View Full Version : Killing with an Infilitrator
2003-08-27, 12:30 PM
Izanami, Level 3 infiltrator sneaked up behind the enemy. He smiled has he turned on secondary fire and his knife lit up. If he's lucky, the enemy doesn't notice. He slashes viciously at the enemy! If he's really lucky he gets to slash again before he gets a face full of lasher or thumper or whatever gun the guy is using.
That's me. Seirously, how do you kill people? The only person I've killed was a guy who didn't turn around after about 10 stabs.
2003-08-27, 12:55 PM
Infil killing with a knife is more of a learned thing, I wouldn't start out with the knife. Since you're Vanu, there are 2 suggestions I would give to get started.
AMP. Don't use the Beamer. I personally suck something fierce with the AMP, but I've seen many use it to great effect. Run right up to somebody and hold down that trigger. Not a real quiet killing, but in the heat of battle you can often get away with it.
Plasma grenades. Frag grenades kill faster, but plasma is more forgiving and has the bonus of people absolutely freaking out when the explosions start and they thought they were all alone.
Now focus on the stragglers, snipers make great victims. Keep in mind they're looking through a scope, so approaching from the sides is safe. If they're good they probably have audio implant, so start crouch walking early. The farther from the herd they are, the easier they are to drop because you don't have to worry about a buddy wising up to you being around.
Stay outside as much as possible. People rarely use DL outside, especially in open areas. Everybody and their brother flicks it on and off inside bases.
2003-08-27, 12:56 PM
Try using a pistol instead. Most cloakers use the AMP. Get right up on them and hold the trigger down. As long as your're practically touching them when you fire, you'll bring them down pretty fast.
Try the different pistols out and see which one you like the best. The beamer is by far the worst and is the butt of many jokes on the forums. :)
If you do use a knife you may want to try the alternate mode. It's slightly slower but does more damage.
2003-08-27, 01:02 PM
Ah, thanks. I'll try these.
2003-08-27, 01:20 PM
As an NC infil, I learned to love the mag-scatter, its a 3 hitter (maybe 4) on agiles, 4-5 on Rexo's and on other infils, *HA* 1-2 hit kill.
I love it because its less obvios than the AMP and when they loose a large portion of hp so quickly, they are looking for snipers, or they are just not used to beign hit with mag and run around in circles.
MAG scatter has one other thing I LOVE. you can get away with 1 box of ammo and almost never run out. (even if you do, just pick if off some hammernoob) I knifed-killed for fun from 6-9 (br) as soon as I got first implat i went for 2-hit kills with melee booster. Then I discovered the wonders of surge+mag scatter and never looked back.
2003-08-27, 02:28 PM
indeed. i got 900 kills the first month on Konreid because of surge and AMP. you can dodge anything with surge. AMP has a large CoF, but put it to their forehead and it wont matter.
2003-08-27, 02:44 PM
My advice is to play a TR so that you have access to the repeater. The repeater allows an Infil to kill from outside DL range and when you get good, you would be supprised just how many times this is usefull. In my experience the AMP pistol is the best Infil weapon overall.
When you succesfully sneak up on someone and start to unload the AMP has enough ammo and fire rate to allow you to miss a couple of shots and still get the kill before the enemy can kill you. The Mag Scatter has an ever so slightly faster kill time at point blank, but is completely unforgiving if you miss any shots because the clip is so small. As an infil, you only get 1 chance to take someone out unless they are using a phoenix, are AFK, or just plain st00pid. I found that the Mag Scatter just didnt do the job as well as the AMP for the reasons stated above. If you start a TR infil you can carry a Repeater or an AMP and both have thier uses depending on what you are doing. The only drawback here is that the TR infil suit makes you look like the S&M GIMP from Pulp Fiction :lol
2003-08-27, 02:48 PM
The Repeater is the source of some of my best times in the game. If you are pretty sure somebody near you does not have DL, and it's a fairly secluded area you can just take pot shots whenever their back is turned from a distance. Watch them freak out, spinning around firing randomly, running around firing randomly. If you're a decent distance away the chances of getting killed by the random shooting is almost nil (unless it's a Lasher). They depend on you panicking and moving to figure out where you are, so just don't move. Watching their paranoia take over and continuing to plug them every once in a while is so much fun.
2003-08-27, 02:50 PM
Oh I forgot to add. Killing with the knife is an aquired taste, and really only for those that get a rush from doing it (who wouldnt) and dont mind dying a lot. Much better for pure killing are the pistols but you often run out of ammo and will be forced to learn the knife one way or another. The thing to do in that circumstance is to go after weak enemies that are not full on hps.
Most of the trouble with knifing is implants. Unless you are 18+ and can afford to spare an implant slot to be effective at this (Melee booster), you are going to have weaknesses. I find that Silent Run and Darklight are just totally necessary implants for infiltration and just cant spare one for Melee booster
2003-08-27, 02:57 PM
Knifing is easy and fun. Here's what I like to do. Get a repeater any way you can. It's the best inf weapon. Find some poor guy who's prety much by himself. Take a few potshots at him from outside of DL range from an angle that he can't see you. When he begins to run, which he almost certainly will when he runs low on health and has no idea where you are, turn on surge and pull out your knife. I've gotten oh so many kills like this, and it's fun as heck.
2003-08-27, 03:59 PM
I played 2 infiltrators to BR12, during beta, and current, both were NC... Surge is a necessary implant, make sure you have it.
Now there are 2 styles for infiltrator... if you just want to go out rambo style and try to kill people, grab a pistol and use surge as much as possible. If you want to try to hack, jack, and generally annoy the crap out of people, try this... Combat Engineering, Adv Hack, Infil, Mosquito, Surge, Melee Booster...choose your targets wisely, anchored TR Maxes are a favorite of mine, snipers, stragglers, people running in the open will fall quickly to surge+melee booster.. and you would be surprised at how long you can "ghost hack" a base and guard the CC... I've gone long enough alone at a CC to keep it from being hacked from 6 minutes... when I went down, I had knifed about 6 people, used my 4 boomers, and shot another 5 or 6 to death with looted repeaters :D
2003-08-27, 04:49 PM
pistol weapon rundown; what to use for what while ninjing (yes, i made up my own verb):
AMP - your all purpose, shoot em and kill em gun. 1 clip will generally take out anyone not in a max/vehicle.
Repeater - your TR sniping pistol. you can sit in a corner and take pot shots all day. If you're really a bastard, you can leech kills by shooting at someone while they are fighting your friendly HA buddies.
Beamer - your all purpose "I am a moron" gun. if you use it, you are a moron.
Mag Scatter - your inventory saver gun. with any other pistol, you get the gun, REK and 3 ammo boxes, and that'll last you a good 4-5 kills. with the mag scatter, the pistol and a single box can go 6-7 kills if you can aim. this means room for jammers, ACE, whatever. or just carry 3 boxes of this and go kill EVERYONE.
2003-08-27, 04:57 PM
Ok, repeater in my opinion is the best infil pistol.
Knifing, as stated above, is only good if you are really into it. And if you are i'm sure u can spare one implant slot for melee booster. I myself have infil + melee booster and i love it. Collect as many repeaters as you can and stash em in your locker. Knifing also saves on ammo, the more you use knife, the less pistol ammo you need and the more space you have in your very small inventory. VS is the worst for knifing IMO because their knife glows. This gives away your position in crowded areas, whereas with the other empires you can go on a killing spree in a major battle with less risk.
Hope that helps
2003-08-27, 05:40 PM
Surge for infiltrators just plain sucks. You light up like a christmas tree whenever you use it and might as well not even try to cloak. As fast as infils can run to begin with, I cant believe anyone would be using this
2003-08-27, 06:21 PM
If you use surge while shooting somebody from behind while infil, they just can't turn fast enough to get you in their sights. Plus, surge allows you to kill somebody in a very crowded enemy area and get the hell out without taking a bullet. Have you ever tried gunning down a surging infil? It's a lot easier said than done, and it's nearly impossible to do with a sniper.
Last added benefit to surge is if you have the medium tank cert and adv. hacking. Stand still on a battlefield watching an enemy tank destroying troops. Wait for the repair run (these are obvious after paying a little attention). Turn on surge and you can nearly keep up with the tank. Magriders are especially vulnerable because they often don't have gunners. Wait for the driver to get out and repair his ride. Waste him, jack the tank, enjoy.
2003-08-27, 09:37 PM
Madcow you are evil..... And I like it!
2003-08-27, 09:59 PM
pick up a max cert, hack an equipment terminal in the spawn room (jump on top of it when you hack so someone doesnt run into you), turn into say a pounder max in the middle of spawning enemies. you can waste an entire spawn room and the spawn tubes. works well in towers also. trick is getting into the spawn room :p
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