View Full Version : New Core Combat Info!
2003-08-18, 10:59 PM
...a mobile artillery unit called the flail
???? I thought they said no artillerey!
2003-08-18, 11:25 PM
we dont want an expansion yet!!!! couldnt they just wait a year before doing this?
2003-08-18, 11:50 PM
the devs listen to musch to what people want in terms of adding new features.they need to get all the bugs outta the game fist then add new features. and lastly they need to wait and not bring out the expansion untile all the bugs are delt with
Originally posted by Frozen-Monkey
we dont want an expansion yet!!!! couldnt they just wait a year before doing this?
Yeah we do.
2003-08-19, 01:07 AM
do bugs need to be delt with .. yes. but fixing bugs arnt gonig to bring more people into this game and thats what they need this is exactly what the xpack will do
2003-08-19, 02:00 AM
Originally posted by Frozen-Monkey
we dont want an expansion yet!!!! couldnt they just wait a year before doing this?
Speak for yourself. :D
2003-08-19, 04:28 AM
Is that the entire Gamespot article? If it isn't, could I have a link to the entire thing? Thanks.
Edit: Nevermind, missed the link.
2003-08-19, 06:34 AM
we dont want an expansion yet!!!! couldnt they just wait a year before doing this?
Replace the WE DONT WANT for I DONT WANT :D
2003-08-19, 07:22 AM
Obviously its the royal "we"...
I just wonder how this pach is going to work, where can you buy these new weapons and vechicles, is it only underground, do you have to find them? what happens to the peopel who don't buy the expansion? Will it be like EQ expansions? Will there be a lvl requirement to go to certain places?
2003-08-19, 10:19 AM
Well, I'm having mixed feelings about the expansion. 1. its going to kick ass because it has tons of new stuff and maps. 2. With that it can bring an onslaught of new bugs. The caverns sound really cool. The new weapons seem like they might destroy the unique-ness of the VS though.
2003-08-19, 10:22 AM
i hope its not like everquest!
2003-08-19, 10:44 AM
the expanison sounds good.. shit SWG got one coming out in 2004 that sounds real sweet.. just dont know if underground is what i would of gone with..but ill get it anyway, i love the game...
October sounds TOO soon and i doubt it will be out by then..
planetside has lost alot of subscribers. i look at Markov server and i only see the most 2- 3 green dots.. not even a full 4 dots..
SOE needs to do what they can to attract the attention of the consumers to resubscribe..
too many people bitchin about small shit...
the bugs.. yeah they need to be fixed.. but just like someone said before.. thats not going to bring the people to play the game..
new features..will do that..
and being that Halo is coming out in Sept.. OMG.. they need to make moves..
HoLLa at you BoY.. 2 and pass ***!.. its canoeing.. fix that!!!
2003-08-19, 11:20 AM
Heres the Thing about the SWg expansion though how many people bought SWG
2003-08-19, 11:34 AM
im not sure how many people bought it..
and the reviews where bad.. but all true fans of SW would love to fly a X-wing around.. i would.. and im not a dye hard fan...
2003-08-19, 11:50 AM
SWG is bug-ridden like crazy, but has massive patches on a weekly basis which eliminate many bugs and which add massive amounts of new content. They're slow to address individual concerns, but they do address individual concerns. The scope of the game is so large that it comes as no surprise that they didn't have the time to incorporate space travel and an expansion pack specifically for that actually makes logical sense.
PS has fewer bugs, and has occasional patches which normally increase the bug number and which seldom add any true content. They don't address individual concerns. The scope of the game is large for a FPS, but many of the complaints that people have had about the game and missing content don't seem to make sense as to why they were unable to add them to the existing game.
Oddly enough, I've let my SWG subscription lapse and am still playing PS. In the end I just really want the game to succeed, but have increasing doubts about that happening. Everybody talks about the expansion attracting new players. I have serious doubts about that as well, and am one of the apparently weird people who is considering cancelling because of this expansion. I don't believe the game is actually worth the monthly fee that I continue to pay as it stands, and I have a hard time swallowing whatever amount they'll charge for the expansion. We'll see how they incorporate it and whether or not people without the expansion will truly be able to use the additional weapons and vehicles. If they aren't, I'm out without thinking twice. If they are, and the devs are telling the truth on that one, I'll most likely at least stick around to see how it works.
2003-08-19, 12:18 PM
I don't believe the game is actually worth the monthly fee that I continue to pay as it stands,
The monthly fee works out to about $0.43 /day. IMO, I would rather play PS, bugs or no bugs, rather than save the money for a pack of crackers or gum.
Does anyone know if people with the new core expansion can play with the ones who don't get it?
2003-08-19, 12:24 PM
Originally posted by RoboBlade
The monthly fee works out to about $0.43 /day. IMO, I would rather play PS, bugs or no bugs, rather than save the money for a pack of crackers or gum.
The monthly fee also works out to 2 movie tickets. There are a million ways to rationalize it, but we are paying $13 a month for hosting and supposedly for support and for new content. The hosting has been good enough that we really can't complain. The support has been bad and the new content has been poor at best. Now we find out that rather than giving us promised content they've been focusing their resources on an expansion to try and get us to spend more money.
It's hard to rationalize $13 a month for that.
Does anyone know if people with the new core expansion can play with the ones who don't get it?
Supposedly you can play together above ground, and supposedly the weapons/vehicles brought up from the caverns can be used even by those who haven't bought the expansion. We'll see how that plays out. In the meantime, when the expansion first rolls out we'll most likely see a time where everybody with the expansion is under ground and everybody without is above ground.
2003-08-19, 12:25 PM
Wasn't this news on the 16th? Hamma beat ya to it :o
2003-08-19, 12:46 PM
speaking for my self here..
but when i first heard of planetside it was on inside cover of the front page of a pc gamer..
when i heard MMOFPS.. i was like OMG FINALLY!!!
there is not another game like it out..yet..
and ill stay playing PS and buy the expanison..
you guyz should of known that when SmokeJumper left to Sr. desgin that there was something up with that..
as soon as i heard that he left producer to Sr design.. expanison pack came to my mind..
they want to attract consumers and give people what they want..
and they will do what they feel will get the job done..
2003-08-19, 12:51 PM
The cavern module benefits are a different system, but in some cases they will require the facility benefits to be in place. So, yes, the facility benefits will be in before the expansion goes live.
- TSlothrop
This was copied from a thread asking about facility benifits, vehicle equipment terminals, and repair pads. A new Dev has decided to show his face in the Official Forums. What do ya' know....I guess they really are working on the content they promised us.
2003-08-19, 12:54 PM
Ok about the new Core Combat thing�.We do not need it this soon. Why should we divide the PS community for one, two why do we need more bugs in the sys and lastly I don�t feel like paying once again more money to PS. Ok on the rational side per say you do release the Core combat. You are going to make the VS not so unique, you are going to make half of the PS community stronger in that they will be able to use the expansion pack wep/vech. You think there are lasher/Jackhammers whining people now? Haha wait until you get the people who don�t have the expansion pack, they are going to whine about not having it and how the people that do have it have a adv over them. This is just foreshadowing. Ok to end this and making it sound like I�m not a 12 year old whining. I think Dev needs to think; think hard on putting out Core combat. :rolleyes:
2003-08-19, 01:07 PM
we all really dont know how this expanison is going to be played out.. lets not knock the expanison.. and lets get more feed back from SOE on it... and then do what most of u do best and
lolololol.. and if your going to bitch about the people who do have the expanison with all the new toys... fuck man.. go get the expanison then and maybe u can stop whinning like a little bitch..
(this is general not sent to specific person)
2003-08-19, 01:14 PM
People are always going to bitch and complain. I should make a timeline of everything that people cried about starting back to the Open Beta CDs that were delayed. Yeah! A timeline!
2003-08-19, 01:18 PM
your right..
i bet they die alot too...
im going to start a list.. of people who complain and play on the
servers that i play on.. ill make sure to add them to my buddy list..
and go out of my way to kill them when i see them...
2003-08-19, 01:32 PM
Originally posted by ThEOnLyOnE
we all really dont know how this expanison is going to be played out.. lets not knock the expanison.. and lets get more feed back from SOE on it... and then do what most of u do best and
lolololol.. and if your going to bitch about the people who do have the expanison with all the new toys... fuck man.. go get the expanison then and maybe u can stop whinning like a little bitch..
(this is general not sent to specific person)
Not all of us have Mommy and Daddy buying whatever we want. In my case I have a pretty good job that allows my wife to stay at home with both my kids. I don't have tons of time to play games, so the time I get is fairly magnified. If I have a horrible bug-ridden session I want to string SOE up, if I have a flawless session I'm fairly happy.
Until my kids go to school and my wife goes back to work, disposable income is at a minimum. Being a responsible adult who actually follows a budget (boring idea to be sure, but something that everybody does eventually) I have a certain amount each month to spend on leisure activities. When (in my opinion) I'm overspending on one activity in which the results are not worth the amount that I'm shelling out, I'm forced to eliminate that activity. Simple enough? Your 'general' message was annoying and unfortunately was just a showcase of your age.
Happy lil Elf
2003-08-19, 01:53 PM
Neat story. Very cool to have a parent stay home with the kids when it's possible. What exactly it has to do with you feeling you're not getting enough bang for your buck I'm not sure. Are you saying that because you can't afford the expansion it should be free? Or that because you can't afford it bitching about it should be ok?
I have a job where I have about $900 of disposable income a month, can waste it on whatever I want for the most part (although most of it gets saved since my MMOs tend to keep me entertained). What bearing does that have on this debate? About as much as you working while you wife stays home with the kids: None.
2003-08-19, 02:03 PM
Originally posted by Happy lil' Elf
Neat story. Very cool to have a parent stay home with the kids when it's possible. What exactly it has to do with you feeling you're not getting enough bang for your buck I'm not sure. Are you saying that because you can't afford the expansion it should be free? Or that because you can't afford it bitching about it should be ok?
I have a job where I have about $900 of disposable income a month, can waste it on whatever I want for the most part (although most of it gets saved since my MMOs tend to keep me entertained). What bearing does that have on this debate? About as much as you working while you wife stays home with the kids: None.
Thanks for reading, I wish the reading comprehension was a bit higher though. The point (and there was one) was that because of choices I have made in life (and they were my choices to be sure) I have to be a bit more careful with my disposable income then either a single person with $900 disposable income per month or some kid leeching off his folks. I can afford an expansion, and I can afford to continue paying the monthly fee. Unfortunately, paying for the expansion would also mean sacrificing something that month that I would also enjoy. Continuing to pay the monthly fee would mean not spending that money on something else (be it a game or movies or whatever). I was paying my monthly fee with no complaints as there was the idea that we were paying for content as well as support and hosting. I was getting antsy for new content and was already wavering about whether the game as it stands was worth the monthly charge. Now we see that they've been using the dev time to develop content for something additional, rather than the game we've been paying extra for content on all along. So then comes the choice. Do I reward their duplicity by actually spending extra money on an expansion coming out far too quickly which was developed on my dime and continue to also pay a monthly fee which supposedly includes content? Or do I vote with my consumer dollar elsewhere?
See, the point was actually pretty simple. I appreciate your try at belittling me but I honestly didn't expect much more from a computer game board.
2003-08-19, 02:48 PM
EASY... easy.. u dont know me.. u know dick about me..
easy there.. Dad..
Im a Dad my self.. i dont live with Mommy or Daddy..
and i have a wife and a little girl.. and a good paying job..
your message was distrubing and was more of your sob story..
save it for those who care.. i dont..
o.. and your on my list pal..
well meet in the battlefield.. MoFo
Happy lil Elf
2003-08-19, 03:05 PM
Thanks, Madcow, it was just as I thought.
Here it is in a nutshell for you. What you said had absolutely nothing to do with what you quoted. He was saying, albeit in a poor way, that complaining about this expansion before it comes out doesn't make a whole lot of sense. That you don't think you're getting enough for your money has nothing to do with that.
Was I belittling you? No. In fact, Mr. Reading Comprehension, you'll see I in fact complimented you on your choice of having a parent stay home. Obviously that causes you to have to make scrafices but I'm sure you already knew that. That you don't think you're getting enough for your money is fine, that's entirely up to you especially considering your circumstances. But if you don't think you're getting enough for your money, don't buy the expansion. Hell, cancel your subscription. It's that simple. It also has nothing to do with someone telling people to at least see what the expansion has to offer before complaining about it.
Lets try it this way. The quote you gave was a guy talking about people who were slamming the content of the expansion before it came out. You're irked that it's coming in an expansion and not free. You do see the difference in those arguments, right?
P.S. If you have such a low opinion of computer game boards and their occupants do me a favor and find somewhere else to play. I'm a little tired of seeing people try to play the "I'm smarter/better than you" game. Oh and please don't try and take the high an mighty road while trying to insult the boards at the same time. It's rather poor form.
2003-08-19, 03:20 PM
Preach brother... Preach...!!!!!
2003-08-19, 04:00 PM
Originally posted by SecondRaven
Ok about the new Core Combat thing�.We do not need it this soon. Why should we divide the PS community for one, two why do we need more bugs in the sys and lastly I don�t feel like paying once again more money to PS. Ok on the rational side per say you do release the Core combat. You are going to make the VS not so unique, you are going to make half of the PS community stronger in that they will be able to use the expansion pack wep/vech. You think there are lasher/Jackhammers whining people now? Haha wait until you get the people who don�t have the expansion pack, they are going to whine about not having it and how the people that do have it have a adv over them. This is just foreshadowing. Ok to end this and making it sound like I�m not a 12 year old whining. I think Dev needs to think; think hard on putting out Core combat. :rolleyes:
about the people bitching .. who says these new weapons are ganna be over powered ???
2003-08-19, 04:02 PM
Originally posted by Happy lil' Elf
Thanks, Madcow, it was just as I thought.
Here it is in a nutshell for you. What you said had absolutely nothing to do with what you quoted. He was saying, albeit in a poor way, that complaining about this expansion before it comes out doesn't make a whole lot of sense. That you don't think you're getting enough for your money has nothing to do with that.
Wrong. He was stating that rather than bitch about what the people who buy the expansion might have, that people should stop complaining and buy the expansion themselves. I was making a point that things often times aren't that simple. The quote which I used encompassed more than what you're saying it did, if you read the whole thing.
Was I belittling you? No. In fact, Mr. Reading Comprehension, you'll see I in fact complimented you on your choice of having a parent stay home. Obviously that causes you to have to make scrafices but I'm sure you already knew that. That you don't think you're getting enough for your money is fine, that's entirely up to you especially considering your circumstances. But if you don't think you're getting enough for your money, don't buy the expansion. Hell, cancel your subscription. It's that simple. It also has nothing to do with someone telling people to at least see what the expansion has to offer before complaining about it.
Actually, you posted for the express purpose of saying that my 'story' had no point, even though I've already shown it did. I don't think I have to quote your message to show that, it's fairly obvious. Did you actually have a statement other than a compliment which is on fairly shaky ground in relation to the rest of the post, and then saying that my story had no point? If you did, please let me know what it was as I obviously missed it.
Lets try it this way. The quote you gave was a guy talking about people who were slamming the content of the expansion before it came out. You're irked that it's coming in an expansion and not free. You do see the difference in those arguments, right?
Again, not the full story. He is slamming people who are bringing up the fact that an expansion will possibly leave PS with the haves and the have nots in relation to new content. His response is to just buy the expansion and quit complaining. I won't reiterate my full message, but I'm fairly certain you can see how they correlate.
P.S. If you have such a low opinion of computer game boards and their occupants do me a favor and find somewhere else to play. I'm a little tired of seeing people try to play the "I'm smarter/better than you" game. Oh and please don't try and take the high an mighty road while trying to insult the boards at the same time. It's rather poor form.
I'm not in the mood for favors, and I wasn't slamming the full population of this or any other game board. Unfortunately, game boards in general (and most internet boards) are going to be chock full of people saying things like "you only think that because you're a whiny bitch" or who bother posting rather snobbish comments as I considered yours to be. There's certainly poor form to be found all around, and I'll be more than happy to own up to my share. Can you say the same?
2003-08-19, 04:08 PM
Originally posted by ThEOnLyOnE
EASY... easy.. u dont know me.. u know dick about me..
easy there.. Dad..
Im a Dad my self.. i dont live with Mommy or Daddy..
and i have a wife and a little girl.. and a good paying job..
your message was distrubing and was more of your sob story..
save it for those who care.. i dont..
o.. and your on my list pal..
well meet in the battlefield.. MoFo
You're right, I can only judge you on your handful of posts filled with your wannabe urban speak. As such I can only hope that your 'wife' and 'daughter' aren't subjected to such humor as "Ill fuck a ***** up wit the Jack!!" on a regular basis.
2003-08-19, 04:28 PM
Originally posted by Madcow
You're right, I can only judge you on your handful of posts filled with your wannabe urban speak. As such I can only hope that your 'wife' and 'daughter' aren't subjected to such humor as "Ill fuck a ***** up wit the Jack!!" on a regular basis.
DOnt Judge.. dont hope.. and worry about ur self only...
if you dont like my 'wannabe urban speak' like you said.. dont read my posts..
your nothing but a fucking sob story..
it is that easy.. if you really like the game you will play it expanison or not...regardless.. unless you cant offord the 13 a month..
then i can feel for someone..
but you .. cancel your subscribition.. why even play..
spend the time wit your kids.. youll save the money...
2003-08-19, 04:48 PM
Originally posted by ThEOnLyOnE
DOnt Judge.. dont hope.. and worry about ur self only...
if you dont like my 'wannabe urban speak' like you said.. dont read my posts..
your nothing but a fucking sob story..
it is that easy.. if you really like the game you will play it expanison or not...regardless.. unless you cant offord the 13 a month..
then i can feel for someone..
but you .. cancel your subscribition.. why even play..
spend the time wit your kids.. youll save the money...
I do spend the time with my kids, try reading the part where I mention that I don't have a lot of time to play the game. I only play after my children are in bed for the night, they're certainly more important than any game is.
Nothing that I've said has been a sob story. I don't bemoan my situation, I wouldn't trade it for anything. That doesn't change the fact that your black and white scenario doesn't exist for everybody, and it doesn't mean that everybody who doesn't agree with your flawed theory is wrong.
I like the game, but quite possibly not enough to buy the expansion and quite possibly not enough to keep subscribing once the expansion comes out. I've said no more and no less. I'm still waiting for more information from Sony before making that decision.
Don't you have a bridge to keep people from crossing or something?
Happy lil Elf
2003-08-19, 04:51 PM
Eek my bad on the quote. Reading at work in what might be called a tiny window and I missed the second part of it so yes your story did in fact relate to his quote. My sincere appologies on that.
However, if you had left out the fact that you can in fact afford the expansion it would have been a better rebuttal. You yourself stated it's within your power to obtain the expansion. No one is saying you have to buy it, what they're saying is if you choose not to buy it, don't complain about your choice. It's childish. If there was no possible way for you to get it I might agree with you, although I'd also question why you're spending $12.95/mo on an MMOFPS if you're in that dire of straights.
I'm not in the mood for favors, and I wasn't slamming the full population of this or any other game board. Unfortunately, game boards in general (and most internet boards) are going to be chock full of people saying things like "you only think that because you're a whiny bitch" or who bother posting rather snobbish comments as I considered yours to be. There's certainly poor form to be found all around, and I'll be more than happy to own up to my share. Can you say the same?
Of course I can say the same. I should have left out my story as well but I thought it would be a good example of how in the end your story really has no bearing on this, in retrospect it really isn't.
Oh, yeah, and please tell me you realize how how hypocritical it is of you to call anyone snobbish.
2003-08-19, 04:58 PM
maybe u two should see whos kid could beat the other one up:rolleyes:
Happy lil Elf
2003-08-19, 05:05 PM
I don't have kids, Lil ;)
2003-08-19, 05:13 PM
Originally posted by Happy lil' Elf
Eek my bad on the quote. Reading at work in what might be called a tiny window and I missed the second part of it so yes your story did in fact relate to his quote. My sincere appologies on that.
Thank you, that's the most mature thing I've seen on a message board in ages and I mean that sincerely.
However, if you had left out the fact that you can in fact afford the expansion it would have been a better rebuttal. You yourself stated it's within your power to obtain the expansion. No one is saying you have to buy it, what they're saying is if you choose not to buy it, don't complain about your choice. It's childish. If there was no possible way for you to get it I might agree with you, although I'd also question why you're spending $12.95/mo on an MMOFPS if you're in that dire of straights.
I'm not sure I have any idea how it's childish to not be pleased with paying for an expansion when I feel that I haven't truly received what was implied I would be receiving by paying my monthly fee. I don't think everybody has to toe the company line and gladly open their wallets just because Sony says it's a good idea. Of course Sony will gladly dig into your wallet if you let them do it. This board has more than it's share of Sony apologists, as well as more than enough people who question them a little too much. I fail to see how a message that doesn't exactly mimic your viewpoint needs to be jumped all over. I'm amazed that an obvious troll is garnering such support here.
Of course I can say the same. I should have left out my story as well but I thought it would be a good example of how in the end your story really has no bearing on this, in retrospect it really isn't.
Oh, yeah, and please tell me you realize how how hypocritical it is of you to call anyone snobbish.
I think everybody is a hypocrite to some degree, I have no problem admitting to being one of the masses. I've certainly had my snobbish moments. For some reason trolls can bring that out in me. Call it a personality flaw.
And just to make sure there's no miscommunication on this point, you aren't who I'm referring to as a troll. I'm sure you knew that, but I'd rather not have us repeat earlier ;)
2003-08-19, 05:17 PM
Originally posted by Madcow
I do spend the time with my kids, try reading the part where I mention that I don't have a lot of time to play the game. I only play after my children are in bed for the night, they're certainly more important than any game is.
Nothing that I've said has been a sob story. I don't bemoan my situation, I wouldn't trade it for anything. That doesn't change the fact that your black and white scenario doesn't exist for everybody, and it doesn't mean that everybody who doesn't agree with your flawed theory is wrong.
I like the game, but quite possibly not enough to buy the expansion and quite possibly not enough to keep subscribing once the expansion comes out. I've said no more and no less. I'm still waiting for more information from Sony before making that decision.
Don't you have a bridge to keep people from crossing or something?
just like you i dont get to play the game alot.
just look at my stats.(and i have had the game since it came out). and rather spend time with my little girl anyday..
lets gets something straight here..
people bitch but still play the game.. if your pissed about the game.. dont play it.. its that simple.. if you like it.. then suck it up.. in the end its just a game.. thats my point..
Madcow... took what i said to some other level..
whinning about the .13cents a day..
about my terminology..
suck it up MoFo you attacked me first!!!
2003-08-19, 05:19 PM
Originally posted by Lilbird2431
maybe u two should see whos kid could beat the other one up:rolleyes:
my little girl.. is only 1 and change..
give her a couple of years..
Happy lil Elf
2003-08-19, 05:38 PM
And just to make sure there's no miscommunication on this point, you aren't who I'm referring to as a troll. I'm sure you knew that, but I'd rather not have us repeat earlier
Whew ok. Good call on the clarification thing ;)
I guess I'm just used to it. I learned awhile ago to not believe, well, just about anything SoE says until I see it for myself. They are the kings of misdirection. A typical message from them can usually be used as a textbook example of what to look for when looking for people with avoidance issues. I guess I've just sort of gone numb to the half lies/half truths they continually tell. I definately don't blame you for being irked about that at all.
2003-08-19, 06:13 PM
I think it is in slightly bad taste that SOE is releasing this expansion so soon. Of course, it's just now been announced, so it's probably at least 6 months off. Then again, it's not like they're going to bugtest and playtest it, so it might be sooner :D.
At this rate, I may as well wait for 2 expansions before I return and give this game another go round. As it stands, I don't think the gameplay is fulfilling enough to warrant $15/month, so I don't think paying $30 to do more of the same (but underground!!) will change that.
I'm forever the optimist, however... and I do think that the dev's hearts are in the right place, even if they don't have the skillz to back it up.
Incidentally, how have the populations been lately?
Happy lil Elf
2003-08-20, 12:04 PM
Enough people for the memory leak to crash me every 5 minutes or so :p
2003-08-20, 12:34 PM
Originally posted by Gryphon
Wasn't this news on the 16th? Hamma beat ya to it :o Yea I was waiting for someone to notice this was OFN.
It's ok tho, its a better news post than mine, more details AND pretty pics
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