View Full Version : Time to bounce outta here
2003-08-22, 12:45 AM
I'd just like to start off by saying that I have, for the most part, enjoyed my stay at PSU over the past 7 months. I feel that I have gotten to know most of you and, through that, most of you have earned my respect. I hope that you guys feel the same about me but, either way, it doesnt make a difference in the end.
I remember when I first came to The Lounge. I can remember testing the waters of the community and, every now and then, voicing my opinion on a particular subject. Some of the time i got flamed but I was used to that as it is a public forum. Despite the occasional flames there were others who enjoyed lively debating and who were willing to engage in logical debates on everything from politics, to games, to morals.
As i began to feel that, for the most part, I had become known and accepted as a member (albiet a new member) of the community I tried making my own threads. With my writing style and my tendency to always voice an opinion: many of my threads turned into huge debating affairs. I think all the old members here can remember "The Matrix" thread... all 200+ posts of it. I remember the debating, the discussions, the opinions, the points, and the counter points.
Oh yes.. and i remember the flames.
I remember the individuals who saw no need to participate in an intellegent debate. The individuals who thought they could prove how "l33t" they were by running into the thread, flaming, throwing up a few "your an idiot" pictures, and then running off. I wont point names but we ALL know who they are.
Despite the occasional stumbling into immaturity that those threads had, there were still enough intellegent posters to keep the debates lively, interesting, and (most importantly) relatively mature.
All of that started changing a little while ago...
Over the past two months there has been a significant change to PSU. Stagnation and elitism were the problems. Members with "l33t whore" under their names, despite the fact that many of them attained that status only through spamming, were for some reason held above new members, even ones who proved their worth by offering opinions and brining life into PSU.
Alas, those "new bloods" were usually mocked, flamed, and rediculed by a few of the "elites" of PSU. Nothing could be done to stop it. If a "recruit" bothered to point out the ignorance and immaturity of one of the "l33t whores" he was instantly set upon by the whole family.
Because of this.. very few recruits stayed to become soldiers. Personally, i dont blame them. As i said in another thread: "Theres only so many times you voice your opinion, only to get flamed to a crisp, before you pack up and move to greener pastures".
It seems that most of the quality posters have left the forums. No longer do we see debates on politics, morals, or even the nature of gaming. All that can be found now is debates on kittens vs spoons or hi-jacked threads turned into petty flame wars.
News articles are no longer discussed. Books and movies are no longer critiqued. All that can be found is the same.. senceless.. useless... drivel.
Its as if everyone with the intellegence to form an opinion has left.
Or perhaps its because everyone who bothers to voice an opinion is beaten into submission via flames and "your an idiot" pictures".
Or pershaps the latter is the reason for the former. Thats my guess... but ill let you form your own.
To sum it up.. this place just isnt fun anymore. The quality posters have been kicked and beaten until they left. No new blood is coming to fill their places. The "l33t whores" now band together in an even tighter group, flaming and mocking anyone not in their "click".
Its just not a fun place anymore.
Cya round tek, I still remember the good fun we had when we argued about games that one night. Cya later man :)
2003-08-22, 12:57 AM
well, im not gunna lie. We havent exactally been friends. but ive tryed to respect your opinion (and failed miserably at times).
it wont be the same w/o you. not saying better or worse, just... differant.
Been good knowing yah, Good luck in the military. Dont go getting yourself killed. and after that, good luck in life.
your a contriversial guy. some will be happy your going, some will be sad. But dont change for anyone but urself.
possibly see ya around.
:love: (yeah, theres :love: for everyone no matter how stupid i think some of your posts are)
2003-08-22, 01:02 AM
Later Tek...
I'll miss reading your posts, for hours and hours, and hours :)
So.. there has been interesting activity taking place here in the lounge afterall.. and I thought you people were boring.
*grabs popcorn*
Sense you're leaving why don't you pop off a few names so PSU can correct itself or these people can be aware of their l33tness evils and correct themselves.
What's with all these people leaving lately? Why can't I get these results in the political forum?
Don't run away from them Tekdragon. Don't let them win like that.
so do what I do. lurk and pop in with a self righteous remark or other epithet just to say your piece occasionally, then get back to work.
just keep in mind, you gotta have somewhere to dump that kinda stuff off (opinions, rants, suggestions, outrageous inuendo..etc). where better?
give up trying to find intelligent conversation on the net. 90% of the time you will, in the longrun, be disappointed.
save that for people you really give a sh!t about.
other than that, you're ok with me. I cant fault anyone for expressing an opinion if its done well and dont think we've ever had a run in.
whereever you go, may you find what you seek
2003-08-22, 01:46 AM
Isn't it a bit hypocritical to complain about the spam and spoon/kitten nonsense when you make posts like that yourself? "My first decree as god" is a good example.
I never even read those spam posts, I just ignore them. Not sure why you are getting all huffy about them, you must enjoy them enough to make your own post about kittens.
2003-08-22, 02:14 AM
I'm afraid that I haven't really been around long enough to enjoy your presence, but if this last post is any indication you're a person that I would've enjoyed hanging around with. I'm sorry see you go.
One thing I would like to say is that you should lay back, relax, and not take these forums too seriously. Better put: "Don't take life too seriously. You'll never make it out alive."
2003-08-22, 02:57 AM
if i leave, do i gota make a bigass speach like tek so everyone will remember me?
well, latrz tek. :wave:
2003-08-22, 05:29 AM
I think it's clique, not click
I choose only to comment on that
Happy lil Elf
2003-08-22, 10:33 AM
Later, Tek.
Thats funny, the flaming I see is from you.
You have been "kicked and beaten" because you are an asshole to people. You did not debate, you just screamed "fuck" at the top of your lungs with your hand over your ears, saying anyone who does not agree with you is a moron. You just tried to put people down, like your some interweb bully. You said horrible things about people who did nothing to you directly.
Why is Dio liked, but you are not? He doesnt flame.
2003-08-22, 04:50 PM
Originally posted by Vick
You did not debate, you just screamed "fuck" at the top of your lungs with your hand over your ears, saying anyone who does not agree with you is a moron.
I cant remember that he ever did that :confused:
anyway, im sad to see u leave tek, it has been great reading ur posts, good luck in the future.
2003-08-22, 05:03 PM
I will remind everyone before you read my post that I am a staff member of PSU, and my views do not reflect the community's views. Also, I have no hard feelings against anyone, especially tek, but I think as a member of the community I have the right to voice my opinion. No hard feelings.
Tek, I think that by making this post, you are proving the arguments of others who oppose you. By making this post you are, in my opinion, screaming for attention and want to "go down in PSU forum history." Just because things are getting tough and some people don't necessarily like you (again, see the paragraph at the top of my post here) doesn't mean you have been ousted from the community.
In all honesty, I see and relate to both sides of the Tek vs. Dio argument/debate. I will not take sides for many reasons, one of which is my position on the staff here. I will say, however, that both of you like to poke the fire. Both of you have little sticks and when you see a debate or argument, you like to go in and poke everyone with your stick and then run off. Dio's stick is images and small phrases, your stick is long winded posts that eventually insult someone.
By leaving here, you are immitating Unregistered (the older community members will remember him), in that you get angry, and then when you get argued with, you leave. I say you stay and fight your battles instead of running away from them. You are noticing all the "l33t" posters and all that crap? Guess what. There's an ignore button, and I promise you it works. Trust me, don't judge PSU by the few who think they are something. Continue to make your arguments (although being a little nicer in them [aka not insulting someone because of their views] would most likely earn you the respect of the "l33t" posters.)
Again, I think by leaving here with the reasons you've provided is absolutely hypocritcal (this is constructive criticism), and I think that you are going against what you so passionetly argue by leaving.
Once again, please reread the first paragraph in this thread and know that there are no hard feelings towards anyone. If you think there are some, I apologize in advance, I did not mean them.
To the outside readers of this thread. Don't go and post insulting or degrading remarks in this thread. Keep it cool, keep it real, keep it real cool. (and civil)
2003-08-22, 06:31 PM
Tek Its time to brake out of the shell (i hope you dont see this).
back in the matrix thread, when i made my point over and over, tek swore me out and said he was done with me, probably pissed because i had made a good point.
Please PLEASE read this. please.
Anywho, I felt bad because he was mad and such, so i pmed him an apology, here it is:
"do you hate me? seriously, do you. I dont hate you, i just disagree with you on a few things. I am not the worst spammer.... it seems that when squeeky goes thats even worse. Or when you post something, and then post something else without anyone replying to you.
I really wish you would stop bashing me. "oh oni is the worst spammer next to zetre" or whatever.
Like i said it wasnt the psu orgy-fest a new thread was created from the name, and in it you called the thread stupid and pointless (which it is) and then flamed me!!
Look, i just hope you will stop. Stop calling me a child, and the ultimate spammer.
Please reconsider as my intentions to this pm are only good.
Then he sent me this:
"All i want is three things from you:
1. Sincere apology for stalking me like a lil bitch after the marijuana thread.
2. Promise to stop spamming every god damn thread you see. If you cant post something on topic then DONT POST Dont just hit the "reply" button for the hell of it to up your post count. We dont want to read that shit.
3. Promise to stop sneaking up after ive posted and am done with a thread, then making a cheap shot on me to look cool in front of your little children friends.
Thats it. Those three things. Thats all i want. Simple courtesy and forum respect. You do those 3 things and ill delete all the posts ive made about you."
Then i sent this back to him in reply:
"1. i feel that i made a sincere arguement on the marijuana thread. i think you just got pissed cause i made a point
2. i spammed more when i first joined and im sorry if that bugged you. thats fixed now.
3. i dont do that
well thx
i hope you will........... oh why bother"
then i got this back (read this one carefully) :
"See? You fuking did it again. You cant stay on topic. You like a little child. I dont give a SHIT what you said in the marijuana thread. My request for an apology was for the next WEEK you spent stalking my ass, popping up in threads, flaming me, then running. For 4-5 days you did that shit and i NEVER replied. Then when I finally got sick of it you acted all bitch and tried crying that *IM* the one making trouble.
THATS what I want an apology for.
2. i spammed more when i first joined and im sorry if that bugged you. thats fixed now.
Your still spamming. You just spammed in the mixed drink thread. How the hell can it be "fixed" when you just spammed 30 minutes ago? No one asked you to come onto that thread. No one wanted your god damned opinion. You just decided to show up, and ruin a fucking thread.
3. i dont do that
You DO do that Oni. Thats why Im so fukin sick of you. Thats why Hamma done ban me for fucking with you now. Fact is you DO pop up, flame, and run. You did it to me dozens of times. You did it to others too. Do i need to go back and quote all the fuckin times you ran into a thread where me and someone else was having a discussion and you decided to call me a "pot head" or a "stoner" then run out? You like a little fucking child.
You know what Oni? Im just about done trying to reason with you. Not only are you an immature forum whore, but your a fuckin liar too. You cant even acknowledge the stupid shit you do. At least when Squeeky acts ignorant and flames someone he admits it. You do it, then run, then lie. No ones fooled. We ALL know your a little bitch. Im getting real fuckin sick of it."
Then i sent this:
"when did i stalk you? wtf you talkin bout? flamed you, SO DID EVERYONE ELSE. a good number of people called you a pothead or a stoner but i never called you either of those look it up.
Yeah your the one making trouble too..... look at the way your talking to me: calling me a bitch and a child; i never called you either of those........
also that wasnt spam on the mixed drinks thread and SOMEONE ELSE brought up "good boy and bad boy" stuff so you an stop quoting me with it being related to other peoples posts to make me look like an idiot.
whos backing you tek. who? i know people dont like how you flame in every thread and wont get over the past. no one invited anyone to post on that thread so i dont know what your talking about and no one wanted your opinion either, or to know that you get girls drunk to bang them.
I dont run out of threads like a child and i never called you a pothead or stoner... prove me wrong
If i didnt reply to what you said after i said something to you (which you have done many times to me) its because you said something stupid in which i have no comment. you dont want me to spam do you?
in general im not sure why your a cold-hearted, mean, vulgar, extremely insecure individual. i never called you a bitch fucking retard or anything of the kind YOUR the one doing that. I never meant to hurt you like your meaning to hurt me......
please come to an understanding"
Then sata...err tek sent this back:
"You know what the difference is between you and me, Oni? Ill give you an example:
My situation:
I make a thread on the Matrix 2 and how i have not seen it yet. I also comment that I would like to see it high on marijuana.
Some people come in and joke about Matrix sucking and how ill need to be high to enjoy it. Just messin around stuff
You, squeeky, and prowler come in and start flaming me and everyone else who thinks marijuana is ok
You refuse to listen to any rational arguments, you just keep on flaming (i can ressurect the thread to prove it too)
After posting 5-10 pages of medical journal research, all of which was ignored by you and prowler (squeeky seemed to learn), i gave up and said "fuk it, it aint woth it"
I let the thread die and ignored your childish attempts at flaming me for the next 5 days when you stalked me into every thread i went in
Ryuuji's situaton:
flames me in the matrix thread and ignores all attempts to have a civil, logical, debate
2 weeks later, makes a thread with the sole purpose of flaming somoene
YOU actually see these two situations and say that Ryuuji is acting like me? Wrong Oni.
Your problem is you dont see the difference between:
1. Minding your own business
2. Stalking and flaming people
I try to do the first, unless someone specifically starts an argument with me.
You, on the other hand, follow the second guideline.
Its true. I know it. You know it. Your ignorant post on Ryuuji's DEFENDING his actions shows what kind of a poster you are: an ignorant, flaming child.
You want me to stop calling you a child Oni? Stop acting like one. What was the point in you posting on his thread, defending him? There wasnt one, you just wanted to pick a fight.
Your pathetic. Im currently discussing what to do about you with Hamma. I could just ignore you, but since you chase me into every thread I post in, and flame me, it woudnt be effective. Youd start flame wars without me even seeing you did it.
Ill just keep saving all the ignorant posts you make about me. Once ive collected enough of them ill send them to Hamma and ask for you to be temp banned until you learn how to post like an adult."
Then i sent:
"ummm okay
i already discussed what to do with you to hamma and so have you and he said that just because me or you or anyone doesnt like someone, doesnt mean they will get banned. Whats the point in calling me an ignorant child? to make me feel bad? to get me down? to make me change my ways?
i think you but very unreasonable and you should apologize"
That was basically it. He put me on ignore and walked like an ass.
2003-08-22, 07:10 PM
Tek, I didn't even notice the "l33t Whore" label on me till I had had it for a while. I just don't care about it, it's stupid. All it does is do exactly what you said. Make people think they are better than everyone else. "I've been posting here for >Insert time frame here<, so why don't you STFU noob!" is what people say all the time now. I admit I'll miss'ya :tear: We had some good "debates" in the past, not fights or flame wars, debates. Anyway, peace out. See'ya man :wave:
2003-08-22, 07:51 PM
Hey! Look over there!
2003-08-22, 08:22 PM
Here are some responces and some notes to certain people. The first ones are all responces/notes to people who posted here. At the end i did some notes to others.
r3d, lol... yeah man. I still remember the CnC Generals debate too. That was a lively one :) Ill catch ya on the flip side and if you ever need some more tips on RTS's you know where to reach me.
Mtx, theres really no need to point fingers. The people who I referred to know exactly who they are. I enjoyed being in the same community with you Mtx. None of your posts really stand out in my mind but I remember seeing your signiture alot and reading your posts. You never struck me as anything but a straight up guy. Peace.
Hunter-R, later man. Hope you dont go to hard on Spider :)
EineBeBop, honestly dude I can say that I ever wanted to have much to do with your threads/posts. I cant remember ever flaming you and I tried to stay out of your threads. You seemed, to me, to be a younger person and, while theres nothing wrong with that, you werent the type of person i was looking to converse with. This aint a flame, its just a simple fact that I tried to stay out of your threads and scroll past your posts (though i never put you on ignore). Im sure you brought some life to the PSU Community and i hope you continue to enjoy staying here.
Stygun, im really not looking for martyrdom because, quite frankly, im through with this forum. Its just not fun anymore. The way things are going now, if i wanted to be a respected member of the community id have to spam my way to "l33t whore". Once I got that title it doesnt matter WHAT crap you spew out, its accepted. Im not going to spam my way to "l33t whore" just to remain a part of the community. Its not worth it and im not like that.
For the most part ive respected your posts and im glad there werent any hard feelings between us despite the occasional differences of view. Peace.
Xuur, your ok in my book too :) Catch ya later man.
Vick, Im not sure at all who you are. You obviously dont know me at all if you think I run into threads, flame people, and leave. Even the people here who DONT like me will agree i dont do that. If I see an oppinion i dont agree with ill go in, write a 2 page essay on why its an ill-logical opinion, write my own opinion, and lace it all with scorn. Then ill stay in that thread till it dies. Thats my style, the fact that you dont know that shows this was just a random flame in the hopes of getting respect from the "l33t whore" clique. Good job, your a sheep.
Oni, those PM's show exactly what I thought of you. Thank you for posting them. Not only do they bring to light all the problems I had with you.. but the fact that you would post them proves your just as (if not more) immature than I thought.
I hope you found what you were reaching for Oni. I hope spamming your way to "l33t whore" in a matter of weeks (while I havent hit it after 7 months) has been worth it to you. I think it has, cause I noticed you now think your the shit and your word is gospel now that you have that title. Enjoy it, when you grow up youll realize that REAL people respect you on what you can say and do.. not on some BS title.
Let me end this by just saying I never hated you. Thats like hating a mosquito. You were annoying, you spammed, you flamed, you never offered a decent opinion, you spammed some more. It was never worth hating you over. It just never made me (or very many other people) respect you.
Navaron, somehow i stepped on your bad side. I dont know where, i dont know when. I suspect its for going against a member of your "l33t whore" clique... but maybe its something less petty than that. Either way, it doesnt matter. I just want you to know that I have always had respect for you as a poster. Your conservative viewpoint and your eloquent writing style always impressed me. You may not realize it.. but were alot more alike than you think. Peace man
Ema, I never really got to know you. I kinda wish i had. You seem to attract attention and friends very quickly. Ill chalk some of that up to you being a girl.. but only some. The rest has to come from you having a great personality. Wish id gotten the chance to get to know you better.
Sputty, keep squeezing t3h kittehs and give a kitteh an extra :love: squeeze for me when im in bootcamp.
Squeeky, dont let the forum h8te ever get you down. I always enjoyed reading your posts and I respected you ever since that "The Matrix" thread when you were willing to put down the flamethrower that so many of your friends had picked up and have a decent debate with me. You got props in my book for that. Good luck with the luvin and if you ever need some sechs tips you know where to contact me. Theres no shame in asking, bud. I wish i knew half this shit when i was your age. Peace.
Spider, i never got to know you very well. Glad i could help you with the sex tips. Likewise for you as i said to Squeeky.
I had to save the best for last. Dude, i will miss you. I know we ddint always agree on shit but you were a guy I always respected. Not only for the fact that you put up a GREAT website and kept it going for a long time but because your one hell of a funny guy. You could pack more opinions, ownage, scorn, and t3h funnay in 1-2 words than anyone else I knew. And when you did go all out with a paragraph or two... look out :)
Im going to send that money to you via PayPal for upkeeping the site. 40$ is the least I can contribute after being a part of your community for so long.
Peace out man.
P.S. If your ever in germany and your looking for the strongest weed or the most bouncin partys.. head over to the Army HQ (the main division.. i think its 21st) and ask for Eddie Centofante. Ill show you a hell of a time
2003-08-22, 08:51 PM
Cya Tek, Ive enjoyed reading your posts.
Never had any shit with ya.
2003-08-22, 08:59 PM
Bye, Tek, I'll miss j00.
:tear:... :wave:
2003-08-22, 09:32 PM
I hope everyone read my post, just to see how big of an ass tek is. Bye asshole.
(theres oni vs tek volume 1-2000...... please if it looks to big to read just read it. it will show you how tek really is. I couldnt give a rat's ass about my title, it could be mantits for all i care. 'well not that far' but tek, i posted a lot on these forums because i was new and bored. not cause i wanted to achieve whore status. you ignorant child/asshat.)
i :love: everyone else here.... but your just so rude and mean it pisses me off to the enth degree.
spamming and whoring are 2 different things. i am glad you are leaving because when i looked at those pms again and how i tried to reason with you, i almost put you on ignore for no reason. I see a better person inside you tek, one thats not a drug addicted rapist.
Maybe they will teach you something in bootcamp. I dont know why you are so mean........
ps. tek check your pm box. its my religion to love your enemies.
(id do that anyway even if i was atheist)
2003-08-22, 09:46 PM
goodbye, american democratic pig dog!
2003-08-22, 11:48 PM
Oni really drop it man. Hes droping it so you drop it. Please its for the better.
Tek ive always enjoyed reading your posts and joining in your foolary. And thats all that most of your posts were when they wernt serious debates. Just joking around. Everysingle one of us has spammed, and I believe you have admited to it your self and admit it. But after reading most of your posts I do find that you are not open to others opinions which is a character flaw. Everyone has them so dont take this as an insult. Just a suggestion to try and be more open to others ideas.
Originally posted by TekDragon
Vick, Im not sure at all who you are. You obviously dont know me at all if you think I run into threads, flame people, and leave. Even the people here who DONT like me will agree i dont do that. If I see an oppinion i dont agree with ill go in, write a 2 page essay on why its an ill-logical opinion, write my own opinion, and lace it all with scorn. Then ill stay in that thread till it dies. Thats my style, the fact that you dont know that shows this was just a random flame in the hopes of getting respect from the "l33t whore" clique. Good job, your a sheep.
As I said, you just flame without listening to what is actually going on, which you just proved. I never said you flamed and ran.
PS: I dont give a fuck about who has the most posts, I do not even know anyone here well, so stfu.
Originally posted by TekDragonI demand Vick get banned for posting that link. That is completely unacceptable. Im not some green peace freak but i do NOT believe in cruelty to animals for the sole purpose of personal pleasure.
That website was sick, the product of people who have no concious or morality. It has completely and thouroughly ruined my whole fucking day seeing what was done to those poor animals.
Fuck you Vick., is the link.
Rofl, he thought they actually put cats in jars.
2003-08-23, 01:38 AM
Originally posted by Peacemaker
Oni really drop it man. Hes droping it so you drop it. Please its for the better.
Ive tried to drop it and apologize to tek for something, (read my earlier huge post, the entire thing)
But tek just wouldnt stop. Then he started acting all good and prissy partly because of guilt partly to show me off as an "in your face thing"
I lost it, and i should have.
2003-08-23, 04:20 AM
Oni, you have a valid argument in that he was rude to you in PM. (or perhaps not, but i choose to believe you.) The thing is, there doesn't seem to me to really be any reason to keep it up this far down the road. Tek and Eine were able to have a mature "agree to disagree, so long" bit of posting, and i think it would save a lot of feelings and scorn if you would just realize that this is a goodbye note, and whether it gets very much attention or not it will be gone eventually. Tekdragon is leaving, so you won't have to deal with him anymore, whether he has a valid reason to leave or not.
why make your last words to each other unhappy ones?
thank you for your time.
2003-08-23, 05:05 AM
G'bye tek.
2003-08-23, 11:54 AM
Originally posted by Sleepwalker
Oni, you have a valid argument in that he was rude to you in PM. (or perhaps not, but i choose to believe you.) The thing is, there doesn't seem to me to really be any reason to keep it up this far down the road. Tek and Eine were able to have a mature "agree to disagree, so long" bit of posting, and i think it would save a lot of feelings and scorn if you would just realize that this is a goodbye note, and whether it gets very much attention or not it will be gone eventually. Tekdragon is leaving, so you won't have to deal with him anymore, whether he has a valid reason to leave or not.
why make your last words to each other unhappy ones?
thank you for your time.
well yes those pms are real of course, tek said they were too earlier. Its just you dont have an idea of how big off and a-hole this guy was to me. I dropped it earlier i kept in it, i guess it was "implosive anger".
Then i remembered how many people he insulted. Zetre who doesnt even post here anymore, squeeky the second he said anyone who does drugs are gay, Dio, because i dont know why, because hes tek.
While i respect him and his points he doesnt to me. Am i really they gay ass spamming PSU forum whore??? Because if i am tell me, i want to know.
I was polite for the most part in those pms saying i wish we could come to an understanding, while he cussed me out and then said i was acting like a little girl. Why? because i wasnt mean to him like he wanted me to be.
what is sad as well is that people seem almost afraid of him. afraid of stirring him up, incurring his rath. but once you do he will hate you until you get on your knees and kiss his ass or say you are actually an ignorant child.
I dont really expect anyone to have read this far, this is just me letting my steam off.
EDIT: now i realize it is better not to do this. a higher person wouldnt drop to this manner. I hope he has fun in bootcamp and servers our country well.
/me loves thy enemies.
2003-08-23, 12:23 PM
2003-08-23, 12:31 PM
Tek was one of my favorite posters on the forum, bye Tek :tear:
2003-08-23, 02:20 PM
This thread sucks.
I agree, the community has gone down-hill. Now that Freedom Corp seems to have died I'll probably just fade away, only going to the front page to check up on news.
I've been here a long time! w00t! Elitism powa!
2003-08-23, 02:31 PM
Oni, you thought he was an ass and told him. dont listen to anyone who says you shouldnt have said that.
Fuck him,
edit: i dont mean that the "fuck him" thing is my opinion of Tek...i dont really care if he is staying or leaving since i dont know him
2003-08-23, 02:43 PM
You have the technical issues to blame for the downtime in posting.
And if you think its elitist around here than bye, because its not :p
2003-08-23, 02:51 PM
Originally posted by Hamma
You have the technical issues to blame for the downtime in posting.
And if you think its elitist around here than bye, because its not :p
i wonder what hamma thinks of tek for real. i never really here his opinion.
2003-08-23, 10:41 PM
Originally posted by Hamma
And if you think its elitist around here than bye, because its not :p
I 2nd that. The day PSU goes elitist is the day I resign.
2003-08-24, 04:43 AM
You resigned? :P
2003-08-24, 06:06 AM
Are you guys talking about "Elitists" in the Lounge or something? I've never seen a group of the 1337 whores tear apart a Recruit in the Game Discussion unless they really deserved it. Meh, people probably got sick of complaining about the game and have decided to direct their rage at PSU.
2003-08-24, 07:50 AM
/me puts away the caviar and crystal
....ummmm nope, nothin elitist here.
2003-08-24, 09:25 AM
Well Tek to be honest,we never got along......ever.As it was obivious in but it was alot of fun watching you make an ass of yourself time and time again so I guess I'll be missing that part of you going,And hey that Tek religion sounded not too bad but I guess since your leaving we might have to call it Dioism or something.GL in the military mabey we'll end up meeting there and never even know it was each other.Gl man and hope you have fun with other boards you find to flame and be an ass on.Peace
His mom probably told him to just stop using the computer so he decided to make a "poor me" thread right before leaving.
nah.. that couldn't be it.
2003-08-24, 02:11 PM
Originally posted by Mtx
His mom probably told him to just stop using the computer so he decided to make a "poor me" thread right before leaving.
nah.. that couldn't be it.
2003-08-24, 03:16 PM don't have to leave
2003-08-24, 03:18 PM
:O_O: Long time no see specter...
And bye Tek... won't ask for you to stay or the such... it's your choice eh.
Cya later mate.
2003-08-24, 09:55 PM
I always thought Tek was cool, he pissed people off but he never broke the rules.
Good times
2003-08-25, 07:41 PM
Originally posted by Hamma
I always thought Tek was cool, he pissed people off but he never broke the rules.
Good times
I alsways thought you were cool too. :p
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