View Full Version : CR 5's that deserve props

2003-08-07, 02:30 PM
OK I am not a CR 5, but I can imagine they get a lot of crap for doing a job they don't have to. Its not like anyone needs to follow their orders, so if you don't like them, don't follow them. Occassioanly there will be a truly annoying CR 5 ( i.e. Klar) but all you have to do is put him on ignore.

Anyways, I thought I would start a thread to give kudos to those CR 5's that truly can pull it together and lead an army to victory.

I will start by saying Luci and Zubey (NC on Konreid) are 2 great commanders, who deserve special recognition.

2003-08-07, 03:02 PM
delta7 and renae - nc markov

2003-08-07, 03:07 PM
Anybody that isn't klar

2003-08-07, 03:17 PM
idiotSavant - Markov.

Only guy I've seen who spams helpful global messages.

2003-08-07, 03:21 PM
i jumped on markov as VS while emerald was down one day, there were actually a handful of cr4-5s being useful the whole time i was on.

the only examples i've seen as bad are Klar, some guy that was on at the same time as klar one day, and the old malone "someone get an ant to xxx base" and "someone go to xxx base to draw off pressure" **because he sure wont leave the zerg himself**

2003-08-07, 03:23 PM
how's your burrito klar?

2003-08-07, 03:25 PM
ELH - Konried

2003-08-07, 03:30 PM
Delekhan, TR Johari. Mr. "We need an ANT!" :)

2003-08-07, 03:35 PM
Morchaint, Desmo, Demigod, Chris26, and ELH on Konried are all excellent TR CR5's.

In fact, I don't know of one TR CR5 on Konried that spams and acts like an asshole like you guys say Klar and these other guys on other servers do. Maybe we're blessed.

2003-08-07, 04:12 PM
there are alot of good Cr5s on Markov, infact there are some that ive never used global, but most of the time use cont wide, i can only think of 2 bad Cr5s on markov, 9MM, who is infact on the leaderboard for kills, but i saw him spaming and insulting one single person, about how he touches lil boys, and another, that was spaming about buriots, that wasnt klar that was doing it, it was someone on Markov, unless they both did it. and theres Delta7, hes good, though im obligated to say that, he my CO :lol: and then theres someone with a name thats like ez10 or something

Happy lil Elf
2003-08-07, 05:18 PM
I have yet to see one actually. About all I ever hear on NC/Emerald is the guy that always spams "Would the SG (Stormgrenadiers I assume) CO please contact me". Other than that I don't really ever see any global /shrug

2003-08-07, 06:46 PM
.... that would be trigganator. We keep telling him to just get a list of names to /t in order to get in touch with SG, but he hasn't done it yet.

2003-08-07, 07:12 PM
:no: some Cr5 people

2003-08-07, 07:22 PM
Millerbug on Emerald. Keeps his cool, always has a plan, and dosen't spam Global.

2003-08-07, 08:49 PM

*hint hint*

MaxSwift is a very good NC CR5

2003-08-07, 09:14 PM
Originally posted by Everay
and then theres someone with a name thats like ez10 or something

Yes, it's Eaz10, very good Cr5.

2003-08-07, 09:22 PM
That revolver guy... hmmm... I dunno about him...


2003-08-07, 11:27 PM
A few days ago, XinE on Markov :spam: the global like crazy, don't know what has gotten into him... :no:

2003-08-08, 12:29 AM
seems like after a while our CR5s on markov go senile or something

2003-08-08, 03:44 AM
GODJOEY and 50Cent TR Emerald

2003-08-08, 04:19 AM
Zippoid, NC on Werner, in fact all the Werner CR5's on all factions seem good. I know they all get a huge amount of spam from time to time from flamers, and you gotta respect them for putting up with it and still trying to co-ordinate the otherwise mindless zerg. :D I know i wouldnt do it...:rolleyes:

NightWalker XI
2003-08-08, 05:21 AM
iccle - CR5 NC on Werner

2003-08-08, 06:47 AM
"Sorry". CR 5 VS on Konried.
I play TR there, and whenever I see that guy (or well, a "Sorry [mosquito logo] [TR player name]-kill message in the chat box), I know that we're going to be up against a well-directed VS force.