View Full Version : VS needs a Heavy Assualt Weapon
2003-08-15, 08:01 PM
We have been nerfed to the stone age. The lasher couldn't kill an infiltrator now. No respectable TR or NC would pick one up. Looks like its back to filling the lockers again with chainguns and jackhammers.
2003-08-15, 08:03 PM
Waaah. The Lasher was overpowered.
2003-08-15, 08:32 PM
Have you tried pie? Pie is nice.
2003-08-15, 08:52 PM
alright I'm sorry if this is a flame but whatever. Stop being a fucking baby. The lasher still kicks ass. Sorry that we can't kill a fucking MAX with one clip anymore. The lasher is balanced now you little cry baby. Stop sucking at planetside or buy another game you little baby. Baby needs a ba-ba?
Well I haven't seen any VS using the lasher since the patch came out. I don't know if I just wasn't playing around people with the heavy assault cert or if it was really because it's not as powerfull anymore.
I always hear TR and VS talking about how cheap the Jackhammer is. I disagree with that beacause although the Jackhammer is very powerfull it can only be used at close range.
Also Harps the signature image you have doesn't show up. For your signature put http://<thelink> and replace <thelink> with your link. And don't forget to type the http://. Sorry if that is not the reason your signature doesn't show up. Just trying to help cause I forgot to put the http:// once and then I went back and put it in and it worked.
2003-08-15, 09:43 PM
I have personally seen the Lasher kick ass post patch, from both sides of the fence (as a Vanu, and against Vanu).
I just gotta laugh at all the people who recerted, and went jumping off the bandwagon to go back to their Jackhammer/ChainGun because the lasher was nerfed.
now i suppose all there is left on Vanu are the people who KNOW how to use the Lasher properly. :)
i think I will switch to Vanu, as everyone else is running away.
it's much moe fun being the underdog anyhow.
2003-08-15, 10:20 PM
Originally posted by Meyvon
it's much moe fun being the underdog anyhow.
Always has been the way of TR since PS came out.
2003-08-15, 10:58 PM
Originally posted by Harps
Sorry that we can't kill a fucking MAX with one clip anymore.
first off it took two clips, and it is pretty balanced now i have to agree. the lasher still sucks b/c of the accuracy. you have to be pretty damn skilled to freaky hit a guy 25 feet away from u with a lasher. although what we lack in the lasher with make up with mags and threshers. even after they made the thresher less agile last patch is can still mow you down.
2003-08-15, 11:16 PM
/me yawns
lasher still works fine at close range, where heavy assault is generally the bast at.
2003-08-15, 11:35 PM
Atleast you don't have to rely on the Decimator for AV. The Phoenix tickles Elmo.
2003-08-16, 12:07 AM
I disagree with that beacause although the Jackhammer is very powerfull it can only be used at close range.
Incorrect. The Jackhammer is most effective at close range. But I've had plenty of fire fights in the past where enough Jackhammer ammo wears me down.
2003-08-16, 12:18 AM
Originally posted by Pyrrus
We have been nerfed to the stone age. The lasher couldn't kill an infiltrator now. No respectable TR or NC would pick one up. Looks like its back to filling the lockers again with chainguns and jackhammers.
This is hilarious, not quite as funny as some of the "Lasher n00bs" in game who still play like the Lasher is the left hand of God. Firing wildly at Vangaurds trying to take them down, trying to hit enemies cross court yard. The Lasher now does exactly what it is meant to, and probably better than any other Heavy Assault weapon. It clears out a base, and it clears it fast, and if you didnt know, thats what Heavy Assault is meant to do. Maybe now you will have to use a Lancer to take out vehicles. Heh, but thats just crazy, an Anti Vehicular weapon to take out vehicles.
2003-08-16, 12:40 AM
:lol: :vssucks:
2003-08-16, 12:41 AM
Originally posted by Eliaas_Demens
Incorrect. The Jackhammer is most effective at close range. But I've had plenty of fire fights in the past where enough Jackhammer ammo wears me down.
It actually does fairly well at medium range, due to its large clip, complete lack of recoil providing extremely easy shooting while moving, and damage (damage isn't a lot, but it definitely adds up).
2003-08-16, 12:41 AM
I find vanu AV being more effective on Infantry then anything else.... :ugh:
2003-08-16, 01:15 AM
The Lasher still has more damage than it originally did until a range of thirty meters, where it decays to the original "weak" damage. Which means that if you're firing at a target within 30 meters and still dying, it's your own damn fault.
Look at the objects in your sanctuary to get a feel for how far 30 meters actually is. Or 30 game units, I always just assumed they were meters.
2003-08-16, 01:36 AM
The absolute funnyest thing I've ever seen with the lasher is someone trying to snipe me with a laster, and the orbs barly make it half way to me before they decay, while my gausse is bursting their heath away. I mean, how stupid can you be?
2003-08-16, 03:15 AM
Earlier today I was grunting which is unusual for me. I only do it when there is a huge field fight and infiltrating is unpractical. So anyways there I am with my agile and punisher(don't laugh I pwn with the punisher) and along rambles a Vanu with a looted jackhammer. I see him coming straight at me and he starts firing at 50 meters out. I launch one plasma nade.... then reload and another.... then finish him off with 8 bullets. Sad because I never moved. I took about 8 health 8 armor damage and he never got closer than 25 meters. Now if that VS had stuck with his trusty lasher I would have been hiding behind the tree and yet still died because it lashes behind trees... sigh.
2003-08-16, 03:19 AM
Originally posted by SandTrout
The absolute funnyest thing I've ever seen with the lasher is someone trying to snipe me with a laster, and the orbs barly make it half way to me before they decay, while my gausse is bursting their heath away. I mean, how stupid can you be?
haha yeah, i've seen lasher orbs disappear 5m in front of me.
most empire-hopping-agile-surge-lasher newbs dont know that the shots disappear at 90 meters.
Originally posted by Smaug
Earlier today I was grunting which is unusual for me. I only do it when there is a huge field fight and infiltrating is unpractical. So anyways there I am with my agile and punisher(don't laugh I pwn with the punisher) and along rambles a Vanu with a looted jackhammer. I see him coming straight at me and he starts firing at 50 meters out. I launch one plasma nade.... then reload and another.... then finish him off with 8 bullets. Sad because I never moved. I took about 8 health 8 armor damage and he never got closer than 25 meters. Now if that VS had stuck with his trusty lasher I would have been hiding behind the tree and yet still died because it lashes behind trees... sigh.
Nice post, describes what I was getting alot before this patch.
2003-08-16, 04:03 AM
What a stupid ass thread, they didn't make the lasher any less powerful up close, they only made it less effective distance wise...just like the other two factions. They also made it so it can't take out a max faster than the lancer can. But waaah waaah waaah...both TR and NC and a lot of the veterans on VS all said the lasher was way overpowered, they listened and made appropriate changes. Now it is not such a great force multiplier, but it still owned inside bases and towers, plus its decent at close to medium range outside. (starts playing violin) but I guess now you'll have to get some skill to use it :tear:
Just like the rest of us with our heavy weapons. And before you even say it, yes the JH still owns within 10 feet but ever try to attack someone with a cycler at 30 yards with a JH? He'll own your ass, and the MCG well ever want to hold anything other than its ammo? Thing burns through ammo like Roseanne Barr with a stick of butter.
2003-08-16, 05:19 PM
The lasher still dominates rofl. The first major offensive I got involved in just after the patch I ended up in a gen room with dual lashers and 350 spare shots. I dropped the gen, which took nearly 200 shots as opposed to the 120 it used to take, so with the remaining ammo I held the room until I was down to a 20 shots in both lasher + 3 extra orbs. It had been quite a run considering the so called nerf that everyone predicted would be the downfall of the lasher. Then a max and two agiles came, I unloaded a clip on one of the agiles and managed to live using two of the health kits I had. And pulled the second to begin firing on the second agile, while avoiding the max as best I could. I ended up going down gunning, but damnit it felt good to contiune to own people despite the nerf. The max was the real problem though :p I knew I wasn't gonna be able to drop him with lashers. :(
Good job with the patch. They took away the long range power and anti-vehicle abilities without making it any harder for the sadly underskilled vanu to "fart in my general direction" with their lashers.
Talk about a n00b weapon-- all you need are two lashers firing into the same 90 degree arc and they can take out a whole room full of us. I'm not complaining about the fact that almost only counts for horshoes and vanu weapons, but I just don't want to hear any more purple power rangers whining about how hard it is to always have to turn around and face the right direction before holding down the mouse button and wiping out scads of us.
I still jack and trade for lashers all the time. They're great to use when I'm hung over and my reaction time is down. "Wave it around in the air, aim that lasher like you just don't care."
2003-08-16, 08:58 PM
Originally posted by Sentrosi
Always has been the way of TR since PS came out.
Are you trying to say that TR is the underdog? LOLOLMAO!!!!!
DC, Pounder, Burster, Striker, knifes that dont fucking glow, infiltaters that can kill at range, the all powerfull 2 cert cycler, 3 person tank, 3 person buggy.
Vanu was, is, and always will be, the underdog
2003-08-16, 09:01 PM
yep, all servers now show VS as empire needed. Back to the good 'ol days :)
2003-08-16, 09:05 PM
Originally posted by Gohan_VA
Are you trying to say that TR is the underdog? LOLOLMAO!!!!!
DC, Pounder, Burster, Striker, knifes that dont fucking glow, infiltaters that can kill at range, the all powerfull 2 cert cycler, 3 person tank, 3 person buggy.
Vanu was, is, and always will be, the underdog
Ok, well, since you're a fanboi, let me explain some things
DC MAX sucks now
Pounder is still good but only in CQC, Burster is good, but only at long ranges(A guy with an MA at close range can fuck with a Bursters), Striker isn't worth shit against heavy armor, and it gives a nice big target for anything willing to fight, also it's easy for Aircraft to out maneuver and it's hard to keep locks on moving ground targets.
The MA cert is very well balanced and the Cycler has some advantages(higher RoF, higher clip) but it's far weakre than the Guass and less accurate too.
The Prowler is easily the worst tank. It's two guns are weak, the main gun gnerally being bad, and the 2nd gun coming straight fom a harasser, the Marauder is good for transport, but the Enforcuer is far better, with no arc on it's weapon, and it can one hit kill agile, while the Thresher is far faster.
Now saying the Vanu are the underdogs is complete bullshit, They have the best HA(still is better than the Jackhammer, don't even mention the MCG) their AI MAX is good, You keep on saying the AV MAX was nerfed but it's actually better now, as it may have had damage slightly reduced it's dropoff is lower, making it far bettter, the AA MAX is decent. The Magmower is arguable the best tank(The Vanguard is really good, but better stationary) but no matter what I say you'll just say "Well, it's actually better" But I've played all 3 empires alot, from beta, into release and so far, from the looks of it, TR has the biggest disadvantage in it's current form.
Edit: the reasons the server are like this because of the idiots who fear any nerf will ruin their weapons and then go play a different empire thinking they're better. They're idiots who are the ones that make the game annoying to play often and bring the community down to the maturity of the CS community
2003-08-17, 12:30 AM
well said...maybe even to the maturity of the Starcraft commuity
2003-08-17, 01:03 PM
But if you try to name the GOOD things an empire has. The vanu have the lasher... the magrider... hmm.. our maxes draw fire from our infantry, that's a good thing I guess...
Now I have an active TR still, and played NC since I begun playing in beta and only created a TR and VS char two and a half weeks ago. At this point, no empires really have a ton of dominating stuff. I concur DC max aint that great, pounder max while great against infantry tends to be on the short end of the stick while fighting other maxes. I do dissent on your opinion of the stryker, it dominates in my hands, as well as the hands of many others. I also disagree on the prowler, if you know how to use it's main cannons, it's a rather powerful weapon. While it doesn't seem to kill infantry in one hit, it' excells at doing what it is designed to do, counter other armor. (A friend and I went dedicated prowler crew for about a week, so I defintiely know the ins and outs of this machine). I agree, the second gunner position is useless, and has far too little ammo.
The NC have some goodshit now days imo. JH (I loot them over lashers, even before the nerf), AV max (it's versatile), vanguard, gauss, enforcer. While none of these are extremely superior to anything else, they all have a little bit of an edge over their equals in one way or another.
2003-08-17, 01:28 PM
Good things Vanu has:
Lasher-Can easily be argued as one of the best HA weapons even after the nerf.
Magrider-Can easily be argued as of the best tanks in the game.
Lancer-Good AV weapon. Only empire specific AV weap that doesnt require a reload to kill a max. Used quite often as a sniper rilfe. Maybe not as good a striker, but way better and more useful than a Phoenix.
Pulsar - a good medium assualt weapon.
Quasar Max - Its no Max Pounder, but its just as good, if not better than a Scattercannon Max.
Starfire Max - With the devs fixing the speed of the projectiles this is now just as good and effective as a Sparrow Max.
Honorable Mention:
Thresher - With the introduction of the LLU this can actually be a good vehicle. But I imagine the mentality of the Vanu is why pay 3 cert points for a thresher when I can get a Magrider instead. Hard to argue that logic, but its probably due more to the excellence of the Magrider than it is to any shortcomings the Thresher may have.
Having said all of that, I will admit the TR can arguably be considered the strongest empire. Not because they have the "best" of everything, but I think they are well balanced.
2003-08-17, 06:37 PM
While I agree with most of what you said...
Originally posted by Cease
Pulsar - a good medium assualt weapon.
I must laugh at this one until I can laugh no more. I was talking with people in the sanctuary and was suprised to see there are a number of people that will take a suppressor over the pulsar. It's funny eh?
And all VS has are equals now. The only weapon that may be the most superior in it's class is the Lasher, and some will even argue that.
2003-08-17, 11:20 PM
I must laugh at this one until I can laugh no more. I was talking with people in the sanctuary and was suprised to see there are a number of people that will take a suppressor over the pulsar. It's funny eh?
Yeah that is funny, but not surprising. By that I mean funny that one would choose a suppressor over the harder hitting Pulsar, but not surprising that many Vanu are rather ignorant of the weapons outside the Lasher. Thats cool tho, makes my job on killing a Vanu that much easier.
And all VS has are equals now. The only weapon that may be the most superior in it's class is the Lasher, and some will even argue that.
I guess being on equal ground isn't enough? And it's all personal opinion anyways when it comes down to whose got the best isn't it? Just because your equal doesn't mean it isn't superior. Take the Lasher for example. IMO, its equal to the Jackhammer, but better than the MCG. How do you rate that? The Lancer might not be as good as the Striker, but much better than the Phoenix. So what would you rate the Lancer?
The biggest problem for Vanu right now isn't weapon balance. Its the fact that all those fair-weathered Vanu took off once the nerf went in. Sadly success in this game is often measured by who has the bigger force than the other rather than tactics or better weaponry.
What would be ideal is if the devs made a more robust population lock system for continents that adjusted dynamically with the population. But that will never happen.
But back on topic, the numbers show the VS depended WAY too much on the Lasher as the All in One Wonder Weapon. People can say the "whiners" got the weapon nerfed, but don't forget Twist spent about week playing on the live servers evaluating the Lasher. It was being used for everything. There is a fine-line between versatility and diversity. When you got over 40% of your population certed in Heavy Assault, you are losing your diversity.
2003-08-17, 11:45 PM
what I cant fathom and still doesnt add up, is that when you change your empire on the server you have to kill all oyur current characters and start again..... Who the heck just kills all thier hard work... Once a TR always a TR for me, not because they are better or worse, (infact I only initially joined TR cause a friend was on there) but because I dont want to start all over again at my new character....
what drives these people just to packup shop....
*baffled forever and a day
2003-08-18, 01:26 AM
Before the nerf, the Lasher was simply godly. Now, it's even STILL better than the Mini-Chaingun and Jackhammer. Stop complaining. ;]
2003-08-18, 09:58 AM
Noxious you really think the NC AV Max is good? Its the weakest MAX of the faction with the weakest MAXs, it cant even hit a moving vehicle with the unguided rockets and does far less damage to infantry than a NC AI MAX and is till hard to hit them directly with. If you really think its good i suggest you go use it for a while.
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