View Full Version : some tips?
2003-08-05, 11:21 AM
i know the guide give you tips but can anybody fill me in on some real secrets on playing the game i mean from some experts:wave: :blowup: ?
2003-08-05, 11:29 AM
it depends what you want to do. snipe? heavy assault? vanguard? infil? I cant give you tips until you tell me what you are.
2003-08-05, 11:43 AM
Originally posted by JetRaiden
it depends what you want to do. snipe? heavy assault? vanguard? infil? I cant give you tips until you tell me what you are. Indeed, these boards are a wealth of information. What are you interested in doing? I feel I am only competent to give info on the role of a CE infiltrator AMS driver, as that is what I do now almost exclusivly.
2003-08-05, 11:44 AM
Best tip I can give you to get started is: Do all of the VR training, and visit all the continents. This will get you enough XP for a couple battle ranks, without killing a single opponent. Those BRs will score you Reinforced Armor and Medium Assult.
2003-08-05, 12:18 PM
A few grunt combat tips :
Crouch and fire small bursts when you shoot at opponents more than 20 meters away. Standing and especially running cripples your accuracy, and firing in full-auto is just wasting tonnes of ammo on thin air.
Pick your reload times carefully. If you have a second or two where you're sure you won't have a proper target (such as when you're passing a tree or rock, thus putting total cover between you and the enemies); take the chance to reload.
Use medkits properly. They give 25 health, and there's a 5 second delay before you can use the next one. Don't waste it 'till you can get all (or at least most) of the effect. I always carry 3 medkits minimum (and that's even though I'm also a medic).
Set your mouse sensitivity properly. In my oppinion, your mouse sens should be as low as you can get it without making it hard for you to move.
I have the new version of Microsoft Intellieye and I have an Icemat (black). My character turns ~200 degrees if I move my mouse from one side of the pad do the other. That's high enough to allow me to move, and still low enough to allow me to aim properly even at high ranges.
Set your video settings rather low. Having a good FPS is much more combat-effective than having some pretty explotions.
Everything under advanced should be turned off.
In the normal settings :
- turn off flora. Apart from hampering your FPS, it also hinders your view ingame.
- set the detail levels to low or medium
- turn down the view distance a good deal. To around 1/3 of the bar. This helps a LOT on the FPS, and doesn't mean a lot ('cept for pilots in reavers/mosqs).
- keep the 32 bit at 32 bit; 16 bit actually doesn't improve your FPS, but it slaughters your graphics =)
- 1024 x 768 resolution is the highest you should use. If you can get used to the mega mini map and chat boxes, take 800 x 600
In windows :
Control panel > display > settings > advanced. Then find your D3D and openGL settings (not sure if PS is D3D or openGL), and set them to performance rather than quality. Turn off vsync and anti-aliasing.
Defragment your drives.
2003-08-05, 12:37 PM
wow those are pretty hardcore gfx tweaks.
I run 1280X1024 with medium texture/particles and all the boxes checked apart from shadows, decals I think. Obviously no flora or fauna and view distance to max. And everything in advanced off or none.
Anyway :D
Terrain :) use it, it has it's own combat effectiveness increase if used properly if not it takes away you effective ability to kill.
My deliverer always goes off-road as oposed to roads, when I get attacked by reavers in my deliverer I slow to 1/2 speed and try and keep to level ground, makes my gunners job easier at killing them.
Many times I have been gunner in a random vehicle, as soon as a missile lands nearby, the driver floors it and bobs about all over the place making it difficult to kill the reaver.
Running people over in the deliverer is harder than in any other vehicle imo, if you hit them dead on, chances are you will be slowed down quite a lot as your front lifts up. Rather than doing it that way, try and land your front wheels on the enemy, or even better, clip them slightly when at full speed, you will 80% of the time kill them.
use weapons how they are meant to be used :D Attacking NC I hold back with my cycler in bursts. If they charge I try and fall back without firing, otherwise I let loose at close ranges with my cycler or thumper or I spam them with my thumper at intermediate ranges. Note nopt the best way of going about it :D
Attacking an enemy base/tower? Pesky wall turret? fire Jammers at the turret, a direct hit will stop it from firing for 15 - 20 seconds, repeat as neccesary till it is dead from other people firing at it :)
AMS - my AMS gets deployed either:
a) in cover, under rocks, trees, walkways.
b) top of mountains - to allow striker users to decimate any plane that passes by.
CC's when guarding a CC through a Hack, dont keep running into and out fo the CC, keep the stairs clear, and stay alert to people logging back on in the CC area.
NEVER stand in front of max pounders or go down/up the stairs in the presence of a pouner and enemy. If you can, hold back at the bottom and let the max destroy anything on the stairs.
2003-08-05, 12:42 PM
im more off a sniper and an infiltraiter can some one give me tips on that stuff
2003-08-05, 01:44 PM
first of all, there's a big thread with nothing but sniper tips, so check that out.
as for infiltrating, it all depends on if you're part of a squad or going solo. I'm part of an extremely organized outfit, so i'm almost always in a squad. Sometimes i'm ghosting it, though, so remember this:
you AREN'T invisible.
never, ever think you're invisible. you're merely harder to see sometimes. with darklight and the plethora of bugs surrounding the infiltration suit, it's best to stay completely out of sight, so that you couldn't be seen even without the suit. have patience, and crouch-walk from cover to cover when the enemy moves around a corner. get the melee booster if you use the knife, even if you need the stamina you can always turn it off and a secondary fire knife with melee booster will kill a reinforced in two hits, assuming he doesn't have the impressive reflexes required to use a medpack in between your knife hits.
attack solitary targets whenever possible. when someone sees their friend fall, they suddenly WILL notice the sound of your knife, and start shooting absolutely everywhere, or more commonly, flick on darklight, see you, and go medieval on your ass.
i'd tell you some more, but they're outfit secrets ;)
2003-08-05, 02:54 PM
There are several types of infils out there.
There's the "OMFGIMAL33TN1NJ4" type of infil who just runs around trying to kill people. Pistols, grenades, and the knife are the tools of the trade. Some infils of this type are really good and some just run around and get killed a lot.
-Try to only kill solo people when they are stationary and hopefully reloading. This is really nice with snipers since their reload takes a long time.
-If you use a pistol, remember that it makes a very distinct sound and most people think "Infil!" when they hear it. Kill and move away.
-A lot of the enemy will have Darklight and will see you easily. Therefore don't give them a reason to turn it on. Being patient is a major plus here. However, get resigned to the fact that you're going to get caught by people turning DL on and off.
-If you plan to use the knife a lot, get the Melee Booster implant.
-You don't always have to move at a crouch walk. Sometimes surging at top speed is better.
-If the entrance to a base is lined with mines, toss a jammer grenade to clear them. It's even more fun when the enemy is standing on the mines.
There's the "Dude, where's my AMS?" type of infil which has Advanced Hacking. Personally I think this is requirement for any successful infil.
-During base defenses, you're more of use outside the base hunting AMSes. Get out and find where the enemy is coming from.
-If you find an enemy AMS and you're in a squad, have the squad leader put a waypoint on your position. That way if you don't survive, a squadmember in a reaver can come take care of things.
-When going in to hack an enemy AMS, watch the cloaking bubble when it pulses in an out. You can see where the mines are inside the bubble.
-If you try to jack an AMS while standing in the tubes, be prepared for angry tells.
-If you hack an AMS and you have the AMS cert, jump in or undeploy then jump in. Once you are in the driver's seat, they can't rehack.
-It's very fun to deconstruct a vehicle right in front of the former owner.
-If you have an AI MAX cert, sneak into an enemy base, hack a term in the spawn room, then switch to the MAX. Turn the enemy into dead sacks of meat.
There's the Invisible Ingineer type of infil with Combat Engineering.
-Imagine the path an enemy vehicle would drive into a base. Place mines along that path.
-Spitfires are weak out in the open. Place them behind objects like trees so they will fire on the enemy from behind.
-Place mines next to trees where you think the enemy will try to take cover as they assault your base.
-Don't ring an AMS with spitfires. You might as well get a couple Beamers and guide the enemy reavers in.
-Boomers are fun to use on locked down TR MAXes.
-You can do some serious demolitions with a bunch of boomers and a jammer grenade.
There's the Magical Medic with Advanced Medical.
-There's nothing like a friendly MAX suddenly coming back to life to scare the crap out of the enemy.
-If the enemy sees a person stay dead for a long time (not changing into a backpack) they may be suspicious and look for you.
-Getting an engineering cert can really help. You can revive and repair the people right under the enemy's nose.
-Remember that your are wearing tissue armor. It would be nice to crawl through a firefight to revive someone but it'll often get you dead first.
Most infils are a hybrid of several different types. Choose what's fun to you.
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