View Full Version : Changing from NC to TR?

2003-08-30, 02:55 PM
I'm thinking of changing empires. I'm currently a BR11 CR1, NC, on Emerald. But I'm thinking of switching to the TR what do you guys thing I should do?

2003-08-30, 05:18 PM
Definately. We need all the help we can get. The NC are waaay overpopulated, not to mention they have the best weapon. Ususally if you get a good amount of TR's together, we can be pretty effective. All help would be appreciated.

2003-08-30, 05:37 PM
Make a TR on another server and play there. I really don't think you'll like TR/Emerald. You'd regret leaving(deleting) NC/Emerald. Try TR/Markov -- they do well and are much more organized.

2003-08-30, 05:42 PM
yea, its true we arent very organized, but we are loyal to the TR and although we may lack good CR5's we still can kick some major ass.

2003-08-30, 07:49 PM
I'm still thinking about it but today I went to the ultra-high bridge on Ceryshen for the big jump that was supposed to take place there. All empires were gonna cooperate and not shoot each other for fun. It was posted on the offical forums and CR5s from all empires told there empires about it and not to shoot. So I went there and what did I find around 3 TR Liberators. And I was in my Mosquito, for about a minute they seemed peacefull but then one person started to shoot me and by that time I had put my guard down so I was surprised when he started to fire at me. I would have fired back at him if I would know where the shots were coming from but I didn't so I quickly went over the bridge and ejected out of my Mosquito and landed on the bridge. Then I saw a TR eject out of a Liberator and running toward me. I turned on my advanced targeting implant, got out my Guass and pointed it at him ready to shoot. But I held my fire just in case he had no intention of shooting me, and I could easily kill him if he tried to get out his weapon but he didn't. He got pretty close to me and said "Cease Fire" at which I responed "Affirmative". For a while we just used voice macros to talk. And then we were both quiet and just looking at each other. By this time I had once again let my guard down and put away my Guass. Then suddenly some air vehicle starts to shoot me and before I could do anything it killed me, but right before I died I saw a TR surender or something like that come right in front of me and the second before I died I saw the surender run the TR that I was talking to over and then stop. After that I respawn in the only place that I could a tower by the Solsar warpgate. He sent me /tell s that he was sorry. And stuff and I told him it "np it wasn't your fault" but I was really pissed at the TR for shooting me like that.

2003-08-31, 02:02 AM
Yeah well welcome to what its like being a TR everyday. Thats the same kind of shit you deal with PLAYING as a TR. Nothing more dangerous than being a TR on Emerald and have a bunch of TR/Emerald players around you that are bored. And if you really want to make sure they TK you, just pull up in an ANT. The ANT greed on TR/Emerald is insane. Trust me on this. Any thoughts you have of going to TR/Emerald erase quickly. :)

2003-08-31, 02:57 AM
Originally posted by TF_MrA
yea, its true we arent very organized, but we are loyal to the TR and although we may lack good CR5's we still can kick some major ass.
They're not lacking it's just that the bad CR5s ruined it for the good ones

2003-08-31, 03:49 AM
Honestly, unless you have a specific TR|Emerald outfit or group of friends you want to be a play with, avoid it like the plague.

2003-08-31, 10:27 PM
Oh alright. Well thanks for telling me. I guess I'll stick with the NC.

2003-08-31, 11:08 PM
Fuk that. Join Vanu. We damn well need all the help we can get. I think I saw our lowest population yesterday at 23%. Eventually it came up to 32% before I left this morning.

2003-09-01, 10:49 PM
Originally posted by Flammey
Fuk that. Join Vanu. We damn well need all the help we can get. I think I saw our lowest population yesterday at 23%. Eventually it came up to 32% before I left this morning.

Sorry I'm not even thinking of joining the TR I've tried them out on another server and didn't like them much.

PLUS they're PURPLE!!!!

:D JK.

2003-09-02, 02:40 PM
I was TR through BR18...played with 3 different outfits. If you are gonna switch you will enjoy the following:
- Max Pounders...awesome for defending towers which you will need to get used to because the TR spend 75%+ of their time inside of one.

- Cycler...awesome all around weapon with 4x zoom...MUCH better than the gauss.

- Repeater...great for cloakers...one of the best pistols for quickly killing someone from behind...and much further range than the magscatter pistol.

- Plenty of combat engineers...enough to mine and spitfire the whole damn continent.

What you are going to hate is:
- TK'ing TK'ing TK'ing...I always had to watch my back during a base capture for bored TR that felt like shooting something...if you were lucky they would heal you afterwards.

- Tower hugging...I spent more time fighting for a tower...fighting to defend a tower or fighting to get out of a tower than I ever did fighting for an actual facility (which might I add is the point of the game)

- Lack of ANT's...over 50% of our hacks failed due to noone bringing an ANT...get used to it. The only bases that you will successfully hack are ones that have plenty of NTU's. TR NEVER blow gens! They know that noone is coming with an ANT.

When the TR are at their most organized (scheduled alliance raids with plenty of Prowler and AMS support) they are only slightly more effective than our everyday gameplay.

2003-09-03, 02:39 AM
Oh yeah and on the post I made on here before this one I meant I'm not thinking of joining the VS not the TR:D .

Diddy Mao
2003-09-03, 02:52 AM
Originally posted by ZEU5

When the TR are at their most organized (scheduled alliance raids with plenty of Prowler and AMS support) they are only slightly more effective than our everyday gameplay. [/B]

Some organization the can hardly get anywhere ground because we end up Stomp'n em when they Meet opposition;) ;) :ncrocks: :ncrocks: :ncrocks:

2003-09-03, 09:17 PM
The world is red once again.

Look at global around 7 pm. It will be 60% RED. I'm lovin every minute of this. Just ask diddy, I pointed it out to him a few nights ago.

And now we have some good CR5's, liek schitzer.

AND We got rid of: Smiley777 (TKing Jackass), Malone (don't even go there), Halogod666 (got mad wayyyyy too often), GODJOEY ( this is the one I wish we hadnt lost, he didnt switch empires, just quit the game....30,000 kills man.)

anyoen else?