View Full Version : I'm a noob!!
2003-08-29, 12:20 PM
Hey everybody.
I'm a noob. Normally I just wing it until I get the hang of a new game but I'm finding that the only term I recognize is "zerg". So...if you all would be so kind as to help me get up to speed I'd appreciate it.
I've played for about 5 hours total. I participated in taking over several complexes and was in 2 major battles.
My goal as a character is to drive vehicles, particularly flying ones. I have Reaver Certification and am looking at either mosquito or dropship next.
If you guys have any tips/suggestions for flying, killing, surviving, and how to find an outfit that isn't exclusively French it would be much appreciated.
If I would be you I would get the Galaxy next (or as you said it the dropship). The Mosquito is a lot like the Reaver but a bit faster, a lot weaker, and without the missles. Here is a tip to get your battle rank up by 2 really fast. Go to the Virtual Reality vehicle area and shooting range and try out all the vehicles ground and air (they are found at different terminals) and then try out all the Max armor and guns at the shooting range. Also don't forget to get into every vehicles gunner seat.
I can't really help you find an outfit because I play on Emerald and I only know the NC outfits here. If you do join Emerald as NC you should look at the following to sites of really nice outfits that aren't french and
2003-08-29, 01:12 PM
Heh, yeah I stumbled on the VR area first, drove and fired everything I could get my hands on. I was thinking about the mosquito because I see so many people talk about how great it is. I actually didn't see ANY Galaxy's last night so hopefully that'll be useful.
Maybe If I ask some specific noob questions it'll be easier.
How about this. What the hell do you do with an ANT?
Where do you take them?
Ok on your map when you look at a base it'll show a % on everyone if the base % goes down to 0% the the base goes neutral. Or if you hack and before the hack is complete the base goes to 0% the hack will fail if you dont recharge the base fast. Thats what ANTs do. You take them inside a warpbubble and go to the back and deploy them now wait and they'll charge and then undeploy it take it to a base and look around the base (not in the bulding) and you'll see a meter go and deploy the charged ANT there and it'll give energy to the base. Remember to deploy it in a warpbubble first and make sure the NTU level is full (you'll see a NTU level meter when your in the ANT and the part thats green means its charged the part thats grey means its not.
2003-08-29, 02:20 PM
Ahhh! Okay, you take the ANTs to the warpbubble then. *nods*
I'll remember that if I ever see any facilities of ours low.
Okay, for you Reaver Pilots, do you recommend going with all missiles and no 20 mm ammo?
Also, are lockers actually useful at all? It seems to me that it would just be easier to stop at a terminal and pick up all new stuff.
Also, last night I was operating a turret gun and shooting in a battle. After a while I automatically got out and it had a red circle with an x-through it, the turret was not destroyed but I couldn't get back in. I walked down to the next one and got in that one. Anybody know why this happened?
Originally Posted by Nimbus
Okay, for you Reaver Pilots, do you recommend going with all missiles and no 20 mm ammo?
I don't recommand that I think you should carry both types of ammo.
Originally Posted by Nimbus
are lockers actually useful at all?
Yes they are usefull lets say you spawn in a tower and it gets taken over right then (this happens a lot) you can't use the terminals anymore to get weapons so you could go to a locker and get something out to use. And also you could loot a TR or VS body and get some of their guns that you normally can't get cause your NC. But if you get one of there empire-only weapons you must have the certifiction needed to use it. And you can put thoes in your locker.
Example: To use a VS lasher or TR mini-chaingun you must have heavy assault.
What I have in my locker: a mini-chaingun, a lasher, a Guass, a couple of medic packs
Originally Posted by Nimbus
Also, last night I was operating a turret gun and shooting in a battle. After a while I automatically got out and it had a red circle with an x-through it, the turret was not destroyed but I couldn't get back in. I walked down to the next one and got in that one. Anybody know why this happened?
I think it was cause even though it wasn't destroyed it was damaged so much that you could no longer use it this also happens to vehicles so you can no longer drive them. This could also mean that the base was hacked by an enemy empire but in your case it wasn't cause you went to another turret and could use it so it was because it got damaged so much you could no longer use it.
I hope all of this helps
2003-08-29, 02:59 PM
It definately helps. I'm starting to run out of newb questions.
When taking over a facility, do you recommend destroying all the turrets, or just enough so you can get in unhindered?
2003-08-29, 03:14 PM
When you have hacked a base, all the turrets turn off. If you thin that there is a good chance the base may be rehacked, it may be a good idea to blow the turrets if they have not been already. (though, shouldn't you be killing people in this case rather than worrying about shooting turrets? :p)
Originally Posted by Nimbus
When taking over a facility, do you recommend destroying all the turrets, or just enough so you can get in unhindered?
I recommend destroying just enough so you can get in unhindered.
2003-08-29, 03:25 PM
Two words: Virtual Training
Originally posted by FlakMan
Two words: Virtual Training
What are you talking about that doesn't answer his question.
2003-08-29, 04:20 PM
:vssucks: :trsucks: :ncrocks:
well if your looking for an outfit send me a /tell when u are on. my name is STEALTHKILLER.
(like u didnt already guess:p :p :p :p :p )
2003-08-29, 04:32 PM
I've done a lot of virtual training already. I've tested most of the vehicles, positions and firearms.
Thanks for the tips on the autoturrets. You're right about how I should be focusing on enemies and thats actually the reason I asked. If the turrets are auto firing they can tear up friendly aircraft and vehicles coming to help and should an enemy manage to man one they have a tendancy to turn inward and fire on people in the courtyard. Of course, should you take over the facility and they are all broken, then they can't help you either.
A couple times last night I was gunned down by autoturrets as I was trying to afterburn away or even trying to land in the courtyard.
Any recommended armor and weapon certs for a character primarily focusing on piloting aircraft?
2003-08-29, 04:34 PM
Looks like a lot of you play on Emerald. I'm tempted to switch over. I'm not real skilled on my current server and all the outfits I've encountered so far are french only.
2003-08-29, 10:55 PM
At it's peak hours, Emerald is the biggest server there is. Meaning that it has the most people in it.
As for destroying turrets, well, that depends. But if the hack is secured by your side, destroying turrets is also like depleting NTU's Not a good idea to deplete the NTU's. Unless an ANT is there or on the way. But that's just my pennies in the jar.
Originally posted by STEALTHKILLER
:vssucks: :trsucks: :ncrocks:
well if your looking for an outfit send me a /teel when u are on. my name is STEALTHKILLER.
(like u didnt already guess:p :p :p :p :p )
It's /tell or /t not /teel.
2003-08-30, 12:02 AM
Oh, go easy on these youngsters who can't spell. They are probably hyped up on Caffeine. *LOL* I know I get jittery after a few cans of coke. Then I can't sit still, nor type.
2003-08-30, 12:14 AM
imo picking up MA (medium assualt) as your 1st cert is the best thing you can do unless you want to be a cloaker. you need something that gets you away from SA (standard assualt). you will always hear lasher this, mcg that, jh hit me with a wiffle bat, but MA allows you to tangle and usually win against all of them outside. which is where you will be when you're out of your vehicle, which will happen often. i'm not a pilot but i thought engineering would be a good idea instead of a 2nd vehicle cert.
2003-08-30, 12:21 AM
I suggest Engineering. I've had Engineering for probably half my gaming time, and let me say, it's really helped. Not only myself, but others, keeping their vehicles and even their armor up to full.
2003-08-30, 12:55 AM
this sign below is all i have to say
2003-08-30, 12:58 AM
ok well its good to see we have some spam! Wonderfully adding to the thread, its SCARPAS!!!!!! YAY!
2003-08-30, 10:27 AM
i know i misspeled i just changed it. like i said before. if u need a outfit send me a /tell when u are on. ill be on around 3 today.
my outfit is the largest on the server "The Death Legion" please tell me u people on Konried sever had herd of it before
2003-08-30, 11:40 AM
Well, I started on Emerald. Accidentally accepted a request to join an outfit so I'll stay in it for now. Ghost of the Old Republic or something like that. It's just nice to be able to get into squads and talk to people.
I have medium assault. I generally either take the rifle with the grenade launcher loaded with missiles or the shotgun. I've found the shotgun allows me to tangle pretty good with most other ground troops and I dropped a MAX solo. He was freaking out and I was strafing circles around him.
I find ground battles to be...difficult. I usually get fired on from 3 or 4 places at once so I have a hard time with it.
I'm getting good with the reaver. I generally swoop through at about 60 kph and unleash a missile barrage and then afterburn out. I got 5 kills on one pass last night. However, it's really hard to fight solo. I was taken out by one little dick with an assault rifle. I unloaded 2 full sets of missiles and 100 20mm rounds without killing him.
I found that my outfit generally goes to the hotspots which i find to be problematic. Either we're sweeping through with little to no opposition or it's two huge zerg forces slamming into each other and it starts to lag badly when I try to swoop over in my reaver.
2003-08-30, 12:05 PM
:vssucks: :trsucks: :ncrocks:
well play your char on koinerd 2. i have 2 char each on koinerd. my outfit just doesnt go 2 hotspots. we go 2 conts that we want 2. its yssally cyssor or hossin. sometimes solsor. plus youll fit right in. we have a fly squad led by ninjutsu. its for reavers skeeters and 1 lib pilot sometimes. its relly fun. i like 2 use a reaver with nutin but rockets. that is 96:eek: rockets:eek: . the reason he didnt die is becuse he had a helth cheat. [section on how the cheat works has been removed by admin].
the only thing that can hurt u is falloing down the stairs. are outfit is a relly big 1 close 2 500. and coming up on the outfit leader points *:mad: die :mad: you :mad: knights :mad: of :mad: orin :mad:* we have enough people were we always have a squad going. well send me a /tell 2 1 of my chars next time your on korined.
2003-08-30, 06:17 PM
umm is there a admin out there? stealthkiller just told more ppl how to do the exploit.
Terran Sniper
2003-08-30, 07:05 PM
Medum assault
Agile Exosuit
Reinforced Exosuit
Combat Engineering
Advanced Mobile Station
Originally posted by Flammey
Oh, go easy on these youngsters who can't spell. They are probably hyped up on Caffeine. *LOL* I know I get jittery after a few cans of coke. Then I can't sit still, nor type.
They aren't youngsters to me I'm only 12.
Originally posted by scarpas
this sign below is all i have to say
The NC don't suck.
2003-08-31, 08:37 AM
:vssucks: :trsucks: :ncrocks:
there u go, i forgot about that. sent in a bug report, but i dont know if they fixed it or not.
2003-08-31, 09:52 AM
They'll have to test it n'stuff first.
I dunno if I'm still going to go with the Galaxy. I have a real hard time filling just the gunner seats in one and there are usually other pilots about if you ask. I may go with the Liberator instead. I was ass-gunning in one last night and it was a blast.
2003-08-31, 11:31 AM
It was supposedly fixed a few patches back but it still happens so i guess we will have to stick with it until its fixed:furious:
2003-09-01, 01:31 AM
My Certs:
BR 14
CR 2
Medium Assault
Sparrow (AA) MAX
Advanced Medical
Overall, I'd call this setup "Moble Assault". It offers a good blend of solid firepower with multi-passenger mobility and the ability to take on vehicles both in the air and on the ground. Combine that with some armor setups that utilize both Agile and Reinforced, along with Medkits and grenades and you have a solid setup.
2003-09-01, 09:19 AM
:vssucks: :trsucks: :ncrocks:
i suggest u dont go with a gal. youll always have a squad, but all youll realy be doing is picking ppl up, taking them 2 there destanation, landing gal far away and repairing. then staying with the gal. u might do the occansionl sucide run with a gal.
2003-09-01, 12:47 PM
I know, and agree. I still like the liberator better.
I think I'm going to work on hacking at the moment though. All too often I end up in seemingly empty facilities in empty territory. I'd like to be able to take them myself or at least have access to equipment and vehicles.
2003-09-01, 02:07 PM
If you go with hacking I suggest you go all the way to Adv Hacking. Thats 5 points. So if you don't have that yet, then don't bother with hacking till you have it.
By that I mean don't spend 3 points on hacking until you have 2 to put to Adv Hacking. Those 3 points can go to AV certs, support certs, another vehicle, MAX suit, etc until you can afford Adv Hacking.
In a previous post you mentioned possibly getting a Mosquito. There are several reasons this plane is quite popular.
1> Base/Tower turrets don't auto-fire on them.
2> Tech Center not required for a Mosquito.
3> Able to detect movement when flying at slower speeds.
As you can see the "Skeeter" makes a nice scouting aircraft. Great for seeking out enemy AMSs along with scouting resistance at an enemy base.
With your interest in Hacking -- Adv Hacking + Mosquito make a good combo for tower hacking.
2003-09-01, 02:52 PM
Hey thanks. Thats some valuable info on the skeeter that I didn't know and I'll take your advice on the hacking.
Now I finally have another dumb Noob question.
I've participated in the hacking of several facilities, but I don't really know how it works I know you need to hack the main console but what's with these LLUs?
2003-09-01, 04:18 PM
First, look at the map. You'll notice that different bases have different icons near their name. The ones that look like clocks are time hack bases. For this to work, a person (any person with a REK, whether or not they have the hacking/adv hacking certs) makes his/her way to the CC and hacks it.
Then it goes through a 15 minute countdown, during which the base must be defended. Once the 15 minutes are up, the base becomes your empire's.
The defending army needs only to make their way to the CC and rehack it to resecure the base.
The other icon is one that resembles a flag. This is a LLU base. As before, someone hacks the CC, but instead of a countdown, an object known as the LLU spawns in the base (its location depends on the type of facility). Any non-max armor can carry it (though if a cloaker grabs it, his cloak is disabled). The objective is to bring the LLU to a friendly base one lattice link away.
The problems are:
a) the carrier starts glowing brightly
b) he appears on the map as a glowing dot
c) he cannot drive any vehicle
d) he cannot ride in any air vehicle
e) he has a 15 minute time limit
To capture the base, he brings the LLU to the nearby friendly facility's CC.
The defending empire has two methods to prevent the hack:
a) they must kill the LLU carrier, and "camp" it (defending empire cannot pick up the LLU) until the 15 minute time limit is up.
b) they must make their way to the hacked base's CC and rehack it.
Hope this helps :)
2003-09-02, 04:11 PM
One thing you should know. With the Hacking cert, not adv hacking, you can still jack vehicles. It's painfully slow though.
2003-09-02, 04:14 PM
:vssucks: :trsucks: :ncrocks:
:nod: :nod: :nod: :nod: :nod: :nod: :nod: :nod:
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