View Full Version : Why one play mode?

Terran Sniper
2003-08-30, 08:20 PM
Why does Sony only make PS for online? it would really help if they came out with an offline, single player version of both PS and Core Combat. I myself can afford the game, but not a subscription to SOE.

2003-08-30, 08:32 PM
Because then people might not subscribe. They make their money from subscribtions, when they pay the money to make the game, the are depending on the subscription money to make it worth while. But I do think that the offline training function should have a plot wrapped around it making it a little bit more user friendly so people will actually use it instead of just going into the game ignorant :)

2003-08-30, 08:37 PM
The whole idea behind MMO's is the multiplayer aspect....


2003-08-30, 09:10 PM
How would PS be fun alone? There are no NPC's or anything to do alone...

2003-08-30, 09:16 PM
you time yourself how long it's going to take you to take over all the bases on the continent, then post your scores up on the InterWeb for you to gloat over.


2003-08-30, 09:48 PM
Shouldn't be too hard to program bots to sit in an undefended base till it's capped, all the while killing each other's teammates. After the base is capped, one third would disconnect and the others would move onto the next base.

/sarcasm as well :)

2003-08-30, 09:53 PM
Originally posted by ajohn505
Shouldn't be too hard to program bots to sit in an undefended base till it's capped, all the while killing each other's teammates. After the base is capped, one third would disconnect and the others would move onto the next base.

/sarcasm as well :)

*LOL* good one ajohn

2003-08-30, 11:05 PM
Its Sony Online Entertainment

And the game sucks enough alrdy

2003-08-30, 11:30 PM
It's also a Genre game, being MMO, which means Massive Multiplayer Online. Why would you make an MMO a single player??? That would just be pointless are hell. If you want a game like that, go play Diablo or Diablo 2. Those are both good online and single player.

2003-08-31, 12:17 AM
Originally posted by Sentrosi
you time yourself how long it's going to take you to take over all the bases on the continent, then post your scores up on the InterWeb for you to gloat over.


good idea!!!!


2003-08-31, 09:00 AM
:vssucks: :trsucks: :ncrocks:
this all i have 2 say 2 u:

MY SIG WILL HAPPEN 2 U IF THEY PUT IN A SINGLE PERSON MODE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:mad: :evil: :twisted: :furious: :blowup: :flamemad: :domotwak: :sniper: :P~

2003-08-31, 09:19 AM
Now now, play nice.
The fact is, Planetside would blow hardcore as a 1 player game. It's got lots of cool vehicles and weapons and stuff, but in one player most of the vehicles wouldn't work and it would be substandard all around. There are a LOT of good 1 player and LAN shooters out at the moment. If you are a HALO fan, thats coming out for PC soon also.

Terran Sniper
2003-08-31, 01:01 PM
what i mean is, put in NPCs like Bunjee did with the Marines in Halo. get in a Warthog, 2 marines fill the gunner and passenger seats. and have it be suad based, like you tell them what to do and where to do it

2003-08-31, 01:16 PM
You could, but why not just play HALO.
In all honesty that would be a LOT of work for Sony and the vast majority of their players wouldn't play it at all because they can play it online.