View Full Version : Cheater in the outfit
2003-08-28, 02:41 AM
*sigh* Today we found a cheater in our outfit. Well we didn't find him but some crafty vanu with fraps did :p. He was using the new speed hack. Then our old outfit leader who hasn't been on in forever posted on the official forums as a reply that no member existed in the outfit with that name.... This spawned a bunch of flames saying 'how can you not know!' and 'look at this link' which followed with a link to his character profile showing him in the ncsf. He never knew that this guy had joined and nobody in our outfit knew he was a cheater I assure you. He was booted immediately. Now I believe we have lost our credibility as a respectable outfit because of the acts of one asshat. I just wanted you guys to know the truth if you have heard about this.
link to the cheating video:
2003-08-28, 02:55 AM
I doubt to many people will blame the NCSF for the actions of one jackass, now if it was widespread then yeah, i'm guessing you guys would end up like HoG, disgraced, but most people are reasonable enough not to hold the entire outfit to blame for the actions of a single member.
2003-08-28, 03:02 AM
gg today you evil invisi-spawner :p
2003-08-28, 03:07 AM
:evil: Nice fighting with you as well, but seriously, anyone who would blame an entire outfit for the actions of one member is someone whos respect is worthless.
NightWalker XI
2003-08-28, 03:39 AM
What makes you think you had any credebility to start with?
Happy lil Elf
2003-08-28, 10:53 AM
Isn't Trigganator one of the leaders of NCSF?
2003-08-28, 01:14 PM
This just proves my point that in an outfit of numbers, you can't keep track of a damn thing.
2003-08-28, 04:09 PM
Anyone who get's mad at an outfit who didn't know about someone being a cheater needs to simmer down :p
2003-08-28, 04:10 PM
Originally posted by NightWalker XI
What makes you think you had any credebility to start with?
2003-08-28, 05:14 PM
Well nightwalker I am not saying that we were the most popular outfit ever but we had the respect of some of the other leaders. They did raids with us and stuff. Yes trigg is a leader.
It is possible to know what you are doing and control a big outfit you just need alot of time. Our leaders have had real life interuptions so some have been absent for quite a while. Also we don't have 500 some members like the website says. I'm sure you guys know this but on myplanetside it displays every member that has ever been in the outfit on the member total. We actually have 250 people.
TY squeeky and incompetent.
EDIT: Also this unfortunately gives some of our so called 'rivals' on NC emerald to make remarks saying we are cheaters and such. Just because they don't like trigg.... Honestly if you don't like trigg I don't mind it is none of my business, but don't assume we are all exactly like him.
Happy lil Elf
2003-08-28, 06:13 PM
No, I just pity you and your comrades. Although I guess if I was in his outfit I could try to squad with him and get less grief for shoving my Lightning somewhere in the vicinity of his left kidney everytime I see him broadcast "WILL THE SG COMMANDER PLZ CONTACT ME" /shudder.
And ignore anyone who gives you shit because some dumbass in it was cheating. Now if you kept the guy in and encouraged him then yes, I'd say you're all a bunch of worthless tools. If you're kicking him out and don't encourage this type of behavior, don't sweat it. Anytime you get that many people together there's going to be at least one or two worthless people. At least you're rid of him.
2003-08-28, 08:41 PM
Isn't Trigginator the tool that seems to be always spamming "Would the SG commander please contact me" in global chat? Yeah, taking one outfit with 500 members and another outfit with 500 members and zerging your way across Auraxis. Those are some real complex strategies you have there...
I believe this is your post on the OF elf. I see what you mean because sometimes Trigg does act obnoxious like this. Other times he can be a great leader. Its not like he always does raids like that. Also just a just something that really pisses me off about the myplanetside outfit info. It says we have 500 something members and we only have 250. 500 something is the number of members we've ever had in our outfit.
Happy lil Elf
2003-08-28, 10:32 PM
Yeah that was a rebuttal to a post defending Trigganator which praised his stragegic command. Considering the only thing I've ever see him to was spam global looking for the commander of one of the other huge outfits, I thought I'd refute it.
And I feel your pain on the MyPlanetside thing. IV has about 25-30 active members (active being playing at least a few nights a week). I think on MyPlanetside it says something like 100 :p
I've also had a problem with the rating system in general since Beta but as the stats really mean nothing I've never really bothered to bring it up. However is it just me or would an outfit ranking where the number of outfit points is divided by the number of people make more sense? I mean sure you can be number one with 900 people but that's not really a reflection of skill, well other than recruiting skill I guess. Then again considering you almost have to disband and reform an outfit to get rid of old members that probably wouldn't be too accurate either. Oh well :p
2003-08-28, 10:44 PM
Yeah you seen batallion lately? They hit 500 members today..... with 200,000 points.
2003-08-28, 10:59 PM
within 2 months, i'd bet good money battalion will have 2000+ people.
when NC zergs, battalion IS the zerg.
2003-08-28, 11:19 PM
atleast they make good fodder.
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