View Full Version : Mass Sucide for all empires on Emerald

2003-08-30, 03:27 PM

Check this out they said it'll take place on Emerald at 6PM EST today. I was just wondering where is this "ultra-high bridge on ceryshen" they are talking about. Please give me directions.

And also if you zoom in on the map enough could you see bridges cause I've never tried.

2003-08-30, 04:32 PM
I think this is the bride they are talking about.



If you look at the map here:


-- its the bridge between Sedna and Anguta.

2003-08-30, 04:44 PM
Wow Thanks a lot. I was wondering why they called it the ultra-high bridge but know I know that thing is huge.

2003-08-30, 05:57 PM
There's only one bridge on Ceryshen, so it's a little difficult to miss. If I recall correctly, it's on the northwest corner of the continent, and it's the tallest bridge in the game.

2003-08-30, 08:25 PM
Perfect oppertunity to break out my Liberator...

2003-08-30, 09:31 PM
Yeah I saw that bridge once and i was like woh I wonder how long you could fall off that thing. Too bad there's usually never any bridge battles on that thing too, cause it would be funny seeing people fall of it.

2003-08-30, 11:05 PM
If you fall off of it in full health you will survive so many people that would fall woudl survive but it takes like half of your health away.

2003-08-30, 11:10 PM
Yeah, a bunch of nc and vs went there at the time it was schedualed for, but, lo and behold the FUX0RS DUMBASS TR!!!!!!!!!!!! were there in numbers with libs and skeeters and prowers and maxes and mauraders and other fucking shit, and kept us from jumping

By the time enough TR gave up, the only people left were me, another vs, and one tr who isnt A FUCKING ASSHOLE!:mad: >:| :furious: :furious: :furious:

2003-08-30, 11:39 PM
Yep you have the digital marines to thank for that. They wanted to stop it from happening. Personnally I don't mind, your just having fun along with everyone else.

2003-08-30, 11:55 PM
My Squad was there. We held the base of that bridge from everything that got near it and anything that "fell off by accident" and killed it when it landed. It was a Emerald Alliance Operation we got wind of it. and we cleaned it up. The NC and VS and TR have no reason to call a cease fire for any means or has every decided where playing Everquest? Hippies.. go sing your hippie songs and jump off bridges some where else.

2003-08-31, 12:34 AM
^ asshole :banplz:

2003-08-31, 12:36 AM
Yea if you want to do a mass lemming style jump off some damn bridge just cuz your buddy jumps off the bridge....do it with your own faction. Otherwise I just look at as....easy kills.

2003-08-31, 12:44 AM
I was in the digital marines, but I quit because everything was taken to seriously. It said to hate VS and NC but, come on, this is a game, why should I hate them? I got an email from them about stopping the bridge jumping, and I thought it was just stupid, they said to even kill tr, our own empire! Anyway, what's the problem if those people where having fun? Kinda funny though how everyone gets so mad at VS NC and TR being together. You might think, oh but they're enemies. But also you have to think that not all TR NC and VS would hate each other in this games plot (even though it almost has none). THey wanna jump, let them jump, everyone needs a break from killing each other once in awhile.

Would also be fun to one day fill up several galaxies for all empires then one day have all the galaxies drop everyone into the ocean. This way everyoen would die at the same time, and no body could stop you. If the digital marines tried to they would have to use use knives, since the water would be to deep.

2003-08-31, 01:00 AM
i wasnt there but man you digital marines should loosen up there is this thing called *gasp* SUNLIGHT! oh and and...friends a social life!? step away from the screen yup thats it. Now dont look back. goood:p

2003-08-31, 02:38 AM
Meh, Digital Marines is just another spam outfit inviting as many people as they can and mostly getting newbies or idiots. This is what I'd expect from idiots.

2003-08-31, 02:40 AM
And that was a low blow. But from what is seems, deserved.

2003-08-31, 02:47 AM
I've become pissed at the spam outfits and idiot CR5s. I can only hold it in for so long

2003-08-31, 03:31 AM
hello all you digital marines out there in the intarweb-land.

*pulls out a pair of pliers*

mind if I pull that stick out of your ass? it seems to be affecting your moods.

2003-08-31, 03:33 AM
Sigh, the first thing i thought when i read that post on the OF was "If that actually happens, some moronic Terran is going to fuck it up." I hate being right, almost as much as i hate the other Emerald Terrans.

2003-08-31, 03:37 AM
Hmmm, then switch servers? I've done it, I've also switched empires, and now when I want I play on Markov VS and Werner NC.
Unluckily, CR5 idiots are everywhere

2003-08-31, 10:37 AM
Do the Digital Marines have a website? I want to see this...

2003-08-31, 11:17 AM
Originally posted by ReaperofDeath27
i wasnt there but man you digital marines should loosen up there is this thing called *gasp* SUNLIGHT! oh and and...friends a social life!? step away from the screen yup thats it. Now dont look back. goood:p

I have to agree. Digital Marines (cool name! :rolleyes: ) you guys REALLY need to go outside and find out about friends and girls and stuff. The NC and VS don't really exist you know, they aren't little men living inside your computer. It's a game.

2003-08-31, 11:50 AM
Yes they do have a website, very big one too. Can't remember wehat it was though.

2003-08-31, 01:49 PM
if you wanna pay 12 dollars a month to jump off bridges thats fine by me, just not on OUR turf... 'nuff said.

2003-08-31, 01:58 PM
Originally posted by Snoob
if you wanna pay 12 dollars a month to jump off bridges thats fine by me, just not on OUR turf... 'nuff said. LMAO!
Your a tough man, not on my digital, non-existant, video game make beleive turf! I guess if you want to pay 12 dollars to be a make beleive bad ass thats fine by me, but I am still going to make fun of you.

lol, seriously though, get a life... 'nuff said.

2003-08-31, 02:03 PM
this game revolves around killing or being killed - capturing bases or having bases captured. NOT jumping over the side of bridges. and Yes, I do take this game seriously because I pay money to play it.

I honestly don't see what the fuss is about - we were informed on enemy presence on ceryshen and responded accordingly.

2003-08-31, 02:03 PM
Why does playing a game the way it was meant to be played make us non-social losers?

Allot of people complain over something so silly as this? Grow up.. There will be plenty more party's you weenies can waste you life.. Oh.. well be there 2 :)

Wait wait... WERE the ones who need to get out more? Planning "Events" around a video game... ahem... nerds...

If it wasn't us, it would have been someone else.. TR NC VS it would have happened..
For all you people threatening to have us banned by a dev... "hahahahaha."
For all you people who said you WERE a dev and gonna have us banned "HAHAHAHA"

350+ Bombing kills.. is... o.. so... yummy.. :D

so I close... ahem.. "hahahaha.." goodnight :love: :love: :love: :love: :love:

2003-08-31, 02:16 PM
Digital Marines: go jump off your own damn bridge, please, if you want to defend it so fucking bad, keeping a multi-empire event to fail because we acknowledge that nc are people too, you might as well use the fucking thing

I accually met around 7 nc that i made friends with pretty quickly. However, i only found one tr with a brain. Who was shortly tked by a cloaker after telling him off for killing me and my vanu bud.

Its sad that you would keep people from creating a movie for fun. Its fun, thats all. Its a game. The vanu and the nc dont exist.

Those who are saying things like "OMG ITS TEH HIPPES GO JUMP OFF YUO 0WN BRIDGE!11ONE OMGWTFBBQ!!1! NC AND VS SUX0RZ!1!"
It only shows how fucking disfuntional you are. Everyone exept the damn digital spam invite nerd-marines can see that there are reasons to "CEASE FIRE!"

I dont know about those who gave up, but i accually had fun that night. Just me and another vanu, long after the main tr zerg has left. Sneaking around bitch slapping the tr with our newly acquired nc buddies.


Guess its just the tr. Digital Marines. And. Team God.

Goodness. I feel sorry for all the TR's on emerald who have *Gasp* brains and a life that have to put up with this shit on a daily basis.

2003-08-31, 02:39 PM

Is that a quote?

Why the hell don't u do this crap on the test server, I wont touch that shiz..

Anyway.. All you dumsht players who whine, just remember... we have just as much right to be there as you do.. so we'll do whatever we want.. whenever we want..

niner niner niner :P

2003-08-31, 03:15 PM
I have here a box razor blades, i heard that no matter what, the NC don't want you to slice your wrists with it, here, that should be enough to give one to every member.

2003-08-31, 03:28 PM
Originally posted by Incompetent
I have here a box razor blades, i heard that no matter what, the NC don't want you to slice your wrists with it, here, that should be enough to give one to every member.

2003-08-31, 04:17 PM
You know how many times i was threatened by a "Supposed DEV" that a No fire zone was around that bridge. I wonder if the Dev's would really like to have those names. Impersonating a Dev is slightly against the rules I beleive. As to you comparing Digital Marines to *******.

One. We dont cheat.
two. We did not in any way speak leet speak trash like that.
three. We did not in any way fire upon any one that DID NOT FIRE UPON US FIRST. Example Team Killing. VS and NC Sorry you guys are supposed to get shot.

Four. You want to make a movie. GO TO THE TEST SERVER! Malvision does it quiet often. WITH OUT any interrupts and I enjoy watching their videos. My Outfit does it QUIET OFTEN, with out any interrupts.

Five. If the basis for all this is the fact we. as Digital Marines along with the EMERALD ALLIANCE Stood up found out there was going to be a mass group of Enemy soldiers in an area, we organized more then five Outfits together and Held that area from any and all. and had FUN oh hh my word we had FUN playing a GAME that was ment to be played that way Then you are the one that needs to go OUT SIDE and get a life. Where not the ones crying onnn you ruined my fun.. we couldnt jump off a bridge with my new nc and vs friends.. ohhh boohoo.. And you tell us where to serious? Where just playing the game to its upmost and enjoying it. And I guarntee there are others out their of the same mind set. so go play your little hippie games. I'm going to continue to play Planetside as the way the Developers of SONY not of NC or VS self proclaimed fame. Intended it to be. And if you dont like it fine. and go ahead and threaten TK makes you look really good. and Doesnt bother me a bit just means I get to reload on Ammo I used to shoot my imaginary Enemy in a Game that I enjoy that is ment to be enjoyed as a First Person Shooter. where I shoot people all the time.. regardless of what they do.

ohh and one more thing. We told every one "You get across this bridge alive. you can jump" I figure thats a reasonable response to some of the quiet rude and blantant disrespectful comments we recieved. and you know what NOT a single one of you tried to remove us. No organization at all.. So go back into your dusty old closet with your little computer and cry me a bloody river. Because we are not *******, we do not cheat, we do not team kill blantantly like the NAA was doing on that bridge. We enjoy the game with organization. If you want to see this Organization the invitation is still open any one is free top stop in at either www.digitalmarines.net or www.emeraldalliance.tk sign up for the forum download ventrillo and jump in a chat server with us and have a good time in a good fight. If you are so inclided to bad mouth us We will ignore you. We dont care. we enjoyed our time. and that was one of the best damn Bridge fights I've ever been on. and the other five plus outfits of the emerald alliance that was there. agree. Complete support was gotten from this by all. so you want to talk trash do it in your own back yard within your own unit at least WE stepped up and organized. something people have been screaming for for months within the game. if not go get some sun. you look sick. OH also this is a MMOFPSRPG whats the RPG stand for? ROLE PLAYING GAME some of you evercrack nerds know what that is right?

Emerald Alliance Intel Officer
Digital Marines Capt. Sniper/Recon Team
Terran Republic Soldier.

2003-08-31, 05:29 PM
deary me. no this is not good.

*puts pliers away*

you, sir, will need some power tools to remove the 4x4 you have up your ass.

2003-08-31, 06:00 PM
It's dipshit assholes like the digital marines that are driving PS and it's community down the crapper faster than the IQ of the people who have to read their posts.

2003-08-31, 06:13 PM
Originally posted by {BOHICA}Navaron
It's dipshit assholes like the digital marines that are driving PS and it's community down the crapper faster than the IQ of the people who have to read their posts.

If the game is in THAT much freekin' trouble, and The Digital Marines are that dangerous to the community.. I'm sure the devs would have said somthing by now...

Go home you little twit...

2003-08-31, 07:41 PM
If any one is the little twit, it's you. You go in and decide to ruin an event that was planned to just have some fun, and then try to defend it. You haven't been here long either and expect the same treatment and respect veteran members of the community have gotten and when you don't get it you flame them

Cauldron Borne
2003-08-31, 08:19 PM
I realize you all wanted to have fun. I don't understand why you couldn't take this to the test server. I was the first to drop the bombs (yay) and imediatly got cussed out. If you're gonna get angry do it more originally (like my bad speeling). I even suggested to like 50 NC that if they got to the other side of teh bridge I'd let 'em jump. Yes, we DID have a mosq monitering this. We saw NO ONE try this. I felt REALLY bad about someone that was waiting all week to do this and got the rest of the DM to agree to let him and a bud jump. Never did it.

All this 'you don't have a life' stuff is kinda childish, eh? It is just a game, wwe were trying to have fun like everyone else, just in a different way....

NONE of you that were there can deny that that was a pritty cool bridge battle. Also I'm kind of impressed that 40-50 TR held back a force of 100+ VS, NC, and (oh...) TR and forced them off the cont. Why would some one openly admit to TKing? if anything HE should be banned, thats just wrong. If you guys DO decide to do this bridge jump in the test server, I would be right there with you to jump. Also these WG meetings sound cool too. But come on don't take this too seriouslt please.

Also I've noticed that most of the people that are cussing on this topic are not EA.... what does this say about YOU?

2003-08-31, 08:31 PM
What makes you think you have the right to come in here, insult vet members and generally say "my penis is bigger than yours"?

a pox on you and the horse you rode in on!

2003-08-31, 09:41 PM
As much as you have the right to refuse my penis is bigger and whip it out..

2003-08-31, 10:41 PM
Originally posted by Snoob
if you wanna pay 12 dollars a month to jump off bridges thats fine by me, just not on OUR turf... 'nuff said.

Yours who made it yours. You guys are the ones that screwed the thing up not your whole empire. Are you speaking for your outfit saying that Ceryshen is your outfits turf? Cause it's not your outfits turf it's pretty much your empire's turf cause you guys have full control of it most of the time. But your empire was fine with the bridge jump only your outfit wasn't. Also I thank Ragnorak for being one of the smarter TR that was on the bridge. He ran up to me and said Cease Fire right before I was shot down and before an Enforcer ran him over.

2003-09-01, 12:27 AM
*shrugs* if people want to take break from all the constant back and forth killing, Who are you to keep them from doing it? ooooo, your and outfit. SFW? And me, I wasn't there, I wouldn't have been there. I want to take a break from killing, I go Base Killing. Usually a TR base somewhere no one is. And then I make it mine. That's my break from killing soldiers and vehicles. I kill bases. Or I do ANT runs. Sometimes people need a break from monotomy, and they still want to play the game. What ever.

This new word, asshat I am seeing. Why are we creating a new slang word for a slang word that already exists? It's called being a Butthead. Or am I wrong? Do we need new slang words because this is 2003, and Butthead was 90's? hmmmmmm.
I'm not going to even bother reading this thread again after this post. this thread is pointless.

2003-09-01, 12:38 AM
Originally posted by KingKroz
If the game is in THAT much freekin' trouble, and The Digital Marines are that dangerous to the community.. I'm sure the devs would have said somthing by now...

Go home you little twit...

First off, it's never a good idea to insult Navaron.

Secondly, I was there, I admit. But to say to truth, I never knew about the mass suicide until just then. For me, the base right there was just another base, and yall happened to be in the way, I simply figured yall were just trying to take bases like the rest. When I did find out, and was asked to spread it around what yall were doing, it didn't occur to me they were there for the sole purpose of stopping you. I would've joined you honestly, but it was more trouble than it was worth, so I packed up and we moved out in search of a place that asshats haven't already fucked up...oh, wait...

2003-09-01, 01:29 AM
Originally posted by Lex
You know how many times i was threatened by a "Supposed DEV" that a No fire zone was around that bridge. I wonder if the Dev's would really like to have those names. Impersonating a Dev is slightly against the rules I beleive. As to you comparing Digital Marines to *******.

One. We dont cheat.
two. We did not in any way speak leet speak trash like that.
three. We did not in any way fire upon any one that DID NOT FIRE UPON US FIRST. Example Team Killing. VS and NC Sorry you guys are supposed to get shot.

Four. You want to make a movie. GO TO THE TEST SERVER! Malvision does it quiet often. WITH OUT any interrupts and I enjoy watching their videos. My Outfit does it QUIET OFTEN, with out any interrupts.

Five. If the basis for all this is the fact we. as Digital Marines along with the EMERALD ALLIANCE Stood up found out there was going to be a mass group of Enemy soldiers in an area, we organized more then five Outfits together and Held that area from any and all. and had FUN oh hh my word we had FUN playing a GAME that was ment to be played that way Then you are the one that needs to go OUT SIDE and get a life. Where not the ones crying onnn you ruined my fun.. we couldnt jump off a bridge with my new nc and vs friends.. ohhh boohoo.. And you tell us where to serious? Where just playing the game to its upmost and enjoying it. And I guarntee there are others out their of the same mind set. so go play your little hippie games. I'm going to continue to play Planetside as the way the Developers of SONY not of NC or VS self proclaimed fame. Intended it to be. And if you dont like it fine. and go ahead and threaten TK makes you look really good. and Doesnt bother me a bit just means I get to reload on Ammo I used to shoot my imaginary Enemy in a Game that I enjoy that is ment to be enjoyed as a First Person Shooter. where I shoot people all the time.. regardless of what they do.

ohh and one more thing. We told every one "You get across this bridge alive. you can jump" I figure thats a reasonable response to some of the quiet rude and blantant disrespectful comments we recieved. and you know what NOT a single one of you tried to remove us. No organization at all.. So go back into your dusty old closet with your little computer and cry me a bloody river. Because we are not *******, we do not cheat, we do not team kill blantantly like the NAA was doing on that bridge. We enjoy the game with organization. If you want to see this Organization the invitation is still open any one is free top stop in at either www.digitalmarines.net or www.emeraldalliance.tk sign up for the forum download ventrillo and jump in a chat server with us and have a good time in a good fight. If you are so inclided to bad mouth us We will ignore you. We dont care. we enjoyed our time. and that was one of the best damn Bridge fights I've ever been on. and the other five plus outfits of the emerald alliance that was there. agree. Complete support was gotten from this by all. so you want to talk trash do it in your own back yard within your own unit at least WE stepped up and organized. something people have been screaming for for months within the game. if not go get some sun. you look sick. OH also this is a MMOFPSRPG whats the RPG stand for? ROLE PLAYING GAME some of you evercrack nerds know what that is right?

Emerald Alliance Intel Officer
Digital Marines Capt. Sniper/Recon Team
Terran Republic Soldier.

Ah! that post made me chuckle!

You guys don't cheat? Some of your guys blatently admited your outfit was using the corpse bug and that it was kept a outfit secret (the how to do it)! Out in the open just like that, not just here too!

Then you come here and say you guys don't cheat? Good try!

You may not speak leet trash but you speak out general trash.

I was at the jump as vanu. I was there rather late so we had like 15 friendlies and a couple of friendly NC. Oh and one tower! No link to the actual continent! or hacked bases! We were not posing at threat in any way... and yet you guys had to stay there and be asses.

Now... At some point some NC went against us and why? One guy told me it was because the TR were messing it up... so he wanted exp and then get the fuck outta here.

We had something going! Something fun! While you had ennemies that werent hacking on your continent you had the opportunity to take every other continent of your choice, wether it be Amerish or Cyssor! You would have encountered next to 0 resistance because we were trying to reinforce the community!

Wondering why there were so much more people before release?? Ask no more! You found the awnser! YOU! It's assholes like you that take the game too seriously that ruin other peoples fun!

You guys are like the *** that OS'ed himself because he didnt want to give a noob vanu magmower driver a kill! Oh no wait the guy tried to OS me and killed himself in the process my fault!

Face it. You guys are cheaters, exploiter and lamers. It isnt the first time either couple of weeks ago some TR jumped the ant race some vanu were organizing and who was there? some DM's and EA.

GG on making asses out of yourselves you people have lost the 1 inch of respect that Ahriman corps had for you (the other inches were lost by being exploiters and being a massive ass outfit that recruits anyone or anything) and I do beleive we arent the only one that think the same...

2003-09-01, 02:18 AM
Digital Marines ruined a nice thing. Move along people, move along.

2003-09-01, 04:15 AM
It is just a game, wwe were trying to have fun like everyone else, just in a different way....

... yeah, you were trying to have fun by ruining everybody elses. Degenerates.

2003-09-01, 04:41 AM
:hitit::dance: :rock:"I want to get away, I want to flyyyy awaaayyy. yeah yeah yeah. girl I gotta get away. I want to get away, girl I want to get away. I want to flyyyyyy Awwaaayyyy. yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah.":rock: :dance: