View Full Version : NC now suck, thanks SOE
2003-08-10, 11:57 AM
Dont think its just werner, but NC are getting raped daily, owning nothing, the other empires have been buffed to the point where NC are useless against em. We dont have one decisive weapon. I'm not gonna change factions but i'm seriously considering taking my money elsewhere, i've invested time just to have a character that is wasted by Strikers, Pounders, Magmowers and Lashers everytime i go anywhere. Sorry if i am moaning, but i am just bored to tears of fighting and lsoign since the last patch.
2003-08-10, 12:00 PM
Translation: I suck at PlanetSide.
2003-08-10, 12:37 PM
The NC getting raped daily? Well then my monitor must be broke, because I saw a lot of blue on my global map last night during primetime. I wish I could tell you the NC had the highest population at that time, but I'd be lying if I did. Take a look... this is generally what the global map looked like for most of last night and this morning.
Diddy Mao
2003-08-10, 12:52 PM
We are fairing pretty well ON Emerald! We think we found a way to subdue the VS Zerg!
2003-08-10, 12:54 PM say EACH empire was buffed? Ok, so the MCG got a small CoF change. You still have to know how to use it! Lots of TR have no idea how to use it! I'm waiting for the devs to 'screw up' and make the TR over powerful for a bit. The last time the TR owned everyone was back in Beta when our Maxes kicked ass. The NC haave the Jackhammer, and the Vanu have the god-weapon, the Lasher! And what about the Lancer, the supposedly AV-turned-AI weapon! I don't see strikers killing troops in 2 hits! (dont know bout phoenix) The Terrans have had the short end of the stick for awhile, and yet our population is one of the most dedicated. It makes me proud to be a Terran, knowing the Terrans around me will take the short end of the stick and beat the hell outta everyone with it! Long live the TR!
2003-08-10, 01:17 PM
Originally posted by Aegis
Dont think its just werner, but NC are getting raped daily, owning nothing, the other empires have been buffed to the point where NC are useless against em. We dont have one decisive weapon. I'm not gonna change factions but i'm seriously considering taking my money elsewhere, i've invested time just to have a character that is wasted by Strikers, Pounders, Magmowers and Lashers everytime i go anywhere. Sorry if i am moaning, but i am just bored to tears of fighting and lsoign since the last patch. Cry more noob.... Just kidding, seriously, NC is fine. The boosted the lasher a bit too much, but nothing really balance raping. Everything is cool and the gang as far as I am concerned.
2003-08-10, 01:21 PM
the only problem with the NC is obscene short range of the Jackhammer. Considering that now a Lasher is a more accurate JH with a higher ROF at close range really doesnt help either.
2003-08-10, 01:26 PM
Try dumping your JH for a gauss rifle.
The gauss honestly owns the lasher big time on any range longer than 10 meters.
Not to mention :
Surge + deci > pounder
Mines > magmower
Cover > striker
2003-08-10, 01:28 PM
frog u love HA dont bitch about it u own everything in HA trust me i squad w/ u
2003-08-10, 02:30 PM
Yeah I think when evreyone and their mother started using the hart wp trick, every NC was fighting on cyssor, so we lost everywhere else. But now that they fixed it, we are kicking ass again.
2003-08-10, 02:44 PM
its only fixed on the test server, they HAVE NOT implemented the WP in the real server yet (from what ive heard, i may be wrong, plz tell me if i am)
2003-08-10, 03:00 PM
He is 100% right, something is amis, on Werner the NC are regularly beaten back to one or less home continents.
Although today the NC were on a major offensive and did exceedingly well also on Hossin and Ishundar
2003-08-10, 03:33 PM
now there are 3 problems with the NC weapons, Pheonix, all i want is that goddamned dumbfire mode promised to us! guass, its CoF expands just a lil much, they need to tone it down abit, especialy because its supposed to be a accurate weapon, and the JHs range blows, but i dont really care too much about that one, because after all, it is a shotgun
2003-08-10, 03:46 PM
Thank god! An understanding NC! I've talked to numerous ppl who want JH's range increased, but 1) its a shotgun & 2) Its not bad a medium range as it is. I agree with Everay though. Having looted numerous Gauss's, I agree that the CoF should by touched down just a tad, maybe a little less then the MCG was tweaked. However, I don't want dumbfire for Phoenix! Why? Because I've killed lots of Phoenix'ers while they are flying!!! Lol
2003-08-10, 03:49 PM
bastard! i hate that, and its not so much to get outa harms way, cuz it dosent tell you you were shot, but really, that if you shot at a target thats not moving and you get close enough, you couldve used the dumbfire mode to hit em and get another round out faster, and i think it was asked higher up how many pheonix rounds to kill a infantryman? i think its like 6, and no, your stupid to try it IMO, because it takes so damn long
oh, and the JH, it rarely hits at 50 meters even if you got the cossair on the enemy, and at 40 meters it dosent to much damage, the real beef guys have with it is below like 10 meters, when its about 4 hit kill, which TR and vanu hate, but you know, if you cant stand the heat, dont touch the damn fire, cuz thats what you do when you zerg NC
2003-08-10, 03:54 PM
I dont mind the phoenix as much as I hate the lancer. Striker takes like 6, so does phoenix. Lancer against infantry? 2 hits. Thats bullshit if you ask me, even with the charge-up time. Oh well
2003-08-10, 08:00 PM
I've used the Lancer, and I've sniped troops with it. But first, two hits only kills an Agile. Takes three shots to kill a reinforced. Second, the only time I've been able to hit troops are when they're not moving, or coming straight at me. The only time you should ever NOT be moving is repairing/healing/hacking/sniping/etc, in which case you should have taken cover. If you're running straight at me, not only are you giving me an easy kill, but showing me where your AMS is. If a Lancer kills you as infantry, chances are you're doing something wrong.
2003-08-10, 08:40 PM
Originally posted by Eliaas_Demens
Translation: I suck at PlanetSide. Man, are you a troll at heart?
2003-08-10, 09:04 PM
BTW, while were on the subject of AV weapons, how many hits with a striker to kill a max?
2003-08-10, 09:09 PM
Originally posted by Everay
BTW, while were on the subject of AV weapons, how many hits with a striker to kill a max?
4 strikers from full health. 3 if its already damaged or less surprisingly :D I prefer my decimators, the satisfaction of picking maxs off from long range is unrivaled, my success rate with decimators over 20metres however is like 10%
2003-08-10, 09:10 PM
Or well, 3 takes away all the armor, leaving only the health left. So if you empty a clip on a max, you can switch to your assault rifle and finish him off quick.
Still slower than a secondary fire deci =)
2003-08-10, 09:36 PM
The only things that need to be fixed on NC is the Phoenix, and the the AV MAX suit. For the Phoenix, a dumbfire mode is needed, and then either a two shot clip, or a shortening of the reload time by like 1/2, or 1/3. The AV suit just needs to be able to kill a frikkin' vehicle. Taking away the damage degradation, or upping the damage, or both, would work.
The Jackhammer is just fine. I'll compare it with the Lasher for right now. At < to 10 meters I nearly guarantee I will win against any competant Lashing gay pride paradee. Between 20 and 25 meters, I'll say it's nearly an even fight. At >25 meters, the Lasher user now has the advantage.
The Gauss is just fine. The medium assualt class as a whole is probably the best balanced weapons class in the game. Pulsar is best run and gun/long range, cycler works best inclose, holds its on medium, and Gauss works best over medium. The Gauss might be at a slight disadvatage, but it is very slight.
Oh, just to say it, the NC Sparrow is ridiculously overpowered, but I'll never complain... I get to use it :p
2003-08-11, 02:57 AM
I fail to see how NC suck.
If you think the Lasher is a problem, ask me and the 6 other NC soldiers lobbing plasma from thumpers on top of the wall.
Thumpers + Base wall > any infantry.
And take combat engineering for magriders
2003-08-11, 04:38 AM
All you screaming 'no they dont' and 'noob' should have listened, i said on Werner, didnt comment about elsewhere. I notied something strange last night, the VS had the highest pop bu about 3% yet they were still gettting a HP bonus.
Yet ealr yesterday evening we seemed to be outnumbered wherever we went, despite our numbers being way over the pop limit (hart exploiters) something like 2-1, which is understandable on one cont, but not on all our home continents by both Vs and TR, with their better weapons.
Ok, i give you that the JH owns the MCG up close, but outdoors it should never get that close to an MCG. Lasher owns JH at close range, Nearly as good as the MCG at medium and destroys light vehicles for fun.
Decimator Vs Pounder? Yeah, like you ever get a chance to get more than one shot of against a pounder.
This is not just me bleating, a lot of other NC there were complaining about it, to the degree that later we got a Zerg of 40 Vanguards and other support vehicles and attacked Cyssor, which was empty, nobody there, we took it all then moved to Hossin and Solsar and barely held half of them. I cant figure out what is going on...
2003-08-11, 04:50 AM
Decimator Vs Pounder? Yeah, like you ever get a chance to get more than one shot of against a pounder.
Well, he's gotta reload. Then you do a kamikaze run.
Surge past him up the stairs. If you have a JH, kill his support engineer buddies. The Pounder can either:
A. Unspike and try to kill you, probably getting grief in the process. Also, all NC down the stairwell will take advantage of the absence of grenades being lobbed and turn the corner firing.
B. Hope his engineer friends holding BANK's can pull out an MCG/Cycler in time to wax you while he holds off everyone else.
All MAX'es can't turn for crap. Surge lets you get the best of them. One of the better exceptions is the VS maxes that can jump. Its hard to hit them when they're in the air cuz of lag etc. Not too hard, but certainly harder than hitting a max on the ground.
And if you have a problem with the Lasher, play on the test server and know there is going to be some sort of change coming.
As for Vanguard/Prowler, I would think tank shells would be flying with much greater speed and a little less arc. Its kinda like a giant potato gun lobbing spuds sometimes ;). But they hold their own if you got a good gunner(ok the Vanguard does)
2003-08-11, 04:50 AM
I couldnt get any kills surging some lasher punk with my jackhammer either, so you know what I did? I GOT A ROCKLET RIFLE AND QUIT BITCHING!
Now THATS a cute first post :love: :love: :love:
2003-08-11, 05:21 PM
I still don't understand how you guys fear the Lasher so much. I fight 1 - 2 of them regularly, and most of'em are dead bodies riddled with burning hot shot gun slugs. Lasher is most effective when avoiding the slow as hell blue disco balls is not a option, like in a hallway for example. I overcome this by surging through them. In a tower, I surge up or down, come around, blast 2, move on. When outside, it's like playing dodge ball against a 2 year old.
2003-08-11, 05:47 PM
All you screaming 'no they dont' and 'noob' should have listened, i said on Werner, didnt comment about elsewhere.
Umm, did you even read the title of your own thread? Here, I'll repeat it:
"NC now suck, thanks SOE."
And let me refresh you on the very first sentence you put in your post:
"Dont think its just werner, but NC are getting raped daily, owning nothing, the other empires have been buffed to the point where NC are useless against em. We dont have one decisive weapon."
No decisive weapon? Are Jackhammers not available for the NC on Werner? Everything about your post implies empire specific issues, not server.
2003-08-11, 05:57 PM
The NC won Emerald yesterday.
2003-08-11, 06:00 PM
Man, are you a troll at heart?
Aww, Hamma. You know I'm a spammer, not a troll. :P Actually I felt that such a negative, non-constructive rant of a post deserved a just as negative, non-constructive response.
2003-08-11, 07:30 PM
yes, this was in someones sig, but I forgot who.
"Never argue with an idiot, he'll bring you down to his level and beat you with experience."
Happy lil Elf
2003-08-11, 11:30 PM
That's why Ghost never argues with me :nod:
....hey.....wait a minute! :tear:
2003-08-12, 02:15 AM
2003-08-12, 02:19 AM
want some pie?
2003-08-12, 02:59 AM
Yes please :spam:
2003-08-12, 03:18 AM
Honestly, if NC sucks on your server, you need to take a page out of our book on Emerald. We typically have a couple conts at least. Today our entire (i think it was at least) pop on ceryshen was working out of a single tower against Terran AND Vanu who were arguably working together. I think we did more than ok. And we definately did not get RAPOed
2003-08-12, 10:53 AM
Yeah, the NC kicked some major ass yesterday on Emerald and it wasn't because they outnumbered the other empires either. I kept doing /who teams during prime time and the NC and VS had similar populations with the TR having the population advantage. A typical sample was 36% TR and 32% VS and NC.
That makes it three days in a row now they've won on Emerald. Let's keep the streak going, guys! :D
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