View Full Version : what would win?

2003-01-08, 04:46 PM
A galaxy w/ 2 MAX, 4 Medium suits, 2 gunners(galaxy), 1 pilot(galaxy), 1 buggy(w/driver & gunner). all medium suited soldeirs have punishers and they are NC(explains MAX specs).

A group of 5 MAX soldeirs (Terran Republic) with one medium suit w/ a thumper.


2003-01-08, 04:54 PM
Prnbably the TR MAXes depending on what type of MAXes on each side and if the NC troops have AP ammo.

2003-01-08, 04:55 PM
I think Assumption and his pals Conjecture and Speculation clean out the whole bunch.

2003-01-08, 05:28 PM
The lone Vanu Sniper with a bolt driver and a lancer who no one notices or cares about until its to late would kill them all. <Evil giggles here>

2003-01-08, 05:33 PM
I think the TR would win...

But. if there is a lone sniper i'm all for him :)

2003-01-08, 05:38 PM
We really don't have enough info to post anything that might be even remotely accurate.

Not that that's stopped us in the past. Won't stop us now! :)

The Answer: It Depends!

If all 5 TR maxes are of the anti-air variety, there's a fair chance that the Galaxy's passengers wouldn't have a chance to get out . End of fight. TR wins by a landslide.
In this scenario, if the Galaxy DOES manage to land and empty, the TR crew is in a LOT of trouble. While I expect flack MAXes to be kinda effective against infantry, I don't expect that the shells will be bursting open in proximity. They may explode on contact with the ground, in which case IT DEPENDS. If the MAXes have elevation on the NC crew, it's still a slaughter, but not quite so one-sided. The nc's AV-max will probably get off a shot or two... and I don't expect the TR guys to live through a second hit from that beast (maybe not even a first hit). Ditto for the buggy's missile (we ARE talking about the empire-specific buggy right?)

If all the TR MAXes are of the anti-vehicular variety, the NC's are still in quite a bit of trouble. Vast waves of area-of-effect death raining down on their LZ. The buggy is pretty much toast... as are the 2 MAXes. The infantry? Welll... best not to discuss such a grizzley subject in mixed company.

Now lets back up and reexamine this situation from the NC side of the world. I'm guessing the Galaxy is going to have a REDICULOUSLY big trunk. So any weapon switches that the infantry might need can be easily accomodated. It's not an inv terminal, but it's close.

So the Galaxy sets down a ways off, out of the TR range. Here's the trick: NC has the best stand-off-and-kick-your-keister weapon in the game... wire guided missiles. All of a sudden, being locked down doesn't strick the TR crew as such a good idea... It's raining Pheonixes for crissake! Hold still? Not on your life. The only chance the MAXes have to live is to MOVE, take cover, etc.

BTW: A pheonix makes for a great scout too. Disposable, good range, doesn't put anyone at risk. Plus, once you've checked things out, you get to plow into something. On the down side, they're quite obvious visually (smoke trail), and can give away your position.

Now it's NC that has a big advantage. And while the TR guys are duck-n-covering, the buggy can circle around, as can the 2 NC maxes. Cross fire sucks. Time for TR to die.

Guardian AngeL
2003-01-08, 05:42 PM
If i was the galaxy pilot the galaxy stuff would win because i would just land on the groups of MAX's:D

2003-01-08, 05:44 PM
The short answer is whichever side I'm on ;)

2003-01-08, 05:45 PM
Absolutely no clue, depends what the tr maxes are. AI, AV, AA? Who cares anways?

2003-01-08, 05:46 PM
Damn you Guardian and your speedier cleverness.

2003-01-08, 05:47 PM
The team with the jetpacks and overpowered snipers is the one that will win :lol:

2003-01-08, 05:47 PM
Okay, let's consider that there is NO LONE SNIPER OR VANU OF ANY KIND!! They were all drunk off their ass the night before and they are having a hangover after hanging with hot vanu chicks(LUCKY BASTARDS) so they had to recover before they do anything suicidal.

Guardian AngeL
2003-01-08, 05:48 PM
Originally posted by Airlift
Damn you Guardian and your speedier cleverness. lol i know and i love your sig mine is the same pic but im not as skilled in photoshop

Guardian AngeL
2003-01-08, 05:50 PM
lol im also trying to get 20 posts to be able to upload my avatar

2003-01-08, 05:52 PM
What kind of config do the MAX armors have? Anti air, anti personnel, anti armor, and what other weapons do they have? Do the NC troops have anti armor weapons, or anti armor ammo or is it anti personnel ammunition? How much ammo does each side have? Do they have grenades or other weapons like mines or turrets? What's the skill level of all the players on both sides? Are they all noobs, novice, intermediate, or vets? It really depends on each persons interpratation. But, from what is listed I think that the NC would win cause of the mobility. If the max suits anchor down to improve there rof then the galaxy straffs and the ground troops with the buggie surounds the rest and crossfire city.

2003-01-08, 05:52 PM
Hamma doesn't take kindly to spamming
:spam: :spam:

There are too many variables to guess though...We'd have to hammer out everything then guess.

2003-01-08, 05:57 PM
The only answers you're going to get are wild ass guesses. No one except the devs and some of the beta testers knows enough about the game to answer the questions accurately. :eek:

Guardian AngeL
2003-01-08, 06:49 PM
I love Sp@m hehe http://www.planetside-universe.com/forums/images/smilies/spamdance.gif

2003-01-08, 07:28 PM
I know that it cannot be answered accuratley, but from what we know, who do you think will win? I SUPPORT THE :spam:
:withx: DAMN I LOVE THAT SIGN!!! If you didn't realize it yet, for all those who are new, I STILL OWN THE RED X!!!! (check the upper left corner of my sig)

2003-01-09, 06:26 AM
It doesn't really matter who has what.
The TR always wins. :rolleyes:
We own you all :D

2003-01-09, 03:09 PM