View Full Version : Servers, Accounts, and Continent hoping

2003-01-06, 11:22 PM
Don't know if this has been addressed or not. When you sign up and select a server to play on can you server hop or is your account staionary to that server? As far as the continents go, will there be one continent per server or will a map of each one be on each server so you can go help out where your needed or to just go exploring. Will you be able to explore the continents offline or will you just have to stumble your way through them online? This is a key thing for me cause I, like some other players, like to stragitise and plans don't always go the way we want so it would be a nice thing to scout out the land masses. And on a final note will there be a third person view or is is locked to first person?

Any positive input will be greatly appreciated. :D
So flamers need not apply. ;)

2003-01-06, 11:26 PM
We don't know if you can carry you character's assets between servers, but yes I believe you can pick the server you want. Also I believe each server cluster will have an entire world on it, not just certain continents. There is no offline mode to explore the world, we'll all be stumbling around online together.

2003-01-06, 11:30 PM
Thx Marsman. Keep us up to date like all of you at PSU have. :thumbsup:

2003-01-07, 12:11 AM
So, you can go to different servers, but technically, you will be in the 'same' world type place?


2003-01-07, 12:29 AM
Yes each server will be a complete world, just with different set of people fighting on it. So if you are on the west cost server, you won't see people who have joined the east coast server, just the people who are in the west coast server with you.

2003-01-07, 12:55 AM
but you still have a choice if you wanna go to a west coast or east coast server?

and how many ppl per server?

2003-01-07, 01:49 AM
Yes, you should be able to pick any of the servers. Total capacity per server site has yet to be determined but a guess would be between 1000 and 5000 people.

2003-01-07, 01:52 AM
Only thing limiting you from playing on other world servers would be your willingness to play with higher pings due to the servers being further away.

It is estimated that there will be 5000-3000 people on any one world server at a time.

2003-01-07, 03:23 AM
Well if I had to guess I would say we can assume they will be following the same model as all of the MMOG's currently out there where each character you create is unique to that server. IF you choose to play on another server, you'll have to start another character.


2003-01-07, 03:26 AM
Each game world is actually multiple servers (a server farm). So, yeah, each continent is likely to be controlled by a single server or so. As for each world, the characters you have there are unique to that server.

2003-01-07, 09:45 AM
So you have a server farm that has one map per server most likely and you fight just on that server ( server farm ). So you don't fight round the world, just with the people on that server? That kind of stinks that it won't be in heavy usage all the time so there will be a lot of land taken when most people are off. But, then again it does sound good to play with people in your own time zone or at least one near you. That will be good that the whole world will be on a server ( serve farm ) so you can go where you want or are needed. Did I get all that right? ;)

2003-01-07, 12:29 PM
Yes the servers are a HUGE part of the devlopment, not like you can run over to Staples and pick up a Planetside server. They had to make everything, its a large farm of servers each one doing a certain task.

East is seperate from west, they are not linked as far as I know. I doubt the server will be empty at night.. people play 24/7 lol

2003-01-07, 12:36 PM
id still like to see that your character can keep his certs and etc when u play either on west or east.. i mean.. kinda sucks to start-off another player.. but it maybe not possible so all you that played D2 wont be surprise with this :/

2003-01-07, 01:33 PM
As I recall, you can join different empires on different servers. Given that, I doubt characters will carry over.

On the other hand, it'll let you try out a different empire's weapons, see what their strengths and weaknesses are, and so on (so you can prey on them later).

2003-01-07, 01:53 PM
what he said

2003-01-07, 10:15 PM
Has Sony made a list of where the servers are going to be and the cities they're going to be in?

2003-01-07, 10:21 PM
No. The best info we have leads us to believe there will be West Coast, Central, and East coast servers as well as eventually servers in Europe.


2003-01-23, 12:53 AM
Now that this thread has been on the shelf for a while I thought I would revive it from the back pages and would like to get a devs input on this topic or at least some more clearification since there hasen't been any finalization and add to it. On the account issue, will you have to start a new character on each server? Will your character/s be on your account and jump to what server you want to play on while keeping there stats? Will you be able to have a/or character/s on separate servers to play? So any more input will be greatly appreciated to get a clear and final answer.

2003-01-23, 06:36 AM
When you get PS you use the CD-key to activate one acount.
Whit that acount you can log on to every server (and every server has the complete game world) and create 4 chareters. If you want to play on another server you have to make new chareters there unless they implement a char transfer service ala EQ. You won't have to buy a new acount for that because on each acount you can have 4 completely different chareters on every server.

Server locations thats been dev confirmed: US WEST, US CENTER, US EAST, London and Amsterdam.

Possible location: Korea

Wheter or not people in the U.S can play on Euro (or vice versa) servers whitout having to import the game from the region they want to play in is uncertain. Might be that Ubisoft or something separate from S.O.E will run the euro servers (god i hope not, that would ruin everything for me =/). I'm really hoping for an answer on this on the 31st hehe.

2003-01-23, 05:38 PM
Thanks, I really appreciate it Zatrais since I'm one of thoes who hasen't played EQ.