, and that's that they only work against aircraft when they hang around too long. Unless on a tower or mountain, infantry rarely have an unobstructed view of the surrounding horizon. Aircraft that fly high up in the air with little cover are vunerable to all AV weapons, while those flying close to the ground can usually duck behind trees, hills, and buildings to avoid staying on a missile lock for both the Striker and NC/VS AA MAXs. It's those Reavers who'll sit there and hover while firing full salvos at ground vehicles that end up crashing and burning while those that afterburner behind the hill making multiple passes on a target that fly long enough to actually need to reload thier craft.
I see no problem with the Striker as it is, and while playing non-TR characters I usually find myself blown up when you get at least four or five of them shooting and their first shots hit you right as you duck behind something. Striker - fine. Jackhammer - fine. Lasher - still just a tad bit too fast or powerful (but not both). Magrider - unless they can find a way to keep those dialup users from lagging over me, I think it's fine too. Then again, that's true with any vehicle so I've made my peace with it.
Granted, I have only enough time to invest mostly in my TR character, I've made efforts to try out all the weapons to learn their strengths and weaknesses and play appropriately.
2003-08-04, 01:07 PM
Your Vanu Lancer fires in a straight line and any person with a steady hand can easily whip out stationary targets
First of all. STATIONARY! how many reavers stay stationary after getting hit once? Flying at 200kmh how the fuck do you expect us to hit it?
And the second of all, the lancer cannot hit libs or anything else at the flight ceiling. We are forced to get and EXTREMLY skilled deci opererator or ram the bitch with our own air vehicles.
I mean for the love of god the same lib did like 5 bombing runs on us. On the 4th i activated avd targeting, life is 90% full, and i started using decis. Bah. And yeah the striker is bullshit.
2003-08-04, 01:08 PM
"For one, to kill a MAX you need to fire off four shots... which requires a reload that can damn near take forever"
Incorrect. 3 shots, then switch to any other weapon including a pistol for the kill because the MAX will have 0 armor left and that is ONLY if the MAX is a fresh MAX with no damage take which in my experience was almost never.
When I had the Striker 3 shots killed a MAX 9 times out of 10 and very often 2 shots did as well
2003-08-04, 01:54 PM
Originally posted by Queensidecastle
"Incorrect. 3 shots, then switch to any other weapon including a pistol for the kill because the MAX will have 0 armor left and that is ONLY if the MAX is a fresh MAX with no damage take which in my experience was almost never."
Oh, come on... now that's just being picky. If I wanted to follow suit, I'd pinch my nose and say that I am correct because it does take four Striker hits to kill a full MAX, and the Lasher will kill with one shot because there's a lot of people running around out there with only a little health left.
Let's face it... every empire has some super-cool uber weapon that others either think is bullshit or they try to steal it. I don't know how many TR and NC players I've seen picking up lashers and stashing them, or JHs before that for TR/VS, and even NC/VS picking up Strikers while TR pick up Phoenixes. Sure, the popular sterotype is that <empire>'s people are always carrying <uber weapon>... big deal.
I tried out AV again this past weekend and find myself regretting dropping sniping. I can't count how many times I've run back to refill that Striker, even if half the shots were hitting. The only saving grace was being able to grab a lancer and snipe at a MAX on the wall and a guy in the turret.
The game is very livable as-is... especially after the initial release of the revamped lasher since everyone doesn't carry one anymore. Same thing happened with the Skyguard and Liberator came out, and the same thing will happen with every new vehicle or big change to the game as everyone gives it a shot. If people can live with Lashers, JHs, and Magmowers, they can handle a Striker.
2003-08-04, 02:28 PM
I have a character from each empire on different servers. They all have the skeeter cert. Flying as Vanu is too easy. When your a Vanu, and fighting the TR, and Warning! Missile lock! comes on. Just dive down or behind a hill and your fine. That is too easy! If you are a pilot and you think it's overpowered, you must not be very good. When I first got my skeeter I though when I had missile lock I would just fire for 3 more seconds and leave. 3 seconds later, BOOM! Too many people hover in their aircraft, and THAT is what kills them. I kill aircraft with Deci's all the time. Too many noobs out there.
2003-08-04, 02:34 PM
Its hardly being picky Nixon. You kill much faster switching weapons than trying to reload a striker. I just taught you a more effective way to use the Striker and you want me to trust you that it doesnt have issues? I dont think so. The striker has issues to be sure and it is worse than the Magrider ever was. The core of the Magrider debate are dumbasses that cant stay out of the way of vehicles. That is a player skill issue and not a ballance one. What myself and a multitude of TR/NC do is simply put landmines all over our advancement path. That gets rid of Magriders really fast.
2003-08-04, 02:36 PM
the striker's (an anti-vehicle weapon, as per it's description) ability to lock on to every-damn-thing that isn't on two legs.....wait, MAXes. umm, ok, it's ability to lock on to everything not standard, agile, reinforced, or infiltrator, is an incredibly *FLEXIBLE* weapon. carry around your MA cycler, and one striker, ta-dah, you have the tactical capability of easily killing absolutely everything in the game, even vehicles in motion. if you can't missile lock it to death, it's a soft target infantry and you can just throw enough cycler lead at it to kill it. now I just wish vanu weapons were as *FLEXIBLE* as that.
wait, wasn't the lasher nerfed for killing infantry AND armor? huh, how about that. (don't get me wrong, the lasher did need the armor nerf. but the striker needs a nerf as well)
2003-08-04, 04:31 PM
Originally posted by Arakiel
Fly against the VS for a day, then fly against the TR for a day. Still convinced?
My alternate character is an NC pilot on Johari. Most all of my kills are either from my Reaver or Mosquito. I primarily attack the Terrans that invade Hossin. To this day, I think I've only been shot down by a Striker maybe 4 times? Most of which were after I had been damaged in dog-fights. Locks aren't always that easy to acheive on a flying target. If the pilot knows shit from shinola they'll know how to shake a lock. This all goes back to my NEVER hover rule, that's about the only time one may be completely destroyed from 100 armor by a Striker.
Also, I've sniped Max units before and have seen Aircraft go down because a well-timed shot from the Bolt Driver. Nerf the damn thing, it has too many uses.
2003-08-04, 04:39 PM
"Nerf the striker, nerf the striker. Waa waa waa."
Edit: :rofl:
Originally posted by Arakiel
Actually, for ease of use and sheer ability to dominate a battlefield without any use of skill whatsoever, a striker rocket probably is stronger than a decimator rocket.
By Striker you mean Sparrow max.
2003-08-04, 05:53 PM
Originally posted by Lonehunter187
"Nerf the striker, nerf the striker. Waa waa waa."
Edit: :rofl: That goes for Jackhammer, as well
2003-08-04, 05:55 PM
rofl Yogi! I think I could agree with that also
2003-08-04, 06:06 PM
Originally posted by Arakiel
Fly against the VS for a day, then fly against the TR for a day. Still convinced?
Drive a tank against the VS or NC, and then drive against the TR. Strikers are usually pretty good against air targets, but they kind of suck ass against land targets, especially at a distance, and especially if said land targets are moving in an area that contains trees, rocks, unusually large air molecules, or hills which can all break your lock and cause your Striker rounds to hit the terrain before you can reacquire the target. Phoenix rounds can easily avoid trees and zoom straight to the target, and lancers just need to snipe the tank from a distance. These weapons are better than the striker for attacking vehicular targets unless said vehicle is right in your face.
2003-08-04, 06:56 PM
Originally posted by Revolver
That goes for Jackhammer, as well
Only n00bs cry nerf. People with brains do what I do and loot. Current locker stockpile of Jackhammers: 17.
PS: Jackhammers don't even scare me anymore. It's easy to avoid once you learn how to use it.
2003-08-04, 07:10 PM
Originally Quoted by Revolver
Originally posted by Lonehunter187
"Nerf the striker, nerf the striker. Waa waa waa."
Edit: :rofl:
That goes for Jackhammer, as well
2003-08-04, 07:22 PM
Originally posted by ghost018
Only n00bs cry nerf.
and the only way a bolt driver is gonna kill a tank or a max is if the thing is so damaged it cant move, well, tanks that is, and i admit, it was pretty cool when i took outa a sunderer with my bolt driver, but he was the idiot that drove next to a NC base FULL of NC, man that was cool
2003-08-04, 07:30 PM
Can't beat my friend that blew up a reaver in flight :o
He hit him like 12 times in a row never got discovered and he kept doing passes over the rock where he was hidden...
Unreal Fenix
2003-08-04, 08:54 PM
Even worst idioticy,
we where fighting in the stairwell of a biolab, i had my jackhammer out and we had 2 maxes covering us, there where about 7 guys there total, we where two squads, So the tr kept poping around the corner and getting pwn3d so this Cr4 Br8+ guy runs infront of us, turns around and does the "Cease fire!" animation as a bunch of TR try to rush us with a pounder. he was mowed down by friendly fire so fast...
Another idiot: i was hacking the back door to a base one time and a friendly vanu guy runs up to me, but he switches his pulsar to his beamer and goes it, i pull out my lasher and follow the idiot and watch him get mowed down by a cycler inside
a bunch of idiots: My outfit squad on Emerald had a base secure when all of a sudden a gal flew over and drop abour 8+ cloakers into the base, we didnt know that at the time and where looking around, in the meantime they where annoying everyone by knifing the guys in the cc and finaly hacking the base, It wasent untill they decided to make a human wall of cloakers that we brought out the scattercannon with darklight, what a bloodbath that was...
2003-08-04, 09:29 PM
for the above!
This was for having that sig thx!
2003-08-05, 02:43 AM
These weapons are better than the striker for attacking vehicular targets
First, the lancer does significantly less damage vs. armor than striker/phoenix. Second, it has its charge delay/CoF bloom which makes it hard to lead a quickly moving vehicle, and third, the person must remain stationary/move slowly to keep it as accurately as possible. I do however realize that it kills infantry in three hits, but unless the target is sitting still, it is fairly difficult to hit them.
The phoenix, while able to steer through obstacles and without line of sight, leaves the operator completely stationary, a problem that the lancer somewhat shares, but the striker does not (you can still run around as long as you keep your crosshairs on the target). Also, it must be reloaded after every shot, which means the target vehicle may be long gone by the time the next shot is fired. Third, lack of a dumbfire mode means it is harder to use in close quarters against a max (operator sits still for a moment, and he must reload after firing), a problem the striker, and to a lesser extent, the lancer, does not have.
I have tried all of the antivehicular weapons, and i dont think the lancer/phoenix are THAT much better than the striker.
2003-08-05, 03:14 AM
I've Tried all the AV weapons with alt, as well as played against all 3 empires AV weapons with most kinds of vehicles (squitoe, reaver, harraser/enforcer, Vangaurd/Prowler, MAX, Gal) and I have this to say:
AV weapons are fine as they are, with the striker MAYBE being a little bit overpowered against MAXes.
The Striker is the only AV weapon that is half-way decent at takeing out aircraft(and remember, aircraft are Vehicles too), but is reletively crappy against ground targets. The striker is the best indoor AV weapon of the 3 empires.
The phoenix is great outdoors, but bites indoors or any reletively close range. It's harder to steer than most people give it credit for as well. However, it does a good job of scareing away reavers and killing stupid mosquitoe pilots. Killing a reaver is extreamly rare, as it takes 4 phoenix rockets in order for the pilot to loose control.
I have not used the lancer extencively, but it makes a decent MAX killer in and out doors, and is the AV weapon with the best chance against infantry(but why are you useing it against infantry anyways?). It is also great against buggies and lightnings if used by a skilled operator. Leading correctly with it is key.
2003-08-05, 04:30 AM
Originally posted by Katanaboy
I do however realize that it kills infantry in three hits, but unless the target is sitting still, it is fairly difficult to hit them.
I enjoy Sniping. I almost wish our AV weapon was the Lancer without the ghey Star Trek laser shit, because then I wouldn't have to spend three certs on the Bolt Driver. But "fairly difficult" to hit a moving target? C'mon...a real sniper won't go for the still targets anyway unless it's another Sniper, but even then if the two people are fighting each other they'll be moving.
Even if your cursor is over a vehicle, aircraft, or even a Max, that doesn't mean you'll achieve a lock. Sheesh, this all pretty much goes back to what I and others like me have already posted here. Words for everyone to live by: You can either decide to bitch and complain about an enemy weapon or find ways to beat it.
2003-08-05, 07:31 AM
To rerail the thread a bit:
The decimator is difficult to use and is effective AV at short/medium range against primarily ground vehicles and MAXes.
The striker is rather easy to use and is effective AV at short/medium/long range against ground vehicles, air, and MAXes.
By the way, before you play the "BUT THE LANCER IS ANTI-INFANTRY U NOOB" card, have you noticed (at least on Emerald) that very people few actually use the lancer for AI these days? Even before the lasher changes, it was falling out of favor because it's an ineffective weapon.
As many people told me I was an amazing Quasar MAX user, I dropped the cert yesterday solely because it was only useful against NC as of late.
Happy lil Elf
2003-08-05, 10:38 AM
Speaking as a tank driver, both Lightning and Vanguard, I hate Lancers so god damn much. Gimme 20 grunts with strikers over 3 guys who know what they're doing with their Lancers >_<
2003-08-05, 10:49 AM
I think that the striker and how many situations it can be used in is over powered not how hard it hits for. But seeing there is such a large usage of the weapon it looks much much stronger than it is. Yes if you get hit with 8 strikers all at once it will blow up most things. (afterburners will out run rockets and once the lock is broke then the missle goes straight, so run around terain and you will lose it, yes 60 TR with strikers is crazy and keeps planes from the battle, there is why we do it, reavers + Infantry = Infantry death fast with no way to fight them. Tada striker now the evil reaver runs away. 50% of the time I don't fire just get missle lock to scare off planes, don't always work they still kill me alot even though I have a striker)
Striker: Inside you can use it easy with due to the lock on. Out side it works not as well due to terain but it is still extreamly effective. Long range it is great due to lock on, Med the same, short the same.
Phenox: Inside it really isn't useable effectivly. Outside it is godly due to the fact you can controll it. Long range is where it excells I would say much better than the striker here, Med range not as good but still works, here is where you need some skill. Short range pull out your jackhammer and forget about the phenox duh.
Lancer: Inside it can deal some dammage but your probly not going to win the fight. Outside It is much better seeing that it can be used like a sniper riffle. Long range it is good but you have to be a really good aim, you got to be just like a sniper. Med range fire it and and go nuts till you get run over, might as go down in a blaze of glory, hay you never know you mught get lucky. Close range No way, use the lasher.
From what it looks like to me is that the Striker will work in most situations and is the best (overpowerd if you must use nerf it words) number 2 in the "well balanced" catagory is the Phenox and the runner up in the "I never use it" catagory is the Lancer.
2003-08-05, 11:05 AM
Oh, by the way, here's some more food for thought..
Phoenix: Totally immobilized while firing.
Lancer: Crouch or at least stand still for accuracy.
Striker: Surge, strafe, line dance and you'll still hit.
2003-08-05, 11:22 AM
Simple striker fix :
Lower the clip size to 2 shots.
2003-08-05, 11:36 AM
You know its not gonna happen... the only people they boost and then nerf is us... vanu...
2003-08-05, 11:45 AM
Originally posted by Spider
for the above!
This was for having that sig thx!
I don't get it Spider. Why are you so mad at Unreal Fenix for his sig?
Cauldron Borne
2003-08-05, 12:38 PM
If you hate it so much FIND WAYS TO FIGHT AGAINST IT!!!!!!! yeesh it took a fifteen year old to say it. wait no maybe ghost said it earlier. come on people! a major rule in strategy (yes this game is a tactics game) is to adapt and improvise. adapt to the annoying fact that someone is owning your tank by getting a buddy to snipe him out, or do it your self (huh? me? do something for my self? no way?!?!). geez, enough whinning.
Demon's Dragoons: we like to blow @#&$! up!:thumbsup:
2003-08-05, 12:42 PM
Just because you are satisfied with mediocrity doesnt mean the reast of us should be. As we all know Planetside was released still beta. Just now are things starting to settle down a bit after massive changes. We still need the AA change and there are other issues but the Dev team is there to fix stuff that is out of whack because it wasnt properly ballanced before release.
2003-08-05, 01:18 PM
Originally posted by Cauldron Borne
If you hate it so much FIND WAYS TO FIGHT AGAINST IT!!!!!!! yeesh it took a fifteen year old to say it. wait no maybe ghost said it earlier. come on people! a major rule in strategy (yes this game is a tactics game) is to adapt and improvise. adapt to the annoying fact that someone is owning your tank by getting a buddy to snipe him out, or do it your self (huh? me? do something for my self? no way?!?!). geez, enough whinning.
It's not just that you're self-righteous, it's that you think you're shedding divine light onto the situation *and* you're self-righteous while doing so.
Gasp - you mean we can adapt to things? The idea is that the striker should not cause every MAX and/or reaver to drop the certs in frustration as their method of adaptation.
2003-08-05, 01:30 PM
Originally posted by =NCG=JMan
I don't get it Spider. Why are you so mad at Unreal Fenix for his sig?
Because all your base are belong to us is annoying it's ofn and bug the shit out of me :mad:
It's the devil!!!
My feelings in a pictographic way!
Happy lil Elf
2003-08-05, 02:07 PM
Man, where's a world's tiniest violin smilie when you need one?
P.S. Good comic :lol:
2003-08-05, 02:19 PM
hey, cauldron. give me back the post-buff lasher and you
don't like balance discussions? stay the hell off any forum related to this game then. they're gonna be here wether you're on your soapbox or not.
Cauldron Borne
2003-08-05, 03:20 PM
meh. just figured I'd give a rather good idea to use until the devs fix the issue. Yeah, you can discuss balance issues, but until the problem is resolved what are you going to do? I just say adapt until you can go back to your comfort zone. there really isn't much more you can do, is there?
Demon's Dragoons: dimolishing ramdom objects since the beginning of.... uh.... something.
2003-08-05, 04:13 PM
Originally posted by Arakiel
Striker: Surge, strafe, line dance and you'll still hit.
Not true, and any Terran that's been using it since release knows somethings different about it. Yep, it's easy enough to get a lock, but a lot of times you won't. Aircraft, unless you've got a number of Striker users shooting up at it, it's not going to die UNLESS it's stupid and hovers (now where have I heard that before). Almost the same exact thing goes for vehicles. An Outfit member and myself were ambushed at close range by a Magrider the other day. As both of us were firing Striker rockets into it, she died and I was able to finish it off. I carry 12 rockets, I had two left when I was finished.
Waah...I can't shake a missle lock. Waah...the Lasher is too strong. Let's nerf everything so I don't have to ever find skill.
PS: Maybe Vanu don't use the Lancer on Emerald, but they do on Markov.
2003-08-05, 04:33 PM
If you hate it so much FIND WAYS TO FIGHT AGAINST IT!!!!!!!
Well, I used to be a MAX user, but not anymore thanks to the striker. I'm VS, so i have my supposed maneuverability and agility as my empire's strong points... but there is no way save for finding cover to escape from a striker's missle lock. Oh, wait, i move so damn slow that by the time i make it to cover 4 strikers have already hit me, killing me. My jumpjets are completely useless, as the striker posseses EXTREME maneuverability. It can pull a 180 degree turn instantly, so there is no chance of me "dodging" the rocket. At least with the phoenix, if he misses, he misses. I dont like that it can lock on to maxes, as they possess absolutely no chance of countering it.
2003-08-05, 04:41 PM
I love my pheonix, but I'll drop it and pickup a striker as often as I can. Twice the effective range with jost about the same amount of damage. I don't ever fly over terran controlled territory.
Cauldron Borne
2003-08-05, 04:50 PM
I've never tried this, but can you 'shoot' down a rocket? If you grabed a shotgun, or aa could you blow it up in mid-air? maybe carpet the air with shotgun pellets? Might work.
Demon's Dragoons: we're the real reason humpty dumpty couldn't be put back together again, but mother goose thought that was too violent. The dragoons had roast goose that night.
2003-08-05, 05:32 PM
"I've never tried this, but can you 'shoot' down a rocket?"
Nope. I have tried this with all manner of MAX suits. The phoenix missle is the biggest and can be seen on radar. You cant even shoot this one down when its coming at you in a straight line
2003-08-06, 03:47 PM
Actualy it is possible to shoot rockets down, or it used to be, I have done it before but it has been a long time since. Incindentaly It was reaver rockets and I was in a phanalax turrent. But it was so hard to do (i shot down like two out of a salvo) it's not worth trying.
2003-08-06, 04:07 PM
Originally posted by Cauldron Borne
meh. just figured I'd give a rather good idea to use until the devs fix the issue. Yeah, you can discuss balance issues, but until the problem is resolved what are you going to do? I just say adapt until you can go back to your comfort zone. there really isn't much more you can do, is there?
Demon's Dragoons: dimolishing ramdom objects since the beginning of.... uh.... something.
We have your permision, wonderfull, jesus christ how could I have proceeded without that. Plus as an added bonus your wonderfull precise tactics of adaption, what a cleansing light in my fog of doubt.
2003-08-06, 04:42 PM
Who wouldn't opt for the Thumper and Decimator over a single empire-specific anti-vehicle weapon for the same credits? Think about it... Solid AI and AV for 3 creds while leaving valuable credits free for hacking, vehicles and engineering. Sign me up!
Cauldron Borne
2003-08-06, 08:24 PM
your sarcasm is appreciated Doppler
2003-08-07, 12:52 PM
It's nice to be apreciated in ones own lifetime, maybe all those people will stop trying to kill me now.
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