View Full Version : just bought planbetside and i need help

2003-08-28, 11:11 PM
i just bought planetside and it says it comes with a 30day free sub and i cant get on. any know where to but the code on the cd cover

2003-08-29, 04:56 AM
the free 30 day subscription is tricky. not a complicated thing to do, but you will think you are about to pay. you ahve to go to the purchaseing a subscription screen, and enter your credit card crap. then select the free 30 days option, instead of the 1, 3, 6 or 12 month payments. if you want to make sure you dont get charged later, immediately cancel. you will still have your 30 days, but they wont automatically buy the next 30 days for you.

2003-08-29, 11:01 AM
thank you im lokking in to geting a cc otomarrow or withing this week

2003-08-29, 11:58 AM
Just go to where you got PS and ask for a gamecard, then enter it instead of a credit card, you get 90 days, plus the initial 30, so you automatically will have 120 days of worry-free PlanetSide enjoyment.


2003-08-29, 12:14 PM
iv looked for the last 3 days everywhere in my town and naniamo for cards but i cant find any do you know where to get cards in canada

2003-08-29, 11:39 PM

go to your local game stores and see if any of them sell these. that can get you access without a credit card. other than buying one of these (which would entirely defeat the purpose of a free month) or getting someone else to let you use their credit card, i really dont know how to get you access to your free trial. sorry :-(

2003-08-31, 12:28 PM
just steal your mom's credit card number and expiration date. thats what i did. and i cancled it after i ordered, so i just got 30 days. and then recently i just bought a game card because the 30 days is almost up and i still like the game