View Full Version : Rant and Poll- Learn to Frickin' Type

2003-08-19, 04:39 PM
You know who you are.

You spend 10 hours a day in front of your l33t box. As a favor to yourself and the rest of the online world, spend 30 minutes a day in a typing tutor and learn how to touch type so I don't have to:

1. Put up with your obviously hunt-and-pecked messages on the boards. They're easy to spot.

2. Wait for a 2 minute repsonse to a simple question I asked you in-game

3. Spend 10 minutes having a one-paragraph conversation with you in AIM or Messenger.


2003-08-19, 04:49 PM
I type at a clean 45 wpm.

2003-08-19, 05:03 PM
I think I'll keep hunting and pecking,I have no need for anything else,kthxbye

2003-08-19, 05:04 PM
76 wpm with 96% accuracy

2003-08-19, 05:06 PM
Originally posted by diluted
76 wpm with 96% accuracy

i wanna type like you. :worship:

2003-08-19, 05:10 PM
30 WPM

2 word errors

93% accuracy

Of course I'm those people that have to look at their key board while typing :D

2003-08-19, 05:29 PM
At my High School "Keyboarding" was a required class, so I type pretty fast. Sometimes my friends wonder how I can type so fast and keep my eyes on the monitor :D

2003-08-19, 05:38 PM
I'm not your secretary. So if you don't like my failed grammer and constant errors. Kiss my Azz! :D

Hunt and peckers.. heh I used to do that in the begining. Now I'm a super pecker. :lol:

2003-08-19, 05:58 PM
Its good to see that so far the good typists outnumber the poor.

And MTX, there's no such thing as a super pecker, unless its the one in my pants :) Touch typing is easy to learn, and the benefits will compound themselves over the years. You'll literally save dozens of hours over the years, and be much more articulate online.

2003-08-19, 06:34 PM
i too kthe test twice. Once touch typing - 37 WPM, 1 mistake.

the second time i did my pseudo touch typing but still looking mostly at the keyoard [its weird] and i got 58WPM with 3 mistakes...

2003-08-19, 06:37 PM
Gross speed: 36 WPM
Errors 6 words
net speed 33 WPM
accuracy 91%

meh not bad. i could've done better if mom hadnt come in and interupted me, but im pretty happy with that.

2003-08-19, 06:58 PM
Originally posted by ajohn505
And MTX, there's no such thing as a super pecker, unless its the one in my pants :) Touch typing is easy to learn, and the benefits will compound themselves over the years. You'll literally save dozens of hours over the years, and be much more articulate online.

I know how to type. I'm a super pecker. :D

2003-08-19, 07:10 PM
81 WPM
72% accuracy

2003-08-19, 07:37 PM
Originally posted by Squeeky
81 WPM
72% accuracy

Methinks your jamming the keys eh lol

2003-08-19, 07:48 PM
I type faster than my typing teacher at school.

I type, on average, 120-130WPM, with 1 or 0 errors.

No joke.

2003-08-19, 07:58 PM
Originally posted by Strygun
I type faster than my typing teacher at school.

I type, on average, 120-130WPM, with 1 or 0 errors.

No joke.

take the test and prove it, post a screenshot, until then i'm calling bullshit

2003-08-19, 07:59 PM
I could scan my typing sheet from school with the teacher's sig if you'd like.

I'm not a fan of that online test, I only got a 110 in it. I prefer typing from something OFF screen, that is, a paper or book to the side of the monitor. I don't like looking at the monitor while I type.

2003-08-19, 08:22 PM
Here ya go squeek. (Remember, typing while looking at screen is not the way I like to type)




2003-08-19, 08:29 PM
i type at a clean 67 wpm with 97% accuracy

2003-08-19, 08:31 PM
Ooooh, damn. Way to go Sty man :).

I agree, it is a bit distracting to see what you're typing scroll across the screen while you're trying to read the next couple of words.

I'm at about 85WPM, 97% or so.

2003-08-19, 08:37 PM
sheesh these tests are easy im getting a consistant 60 wpm. yay

2003-08-19, 08:44 PM
Fluent Typist >75WPM.


2003-08-19, 09:05 PM
Originally posted by Onizuka
Methinks your jamming the keys eh lol

Is that due to a sticky substance being discharged on the keyboard or him punching two keys at once?

2003-08-19, 09:11 PM
me type 20 with 90 percent accuracy

2003-08-19, 09:36 PM
Pretty messed up of you to post a topic about people's typing. They can type however the fuck they want, deal with it.

2003-08-19, 09:57 PM
33 wpm
2 errors
94% accuracy

2003-08-19, 10:04 PM
Originally posted by 1024
Pretty messed up of you to post a topic about people's typing. They can type however the fuck they want, deal with it.

It didn't take you 45 seconds to type that, did it? :)

I was just making a point that in an increasingly online world, people make little to no effort to become proficient at the main medium of communication.

All in all, I was proven wrong... a majority of people who responded know how to type at a passable level. Some, like strygun, are exceptional :). That boy's goin' places, let me tell you.

Happy lil Elf
2003-08-20, 11:10 AM
1024, quiet. He was making the point that good typing skills are a good idea, which they are.

I got about what I figured: 56 wpm with 1 error

2003-08-20, 12:20 PM
Think they could put a few more huge ass words in that thing.

Holy shit

2003-08-20, 03:18 PM
I maxed out at 97 WPM at 93% accuracy (taken last year in college).

My average speed is around the mid 80's with 95+% accuracy.

Anyone who has talked with me on aim can attest to my l33t typing skills. I can type an entire essay in the time it takes Onizuka to come up with 1, 16 word, sentance with 6 spelling errors and a dozen grammar mistakes. :P

2003-08-20, 03:29 PM
Bleh, 82 wpm is the max i could do on that test. Once i get home and try it on my alienware keyboard instead of this POS sticky work keyboard i bet ill break 100.

2003-08-20, 04:11 PM
eh...like a 35 or so with 6 errors. 86% acc.

ya didnt tell me it was a spelling test on top of it.

and in this day and age, "teh" should count as a word.

so nyaaaah


2003-08-20, 04:11 PM
Originally posted by TekDragon
I can type an entire essay in the time it takes Onizuka to come up with 1, 16 word, sentance with 6 spelling errors and a dozen grammar mistakes. :P

I told you, i dont even remember typing that one weird sentence. I woke up the next morning at maybe 1 or so and realized i had logged into psu last night.

Stupid drinking contest (i swear, maybe it was my friend or something, i really dont remember.)

2014-07-11, 05:51 AM
i wanna type like you. :worship:
No problem, you can improve youre typing here http://www.ratatype.com/learn/

2014-07-11, 08:06 PM
I've been told that I can't type, yet I still belt out the words faster than most. I just don't contort my hands into that ridiculous position bullshit.