View Full Version : Lasher Petition
2003-08-13, 02:09 AM
YEs the Lasher must be done with. After seeing the devs poll i noticed fixing the lasher wasnt on it. So i hereby have made a Petition Post here if you wish to see the lasher brought back to what it used to be or we should all cancel are accounts if we threaten to all cancel our accounts then they will be forced to fix it.
2003-08-13, 02:41 AM
Of course changing the Lasher wasnt on the survey, thats because the devs have already decided on exactly how they are going to balance it. It will probably end up being patched this Thursday.
And even if the Lasher is never rebalanced, whats the big deal? So its a little overpowered, you would actually cancel your account over that? Thats a little rash dont you think.
2003-08-13, 03:08 AM
Personally I think the lasher is fine as it is for now. The vanu have had this comin to them for a long time, they've been the underdogs for far too long. Plus I highly enjoy massacring large amounts of vanu with their own weapon. A lot more fun then just killing them with a jack. I say take your time, devs.
2003-08-13, 04:23 AM
Too much talk about Lasher.
Head. Hurting. Must. Stop.
Urge to kill...rising...
(hmm...needs more "Shatner")
2003-08-13, 07:35 AM
Its a pain in the arse, need nerfing, when NC and TR Ha are running around with more lashers than JHs and MCGs then you know something is wrong. Even saw two NC TK each other to get a dead Vanus lasher last night. Its is the Uber weapon, but a well use Rocklet can deal with it. Players of equal skill though and a short-medium range and the lasher wins every time.
2003-08-13, 08:18 AM
whateer happens, it definately shouldnt be put back down to wat it was. that was a piece of shit before.
2003-08-13, 09:06 AM
well..... i dont even remember what it used to be like, its been so long..... o well i know that right now the lasher actually sucks :D im serious the range on that thing is about as far as you can throw a slighty crumpled piece of paper: keep your distance and you can take them out with any of the medium assault rifles before they are even in range. i have seen people shooting, or trying to shoot me while in a reaver with a lasher and they are just wasting ammo. plus the fact that the orb flys so slowly that at mediun range if they arent leading the target you can almost always dodge them. so grow up you bunch of pussies..... the lasher is fine the way it is and im NC.
2003-08-13, 09:09 AM
Can you name one situation where the JH is as good as the lasher? No, coz there isnt any. Yes, its crap at range, so is the JH. FFS i wish people who voted for things looked into their choices.
2003-08-13, 09:27 AM
you guys are soooooooo missing the point. HEAVY ASSAULT WEAPONS ARE NOT SUPPOSED TO BE USED TO COUNTER HEAVY ASSAULT WEAPONS. on the battlefiled, an army is supposed to be well balanced. if you see lashers killing people you dont run back to the nearest equip term to get your JH or MCG, no. you get a sniper rifle for the troops, and a decimator or an AV weapon for maxes. heavy assault is used indoors for clearing large amounts of people rapidly. they are not meant to be used outdoors or for "assassin" work. if you are stupid enough to get a jackhammer and go head to head with a lasher you deserve to be killed by that lasher. HEAVY ASSAULT IS FOR "ASSAULT" IN CASE YOU DIDNT SEE THAT COMING. go complain somewhere else HA is just what ever yone wants because everyone else has it. its merely a fad and i might add that the lasher really sucks ass.... the jackhammer isnt so special but its an improvement from the sweeper shotgun, and the mcg..... its ok too as long as its indoors. you n00bs complain too much everything is fine the way it is and as you can very clearly see i will defend it with my subcription!!!!! (defending something with my life is a bit irrational.....)
2003-08-13, 09:36 AM
So if its so balanced where do the NCs advantages lie? Phoenix, crap damage, Vanguard, not as effective as a Magrider ultimately, NC MAXs crap except AA, and the Striker is better at that, HA you admitted NC heavy assault isnt as good as Vanu, Gause, not as good as cycler or pulsar. As far as i can see we are second or third in every situation, not a single place where NC have the upper hand, and after having invested time and effort in my character i find this very annoying.
Dont get me wrong, i dont want the lasher to be as it was before it was buffed up, i think it would be right about halfway between how it was and how it is now.
2003-08-13, 10:50 AM
I have to agree that I haven't seen any weapon ingame that is as good all around as the lasher. No heavy assault weapon compares inside the base, not even the thumper, mainly because of the limited ammo. If there are two lasher users down a medium length hall, nobody can come around the corner, cause they just spam it with Barney Balls. The problem is not that it's so good as anti-infantry, but that it's so good versus MAXes and vehicles and infantry. Yes, the balls move slowly so it sucks on the open battlefield, but what assault weapon doesn't? It has about the same range as a thumper, but can spam to no end, whereas I actually have to aim. I just would like to see the damage versus armor decreased, no other changes and I'd be happy. It's far too versatile as it is, especially when compared to any other weapon on the battlefield.
It actually rivals their lancer in damage, if not beats it, except the fact that the bullets are slow, but that hardly matters when three Barneys are spamming you. It's insane that a Vanguard has trouble killing even two Lasher-weilding Dinos before being blown apart. The only thing the lasher is worthless against is air power.
Happy lil Elf
2003-08-13, 10:54 AM
The Lasher is getting balanced. We've known it was going to be balanced for weeks now. The Lasher is not going back to how it originally was. If you want to leave the game over it be my guest, but do me a favor and don't start a poll on it, just do it.
2003-08-13, 10:56 AM
A better poll would be should the Lasher be nerfed slightly, rather than put back to how it was (useless basically)
kid klash
2003-08-13, 01:09 PM
lasher? i can't really remember those...only fought them purple freaks once in beta....
2003-08-13, 01:13 PM
Originally posted by Casimir
YEs the Lasher must be done with. After seeing the devs poll i noticed fixing the lasher wasnt on it. So i hereby have made a Petition Post here if you wish to see the lasher brought back to what it used to be or we should all cancel are accounts if we threaten to all cancel our accounts then they will be forced to fix it.
You sir are a fucking ***!
2003-08-13, 01:38 PM
Originally posted by BigTexas
Of course changing the Lasher wasnt on the survey, thats because the devs have already decided on exactly how they are going to balance it. It will probably end up being patched this Thursday.
And even if the Lasher is never rebalanced, whats the big deal? So its a little overpowered, you would actually cancel your account over that? Thats a little rash dont you think.
I agree with BigTexas. I personally feel you should suck it up. It will only make you that much better than the Barneys if you have to deal with their overpowered Lasher. I also feel that it ( the lack of changing the Lasher) is no need to quit playing PS. Despite the bugs/issues that this game has, it is one of my favorite games to play. I love it. :D
Happy lil Elf
2003-08-13, 01:44 PM
I didn't wanna be the one to say it for once, but, yeah /agree Spider
2003-08-13, 02:02 PM
Originally posted by Aegis
Its a pain in the arse, need nerfing, when NC and TR Ha are running around with more lashers than JHs and MCGs then you know something is wrong. Even saw two NC TK each other to get a dead Vanus lasher last night. Its is the Uber weapon, but a well use Rocklet can deal with it. Players of equal skill though and a short-medium range and the lasher wins every time.
Before the patch, VS were running around with more MCGs and fact, people would only get the heavy assault cert for the sole purpose of being able to loot jackhammers and MCGs. We knew something was wrong, and we finally got a buff. Now we're getting it taken away, and you NC still have your JH. I'm not complaining, i know it is powerful, but the point is, it was one of the ONLY advantages we had (despite being a very large one).
Pistol=inferior to TR/NC
Knife=inferior to TR/NC
Pulsar=good accuracy, good clip size, bad damage dropoff at range, somewhat slow projectile speed
AV=Not as good as striker/phoenix for raw damage against armor (what it's supposed to do), awesome damage against infantry (what is's not supposed to do).
Lasher=awesome damage, awesome rate of fire, horrible projectile speed.
quasar=best of the max's, decent damage, great rate of fire, but horrible AV. (pounder and scattercannon can do much more damage to armor) Also, AP mode consumes twice the bullets, leaving you with half the availible shots.
Comet=slow projectile speed, decent damage vs armor, no plasma stacking damage, low clip size (ten)
Starfire=slow projectile speed (to the point where airplanes can outrun them, making it almost useless), decent damage vs armor, low damage vs infantry, no plasma stacking, VERY low clip size (eight)
Thresher=gun does moderate damage to armor and infantry, very fast rate of fire, slow projectile speed (which makes it extremely vulnerable to reavers/mosquitos) good acceleration (for running people over), can strafe and go over water, but its top speed is lower than enforcer/marauder.
MagRider=driver and gunner both have guns (so that both guns can fire at the same time), driver gun is set low (so that it can hit people who hide right next to the tank) can hover over water (to run away, but its top speed is lowered significantly) can strafe and has good acceleration (Magmower!) Main gun does much less damage than prowler/vanguard, but fires faster, and has no arc (good for stray reavers), its top speed is lower than prowler/vanguard.
So there, when they start nerfing our stuff, we will begin becoming the underdogs once again.
2003-08-13, 02:14 PM
They overbuffed the Lasher, but they aren't crippling it with the nerf. The changes make a lot of sense and won't stop the Lasher from owning infantry in close to medium ranges.
2003-08-13, 02:25 PM
Lasher Wisdom (
I found that on the official forum. I didn't make it =P
(yes I know anyone can make that)
2003-08-13, 08:10 PM
I see some of the responses are intersting and hopefully the lasher is fixed the next patch i dint really mean BRING IT BACK TO THE WAY IT WAS i just mean make it so its not as powerfull as now. I fell that the vanu should still have a greate medium weapon that is equal to everyone elses You sir are a fucking ***! Little harsh dont ya think is ur character a vanu?
2003-08-13, 10:08 PM
What I'm personally sick of is not the Lasher. It's the fear that it strikes into the hearts of almost every NC soldier! (TR maybe too but I don't play them). I will be standing in the Sanc and /b Anyone wanna help me take back (insert cont name here)? The Vanu are running it over.
And what happens? Jack SHIT. No one wants to go up against the VS anymore! Now I know some of you players are going to gripe and be mad at me for generalizing so I'll make my disclaimer: I have found SOME brave souls that are willing to help me out. Now I'm not trying to make myself sound like some sort of fearless leader, but I'm just SICK of everyone running away from the VS! The fear of the lasher is good, you SHOULD fear it, it's a damn good weapon. But it's my personal opinion that if you're gonna run away like a little girl (no offense to any girls playing the game) everytime some guy/girl in purple shows up, you should return the game and cancel, because we don't need you.
Anyways, that's my two cents. Sorry if I offended anyone.
P.S. I think you should leave the lasher the VS have been screwed over since beta they need a chance to own for a while. Plus I've noticed that while the quantity of players has gone down on NC and TR sides, the quality has gone up considerably.
2003-08-13, 11:13 PM
Originally posted by BigTexas
YEs the Lasher must be done with. After seeing the devs poll i noticed fixing the lasher wasnt on it. So i hereby have made a Petition Post here if you wish to see the lasher brought back to what it used to be or we should all cancel are accounts if we threaten to all cancel our accounts then they will be forced to fix it.
I'm have no idea how long I've been waiting to use that pic
But to add some much-needed depth to this post, if you feel that way, go ahead and delete your account.
2003-08-14, 12:17 AM
All they have to do is get rid of its ability to spread out when it hits something. Ive been hiding behind a tree and the damn lasher still hits me. And when u get in the halls, ur screwed.
2003-08-14, 12:36 AM
Originally posted by Revolver
I'm have no idea how long I've been waiting to use that pic [/size]
you know bigtexas already used it right?
to the starter of this thread
STFU, NOOB, and thats from a New Com, show skill and not the ability you have to troll, unless that is your "skill"
BTW, in the markov fourm on the OF, there is a thread started by Kidriot with some statisics, and at the website he links to, it shows the precentages of people that have what cert and what faction they belong to, Vanu have more HA than TR and NC
2003-08-14, 01:32 AM
Originally posted by slytiger
All they have to do is get rid of its ability to spread out when it hits something. Ive been hiding behind a tree and the damn lasher still hits me. And when u get in the halls, ur screwed.
Um...thats its lash ability...that's why it's called the lasher.
2003-08-14, 03:14 AM
The lasher the only advantage the Barneys have? You must be joking Katana. Vs have the ability to bring MAXes over walls, to bring armor across water. Basically, the Vs have the ability to avoid choke points almost entirely. Add to that the fact that they don't have to take ten years to change from normal to armor piercing shots and you got more than enough to want to play them. Ontop of that, you've got the lagmower, with a huge hitbox, and maneuverability that lets it kill any person on the battlefield.
The fact of the matter is simple, the lasher damages infantry AND armor heavily. It also causes splash damage. The only real downside to it is that the balls move slowly, which makes it useless against fast-moving targets. There is no weapon comparable. The jackhammer may seem nice, but it won't do jack at medium range, and it sure as hell isn't going to kill someone around a corner. The thumper may seem nice, but it sure as heck doesn't have 20 rounds, and doesn't travel in a straight line to its target.
I can take down a MAX almost as easily with a lasher as with a decimator. I can take out infantry easier with the lasher than with anything else. So once all those little Dinos end up in someone's base, it's over. They can't compete, not because they're cowards, but because two lashers can hold a tunnel forever, because people die without ever seeing who is shooting at them.
Between the lasher and the magmower, infantry and MAXes stand no chance against all you purple Barneys. The best anyone can do is pull out tons and tons of vehicles and hope you never get into the facility.
2003-08-14, 04:00 AM
Originally posted by Everay
you know bigtexas already used it right? And you know somebody used it a loooong time before we knew it existed :lol:;)
Originally posted by Mudflap
They can't compete, not because they're cowards, but because two lashers can hold a tunnel forever, because people die without ever seeing who is shooting at them. As much as I don't like to be a nerf whore, that is true. I've seen entire squads buckle under the backdoor camping of a couple of lashers :(
2003-08-14, 05:57 AM
Seriously guys .. stop bitching. I have been playing VS a lot latly and they arnt all they are cracked up to be. All the changes that need to be done are getting taken care of i.e Lasher v. armor. ( i admit its way to easy to take down a max with the lasher) If u cant take out a couple lashers down the hall i must say u guys suck .. U do know they have 20 rounds right, wait until they stop firing then surge and take them out. Like a few other smart people have stated.. if u get taken out by a lasher outside ur a freakin noob .. Its so easy to whip out your med assualt rifle and pick them off before they even get a chance to hit u .. Remember u can dodge the orbs then fire dodge the orbs then fire U dont have to sit there on your knee firing your guass or cycler waiting for the orbs to hit you
2003-08-14, 08:57 AM
Dodging the orbs at medium range isnt that easy due to ROF meaning they can spam a broad spread and you have to be well away from each orb so it doesnt lash you. At long range i agree, a cycler/gause even a suppressor would own a lasher. But it'd own the other HA weapons too, with only the MCG with any chance at all.
2003-08-14, 09:37 AM
Harps, couple things. Firstly, it's a little hard to count 20 orbs flying at you. Secondly, I intentionally said two(2) lashers, not one. Yes, they can be taken down, but if they have the slightest clue, they will take at least 6 guys with them. The damn orb doesn't have to hit you to hurt. They just spam and spam away until someone takes a shot at taking them down. I've even taken damage through closed doors.
And I never said that they couldn't be taken out, just that it might take some time, longer if one is a medic or has regen. The backdoor would be the best example of the situation I'm thinking. The guys sit in the two alcoves and fire when the door opens. You can take em out a couple ways, but generally, they have a sever advantage.
2003-08-14, 12:43 PM
Personally, I have been thouroghly enjoying looting and using lashers against the Vanu. I love it when I kill thier MAXs with it because you can see how pissed off they are that the Lasher takes them out 1 on 1 like if they were a trooper
2003-08-14, 02:51 PM
heh i guess im just good then. No seriously i know it takes a few more people to take the back door if there is a couple of guys but its not hard if u keep pushing at them just have to use the right weapons .. when im tr all i did was shoot a striker at them then take cover.(tr have no room to speak when they talk about 1 guys holding down a stair way/hall because u can have 1 pounder max on top of a stairs and hold off 15 troops for a good amount of time) and about outside gettin killed by a lasher i pretty much meant med to long range.
2003-08-14, 04:11 PM
Originally posted by Harps
heh i guess im just good then. No seriously i know it takes a few more people to take the back door if there is a couple of guys but its not hard if u keep pushing at them just have to use the right weapons .. when im tr all i did was shoot a striker at them then take cover.(tr have no room to speak when they talk about 1 guys holding down a stair way/hall because u can have 1 pounder max on top of a stairs and hold off 15 troops for a good amount of time) and about outside gettin killed by a lasher i pretty much meant med to long range.
You shot a Striker at Lasher users? Did they die from laughing at you?
A Pounder MAX can not hold off 15 people, either, unless they have absolutely no idea what they're doing.
2003-08-14, 04:26 PM
well, when hes shooting those nades around the stair way and they cant get around the corner, yes, he can, ive seen it, though it was 3 pounders against like 30 troops, and it was hellish, we didnt get to kill them untill they ran outa ammo, it was a bitch
Happy lil Elf
2003-08-14, 04:31 PM
A Pounder MAX can not hold off 15 people, either, unless they have absolutely no idea what they're doing.
The hell it can't. If the pounder is planted in a decent spot and knows what he's doing you better believe one can.
2003-08-14, 04:36 PM
15 people cowering in a corner, then. Even sacrificing yourself for the greater good seems a lot more agreeable to me. Surge around the corner (or wherever) and pop a Decimator in him. Sure, you won't get more than one shot off most likely but does it really matter in the end? It only takes 2 people willing to do that and suddenly 13 of you get to rush in.
Three Pounders holding off 30 people I can believe. That's a lot more damage in a condensed area.
2003-08-14, 04:48 PM
Originally posted by Happy lil' Elf
The hell it can't. If the pounder is planted in a decent spot and knows what he's doing you better believe one can.
Ditto, if you have a good player, with their Pounder anchored at the CC, coupled with audio amplifier and the ability to bounce grenades around the corner, you wont even see the Pounder, let alone be able to get a decimator into him.
The easiest way to finish off your average Pounder MAX, is to ignore the MAX all together, and kill the engineer that is right behind him. GRRRR, theres always an engineer right behind him...
2003-08-14, 05:57 PM
Originally posted by Mudflap
The backdoor would be the best example of the situation I'm thinking. The guys sit in the two alcoves and fire when the door opens. You can take em out a couple ways, but generally, they have a sever advantage.
Ever think of useing plasma nades, or a thumper Einstien?
2003-08-14, 06:09 PM
Ever think of useing plasma nades, or a thumper Einstien?
That would seem logical, but oviously you haven't been on the other side of this faceoff. I have numerous times. Heres the deal. For one, the stairs go down and so does the ceiling. The hallway is so long that primary mode is pretty useless because you can't lob the grenade due to the ceiling sloping down. So it comes down to secondary mode. The problem is nades bounce right on by you since your ducked in the alcove. So you have you try and be a pool shark and bounce the grenades all off the walls and down the hall so that they actually explode around you. And of course I gotta do this while your spamming the shit out of the door and even if I move out of the way I still get lashed pretty good.
So before you offer a suggestion dripping with a smartass tone, why don't you give it a shot 1st and then come back and tell me how simple that counter is.
2003-08-14, 06:11 PM
I already have done it plenty of times, Learning how to play pool with the walls is something you need to learn period otherwise theres no point in useing nades.
Firstly, you pop by the door just enough to open it, jump back, wait for the fireing to stop, do it again, and then when there is no plasma comeing at your face duck and throw the nades, and run back.
2003-08-14, 06:24 PM
I don't believe you. But you can prove me wrong. We can setup a time on an empty base. I'll sit in the alcove with a Lasher. You stand at the backdoor and try to kill me with grenades. I bet one of two things happen. I kill you or you run out of grenades. Care to test it out?
2003-08-14, 06:25 PM
Originally posted by Cease
I don't believe you. But you can prove me wrong. We can setup a time on an empty base. I'll sit in the alcove with a Lasher. You stand at the backdoor and try to kill me with grenades. I bet one of two things happen. I kill you or you run out of grenades. Care to test it out?
And so Cease's plan to have Vanu players deliver Lashers to him reaches the next stage...
2003-08-14, 06:45 PM
Actually, I honestly would like to test this out now that the patch is in. Im curious how much that Lasher hurts at that range now. That was my biggest beef about the Lasher. Maybe I just had the bad luck of running into the backdoor defense more than others, but I always faced it. And it was so frustrating to watch two guys just tear us up at the backdoor from that range with a Heavy Assault weapon. Now that the Lasher has been nerfed I wonder how effective the Lasher is in the backdoor defense now. I'm sure I'll find out eventually. :)
2003-08-14, 09:48 PM
Originally posted by Mudflap
The lasher the only advantage the Barneys have? You must be joking Katana. Vs have the ability to bring MAXes over walls, to bring armor across water. Basically, the Vs have the ability to avoid choke points almost entirely. Add to that the fact that they don't have to take ten years to change from normal to armor piercing shots and you got more than enough to want to play them. Ontop of that, you've got the lagmower, with a huge hitbox, and maneuverability that lets it kill any person on the battlefield.
The fact of the matter is simple, the lasher damages infantry AND armor heavily. It also causes splash damage. The only real downside to it is that the balls move slowly, which makes it useless against fast-moving targets. There is no weapon comparable. The jackhammer may seem nice, but it won't do jack at medium range, and it sure as hell isn't going to kill someone around a corner. The thumper may seem nice, but it sure as heck doesn't have 20 rounds, and doesn't travel in a straight line to its target.
I can take down a MAX almost as easily with a lasher as with a decimator. I can take out infantry easier with the lasher than with anything else. So once all those little Dinos end up in someone's base, it's over. They can't compete, not because they're cowards, but because two lashers can hold a tunnel forever, because people die without ever seeing who is shooting at them.
Between the lasher and the magmower, infantry and MAXes stand no chance against all you purple Barneys. The best anyone can do is pull out tons and tons of vehicles and hope you never get into the facility.
First, a flying VS max is almost as easy to hit as a walking max. you with your phoenix, just move the mouse up when i start to fly, you'll still hit me. A magrider/thresher moving on water moves slower, at about 60% its top speed. It practically waves a sign that says, "reavers, please empty your assload of rockets onto me!". As for AP mode on weapons, we are always penalized for having it. On the beamer (not that anyone uses it) and pulsar, AP mode has a much slower rate of fire. On the quasar, it uses double the ammo. As for the magrider, being hit has nothing to do with hitboxes, its client-side hit detection. As long as the pilot saw himself hit you, he hit you. I've been killed by numerous lagging vanguard drivers, and the magrider gun cannot compare to the amazing one-shot kill wonder of the vanguard (aside from its ability to actually hit aircraft). The lasher being able to do damage to infantry and armor was supposedly its "versatility", something VS is supposed to have. At least the MCG/JH have AP bullets, now lashers dont have an AP mode (i've seen single jackhammer users take out maxes, by using the alt fire and AP shells). Also, the lasher has no splash damage. Despite its pretty explosion it means nothing. You know what else can hold a tunnel forever, an anchored pounder spamming his grenades around the corner. But they can do more, they can spam grenades from a mile away if they can predict the arc properly. Thats not something the lasher can do. I've seen a single pounder just sit on top of a hill, shelling a bridge, and nothing could get past.
your turn, mudflap :)
2003-08-14, 11:00 PM
I've seen a single pounder just sit on top of a hill, shelling a bridge, and nothing could get past.
Nothing could get past? Any vehicle aside from an ANT could. While the arc has good range, its not nearly the range of any AV weapon. Any AV weapon would waste this pounder in this scenario.
2003-08-14, 11:36 PM
Lasher = too good
2003-08-14, 11:41 PM
I think the lasher is pretty fair in its current state. you cant even hit a guy whos more then 30 yards away.
MCG: owns at 40 yards
Lasher: Owns at 10 yards
Jackhammer: Owns at 10 feet
2003-08-15, 02:07 AM
Originally posted by Madcow
You shot a Striker at Lasher users? Did they die from laughing at you?
A Pounder MAX can not hold off 15 people, either, unless they have absolutely no idea what they're doing.
Do u know how easy it is to pick off a lasher in a hall.. they are usually stationary so u take aim then take cover then u move in front of the hall again without moving cursor and fire.. its not that hard .. i hit them every time. Now if u think i use a striker against any lasher user .. no i dont im talking about when they are stationary in a hall
and about the pounders not being able to hold off a hall.. well u must be dumb because ive seen it plenty of times. Can they hold it forever? no .. but they take out hell of a lot of people doing it
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