View Full Version : Suicide Bombers
2003-01-08, 10:33 PM
I dont like terrorists but can we have them in PS? War is War, Suicide Bombers would rock!:nazi:
Cloaked and get in, BOOM BOOM BOOM!!!!!!!!!!(only in the game, the real thing is Cowardice and BS, I'd stab you in the eye with an ICEPICK if I could)
you'd have to find their eye first
2003-01-08, 10:34 PM
the only ship you can cloak is the wriath, and 4x4 atv type vehicle, and if you tried to suicide bomb with an aircraft comming, they would just see you and shoot you down.
2003-01-08, 10:36 PM
2003-01-08, 10:40 PM
I dont think so.
Camping Carl
2003-01-08, 10:43 PM
One of my favorite tactics in C&C Renegade was planting dozens of proximity mines all over the front of a jeep and driving torward a group of enemy soldiers. Just before I would hit them, KABOOM!!! Could work with the stealth quad, right?
2003-01-08, 11:28 PM
lol, a car bombper, or bumber, or bomper...
The Prudential
2003-01-09, 12:19 AM
I don't think that would be a really useful tactic. Even if you were stealthed, if you killed guys inside a base, how many could you get with the capacity restrictions the stealth armor places on you? Also suicide bombers are a political tactic, not a military one. Militarily suicide bombers have rarely been effective. Only the Japanese kamikaze pilots of World War II were somewhat effective, but not nearly as effective as trained pilots would have been. After all, the reason the Japanese had to resort to kamikazes was simply due to the fact that they were running out of well trained and experienced pilots.
Camping Carl
2003-01-09, 01:06 AM
No way! I think suicide bombings with quads would be an extremely effective way of destroying max suits! A couple of proximity mines on the front, then rush at it from behind...
Peice of cake really. The only problem is that you might not be able to plant proximity mines on vehicals.
2003-01-09, 02:21 AM
Well what about a cloaker in an enemy base and planting mines all around the major gathering area then BAM!!!! Set em off one way or another?
Dayum gimme some C4 like Rogue Spear!
:mad: :mad: :mad:
2003-01-09, 04:35 AM
Only the Japanese kamikaze pilots of World War II were somewhat effective, but not nearly as effective as trained pilots would have been.
If the Kamikaze hit its target (a ship) before getting shot down, it inflicted serious damage. They were arguably more effective than if the pilot were just shooting, because the US's only way of reaching Japan and striking was through its Naval vessels. Destroy the Navy, and you buy yourself some time, which is just what the **** were hoping for.
Naturally, it didn't work, and they got smoked. But, hey.
Oh, and, suicide bombing in PS would be a lame way to fight, so even if it were possible, they'd limit it as much as they could. There's absolutely nothing fun about some retard with a bomb running up to you and blowing up. It's fun for him, because he's a dick, but for the guys who get blown up, it's just irritating as hell.
2003-01-09, 05:07 AM
You could always run towards your enemy holding a grenade, and not letting go of it ;)
Maby 2, one in each hand (akimbo mod any one?)
2003-01-09, 05:42 AM
I am Not a DICK, if you meant that tward me(If Not Ignore).
Just an idea, I love warfare games along with all the crazy shit that goes on with it. Creativity ROCKS.
And I hate Suicide bombers, dont preach to me. Like he said,
9-11 Never FORGIVE, Never FORGET!
I just want to play PS and have fun. So all is fair in game/war!
2003-01-09, 05:44 AM
2003-01-09, 05:52 AM
AND, PS. WARBORN? where you calling me a dick????
I had friends in NY. I would stab a terrorist in the heart if I could. Dont take me wrong bro.
I would SUICIDE BOMB OSAMA's CAMP, if I could.
Sacrafice one for the many. Peace out.
2003-01-09, 06:00 AM
Originally posted by Revolution
And I hate Suicide bombers, dont preach to me
Originally posted by Revolution
I would SUICIDE BOMB OSAMA's CAMP, if I could
Edit: no worth sinking down to their level. Suicide bombers are the scum of the earth
2003-01-09, 06:02 AM
...? psycho..
2003-01-09, 10:39 AM
Blitz you are doing a CNN enterview now. Take the quotes and manipulated them.
But its ok.I FORGIVE YOU, YOUR MAD AT YOUR DAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yes I a lil upset bout the whole scene. But I dont make you look like an a-hole. So dont do me like that please.
Hey Buddy who won the Jets game?
2003-01-09, 10:53 AM
It wasn't my intention to make you look like an
You do that fine on your own :D
seriously now, you gotta chill, relax :cool:
2003-01-09, 12:35 PM
Sounds like someone was dropped on floor once to many times.
2003-01-09, 01:00 PM
Originally posted by Blitzkrieg
It wasn't my intention to make you look like an
You do that fine on your own :D
2003-01-09, 01:19 PM
So I was playing SoF2 one night and the map was Hong Kong Streets. I had climbed up onto a balcony and was looking for enemys and got board.
I saw one of my buddys run by and he was underneath the balcony I was on so I grabbed a grenade and just held it. At the last second I screamed "FOR ALLAH!!!!" over team speak and in chat and jumped off the balcony.
About the time I should of been landing on him he moved and I landed on some other guy. Well my little experiment with Suicide bombing worked and and I TK'd 2 people.
Everyone on TeamSpeak thought it was the funnyest thing, but for some reason the guy I blew up didn't see the humor in it :rolleyes:
2003-01-09, 01:30 PM
:mad: That's because it was me you ass! :lol: j/k
2003-01-09, 02:49 PM
lmao, for allah, lol
2003-01-09, 03:18 PM
Nah, Revolution, I wasn't calling you a dick. Only people who do nothing but ram their aircraft or jeep into you in BF1942, or would ever think of doing the little suicide thing you described above, where you run into a base and blow yourself up to kill other players, would count as a dick. After all, those kinds of people have absolutely no regard for other people when playing a game, and are willing to do anything to satisfy their most base and loathsome definitions of entertainment, despite the fact that to do their little dance requires them to step on the toes of others. So, no, my good man, I would never dream of calling you a dick, for I can sense your strong moral fibre, and your every post simply... oozes... integrity.
2003-01-09, 03:35 PM
mmm sarcasm :chomp:
There are certain situations that might warrant a suicide run though. Can't really think of any off the top of my head but the need for one might arise in a game.
It is also a game so if you're getting bent out of shape because someone blows themselves up to take out some people you need to realize that you're taking it way too seriously. Not saying everyone should start suicide bombing but you can't let it ruin your fun. If they choose to do nothing but blow themselves up it's their choice no matter how stupid it is. :)
Camping Carl
2003-01-09, 04:12 PM
What's the matter warborn? Scared of the kamikazi buggy? :D
2003-01-09, 04:49 PM
What's the matter warborn? Scared of the kamikazi buggy? :D
Scared that I share the same species with the kind of wanker who goes out of his way to ram a vehicle into you.
2003-01-09, 04:53 PM
tis all part pf was mein freundin but not wanting to get dragged into many other peeps play cnc renegade cus i reackoin thats probs quite like ps in most forms
i wdnt know exactly bt the flyin n driving probs are.
2003-01-09, 04:58 PM
Originally posted by Warborn
Scared that I share the same species with the kind of wanker who goes out of his way to ram a vehicle into you.
Mostly because the rest of the game is too easy. I used to get a roommate/friend on LAN here and we'd just jeep on some of the bigger maps. It's quite hillarious.
I think highest we ever got with it was about 22 jeep kills the both of us on one map though.
2003-01-09, 04:58 PM
/me sends zanz spell check
2003-01-09, 04:59 PM
Originally posted by Warborn
Scared that I share the same species with the kind of wanker who goes out of his way to ram a vehicle into you.
LMAO! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :D :hug:
2003-01-09, 05:09 PM
Let me clarify: The only way I find it disdainful to use a vehicle as a ramming weapon is if the person doing the ramming will very likely be killed. Running down infantry is perfectly fine in BF1942. It's stuff like ramming a jeep into a tank, destroying both vehicles, that make the game stupid. That very problem is actually why the devs made jeeps insta-kill to a tank if the tank gets a direct hit on the jeep.
2003-01-09, 05:19 PM
When I went HO in Tribes 2 I considered every run a Suicide run because 9 times out of 10 blowing up the gens ment blowing up myself with them.
Camping Carl
2003-01-09, 05:35 PM
Aww... come on. It's fun to kamakazi every now and then. As long as you kill vanu scum in the process.
2003-01-09, 09:25 PM
There are reasons to go suiside, but not inside of bases.
Out on the field, a member of a group may find it necisary to detonate within a group of enemys in order to take a lot of them with him.
However, if the suiside only results in one kill, and is done repetatively in this maner, it is officaly being a dickhead in my book.
Use of this tactict would encourage people not to pack into small areas. Intelegent groups will likely move in a way that only one person would be killed by a suiside atack, and maybe another injured.
This can also be avoided by geting someone with Dark Light Vision to hunt down steathing kamakazies before they get too close.
2003-01-09, 09:30 PM
If you're in a base and you're going to get killed why not suicide and take out a couple of guys. Die peacefully? or go out with a big bang?
2003-01-09, 09:42 PM
It is essentialy useless inside a base because anyone you kill will respawn there, and anyone you injure can get repaired easaly.
2003-01-09, 10:05 PM
But my favorite tactic in BF1942 was to get a jeep and ram those truck things that were carrying people and tanks. First time playing, me and a friend kept doing that, but we'd eject the moment before the jeep hit the tank, as to not die. We'd also try to see if we could ram an airplane. The answer is yes.
2003-01-10, 01:49 AM
Originally posted by Camping Carl
Aww... come on. It's fun to kamakazi every now and then. As long as you kill vanu scum in the process.
:lol: :rofl: :lol:
2003-01-10, 02:07 AM
You are missing the Banzi Charge from WWII.. Even if 1 person who is doing a Banzi Charge with a combat knife running towards 3 max armors or anything else with a gun is an insane maniac. The 10 seconds it would take to target the guy and cut him to shreds An infiltration suit person or a lot of other people would hopefully be able to flank the enemy because they are laughing at the guy with a combat knife running towards them and then he gets cut down.
A simple but possably an effective tatic :)
Might even work if the guy is holding a grenade.
2003-01-10, 03:59 AM
WORD!!!!!!!! Campin Carl!
2003-01-10, 05:24 AM
However, if the suiside only results in one kill, and is done repetatively in this maner, it is officaly being a dickhead in my book.
Da. This is what I have a problem with, whether my description lead people to believe so or otherwise. It's just no fun to fight these people, and it's probably very meager fun for them also (unless they're an immature pissant who gets off on being a bastard).
2003-01-10, 05:43 AM
hehe a different aspect is not suiciding just using grenades. GOD I love those little bundles of luvmetal! Especially when I sneak up, lob one at a lil group of people, then go FULL AUTO or Run like Hell !
Spray and Pray!
2003-01-10, 05:59 AM
(crappy 70s music in the background)
:thumbsup: RIGHT ON :thumbsup:
2003-01-10, 01:24 PM
Scared that I share the same species with the kind of wanker who goes out of his way to ram a vehicle into you.
anyway in battlefield 1942 i go out of my way to suicide run people i mean it's funny!
2003-01-10, 01:58 PM
It's funny because you're an idiot.
Oh, wait, crap, that was a flame, right? Hrm. Ok, then, what I really meant to say was:
It's funny because you're an idiot.
Goddamn it. This "not flaming people who deserve it" thing is harder than it looks. Oh well.
2003-01-10, 02:48 PM
[i]anyway in battlefield 1942 i go out of my way to suicide run people i mean it's funny! [/B]
i mean uuum NO ITS NOT!!!
2003-01-10, 02:51 PM
*cough cough* *asshole* *cough cough*
2003-01-10, 07:54 PM
But in situations where you are just vastly outnumbered this could be the one saving move that leaves the enemy unable to take a base. I mean I only rammed jeeps into enemy tanks when the teams were 1 to 5.
But I mean if there are around 4 or 5 people guarding a base, and 20 people come out to attack, if one of the guards rushes in, blows up several people and weakens the AMS or destroys it, the enemy will be forced to either retreat until they bring another one down and by that time you might get reinforcements.
The Prudential
2003-01-10, 08:34 PM
This is absurd. Suicide bombing with grenades is pointless. Hey guys, why don't you just THROW the grenades like your supposed to. You can kill just as many people and you'll live longer.
2003-01-10, 08:43 PM
Less time to dodge the grenade if it explodes right next to them right away. If you throw it it gives them time to react. If you run up behind them and blow up it gives them a little less time and you have the element of surprise with you.
2003-01-10, 08:45 PM
Originally posted by The Prudential
This is absurd. Suicide bombing with grenades is pointless. Hey guys, why don't you just THROW the grenades like your supposed to. You can kill just as many people and you'll live longer.
They realize that they screwed up at the last second, and to get the last laugh, they try and kill themself and their attackers along with them. Virtually everytime this happens, you'll see the suicider issue an "lol" after the fact. Yep, any trained ape can ram a jeep into someone or blow themself and others up with a grenade, but these special people take pride in it.
And to the above posts which describe suicide kills as a sort of last resort, if you're in a situation where suicide killing is your only resort, it's very likely that you and your allies screwed up several times during the fight, or you're just totally outclassed. In either scenario, I'd recommend dying with dignity and figuring out how not to get yourself in that situation again.
But, just to ease the situation somewhat, using vehicles as weapons where you aren't jumping out at the last second, or you aren't killing yourself too, is fine. For instance, in BF1942 it's a good idea to use jeeps to conceal explosives. The tank will roll right by the jeep, not seeing the explosives underneath it, and then you detonate it, killing the tank and any enemy infantry nearby. This is a good way of using a vehicle as a weapon. Ramming it into the tank instead is really just a cheap, no-skill way of saying "I suck" to everyone in the game.
2003-01-10, 09:05 PM
Just because suicide bombing is stupid doesnt mean its not fun. take a cue from camping carl.
2003-01-10, 09:07 PM
Just something I thought would go along just fine with your idea's Warborn. If you had some vehicles that were not need you could perhaps leave them outside unattended or even in the base if they storm it and just leave several mines near the vehicles. That way even if they win, you'll be making sure they keep paying for it.
2003-01-10, 09:08 PM
If it's a last resort you've obviously done something wrong. Screw dying with dignity you take out as many people as you can in the process. This game isn't about class it's about conquering and killing. Having class is great but the bottomline is you need to kill your enemy by any means possible. Whether it be through suicide bombing or ramming your jeep into someone it doesn't matter. The object is to kill not make sure everyone is happy with the way they died.
This conversation is idiotic and pointless at best. Who the hell cares how someone got killed. They got killed and that's it, end of story. Doesn't mean the person who killed them was more skilled it just means they died. Quit bitching over how lame it is and just play the damn game. You don't like it watch your ass next time. If you can't spot a tank or a jeep heading at you your blind. If it's cloaked that's one thing but if you dont see an uncloaked vehicle you need to be more aware. As for someone running up behind you and suicide bombing watch your ass. Not going to save you everytime but you need to realize that people will be very underhanded and do some sneaky ass shit in very desperate situations most likely because they fucked up somewhere along the line. If you can take someone down with you more power to you.
Camping Carl
2003-01-10, 09:20 PM
Goddamn it. This "not flaming people who deserve it" thing is harder than it looks. Oh well.
It's hard because you're an idiot.
Revolution, I had friends and relatives in NY. Im not really mad. Piss off, youll see them again. Oh yeah, did i mention i forgive them?
2003-01-11, 12:00 AM
Originally posted by Khortez
Just something I thought would go along just fine with your idea's Warborn. If you had some vehicles that were not need you could perhaps leave them outside unattended or even in the base if they storm it and just leave several mines near the vehicles. That way even if they win, you'll be making sure they keep paying for it.
Sounds good to me.
This conversation is idiotic and pointless at best. Who the hell cares how someone got killed. They got killed and that's it, end of story.
So I suppose you're against their "Grief Point" system then, hm? After all, it's just a game. It's your fault if you died. Watch your own ass next time. Etc etc.
If you can take someone down with you more power to you.
Maybe in real life, but in the game, they'll spawn shortly thereafter. You're just making them waste a little time. But, I suppose this is really just a match of perference, so we'll call it a draw.
It's hard because you're an idiot.
No, I'm just jaded with it all, but I understand -- despite the attempt at a witty response -- that you were really trying to say that you don't like me. So come on, if you want to express your dislike for me, do it in a way that doesn't involve failed wit and baseless attacks.
Guardian AngeL
2003-01-11, 09:12 AM
i hope the grief system works good
Camping Carl
2003-01-11, 01:58 PM
No, I'm just jaded with it all, but I understand -- despite the attempt at a witty response -- that you were really trying to say that you don't like me. So come on, if you want to express your dislike for me, do it in a way that doesn't involve failed wit and baseless attacks.
Heh, touched a nerve, did I warborn? But seriously, I don't dislike you, nor was my statement baseless. And if you don't understand that, perhaps there's more truth to my claim of you being an idiot than even I suspected.
2003-01-11, 02:18 PM
Nah, no nerves to be touched. You were attempting to turn my words back on me by calling me an idiot, where I just called the guy who enjoys crashing vehicles into other people one. A nice attempt, but really sort of weak, given the fact that I'm not an idiot.
But, maybe it's just my geography. Perhaps where you come from, people who like one another attempt to call each other an idiot for... well, fun, maybe? Either way, I'm seeing you struggle to insult me, but without any real gain for you. Unless I'm mistaken, I haven't confronted you in this thead, so it must be something I said earlier. And, you know, just as a friendly reminder, there's really always the Private Message method if you absolutely must get something off your chest.
Hint hint.
Camping Carl
2003-01-11, 02:48 PM
Originally posted by Warborn
Nah, no nerves to be touched. You were attempting to turn my words back on me by calling me an idiot, where I just called the guy who enjoys crashing vehicles into other people one. A nice attempt, but really sort of weak, given the fact that I'm not an idiot.
But, maybe it's just my geography. Perhaps where you come from, people who like one another attempt to call each other an idiot for... well, fun, maybe? Either way, I'm seeing you struggle to insult me, but without any real gain for you. Unless I'm mistaken, I haven't confronted you in this thead, so it must be something I said earlier. And, you know, just as a friendly reminder, there's really always the Private Message method if you absolutely must get something off your chest.
Hint hint.
:lol: I think you're reading my replies wrong, or perhaps you want an argument. I'm not going to engage in a flame war with you warborn, tho it's painfully obvious that's exactly what you want.
And its not that you've confronted me on a previous thread, its more like you confront everyone on every thread, often without good reason.
I'm seeing you struggle to insult me, but without any real gain for you.
I should be saying this to you (tho I haven't), not the other way around.
Back to the topic,
An effective tactic would probably placing mines on reavers, and crashing them just before getting shot down, thus taking some enemies with you. Anyone agree?
2003-01-11, 03:17 PM
When I started this thread I was trying to make a valid possible tactice. As always there are going to be people who disagree. Such would be CAMPING(Not You Carl, Fellow NC warrior) I am sure we are all aware what camping is and how it can slow a game down and make it NOT AT ALL fun for some of us in a game, and REALLY fun for some of us in a game.
But such a high spawn rate MMOG warfare game where you dont have to worry about money to get a weapon, not to mention no penalty but a few minutes of being MIA and go back into the battle, and it is a game, whatever tactics you use should be fine as long as you make it fun. For YOU and your IG or RL friends playing.
In AC I could not stand getting raped by Bloods all the time they seem to be everywhere. But I got my friends joined a guild, and woo hoo!!!! TIME TO A#$ RAPE Ourselves! And it was great! Even when we did die, I died with my fellow warriors.
Cheating I hate, maybe even ALL expoits. But Tactics that confuse, are not understood, baffle the enemy be it they have no clue what you did or are doing, whatever, now Thats Fun!
Its about IG friends, Fun, Kickin ass, getting your ass kicked, and being a bad ass player that the Vanu Scum FEAR!!!!(ops went to far on the Vanu/Raelians.
I have a feeling someone will argue some of this but, in reality you cannot because that is how I SEE a game and its my opinion, IN MY OPINION. You can have your own. So if you must Quote/flame, make it your OPINION because that is all it is, and can be. It cannot be wrong or right, just opinions.
Damn, when did I learn how to type??
2003-01-11, 03:30 PM
Camping Carl,
You seem really mixed up. First you call me an idiot, then you say you don't dislike me, then you're saying "And its not that you've confronted me on a previous thread, its more like you confront everyone on every thread, often without good reason". Full of contradictions today, aren't we?
I'm not going to engage in a flame war with you warborn, tho it's painfully obvious that's exactly what you want.
You know, I'm really never one to say this, but Christ man, are you sure you have your head screwed on properly? I don't believe I even mentioned you prior to the post in which you called me an idiot, yet I'm the one looking for a flame war? Heh, alright bud, whatever you say.
I should be saying this to you (tho I haven't), not the other way around.
One thing about my "flames" is that I very rarely ever attack the person directly. I find it a rather flimsy way to argue, and really, it's not very productive at all. As such, I can guarentee you that I haven't insulted you directly my entire time here. I might have called Dio something, and I obviously called Revolution an idiot, but I don't recall ever saying anything to you.
So, tell me, what is it that I've said that's gotten you all mixed up like this? And no, you haven't hit a nerve or whatever. I'm genuinely curious, and would really like to find out where this hostility originated.
2003-01-11, 03:35 PM
But such a high spawn rate MMOG warfare game where you dont have to worry about money to get a weapon, not to mention no penalty but a few minutes of being MIA and go back into the battle...
You'd be absolutely amazed at how annoyed players can get if they die, wait a couple minutes to fight again, spawn, drive out somewhere, and immidiately have someone crash a vehicle into them, killing them and their attacker without any fighting to be had. Just crashing, just dying, and another couple minutes of waiting to get back into the fighting. I'm not talking about the "right" or "wrong" way to fight. There aren't any rules that say you can't crash your vehicle into someone else. What I'm talking about is sportsmanship, and not being a selfish dick whose only concern is your own immidiate entertainment. There are other people playing these games too, and while I'm not about to advocate not killing people or whatever, you should conduct yourself in a way that'll make the game fun for you (real fun, not immature "hiding behind the Internet and being a jackass" fun) and the guys you're fighting. Otherwise, things get bitter, people start hating their enemies, and the game becomes something that no game should ever be (irritating, frustrating, and a conduit for your anger).
Camping Carl
2003-01-11, 03:55 PM
::ingnores warborn's continued attempts at arguement::
You're right, revolution, kamakazi is a valid tactic. And I don't understand why people protest it. Any battlefield strategy that works well should be allowed, and those who are defeated have no right to complain. It's their fault for not thinking up an effective counter-strategy.
2003-01-11, 03:58 PM
KAMIKAZE! Kamikaze is probably the best tactic ever, run in, blow shit up. 'Nuff said.
Running vehicles into people and walls to get rid of them and kill a few people works really well, but there are disadvantages to kamikazis too, you have to spawn way the hell away from the place you're attacking when you do it. :p
Camping Carl
2003-01-11, 04:05 PM
there are disadvantages to kamikazis too, you have to spawn way the hell away from the place you're attacking when you do it.
Well... it's only if you're going to die anyways, right? Tho yeah, it does suck having to travel back to a fight.
2003-01-11, 04:06 PM
I hope PS doesn't have effective suicide bombing.
BF1942 Jeep ramming is stupid, but that is not the fault of idiotic players, it's the fault of idiotic programmers.
2003-01-11, 04:13 PM
::ingnores warborn's continued attempts at arguement::
You know what, I don't care. Seriously, you're acting so screwed up that I don't even think it's worth seeing what you'd have to say anyway.
BF1942 Jeep ramming is stupid, but that is not the fault of idiotic players, it's the fault of idiotic programmers.
I agree. The tank should suffer minimal damage from the jeep, while the jeep should be destroyed. They made an extremely poor design decision with how jeep - tank collisions work.
2003-01-12, 10:33 AM
Ummm yes it is VERY VERY VERY FUNNY as it's only a game and people take it too far by crying about things like this i mean it's a game and it's not as if i'm gonna do it in ps lol i'de be banned!!.
2003-01-12, 11:01 AM
I agree. The tank should suffer minimal damage from the jeep, while the jeep should be destroyed. They made an extremely poor design decision with how jeep - tank collisions work.
It does take minimal damage, but you can put some mines on it.
2003-01-12, 12:26 PM
i did'nt know that....thx i'#ll try that one out now 8)
2003-01-12, 03:51 PM
I certainly hope someoen in a wraith cant ram a MAX suit and kill it, and only take 1% damage themselves (*cough BF1942*, jeeps were friggin stupid)
2003-01-12, 10:26 PM
It does take minimal damage, but you can put some mines on it.
Nah, the jeep will hit the tank, the tank will be barely scratched, and then the jeep blows up, destroying the tank, or at least severely damaging it. It's not the collision, it's the explosion that results shortly afterward.
Ummm yes it is VERY VERY VERY FUNNY as it's only a game and people take it too far by crying about things like this i mean it's a game and it's not as if i'm gonna do it in ps lol i'de be banned!!.
Games are suppose to be fun. If they're not fun, there's a slight problem afoot. While the vehicle-crashing thing in BF1942 is/was the worst aspect of the game, in my view, it didn't ruin the game, but I generally end up dropping the game for a couple months after some guy on my team drives his jeep out in front of all your aircraft which are attempting to take off, or using grenades to try and blow you offer carriers so that you need to spend a few minutes swimming back up on it. It is a game, and when there are obvious conduits for people to be smacktards, things start being less and less fun -- which is not exactly a step in the right direction.
2003-01-13, 08:37 AM
I'll tell you what everyone. This is what blows more than being killed, and having to travel back.
Asheron's Call. When you DIE, you got VP, meaning a good 10 Minutes at LEAST to work it off!(thats only one death)
If I could make a Suicide Run and only worry about the space between me and the battle, Oh HELL YEA!
Besides any really good battle should have a Mobile base near if not 4 of them surrounding the base you are attacking. You get killed, fine! Gives me time to walk to the kitchen, get some chips, and a beer! Take a few sips, eat some chips, and go kill some more!
PERFECT! Dont know how annoying it is to be in combat when you cant hit pause to take a leak or get a drink. The only waiting time for death is PERFECT!
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