View Full Version : Revolt against LLU?
2003-08-09, 05:11 PM
The LLU sucks!!! We need to convince the makers of PS that we want our old way back. Ive talked to a lot of people and they said they will cancel their subscription if it doesnt go back to normal. So WE need ure help in taking out the LLU update If you are with me e-mail me at
[email protected]. Plz help US all.
2003-08-09, 05:15 PM
2 words sux @$$
2003-08-09, 05:35 PM
Sorry Dev just not diging it
2003-08-09, 05:37 PM
Before you want to send the LLU idea to the crapper, maybe you should at least try it !
It is clear that something need to be done about the present situation. Too often I find myself waiting in a base that no enemy attack, waiting with 50 or so ppl for the 15 minutes to end...
If the LLU can reduce significantly the waiting time, I'm all for it...
2003-08-09, 06:06 PM
I did try it its on the test server
2003-08-09, 06:34 PM
Two words: don't play.
2003-08-09, 07:09 PM
two words . I already payed for a year so shut the hell up u freaking moron. O god damnit thats more than two words. LOL;)
Originally posted by knifeman2005
two words . I already payed for a year so shut the hell up u freaking moron. O god damnit thats more than two words. LOL;)
Wow, people are assholes.
But yeah, quit playing, dont whine.
2003-08-09, 07:17 PM
I agree with the people saying leave it, it is the best addition to the game.
It means fighting will be outside the base. Diverse units/equip/vehicles will triumph over numbers meaning cleverer use of the available resources, traps and counter attacks will now actually be effective and the use of scouts and troops dedicated to information will reign. For instance you do not want to have no info on the enemy troop allocation.
You may well end up (without intel) sending 30 troops to secure the LLU and end up running into 5 vanguards, and dozens other craft etc.
yet at the same time you dont want to waste time/effort/troops in attacking the CC to resecure the base with 25 troops on the off chance it wont be defended and runinng into loads of enemy forces.
It works the other way round, the empire trying to deliver the LLU doesnt want to blindly guess at what options to take. It doesnt want to send 80% of the forces with the LLU to have the base re-secured by two cloakers as the defending forces are spread too thin, yet keeping loads back at the CC means the LLU is highly unlikely to be delivered.
Comabt engineers are going to have to work fast to lay spitfire traps, minefileds and sensor nets around the LLU and in key choke point areas, there are sooooo many possibilities and which will only become evident in full play with lots of forces in play.
I mean people wanted action to be taken to try and spice things up, this has done, I have sooo much fun in the test server with 6 or 7 people testing the LLU, with more forces it will be a tacticians dream and smart CR4's and 5's will need to at least try and co-ordinate with squads/outfits to be successful.
I for one will be voluntering to be given assignments by cr's in the game.
2003-08-09, 07:21 PM
i thought the lattice idea was horrible but know i like it
2003-08-09, 07:32 PM
Originally posted by Pattywick
i thought the lattice idea was horrible but know i like it
oh. thats good.
but, ahm, i think the lattice discussion wasd over some months ago, lol. personally, i havent tried it [i went on test server earlier but i didnt see a single person, then got killed by an auto turret.] but it sounds good.
2003-08-09, 09:12 PM
I think this will only affect certain bases, and the majority will still be capped the old way ( at least that's how it's set up on the test). So its not totally changing the objective of the game, it just adds something to break the monotony of base capture. I think they should keep it in test a lot longer than they did with the lasher update, as I'm sure there are a many number of issues to be resolved.
I'm curious how the XP reward will be around this LLU. When the game was first released, if you or someone in your squad actually haked the CC, you got more XP, than just participating in the battle while in the SOI. This caused a lot of problems. Many people tried to hack at once and no one covered, people intentionally TK'd so they would get the XP reward. If there is one person, or only one squad that gets the reward for carrying the LLU back, won't that motivate selfish players to TK so they can pick up the LLU and the XP for themselves?
This is why I'm also skeptical of outfit-owned bases.
2003-08-09, 10:32 PM
i was one of the bitchers..i just tryed it for like 5 hours today though. After switching back and forth from the llu bases and 15 min hack, i can sure as hell tell you that i like the LLU base better. With 2 bases side by side, 15 min hack is HELLA boring. Well atlest with the small amount of people on the server. We'll have to see how it works w/ the playtests.
PS btw ya know that they start you at BR 10 now in the test server?
2003-08-09, 11:23 PM
im gonna agree with the gohan, waiting for hacks blows
2003-08-09, 11:40 PM
Originally posted by Call-The-Gestap
oh. thats good.
but, ahm, i think the lattice discussion wasd over some months ago, lol. personally, i havent tried it [i went on test server earlier but i didnt see a single person, then got killed by an auto turret.] but it sounds good.
What he means is that he forsees the same kind of thing happening to LLU that happened to the lattice concept. Indignation and outrage at such a major gameplay change, increasing acceptance, and finally some months later...grudging approval that maybe the devs knew what they were doing.
I quite agree and can't wait to see it implemented on the real servers.
2003-08-10, 12:02 AM
That's what happens when people are ignorant and pay too long in advance for an ever-changing game such as Planetside. If you don't like what it's becoming, refer back to my original two words. Those of you who don't appreciate the new content the Devs are giving out are the minority, not the other way around.
2003-08-10, 12:37 AM
Unfortunately for you, they are barely the minority. You seem to fail to realize, that for this game to be fun, you're gonna need the 40% who are threatening to leave.
2003-08-10, 12:55 AM
Threats, threast threats, that all they are. They havent left yet have they?
I htink people should play atleast a week or two before picking a side to join.
But I can tell you that waiting for hacks sucks big monkey balls.
So far I guess im for the LLU, but because the way it is now is stupid and pointless, not because the LLU is so uber-perfect.
2003-08-10, 02:34 AM
The only Hacks that are cool is when they actually try and fight to take it back...and even then, the mob cannot be defeated. There needs to be a way for a smaller group to be able to raise some hell and the LLU is a possible answer to that. As for the bitchers..if you don't like it put your money where your mouth is a and leave. If you paid for a whole year, well a fool and his money are soon parted
:nazi: :nazi: :nazi: :nazi: :nazi:
2003-08-10, 02:45 AM
Originally posted by Bismarck
Threats, threast threats, that all they are.
Amen. Furthermore, I'd like to see Planetside's fat trimmed away. When I say fat, I mean people like the above that haven't even experienced the new content to it's full ability (and to a lesser extent, the nerf whores). I can't even begin to comprehend why somebody would be so stupid as to criticise new changes to the game.
Nav, with all due respect, I was curious about the scientific studies done to calculate the exact percentile of players 'threatening to leave'. I've always loved PSU for it's news and information regarding the game, but I never knew about the amazing and in-depth statistical research done behind the scenes. Please tell me you aren't going off of the poll to which at this point 25 people have even responded to. Personally, I've seen a small handful of people complain here about the LLU within the multiple threads that have been created none the less by the same three or four guys, but many more in it's support.
Let's say that 40% of the several thousand people that play Planetside left because of new content and additions made to the game. What damage would that inflict to me, a player that enjoys the tactics involved within the squad vs squad aspect of the game? I tend to play more often during the evening now for that very reason. Give me two squads on either side and I'll be happy. After the kiddies are in bed, a lot more thought and strategy is involved with capturing a base and eventually continent.
I'm finished. The complaining will never cease. After the "newness" of the LLU system goes away they'll go back to bitching about weapons balancing and eventually to the next major change the Dev Team has to offer. Seeya' then.
2003-08-10, 09:19 AM
Amen, my brother. While I'm not sure I like this new change, I'm willing to give it a shot. It has some good points to it, but my biggest concern is that it will turn PS into just another Tribes 2, aka fun for a month then incredibely boring. But if the LLU thing does accomplish it's goal, that is, bringing all the fighting outside and making it a lot more intense, then three cheers for Sony!
My final concern, and then I'll shut up, relates to bringing the fighting outside. I get the feeling that with the LLU, the fighting will more likely be an "everyone open up all firepower on the lattice holder and screw everyone else" scenario. If this happens, that could pretty much eliminate all strategy in the open ground fights.
Well, those are my two cents, bash them if you want. I'm going to go look at the cool pictures on PSU now...
2003-08-10, 09:37 AM
I await the day that all the people that scream "murder" actually get up and leave...
****Lets skip to RL for a sec.****
Discruntled emplyees exist by the drones, and yes they winge and whine about their work and how crappy it is and threaten to leave... BUT how many actually leave, infact! most of the time the only way they leave is if they
1. Find a better job
2. get fired!
Now I'm all for betterment of ones self and I say to those that are unhappy, a petition wont make a difference. But if you leave it will!
So stop winging, and take action. (of course 99% of the people are all talk and wont leave anyway) so if your part of that 99% go suck your thumb in the corner and realize that your just after attention and wanting everyone to feel sorry for you.
For those that will leave, I say good on you, on the way out fill out a feedback form to sony, when a company begins to lose $$$ then they listen, not when they recive a piece of paper with an empty threat.
*** Back to the game ***
As far as my opinion on the LLU, its thier game, let them change it, if I dont like it I'll either adapt or find a new game. ATM though I like change and this is just that, a change.
2003-08-10, 10:28 PM
Threats, threast threats, that all they are. They havent left yet have they?
well me and 5 of my friends quit today, and i've talked to others in the game who r when there accounts r u, so acctually ppl r startin to leave
2003-08-11, 03:31 AM
First thing, it is "are" not "r."
Seond thing, I have convinced a few people that Planetside is worth it and explained the new system to it. The all agreed that it sounded better then the currents one. keep in mind that these are CS, DoD, UT2k3, BF1942 fraggers. They did not grasp the reason why people wanted to stick with a system that encouraged long periods of downtime in which absolutely nothing is done. They like the idea of the LLU as a way of bringing battles out of bases. So I got a few potential recruits to take your guys place. :)
2003-08-11, 04:53 AM
I also think its a good idea. Maybe we should start a list of players who do want it to offset those who dont. Cant let the forum flamers have their way if they arent the mojority, just the outspoken few. Its their opinion, but the Devs will go with whichever will keep people playing and more importantly PAYING for their game.
2003-08-11, 06:27 AM
Originally posted by snypz
well me and 5 of my friends quit today, and i've talked to others in the game who r when there accounts r u, so acctually ppl r startin to leave
i r teh r0x0rz. teh gaem w0n't las with0ut m3!
PS: Remember the "fat" I was talking about? :nod:
2003-08-11, 10:49 AM
Ya know i was agents this at first.....but the more i think of the more i dont seem to mind the LLU. Ya there are some issues that are going to be needed to work out so the LLU is fair and pratical but im sure that will come in time. So ya im changing my vote to pro LLU
Happy lil Elf
2003-08-11, 11:50 AM
Oh! OH! That's just fucking great! I finally find something to figh...errr debate Nav about and Ghost beats me to it. H8 u Gh0st!!!!!!
Naw, just kiddin', :love: all /nod
'cept Nav :p
2003-08-11, 12:33 PM
I would be happy with the system if they would make it so you cant stop the llu by rehacking the cc *this defeats the entire reason of their being a llu, and needs to be changed*
2003-08-11, 03:58 PM
Originally posted by Shadowsword8
Before you want to send the LLU idea to the crapper, maybe you should at least try it !
I agree with Shadow. Granted the concept doesn't sound that great (something different though). I, however, can't make a decision without first trying it. I can't help feel a little peeved that they (SOE devs) keep playing this distraction technique with us. There are still a lot of bugs in this game that need to be fixed. I say, instead of wasting time on new things, fix the bugs first. I won't go into the bug details(list), but there are still numerous bugs. :( However, even with the numerous bugs/annoyances that the game still has, I am willing to give this LLU thing a try. :rolleyes:
2003-08-11, 04:18 PM
My problem with LLU is mainly the side effects rather than the actual concept.
1> The thing I'm fearing the most right now is the general ignorance that is running rampant on TR/Emerald. The same fools down there knifing the generators just to annoy people, the same fools that plant boomers at Vehicle pads and kill friendlies are the same fools that have the ability to pick up the LLU. I have complete faith that this LLU will be the new tool that our fools will want to play with to try and piss people off.
2> Bugs and Exploits. I just don't have much faith in the dev teams bug busting skills. No doubt this will add a few new "features" to an already "feature-rich" environment.
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