View Full Version : heh, prowler

2003-08-22, 11:53 AM
why do no TR like the prowler? the emerald NC have learned that van guards en masse are brutal, at gunuku i recalled at least 12 rolling around, if we had prowlers in those numbers, we would have a chance of decent armor


2003-08-22, 12:03 PM
Once I saw a huge line of prowlers at a base we where taking over on emerald, followed by a lightening and I think an ams. But this is the only time I have seen that many prowlers. One day on konried as VS we where being heavily attacked by vanguards and I took out 5 vanguards, a lone prowler, and many other vechicles with my mines. If the VS or TR would get their tanks together like the vanguards, VS and TR would be alot more stronger. Most of the time you only see 1-3 magriders and with prowlers most of the time they're alone. If we could get them into groups of about maybe 8+ then the vanguards would have some competition.

2003-08-22, 12:05 PM
We do Thunder Runs occasionally. See the AGN article:

Thunder Run (http://agn.planetside-universe.com/index.php)

Happy lil Elf
2003-08-22, 12:07 PM
Well I'm guessing the main problem would be the need for the third gunner. A Prowler with no chaingun gunner is fodder for air units and a prowler with a chaingun gunner and no main cannon gunner is fodder for ground units. So you pretty much need both of your gunners to be effective. So why don't you see 12 rolling around? Well, that would be 36 people, or 3 1/2 squads. Whereas NC/VS can field the same number of tanks at their full effectivness with only 2 1/2 squads.

2003-08-22, 01:57 PM
Yeah today I just gunned for my friends prowler, we mainly versed air and we got destorier a whole lot since we didn't have a chain gunner. But since we where facing so much air I got my max burster out instead of being the chaingunner this time. I tried hitting the reaver with the tank missles but missed awhole lot. Defianltly need both gunners to be effective.

2003-08-22, 02:53 PM
Prowlers suck!
As NC in a Vanguard I was able to take on 2 Prowlers and a Sunderer at once. It took so little effort to kill the Prowlers it was laughable. The Sunderer is far better as a tank and can also double as a transport.

2003-08-22, 02:55 PM
I think a huge squad of AMS and ANT's would be deadly, and if you're VS throw in some mags and u got a killing squad on ur hands ;)

2003-08-22, 06:40 PM
most people i see use sunderers as artillery they hide outside bases aims guns up and fires

2003-08-22, 08:16 PM
Prowler is a decent tank.

I think that most people don't use it because of the coordination it requires to be effective. To many times have i seen a prowler rush into battle and get wacked for lack of Tactics.

My outfit usually has 2 tanks a deliverer when we roll on a cont. The voice helps tremedously. 2 tanks with 2 people each and 2 gunners in the deliverer for Air defense. It works pretty well.

Love being a Tank Driver. The best is when you roll into a Vanu base and start running people over. Small ammount of Justice while doing that, heh heh.

2003-08-22, 09:23 PM
Now, I know this isn't the right place to be asking this, but what is the purpose of AGN?

2003-08-22, 09:47 PM
i agree that the sunderer is alot better than a prowler. the only disadvantage is that it cannot defend against air. if we had a couple sunderers and a couple deliverer's that would be extremelly effective.

2003-08-22, 10:42 PM
Originally posted by Mejwell
Now, I know this isn't the right place to be asking this, but what is the purpose of AGN?
The AGN isn't just the radio shows and music hours, it's purpose is to bring out news from the war fronts. Consider AGN like CNN, Fox, NBC, ABC, CBS during the Iraq war. We would really like to hear from all you combatants out there on what you're doing with your outfit. From Outfit raid days (Tuesday nights are CDL nights) to great base captures you had the previous day/night. Pics are always helpful in reporting your news. Check the AGN site for some of the stuff the DragonWolves have done lately.

AGN Website (http://agn.planetside-universe.com)

2003-08-23, 12:38 AM
I used to drive a Prowler a lot during Beta, mainly with just a main cannon gunner. I never really liked the Prowler because its main gun seemed a hell of a lot weaker than the Vanguard's, and doesn't have the accuracy of the MagRider's (nor the driver-controlled forward firing gun). I've never read of any actual damage tests done to compare the Prowler gun to the Vanguard one, but with the Prowler, as a driver, I'm constantly moving my tank around, and my gunner has to keep up. But, because we're always on the move, he can't always keep a bead on the same target, and therefore a lot of the time all we do is wound a guy. It takes a couple, if not a few, hits to kill infantry, depending on their proximity to the impact, and in the time it takes for all your shots to be fired, they usually duck for cover, or the tank has moved out of firing range.

Oh, and I also dislike how tall the tank is. It's a very big target, and a few times I've actually hit one of the overhead bridges inside a base, or smoked an overhead branch of a tree (taking hilariously devastating damage in the process, at least during Beta).

I thought the Prowler was fun, and it's not that bad, but its main gun and the fact that you need a second gunner for the tank to be fully operational makes it a bit of a pain in the ass. I didn't miss the cert too much after I gave it up, and neither did my Outfit.

2003-08-23, 12:44 AM
It's more fun when you have a wolf pack of them. 3 or 4 Prowlers going around in a pack hunting for enemy ground vehicles. Even if they have someone with AV, they can only hit one vehicle at a time. Best tactic for the Prowler is hunting in packs....

CDL did that Tuesday night. Didn't run into any real heavy resistance until we arrived at the base next to the VS Sanctuary warp gate on Oshur. Helluva place to attack.