View Full Version : What's your standard procedure on taking a tower?

2003-08-21, 04:18 PM
Simple poll-type thread. You see a tower with enemies respawning, equipping, and not really expecting an attack. You tell your squad that. What do you do?

Usually, when I'm in a squad on my outfit, we'll get a gal and hot drop. When I drop on top of the tower, I will run to the control console, and defend it. Our hacker will run in and start hacking, while three or so soldiers defend him. The rest of the squad usually goes down to destroy/clear out the spawn room.

After the hack is done, I usually get in a Wall Turret and defend any troops from coming back in (You could say that I have skill with Wall Turrets). If I see cloakers, vehicles or anything, I will report it. Once the leader tells us to move out, we call the gal pilot to take us to the next waypoint. Takes about 10 minutes at the least.


2003-08-21, 04:22 PM
Equiping MAX Pounder and go kick ass.

2003-08-21, 04:26 PM
Well since i havent really been part of a elite squad, ususually it consists of. Run from facility, hit by sniper, medkit 2 times then run inside kill a couple and watch our forces bounce off as the maxes come and wipe us out.

2003-08-21, 04:28 PM
When I see a tower where enemies are spawning and equipping and perhaps not expecting a tower assault, I start doing the following..

Locate the bulk of whatever squad I am a part of (geographic location). Then state in squad chat that we should reclaim this tower. We get a cloaker in a mosquito, and plan to have him hot drop in. So the scheme gets really elaborate and well thought out. A mere instant before it gets implemented the zerg starts and we forget everything and join in.

I highly recommend this approach to taking towers. It gives you exactly what you want from planetside, fire everywhere, random tk's and a whole lot of swearing.

Seriously, we just get a cloaker in a mos, hot drop him in, create a diversion downstairs (ie going in thru the front door) and more times then not, it works.

I can't wait till towers use NTU's.

2003-08-21, 04:32 PM
hotdrop and beg for peace

2003-08-21, 04:37 PM
If they aren't expecting anything? I crouch walk in with my infil when somebody is nice enough to open the door for me. I crouch walk up the stairs in case any nice fella is using audio amp. I hack the tower, letting my squad know right as I'm starting so they can be ready. Once hacked I defend the CC with Boomers and/or pistol as long as possible and hope that my squad does a fine job of cleaning out the basement and stairs before the enemy can surge up the stairs and wipe my lonesome butt out.

Taking a tower that they aren't expecting to come under fire is easy. Keeping it proves a bit more of a task.

2003-08-21, 05:16 PM
Hotdrop from Gal is definately the best approach, but Gals aren't always available. If you have an obedient 10 man squad, do the following.

- If possible park an AMS about 150 meters away from the tower. This will be your fall back point incase things get rough.

- Get a couple guys on some high terrain around the tower. Snipers are good for this, they can let you know when more enemeis are arriving.

- Having a cloaker in the basement can help alot

- Have the remaining 7 guys go to the CC, check for cloakers.

- 2 guys shold continue to the roof, clear and secure it.

- Gaurd the hacker

- When the hack is finished clear the basement, and check the perimeter for cloakers

This may seem complicated but it's really not

2003-08-21, 05:21 PM
Best way to assault a tower is from the top. Not as heavily guarded as the doorways are on the ground level. But what if you don't have a Galaxy pilot in your squad? Answer is right here:

Outfit 2-4 ppl with Thumpers/Plasma loadout and 2 ppl with the Thumper/Frag loadout. Begin to send the other squad members to start assaulting the doors. Thumper squad has to be within range of just hitting the doors on their arc. This is where the thumpers have to be reliable. Half the thumper squad sets the thumper to secondary fire and start bouncing the grenades inside the towers. The other half sets it to normal frag grenades. What you get are ppl running out of the tower flaming and eating Frags for lunch. Slowly begin to stalk towards the tower. Keep laying fire down as much as possible. The other members of your unit can then begin to shore you up by providing cover fire as you make it into the tower. Then it's a gang rush for the thumper squad to the basement level.

See? Simple tactics often yield the best results. If you're TR, outfitting a member with a Pounder wouldn't be a bad idea. Most ppl will concentrate fire on the MAX unit anyway and leave the smaller fry to someone else.

2003-08-21, 06:05 PM
Jump on it, rush down to the CC as fast as possible, grunts guard the hack directly, MAXes push downstairs towards the spawn room. Simple, deadly, easy and acts as a good tactical starting point to tack other things onto, such as preliminary reaver strafing on the roof. Don't micromanage it to much, micromanagement is death, just make sure the hacker hacks and at least one person has an anti-MAX weapon out at all times. Thumpers are nice too in the hands of someone with audio, but don't force someone to use them. Just make certain your squad uses common sense (i.e. let the MAX go first) and you should be fine 95% of the time.

2003-08-21, 06:12 PM
Gun towers= let everyone else take the bullets and Surge up the stairs, wait for zerg to complete. If no one is there, run around naked and spraypaint the walls.

Watch towers= See Gun towers

Air towers= land on an airpad and sneak behind the Pounder MAXes, jackhammer their metallic spines while their locked down, proceed to dance around.

2003-08-21, 07:04 PM
grab a six pack, give it to the enemys in the spawn room, wait till they get drunk, hack the cc.

2003-08-21, 07:19 PM
I play solo a lot and I'm usually away from the main action. If I find a tower that is lightly defended and I know they are up stairs, then I break in and go straight down stairs to the equipment terminals. I put 2 decimators into the first equipment terminal and then the last one into the middle. I then whip out my Thumper and kill the last two equipment terminals as fast as I can.

Once I'm sure they will not be able to rearm I go for the guys up stairs. Once they are dead I know they won't be able to grab any equipment if they try and respawn. Also if they kill me, the only access to equipment they will have is my corpse.

I start the hack and if I hear the spawn tubes operating before I have gotten far enough into the hack I cancel the hack and kill them again. I scavenge their corpses if I need to and keep at it until I hack the tower.

I then go down stairs, respawn into the closest base, grab a repair gun and then go back and repair the terminals I destroyed.

This tactic actually works even better if you have one or two more team mates and an AMS nearby.

2003-08-21, 07:20 PM
Couldn't a single mosquito airlift everyone to the top? Have the mosquito pilot land right next to the tower, so close that he nearly hits the upper level railing. Once he lands, have a couple people jump ontop of it, then he needs to fly straight up. When he's near the top, people jump off...simple. Problem is, a mosquito won't last long in heavy fire, but if you have them conatined, it'll work.

If you have a Gal, get an AV and an AI max to drop with a hacker and an engineer. That works wonders.

2003-08-21, 07:35 PM
Run in.

Kill everyone.

Get shot in the butt while hacking :(

Seriously, are spawntubes invincible now or some crap? I have unloaded six decimator rockets and a few jackhammer magazines into one, and it never blew, and someone spawned right out of it!

2003-08-21, 07:54 PM
They don't "blow" they suck :D No, when you've damaged the tubes enough, look at your map and a little rectangel will show up, hinting that the tubes are down.

2003-08-21, 09:16 PM
They USED to go boom very visibly. Now, they do NOTHING!

It used to be I could pump 22 jackhammer shells into a tube, and it was toast.

Now... I have no clue. I have put a LOT more ammo than that into both tower tubes, and the little rectangle never showed up :(

2003-08-21, 10:18 PM
there's no longer an animation that shows you a tube has been blown.

that and terminals/tubes are tougher to kill with ap ammo on weapons.

3 decimators kills a tube

2003-08-22, 01:23 AM
so THATS what that symbol means, and not to get off topic, but the lightining is for no generator, are there any others?

2003-08-22, 01:28 AM
Nope, just those two, might not be a bad idea to put in icon for equipment and/or vehicle terminals or turrets (maybe once half of them are down, and the grid is combat inneffective.) Would help the defenders keep better tabs on what bases need help and whats happening where.

2003-08-22, 02:37 AM
Zerg it. Flood the lower staircases and clog up the enemy respawn room so they can't do a thing about the hackers waltzing up the stairs to the CC.

I'm not saying it's how I'd LIKE to do it, but I am saying that it is unrivaled in its effectiveness.

2003-08-22, 05:08 AM
Walk in. See enemy. Scream like little girl. Shoot till I get killed. Respawn. Rinse, repeat. Get ANT. Run people outside over. Get killed. SWear lots. Find more people and Zerg the tower.

Flammey - Emerald

"An unbreakable toy is useful for breaking other toys."


2003-08-22, 07:17 AM
You wrote that after killing the tubes and hacking the tower, you respawn at a nearby facility to get a nano gun so you can repair the terminals again - why not just keep a Nano dispenser in your locker?

I always have one lying around just in case.

2003-08-22, 12:37 PM
my tactics :

solo, less than 5 enemies in tower ...
infil, either sneak in, or skeeter drop in. sneak to CC. hack, then surge to the basement and suit up in a pounder. clear out tower. (this invariably catches the guy who's done a quick sweep for cloakers, decided i'm hiding, and started re-hacking. no, my friend, your DarkLight will not help you here.)

more than 5 enemies in the tower ...
infil, creep or surge to the basement, suit up in a pounder, run to the top of the tower killing as I go, clear from the top back down. this normally provides more than enough distraction to let the rest of my squad in, and running back upstairs handily opens the door for them to come in and cover my back. if there's < 10 NME guys, then I'll sometimes just camp the basement, but if the spawn room is heaving, I'll always just run out and up. the last thing the NME expects is a pounder coming OUT of the spawn room ;)

more than 30 enemies in the tower ...
call in everyone on command channel and zerg it up. there is NO tactic that works in this situation, since you're not only up against nme, but your own team as well. things that win this are taking out the tubes, or taking out the [edit]consoles. or maybe careful pounder locking with support.

2003-08-22, 03:35 PM
Originally posted by Shin1gami
You wrote that after killing the tubes and hacking the tower, you respawn at a nearby facility to get a nano gun so you can repair the terminals again - why not just keep a Nano dispenser in your locker?

I always have one lying around just in case.

That's funny because I did finally do that before I read your post. I totally space out the fact that I have a locker sometimes.