View Full Version : abandon the Vanu Sovereignty all you want
2003-08-20, 06:55 PM
but I'm here to stay.
so many people are leaving the Vanu, because of the lasher nerf and because of the NC slaughtering us, but that just makes it worse. Dont leave. I am a dedicated member of the Vanu, and I still love it, even though we are weak. But we will have our time again. The Vanu Soveriegnty will rise, and crush all opponents.
2003-08-21, 12:04 AM
I'm not going anywhere. Neither is my buddy Maddad69. We are with the Vanu till the bitter end. Or, until the planet blows up into a million little pieces. Which ever comes first. I personally like the Vanu. We are the underdogs.
By chance did anyone look at the map for Emerald at 2 am, MST on the 20th of August? Vanu owned only 6% of the map. 6 percent. The NC owned I think 54%, and the TR owned 37%. Our so called leaders felt that it was more important to attack and conquer Amerish. And when I had last looked, we were losing even at that. Someone should take the initative and attack more places than simply Amerish.
As for the lasher being nerfed, well, I have since become a HA user, and I find that the Lasher is excellent at close range, Anti Infantry, and even Anti MAX warfare. The Lasher was not meant to be Anti Vehicle. That's why the Lancer is there people. For f'in sakes people, the Lasher is not Nerfed. It is simply not an Anti armor weapon, nor was it meant to be, I think. If it was, it would have has an Armor Piercing quality, like the Pulsar does.
I don't mind being part of the underdog, in fact I love that. What I don't like is people on my side constantly leaving. Those people have to go somewhere, making it even harder to defeat the enemy, when the enemy is bumped up by the amount our side is taken away from. Come back, you Traitorous bastards, come back............
2003-08-21, 12:31 AM
I stand corrected. Since this morning we the Vanu are now doing real well on Emerald. That may change, but at least at the moment our commanders are doing well. Good job guys.
2003-08-21, 12:32 AM
I returned to VS mainly because most of the TR are idiots, it just took me 2 weeks to realize it. I returned to my old outfit on emerald in VS now I just have to pratice my rusty vehicular homicide skills with my thresher again.
2003-08-21, 12:40 AM
Leaving an empire because of a nerf just shows how much of a n00b you are. I am with VS, and I will always be VS. If we just had more people, we could beat the overpopulated NC and average populated TR.
2003-08-21, 10:13 AM
I actually just joined the VS on Emerald. I used to play NC on Markov all the time, but due to the dwindling number of players, I've decided to go where most of the other players seem to be congregating (Emerald)
VS seemed to become the underdog all of the sudden (when I started a few weeks ago it was the NC)
I kinda like playing the team that gets beat up on a little more than the others or has tougher odds to fight against... makes the victories that much sweeter...
2003-08-21, 02:48 PM
Being the underdog is nice, never a lack of people shooting at you.
2003-08-21, 07:13 PM
hate to break it to you, VS was only good BECAUSE of the needed to be fixed but it was overpowered, albiet is the MCG which you will hear about a lot now, i garuntee...
they didn't "nerf" the lasher, they made the game more fair for everyone
2003-08-22, 08:56 PM
Due to the population, the VS are equal when there is a cont lock between them and another empire.
A couple nights ago Cyssor was locked by NC, and also by VS. TR was moving in also, attacking VS more than they were NC, and NC were getting pushed back by VS slowly over the course of 3-4 hours, until we had nothing but Ekera left.
Of course, part of that contributes to the terrain problem. It sucks because both Cyssor and Hossin have big rivers running through them. While I like the diversity it brings, it bottlenecks TR/NC forces to bridges, while you have 10 Magriders floating over the water hitting 15 vehicles in a traffic jam, trapped behind the wreckage of an AMS on the bridge.
The flanking advantage VS gets in water situations is unreal and utterly dominating. Not saying it should be nerfed, but its power isn't often realized by most people.
Its really NC's fault most of the time though. There are more Magrider certed VS on Emerald than there are Vanguard/Prowler certed people for each of their respected side, even though NC/TR outnumber VS.
Need...more...vehicles; and floating mines on the water's surface!
2003-08-22, 09:28 PM
The only reason the NC wins is because they have the jackhammer for indoor fights, should they nerf that?
Diddy Mao
2003-08-23, 02:01 AM
2 outta 3 times the Jh will get 0wned by a Lasher up close!
2003-08-23, 04:43 PM
yea right, the jh is the biggest POS in the game. 16 shots in an shotgun that shoots like an auto shotgun. if they do anything, they should make the pump alot longer, to make it more fair. ive seen one guy with the jh enetr a cc with 5 tr and kill them all. That needs to be nerfed more than the lasher.
2003-08-23, 05:38 PM
If a NC and any enemy soldier are about 5 meters away from each other, both have reinforced. No matter what weapon the enemy has, the NC guy will win. Decimator, Lancer, Striker what ever. If they NC guy uses the secondary firing mode for the JH, the other guy will die 3 seconds after the NC clicks. This is a little unfair.
2003-08-24, 03:57 AM
If they NC guy uses the secondary firing mode for the JH, the other guy will die 3 seconds after the NC clicks. This is a little unfair.
Secondary fire is overrated.
Primary has a tighter CoF and is better for people in Reinforced, since every little bit will count.
Secondary is good for infils. 3 shots spammed, even if the CoF is wider, is gonna turn him/her into meat soup.
2003-08-24, 06:26 AM
yea but if your 5 yards apart do you think the cof will really be that different?
2003-08-24, 09:53 PM
the jackoff hammer is a pussy weapon. NC are a bunch of pussies.
Guys, this is too funny. I was with the TR through BR18/CR1.
All I ever heard and thought was how overpowered the jackhammer was...and how worthless the MCG is.
Now that I have switched over to the NC...all I hear is how the MCG needs to be nerfed because it is soooo powerfull.
I've seen guys with a mini-chain gun take down 3 guys with jackhammers...and I have seen it the other way around.
Take it from someone that's played on both sides of the's not the's the player.
I know some of you would like to blaim their losses on the enemy's over-powered weapon...but it's simply not the case.
And for a final it just me or does it seem like they haven't done a damn thing to the lasher :)
2003-08-25, 04:19 PM
I say the weapons are exactly as intended...
I've played all 3 sides...
I've used the Jackhammer... the Jackhammer does what it is supposed to do... it clears a room at close range... and very well I might add... sucks at long range... primarily intended for infantry and max unit takedowns up close, inside a base...
The lasher is good for what it is designed for... a nice general purpose (mostly) short ranged weapon. Good at clearing a room as well as the Jackhammer, not as explosive short range, but can get multiple targets, infantry, max or vehicle at close range. At long range, you might as well be using spit wads because none of the shots will be anywhere near on target the farther the range gets... Lasher is good for close but anything more than that can't be depended on...
The MCG is very good for what it is designed for, a short to medium (sometimes long) range fast firing machine gun... puts so much lead in the air you could probably walk on it... but it does require someone with good aim to keep the shots on target... good at taking down an opponent at close and sometimes medium range...
I've used all three to good advantage, and I've been taken out by all three several times.
They are all good at what they are designed for. If you prefer one weapon over another... when you happen to take out an enemy that has that weapon, steal it from his bag... that is what the looting of your enemy is for. I've seen lots of my own guys using weapons from the other sides... currently I'm playing VS... and honestly the only reason I think I've seen a decrease in the number of lasher users is the decrease in VS population.
All 3 of the weapons are effective and I see no reason to nerf any of them. They can all be defeated by strategy and teamwork.
2003-08-27, 09:54 PM
Well said. :thumbsup: Exactly the same thing I have been thinking this whole time. If you want Anti Infantry, get HA, or get a shotgun. If you want Anti Vehicle, get AV, or Special Assault.
Originally posted by PallarAndersVis
but I'm here to stay.
so many people are leaving the Vanu, because of the lasher nerf and because of the NC slaughtering us, but that just makes it worse. Dont leave. I am a dedicated member of the Vanu, and I still love it, even though we are weak. But we will have our time again. The Vanu Soveriegnty will rise, and crush all opponents.
I don't think that the VS will crush the NC or TR cause it's always changing one day the VS might have 10% the next day it might have 55%.
2003-08-30, 02:46 PM
It's definately the skill. I've taken MAX units down with a generic single shot shotgun without getting hurt and I've been killed by an ANT before. It just has to do with skill and awareness.
That doens't mean you can't bitch about it. Heck, it's frustrating when your enemies get to paint the wall with your brains. Just remember that you're doing it yourself.
2003-08-30, 08:34 PM
Christ, another Nerf post.
Deal with the situation you have for your empire. Recognize the strengths you have and overcome. Learn to fight enemies who have superior firepower. Engage at a distance with all those who have HA weaponry. Simple thing to do. If caught in a tower, use a thumper/plasma loadout to weaken their assault.
No wait....
Ahhh, never mind.
2003-09-02, 04:17 PM
I just wanted to say good job to the VS last weekend when we lost almost everything but a few bases on Oshur [Emerald server], then came back to re-conquer. Good fight also to the NC who were taking Oshur. Some of the most intense fighting (and some of the most fun I have had in PS) was at Hvar. Not bad, at the time VS was only 27% of the population, NC was 37% and TR was 36%. When I logged on we only had 2 towers, and 1 base (Dahaka I believe). We fought for about 2 hours and then the NC fell back (I assumed to counter a TR offensive on Cyssor since that is where the hotspots were).
Again good job and fight to both sides. Most fun I've had yet. :)
2003-09-03, 09:46 PM
I have all 3 empires on various servers, and TR has the short end of the stick, no contest. The only thing we have is the striker and pounder, and those are rumored to be nerfed soon. I kill many more people wiht my JH NC guy than with my TR guys. I think the Lasher isnt as much BS as the lancer is, 3 shots will kill a reinforced, rapid fire.....and it's a AV WEAPON, highly accurate
2003-09-10, 02:22 PM
I for one will stay with the VS. As for being outnumbered, who cares, more enemy targets to shoot at.:D :D :D
2003-09-13, 08:02 PM
This is the first time EVER since beta I have heard someone say the MCG needs a nerf. I mean, I'm VS primairly and I don't think a little buff would be a bad thing. Another thing people overlook is each HA weapon can be combated with the one of the other HA weapons. I often loot JH and MCG, and use them proficiently, the worst thing is when I come across a JH while i have a JH, MCG vs MCG or lasher vs lasher, because at that point I know it comes down purely to skill, no tactics or knowledge of the weapons can save you.
2003-09-14, 08:15 AM
all the terran need is some friggen tactics i mean come on guys.... u just go out there and shoot like a friggen madman its nuts! we terran need a plan the we will be dominant!
2003-09-22, 11:10 PM
I have played all three empires on three different servers, all with different situations, i.e.: population, leadership, etc. My main character lies on Emerald with the VS. The reason I play with them is because of the fun I have the comfort of the weapons. Trust me when I say it's all the user of the weapon when it comes to using a Jackhammer or MCG. I can tell n00bs from good players by how well the users are. I've taken out many players that were using HA weapons with my freaking sweeper, but I've also been taken out by those with HA before I pull my gun out. The point to this: the guns are pretty much even, some issues are needed and I believe the devs are fixing them. Be patient for Christsakes and wait for the freaking balance pass. Thanks for reading.
I was initially TR on Emerald...I left for NC. Why? Because, I've found it incredibly hard (And I was a mega-n00b at the time) to get any frags 'cause I was treating the Cycler like a spam weapon, which it can be, but it wont kill anything if it has full health.
I play all three empires now - NC on Emerald (BR17 CR2) VS on Werner and Markov(I think?), and TR on Konried.
Respectively; Spee, DoYouKnowTheMuffinMan, OMGLOLBBQDUI, Borb.
2003-09-23, 10:26 PM
I peronally only get kills with the mcg when im not infront of a guy who has a lasher or jackhammer, i have to move around behind the guy to be able to take em down easily. Also i hate the bs that wen im a cloaker and im to the side of a nc with a jh i get damaged.
Jackhammer = Rapid firing shotgun
Mini Chaingun = Over sized assault rifle
Lasher = Static discharge emiter
Which one seriously, sounds better?
Edit: Sentrosi, I've said it once and I'll say it again. It's kinda hard to fight the Jackhammer at long range when your INSIDE A BASE! We all know this will get worse after Core Combat :rolleyes:
In my opinion having used both the MCG and the JH, the MCG is much easier to kill people with in close quarters. The JH is much harder to use than people think and it is REAL easy to miss when you are right on top of someone. With the MCG you just hold the trigger and point in the general direction.
Originally posted by 321
How will it get worse?
One of the main bonuses in Core Combat is urban warfare, and close quarter's combat. The Jackhammer is made just for that role. ZEU5, it's not very hard to miss somebody with a tri-barreled shotgun when you 5-10 meters away. I started 1 character on 3 different empires, on 3 different servers, just so I could gain a propper opinion about all the weapons and vehicles. After using the Jackhammer, I forgot the cert and got Special Assualt, becouse it was too easy to kill people. The VS weapons were ok, I picked the TR becouse I like their "supposed" style of higher ROF.
2003-09-24, 10:33 PM
ill be right here next to u :)
2003-09-29, 12:14 AM
only thing i got to complain about for VS on emerald is our CR5s... they suck! seriously they got no tactics, our best one was TacticalCommand who has left PS for good im pretty sure. all our CR5s ever do is say go to oshur, go to amerish, the odd time they will be like blow the gen at their tech plant, another thing that pisses me off, alot of the VS are stupid shits, the TR and NC are always blowing the gens at our tech plants... but none of the vanu are smart enough to do the same... same with ANTS we just watch our bases go to neutral then abandon them... although this is speaking from some one who has only gotten to BR3 on all other factions
Originally posted by ZEU5
In my opinion having used both the MCG and the JH, the MCG is much easier to kill people with in close quarters. The JH is much harder to use than people think and it is REAL easy to miss when you are right on top of someone. With the MCG you just hold the trigger and point in the general direction.
I used to be a full time NC on Emerald so I know what I'm talking about, and I agree it isn't really that easy.
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