View Full Version : NC alliance on Konried
2003-08-14, 03:00 PM
How it's done kiddies:
2003-08-14, 03:38 PM
Originally posted by CrazyCrazy
How it's done kiddies:
I have to admit that does look very intimidating. Nice SS. I could take em with my Basilisk..hehe j/k.
2003-08-14, 04:06 PM
dont underestimate the power ovf a crazy zerg that ranges into the hundreds (several hundreds that is)
2003-08-14, 04:10 PM
See sig.
2003-08-14, 05:21 PM
That's alot of nc... gonna take alot of bug spray to kill of of those... Wish I could of been there and be part of it
I was in one of those Vanguards.
Anyway, that is not your average everyday zerg, this was a very well organized zerg, led by some great CR5s.
I was in a squad with the 3 CR5s leading that, "herding cats" is what Daish said.
2003-08-14, 05:37 PM
:vssucks: :trsucks: :ncrocks:
i rember that day i was there. we took all of solsor it was this tuesday.
2003-08-14, 05:46 PM
next time you guys do that...lemme know, so I can tag along :)
that's the type of Raid force that warps to a continent and takes 5 bases all at the exact same time :)
2003-08-14, 05:48 PM
:vssucks: :trsucks: :ncrocks:
i think it was at 7 a clock
2003-08-14, 07:45 PM
Originally posted by Eliaas_Demens
See sig. You honestly think you, a lone vanu has a chance against that?! :rofl::rolleyes:
2003-08-14, 09:29 PM
Holy kangaroos! That is one AMAZING zerg! It's alot like the the SG on emerald, to bad I wasn't there. Those VG must of torn everthing apart. Good job NC, im impressed.
2003-08-14, 09:55 PM
OH YEAH!? How about that zerg.. against this one!
2003-08-15, 02:22 AM
Bring it on!
2003-08-15, 02:43 AM
Originally posted by Happyn00dlez
OH YEAH!? How about that zerg.. against this one!
rofl, now that's a raid :D
2003-08-15, 04:40 AM
You may want to count
5 Prowlers
3 Lightning
9 Reavers
1 Liberator
1 Marauder
15 Vangaurds
4 Lightning
6 Reavers
7 Mosquitos
4 Liberators
Hehehe, who do you thinks gonna win? 15 Vangaurds? I mean come on, its no contest. We all know exactly whos gonna win between these two zergs, its obvious. The TR, because they had the foresight to bring an ANT, which is nowhere to be seen among the NC forces.
2003-08-15, 04:44 AM
Also, it seems the TR are bringing more infantry. Prowlers suck as it is. Sunderers make better tanks.
You also forgot to count the Sunderer which is there. Also, there are missing people and vehicles in both screens, but the nature of the TR's seems like there would be more missing in the screen than the NC's
2003-08-15, 05:14 AM
I counted stuff that will make a difference, I didnt count the Galaxys or AMS's or Skygaurds, the Sunderer, yeah I would have counted it, if it were on the NC side that is. Maybe a Sunderer can stand up to a Prowler or Magrider, but the Vangaurds 150 just puts that thing to shame.
2003-08-15, 05:30 AM
Heh, and you can't the Prowlers then? Sunderer is a better tank than the Prowler by far.
2003-08-15, 05:44 AM
Hehehe, its too bad I cant argue with that. I didnt realize how bad the Prowler was until I survuved a direct hit from the main cannon, hell, I have been killed more often by friendly fire from a Vangaurd then I have from a Prowler.
Oh well :ncrocks: :trrocks: :withx:
Thats right VS, you dont get one, you've had yours
2003-08-15, 04:46 PM
:vssucks: :trsucks: :ncrocks:
the only reason u didnt see an ant is becuse it wasent in that picture they were right on the edge there was about 3 of them. besides that hole attack was lead by 1 person.
2003-08-15, 11:36 PM
I have to disagree, with you Stealth, :ncrocks: :trrocks: :withx:, once again, none for you VS, you will get yours later.
2003-08-15, 11:51 PM
one person!!!!!!! thats a heck of a leader who was this guy?
2003-08-16, 02:02 AM
I've noticed(on Emerald at least) that it is very rare to see another NC do an ANT run unless the base has already gone neut. I do them, but I've already dedicated too many certs to supporting my fellow NC (includeing gal, which never got used), and these morons dont even have the intelegence to stand still when I'm trying to heal/repair them. ANT runs are often too frustrateding for me to compleat 2 in a row(which is often needed).
Terrans on the other hand, seem like they always have an ANT or 2 in transit to resupply bases.
2003-08-16, 05:01 AM
Originally posted by SandTrout
I've noticed(on Emerald at least) that it is very rare to see another NC do an ANT run unless the base has already gone neut. I do them, but I've already dedicated too many certs to supporting my fellow NC (includeing gal, which never got used), and these morons dont even have the intelegence to stand still when I'm trying to heal/repair them. ANT runs are often too frustrateding for me to compleat 2 in a row(which is often needed).
Terrans on the other hand, seem like they always have an ANT or 2 in transit to resupply bases.
So sad that this is true, I remember back in beta...
...I remember in beta, where a squad wouldnt think of going out without a Galaxy, and you could just walk up to a friendly Gal in the field and say, "Hey, you have room in your squad for one more?" and you would be in. Ahhh... plus it didnt cost 13$ :wantbeta: :wantbeta: :wantbeta: ...again
2003-08-16, 09:19 AM
:vssucks: :trsucks: :ncrocks:
i think his name was duece
Winikten, chyva, and Daish.
2003-08-16, 02:53 PM
I have to admit, on Konried the NC are quite impressive. Playing a Vanu, I find myself often very frustrated by our inability to organize. Last night, the Vanu had the following exchange:
CR5: They're heading into the generator, we need to get some people there or there go the vehicles.
Player: (Broadcast) Stop spamming our broadcast!
Player: (Broadcast) Stop spamming our broadcast!
Player: (Broadcast) Stop spamming our broadcast!
Player: (Broadcast) Stop spamming our broadcast!
Player: (Broadcast) Stop spamming our broadcast!
I've seen captured bases wait an hour for an ANT to show up and I'm actually happy the lancers are depowered because I think we hit ourselves with them more than any enemies. I like my outfit and most of the squads I've worked with, but the Vanu do not have the organization of the other two squads and I don't think it's the CR5s' fault eithers.
2003-08-16, 04:16 PM
:vssucks: :trsucks: :ncrocks:
there is also a duece. thats probally just on your server and your empire. on mine when they ask for a ant some 1 alaways gets 1. the probalm is geting a gal pickup
2003-08-16, 04:26 PM
Oh it definitely is confined to the Vanu on Konried and I also think that the NC is unusually organized.
2003-08-16, 04:29 PM
:vssucks: :trsucks: :ncrocks:
the reson for that is when all the pusses went 2 the vs for the improved lashers, we became organized 2 be able 2 take at least 1 base
2003-08-16, 04:32 PM
Well like your name, I'm an infiltrator. I've never fired a lancer, but I've been hit by them plenty. I don't generally carry a gun. Seems to easy to kill that way.
2003-08-16, 04:35 PM
:vssucks: :trsucks: :ncrocks:
i know the best gun ive ever used not in the vr is a max. ive used med assult for a while but didnt like it. the rule for infltraire is carry lots of nades or a gun
2003-08-16, 04:45 PM
If I carried weapons, where would my engineering and hacking gear go? No thanks
2003-08-16, 04:49 PM
:vssucks: :trsucks: :ncrocks:
didnt know u where a engner. u always carry a rek in a ifl suit. u should get ce for the boomers. i dont care for them becuse u can stick them on peoples backlol
2003-08-16, 04:57 PM
Oh I enjoy my combination of skills. I have Infiltrator, Combat Engineer, Advanced Hacking, and Mosquito. I can usually resupply myself from the other sides' terminals and there is nothing more satisfying than leaving a boomer behind a Max and then setting it off when he just stands there.
2003-08-16, 05:03 PM
:vssucks: :trsucks: :ncrocks:
right now i have infl/adv hack/adv med/mos. i plan on getting my anti inf max back and changing my mos for a reaver for infantry. a mos moves 2 fast to take out infantry. after that i might get a gal ams or delv. im still decideing. annd are we the only people on reeaping this thread
2003-08-16, 05:16 PM
I don't know guys, the NC have things in nice and pretty rows and colums....we can't compete.
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