View Full Version : Forseral and the VS invasion
2003-08-13, 04:44 AM
Lets hear some reactions and what an awesome job the VS did tonight on the well planned out invasion on Forseral!
2003-08-13, 06:14 AM
I killed you tonight. Anyway, if the TR had more people we could have stopped you. Let's just say my squad was "tipped off".
2003-08-13, 11:21 AM
Sorry, I can't really comment. Vanu are in Forseral every night, so I failed to notice anything signifigantly different than any other night.
2003-08-13, 03:19 PM
well what was special is we won, 4 am drove you all the way back. TR=34%, NC=32%, VS=30% in empire population. The CR 5's instantly decided too organize after hossin and invade forseral.. we fought for 6 hours, and we slowly pushed the TR out of PS interally.
2003-08-14, 05:17 AM
Originally posted by Cease
Sorry, I can't really comment. Vanu are in Forseral every night, so I failed to notice anything signifigantly different than any other night.
And by winning..what do you mean?
2003-08-14, 11:24 AM
This isn't directed at Tactical, but since it was brought up, I'll make a comment. One thing that TR/Emerald never gets is respect from the other empires. I'm not saying we deserve it, but the fact is we don't get it. Especially on the official forums. When I read all the various posts about "What outfit do you have respect for?" or "Whose name do you fear the most?" kinda of threads. Every other fuggin NC and VS pretty much list off Vanu and NC people/outfits and then throw in "TR has never really impressed me so I could'nt name anyone from there."
Here I'll go ahead and post a few comments made from the official forums in regards to "Feared Outfits on Emerald". The first one is from Arakiel.
--most TR outfits are either rampant exploiters (gg corpse bug) or rampant idiots (gg *******.)
--Fierce members in TR? No one really off the top of my head.
--As for TR, do they even have outfits?
--TR..I never see an outfit or particular person with enough regularity to mention.
No one here seems to know any TR outfits and im no exception.
So what is supposed to be sort of a "praise" thread turns into essentially a NC/VS praise and TR bash thread.
Now the whole reason I bring this up is because generally the same people that bash us in one thread turn around and pat themselves on the back and praise themselves for beating us in other threads. Again, Im not say you are guilty of this Tactical... I'm just bringing this up since this is pretty much a "brag" thread.
I'll repeat... I'm not saying we deserve respect. I often agree with the general consensus that TR/Emerald is bad. So what are you really bragging about? Congradulations. You just beat one of the most un-organized empires out of all the servers. Was it tactics? Well how much "tactics" does it take to beat an un-organized empire? Hows your superior "tactics" working out against the NC?
2003-08-14, 12:03 PM
Don't blame us for bragging. If TR has nothing special it's TR's fault. We're not being assholes and not noticing, we're just playing and being honest. Arakiel is a great VS player and the guys from HEL always make the base feel safer (it's like a huge weight is lifted when the HEL guys show up...they travel in herds)
If we don't notice TR, it's because TR never did anything WORTH noticing. Hell i've been here from the beggining and i remember the MAX whores, the NC and VS jumpers, and that just about every admin on every fan site is a god damn TR. So i have natural hostility against them. I have this belief that the TR are just...pussies who thought it was the obvious best team. Hell the strategy for the empire is "screw tactics and aim, just spray into people with guns".
2003-08-14, 02:57 PM
Thank you for proving you didn't grasp my point! I dont give a flying fuck if you think TR sucks and were pussies! I really dont.
What I'm saying is you are full of double standards. You think we suck. Ok fine. And then youre gonna pat yourself on the back for beating sucky players? Might as well gloat about killing a grunt with a Vanguard or killing a cloaker with a Max. Or blowing up an ANT with a Reaver. They are all equally impressive as saying you "beat TR".
Hell the strategy for the empire is "screw tactics and aim, just spray into people with guns".
Oh yeah, TR is the only empire that gives out that image. :rolleyes:
2003-08-14, 05:47 PM
hehe, sorry man. But let me tell you, I fear the TR more then NC, that's for sure, why... because ever since beta, they have been kicking my ass every which way. I know, the most feared in my book is that dam GODJOEY fellow, cuz everytime I see him I get blasted by him... he has fast reacction or what? last night twice by his reavver.. and even when we are zerging your tower, and were down too the freaking terminal..bam "godjoey" takes me out again..haha SO you have respect in hatred, believe me.. I was so happy to see the VS finally take a TR home cont. that's waht my post is all about, so indeed over all you and that GODJOEY maniac have my respect.
2003-08-14, 05:50 PM
By the way, deep down inside I would have loved to pick TR... I might have asked the Devs too change some things, cuz that stricker is nasty... but yeah, I like the tr, I wanted to play them, but I read the diff. politics of the empirs..and that made my choice..hehe so don't feel like everyone on NC or VS think your pussies... give me a break... anyone of those people could have been TR and defending somone saying the same thing they are, so don't fret, you have respect.
2003-08-14, 07:23 PM
Originally posted by Cease
Originally posted by MJBuddy
Hell the strategy for the empire is "screw tactics and aim, just spray into people with guns".
Oh yeah, TR is the only empire that gives out that image. :rolleyes:
Ever heard of a Jackhammer MJBuddy?
Edit: TacticlCammand, USE THE EDIT BUTTON!
2003-08-14, 09:11 PM
MCG is just as strong as JH, but it can hit u over 35m away
i think they should make it so the MCG has more damage over distance and JH have 20m usage distance
that was it wont be MCGs ripping up towers at close range, but they can unload of a door across a big room, and the lasher should lash and hit the person who shot it as well if they are within lash radius(does it? i havent tried)
2003-08-14, 11:54 PM
After I heard you say MCG is as strong as the JH I stopped reading
2003-08-15, 03:05 PM
Originally posted by Sputty
After I heard you say MCG is as strong as the JH I stopped reading
Originally posted by MJBuddy
MCG is just as strong as JH,
It maybe, but with the MCG it takes longer to kill somebody,
2003-08-18, 01:31 AM
You know what? ALL YOU PEOPLE ARE NUTS. Every last one of you. I see so few good opponents. Only 2 people come to mind on Emerald, StabbyMcBack on the NC (Who by all honestly kicks @ss in a Reaver, but sucks balls on the ground), and Drennan on the TR (WHo only seems to use the Mini-Chaingun, which I dread hearing). Very very few. I also see so many of my Vanu being stupid idiots, dumb bullet wasters, and team killers. Let me put it this way, it would be easier to list the good VS players, than all the shyet players. Too many people on my side sit around shooting their weapons, waiting for a base to finish the hack. TOH? Forever in that circumstance. Better I was somewhere else when there are 15 guys in the CC firing at nothing. I'm not pointing fingers at anyone, On either empire for being a crappy player. Grow a new set of balls, will ya? This isn't about which outfit kicks @ss, and which empire is better. This game is about team work, and plain killing. How else will you get that important exp? It matters not how that kill is achieved, weither by a knife in the back, a boomer at your feet, or by All-the-Gods, a sweet runover job with an ANT. (#1in ANT kills. u can't prove otherwise) I RESPECT a good opponent, and maybe I get angry, but that just makes the kill against him all that much more sweeter. I only like killing the idiot players because the experiance is easier, not enjoyable.....
Flammey - Emerald
2003-08-18, 02:42 PM
Originally posted by Flammey
... I also see so many of my Vanu being stupid idiots, dumb bullet wasters, and team killers...
Flammey - Emerald
I hear that. Nothing worse than having to watch out for the bored players at secured bases. My outfit had our galaxy destroyed by a bored Magrider driver once. That sucked.:(
2003-09-10, 02:30 PM
Sputty. Such a big cat and no new recipes.
I would have called thread necromancy, but the emerald board sees so little action already that I really can't. :rolleyes:
2003-09-13, 07:12 AM
:ncrocks: :trsucks: :vssucks: :wantbeta: :nazi:
Was that the big fight over Forseral yesterday? Cuz i was there...
2003-09-29, 01:21 AM
TACTICAL!!!!!!!!!! the outfit needs you [LD.] where have u been were dying... (this is Dmans bro BTW) n we need some good CR5s for our empire, all our cr5s r ghey
Diddy Mao
2003-09-29, 08:43 AM
One Thing u should take into Accord thta MJ hasn't played the game for over a month!!! So he doesn't kown how shit has changed. He's missed two of the last recent patche's! Not to Flamezorz you Mj but u don't know wtf is going on at Auraxis!
:ncrocks: :trsucks: :vssucks:
Cauldron Borne
2003-10-01, 09:23 PM
Digital Marines. Emerald Alliance. There two groups that have gained attention on emerald, both TR. I still smile when I think about how I initiated the first bombing run on that bridge.......
Happy lil Elf
2003-10-10, 04:09 AM
I've been impressed by my enemies only once and it was in fact the TR. It was the one time I saw them do an assault on Solsar that seemed organized. There were tanks moving in packs with Prowlers hammering targets and lightnings finishing them off. AMS actually being guarded by Marauders and Bursters. There were reavers doing strafing runs and doing damn well on said runs. It was a thing of beauty. We managed to eventually recover all our ground (due to it getting late and people logging I imagine) but were boxed in to the bottom three bases almost the entire night with the continet population locked the entire time.
Usually when Im fighting TR it seems the tactics I come up against seem to be drive a ton of AMSs to an area and do the spawn, run to base, die, repsawn tactic over and over with the occasional all reaver squad hoving in place spamming and getting mauled by Sparrows and, at least back when I had my sparrow MAX, sending tells about how cheap the sparrow was and last but not least the never-ending stream of people who can't seem to get it through their head that one guy with a striker doesn't stand a chance against a Vanguard or even a competent Lightning pilot, especially when you stand in the middle of the road like a moron.
No prowlers. No Marauders. No lightings. Nothing even resembling coordination.
Now then, who do I have respect for? I respect Sturmgrenadiers because while they are, imo, an overly large outfit they appear to be one that has actual organization as opposed to a few others that I won't mention. Liberty because they have some damn talented people and have held a relatively high spot in the rankings with very few players since launch.
Who do I respect on VS/TR? Whoever was doing that solsar assault that night many moons ago that's for sure. Other than that it's rather hard to tell. I concentrate more on trying to kill them than on how good of a job they're doing in most cases. I guess about the best I can come up with is anyone who I've gotten into a great 1 on 1 fight with and if I came out on top had the respect to send a tell saying "Damn good fight" or when I lose after a good fight and send a tell respond to me with something other then "hahaha yeha I wtfpwnd u!!".
Cauldron Borne
2003-10-10, 06:07 PM
Yeah, I've had a few good individual fights myself and always send tells to the guy im fighting, even in the middle of it. I think I played SG once with my outfit and they seemed to think we had an uncanny ability to find out where their next target was. They didn't really impress me for all the hype built around them. Most of them fought about as well as any other weekend warrior (I, myself belonging to said group). I can remember one guy getting a ton of kills (SG), but we sent our own ThommoAUS after him and he kicked the snot after this guy. Overall, yeah there are some good organized groups out there, and some groups that build themselves up to be organized, but I don't think any GROUP out there REALLY impresses me much, they all kinda look the same when their in the thick of it, no real separation between their would-be tactics and a zerg from my end of the fight. I'm sure it looks that way from their end to ours too.
I like small squad action better, then you really get a nose for tactics and who's good.
2003-10-12, 01:04 AM
Eh MJ? TR have been beating the living hell outta NC and VS for a while now, wtf are you talking about?
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