View Full Version : Do any females play this game?
2003-08-29, 11:58 PM
I'm actually interested to know the answer to that question. I played MOHAA for 16 months, and it was rare to see a female gamer, and ever rarer to see a good female opponent. I'm just interested to see what the percentage of males to female is. But that would be extremely hard to bring about, as not everyone would tell the truth, or even post their gender.
There's only the disturbed guys that want to live life as a girl.
2003-08-30, 12:19 AM
I'm sure there are some women, but most arent willing to admit they are women because of threads like this.
2003-08-30, 12:31 AM
*LOL* Yeah, I'm sure that's the reason.
"You just hit me where I live
I guess I look quite primative
What was that supposed to prove?
Throw the call or he'll throw you"
-Tragically Hip
2003-08-30, 12:43 AM
My outfit (Phoenix Legion) on johari actually has quite a few females in there, how do we know? we use TeamSpeak.
2003-08-30, 12:55 AM
I think Team Speak is very invaluable to PS. I hate typing everything. I also hate getting typekilled.
2003-08-30, 12:59 AM
But sadly not enough people know/ Dont use it!!!!
I wish for just once, I could get everyone into TS for the squad!! Comon, a mic usually come with the computer!!!!
Lucia on VS Konried has like 21k kills to, doesnt play much either...
She scares me.
2003-08-30, 02:14 AM
My wife played for a bit, got her infiltrator character up to BR 10 but she hasn't played in a few weeks at least, I think she's done with it, I think she's back to playing myst and riven or maybe siberia, some crap game like that. I'm impressed I even got her to get into PS enough to get her character to BR 10.
Is there anyway to change a characters name? I'd love to fool around with making her char a sniper or something like that.
2003-08-30, 02:17 AM
I dont think you can change the name.
But ive seen some chicks but ALOY of guys playing as chicks, which is always freaky......
2003-08-30, 02:27 AM
I dont think women are into the FPS as much as men are. I come from a RPG background and thats where the majority of your female gamer population resides.
2003-08-30, 03:22 AM
About 90% of gamers are male across all genres. FPS abd other action games are a high male percentage 95% or higher
MMORPGs are around 85%
Games like Riven are much closer, like 50-60%
2003-08-30, 03:52 AM
Sputty speaks the truth.
NightWalker XI
2003-08-30, 06:04 AM
My previous outfit had a girl in it, she had a lovely voice too :)
2003-08-30, 08:29 AM
Our outfit actually has 2-3 wives who play with their husbands. We also have 1-2 additional females (this has been verified to some extent, so we aren't just assuming here). However, I think it's obvious that the majority of your players are going to be male. So in the end it only becomes a big deal because of the huge division in gender #s. IMO really not worth stressing over. If it is fun, play the game. Nothing else should matter.
2003-08-30, 09:13 AM
Reminds me of a article i read a while back that was written by a female on her perspective on online gaming. She said that whenever a group of people would find out she was female she would get a few different responses.
1: some guys would be cool with it, FIDO (F*ck it drive on)
2: Some guys would start asking "are you really female?" over and over until they finally believed her. At this point they would become the "knight in shining armor" trying to protect her nomatter what, instantly decending on anyone that attacked her, often flaming anyone who did so.
3: Guys who would make rude comments, sexual innuendo and so forth.
For all those reasons she like to choose a name that was not very feminine for her characters and usually didn't advertise that she was female.
I'll have to ask my wife what her experience in PS was, she used a female name for her name, I'm kinda curious now.
2003-08-30, 09:51 AM
:vssucks: :trsucks: :ncrocks:
the reason i dont use team speak becuse of a couple of reasons:
1: its still a little bit bugged and hard 2 hear.
2: not every1 in my outfit has a mike
3: i have cable modem and whenever i use it it gives me like 1000 ping. i mean i get like 10 fps just by running.
and yes there are a lot of females in my outfit.:p
and we know from ther char apperance and the 1 time the teamspeak actuly worked. and we ask people when were curious:D
2003-08-30, 09:53 AM
I have a cable mode and i notice no increase of lag or stoppage in gameplay. Just FYI im using teamspeak 2, not whats built in to Planetside. You can find it at i beleive.
2003-08-30, 09:55 AM
:vssucks: :trsucks: :ncrocks:
that is problyy it. i use the 1 that is built in2 planetside.
2003-08-30, 10:06 AM
:vssucks: :trsucks: :ncrocks:
so all i got 2 do id download the server and client patch, and start it up when i play planetside and it will work?
2003-08-30, 12:29 PM
actually, you just need the client one, the only one who should get the server one is the person who will be hosting the teamspeak server
2003-08-30, 12:30 PM
:vssucks: :trsucks: :ncrocks:
i will be hosting
2003-08-30, 12:41 PM
My outfit uses TS too. Its very helpful. We have about 10 different rooms, Private Chat, General Chat, Special Forces, Command, PS Room, SWG Room, and sometimes MOHAA or RTCW: ET. We have 1 female member in our outfit. She joined about 2 weeks ago, and believe it or not she's pretty hot. and half of us are whipped. :rolleyes:
2003-08-30, 12:56 PM
team speak isn't engineered soley towards ps, it runs independantly of it. 1 person has to d/l the server prog and start a server, then give their IP and TS port number to everyone. the everyone has to d/l the TS client prog, input the IP:port to connect to the server. the amount of b/w it uses is minimal on client side. ppl with 56k can use it and not notice any real increase in ping. on the server side, you better have a good connection if you want to host a few squads on it. voice-con in ps is shit, TS is so much better.
but back on the main topic :p, most ppl would be surprised how many girls are gaming these days. most do play rpg's, but there is alot in fps aswell. some of them pwn too, bless their little hearts :D. any guy who considers girls in gaming to be cheer leaders of sorts deserves a tar and feathering in town square.
there was a girl in my UT clan, who i didn't know was a girl for about a year. use to play with her all the time and chat on icq heaps. use to think to myself "wow this dude is so paranoid, won't tell me what city he lives in, never gives me a pic of himself". then when we finally decided to get RW (Roger Wilco which is a voice-con for those newbies out there :p) i found out she was a girl, and boy did i feel like a fkin idiot. after all the male sorta shit i use to talk about, drunken episodes and the like. use to send her pics of me messed up on a saturday night with a lady and would be like "yeh i fked her" (often that was bs big talk, you know, get some guys together and you all sit around lying to eachother for a while. good fun). still feel like such an idiot to this day, friends with her irl now, she lives like 3km from me and i never knew. the point of this tale of humilation is that girls are all amongst us and you can never tell who they are. instead of getting girls to prove they are girls in an effort to track down all the women out there, get guys to prove they are guys and you will find alot more them. imo more guys are girls cross dressing than vice-versa ;). better yet, show some faith in ppl and respect their privacy, cause if you don't know them irl, what does it matter?
2003-08-30, 01:24 PM
See when I made my main character I knew it would be a cloaker. So me being the noob I figured that a smaller body would have less area to shimmer. That is true, but it doesn't make much of a difference. Now I'm a grunt and the chicks just look weird in a rexo, and now everyone thinks I'm a transvestite or something because I have a girl avatar.
Regarding teamspeak, it shouldn't lag if you have a cable connection. I'm lucky enough to have a guy in my outfit that pays $45 a month to get us a nice server than can hold 100+ people in it. Its great and helps alot. As of tomorrow our outfit decided to make TS mandatory too so we'll be all communicating much faster.
2003-08-30, 11:04 PM
Yes, I use Team Speak 2 too. I even have my own section on one of the Servers. I'm not sure how Many TS2 servers there are. I only know of 2.
It's nice to know that women actually play. I didn't set this thread to find out who they are, just weither or not they play.
2003-08-30, 11:27 PM
After many useless years of Counter-strike, I am conviced that 100 percent of all "female" FPSers are either a)11 years old or b)hairy 40 year-old men wearing black leather. Named Cletus too.
A guy and his GF used to play with my outfit alot, they seemed to have stopped playing now though...
But he could of had two computers and IT WAS ALL A DIRTY TRICK.
PS: DoD is down?
2003-08-31, 12:31 AM
My outfit uses ventrilo, i've found it is more stable than TS and it doesn't interfere with bandwidth as much.
2003-08-31, 08:49 AM
:vssucks: :trsucks: :ncrocks:
do u have 2 rent a server?
2003-08-31, 09:06 AM
I know of several females in the game who I have squadded with. We even have one.....well, at least I'm almost positive she is, in my Outfit. Her Teamspeak account isn't set up yet (it is password protected to keep trolls out), but I know that there ARE women who play this game.
2003-08-31, 09:14 AM
I don't know any girls who play this game specifically. I know a LOT of girl gamers though.
2003-08-31, 09:19 PM
i know about 4 female gamers 2 were in my outfit
2003-08-31, 11:17 PM
In the end it should not matter if they people are female or male, esp in a FPS.
In a RPG it shouldnt matter either, as long as you treat that character correctly, eg. if its female you treat it that way (hence the whole RPG).
but esp in PS, what reason do you really have in knowing what sex they are outside the game..? does it make them better or worse players? I think not.
2003-09-01, 12:08 AM
Reason? None. I do many things, ask many questions for no reason what so ever.
Stealth, yes, you have to rent, or pay to have space on a Team Speak 2 server. Unless your me, and know someone who has a TS2 server already. ;) And you know what your doing, and how to use exploits and small openings to make your own area on the TS2 server. And no, I'm not telling how to do it. :D That's my secret. And if you already know how, keep it to yourself. The less people that know how to hack the TS2 servers, the less chance of our not payed for areas being caught and deleted.
2003-09-01, 12:25 AM
Umm unless I am incorrect, you can run your own server... and it doesnt cost you a cent... after all teamspeak allow you to download the client.
Of coruse most people dont havethe bandwith for both, I personaly have no problem running the server as well as 4 people in the house playing PS, we run a 1.5mbit ADSL and a uncapped up/downstream cable line.
Its not that hard to install if you know what your doing (if you can install Apache for example, or any other services program, its pretty self explanitory.)
2003-09-01, 01:29 AM
I know of 3 female gamers in PS. I also know plenty of guys who play as female character models. I mean, come on, wouldn't you rather be staring at a girls ass while playing planetside?
2003-09-01, 01:46 AM
One word! Led!
She's a member of this community and she has a kickass attitude... kinda cute too :p but she would kick me in the nuts just for saying that...
One thing! She knows how to use a gun in PS and isnt afraid to do it :p she's scary and swears alot :o
2003-09-01, 02:19 AM
i think its time for u to say bye to ur left nut then.
2003-09-01, 02:25 AM
ps. For the idiots reading this thread! I am kidding and this sentence should be ended by a comical :lol: or :rofl: even a hehe is acceptable!
2003-09-02, 12:41 PM
My wife plays ... nearly more than me :o
2003-09-02, 02:04 PM
My girlfriend plays PS too, she's pretty good, and even kills more than me. But we all got shitty ping here, most time very laggy, always be killed by someone who using his back facing you. :S
I think female players are pretty few in Asia and US, don't know how about Europe, someone on Europe server knows?
2003-09-02, 04:43 PM
I regularly play with two REAL women, though they're both girlfriends of other Planetsiders so it's not like it matters. I do find it bizarre that I've met more women playing a MMOFPS than all the other MMORPGs I've played, I guess it's because I don't use voice chat in those though.
2003-09-02, 09:52 PM
there was a women in my outfit before
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