View Full Version : New website

2003-08-31, 01:37 AM
new website:D www.commandrank5.com its really nice they are still putting on some touches i think but its a really nice website:)

2003-08-31, 02:10 AM
Nice idea, it's gonna bomb, hard, because the people who least deserve CR5 invariably have it, but it's still a nice idea.

Edit: looking over it there are a few other things that scream Disaster in Progress

2003-08-31, 02:28 AM
Interesting.. won't become very big though, looks like a boring website to me IMO


2003-08-31, 02:34 AM
And isnt it empire specific??

2003-08-31, 02:47 AM
Originally posted by Incompetent
Nice idea, it's gonna bomb, hard, because the people who least deserve CR5 invariably have it, but it's still a nice idea.

Hey, I was just thinking that about people with CR3. :brow:


2003-08-31, 02:51 AM
Most vocal CR5s are just the people who run spam outfits and go around leeching XP until they get to 5, then they start globalling useless and annoying things and use it as their personal messaging service to flame people they don't like and to broaden their preffered zerg.

Edit: Gah, I need a stress ball, I would never squeeze a kitten hatefully.

2003-08-31, 03:25 AM
Sputty...did you just squeeze a kitten?

2003-08-31, 03:52 AM
I seem to remember a Continent broadcast made by the leader of the largest Terran Outfit on Markov. He basically said for all of his Outfit to attack a specific base. I guess that means other squads weren't alloud to participate in the fun. Genius' like that are what give the rest of us a bad name.


2003-08-31, 04:00 AM
well i joined anyway it said somethin about the empire forums thingy i dont remeber though.I think i was the thirteenth member though:p

2003-08-31, 05:24 AM
I can't wait until we (DragonWolves) get more CR5's. We have one now, Cyber. I guess the other night he requested help on Forseral and no one came. Figures. Some outfits on Emerald are indeed zerg outfits. Others, like the Dragonwolves, do not follow a Zerg if they can help it. We avoid it like the black Plague. Look for us in Sanctuary loading up a galaxy or two and heading off away from most of the fighting. Black Ops are our speciality. If you aren't interested in ZergOutfits, come check us out. Squad with us and if you like what we do, send us a /tell for more info on joining.

2003-08-31, 08:28 AM
Lol he's right sputty it looks more like your squeezing that cat really hard, rather than he's pissed :)

2003-08-31, 08:42 AM
I can't wait until we (DragonWolves) get more CR5's. Honestly Sent, when you think about it, one is enough, the only thing we get out of it is an OS for the near mythical AMS Cyrus can't jack and the ability to send the odd sanc broadcast so we can hope and pray that the odd pickup group takes pity on us so were down 2-1 instead of 3. The rest is superflous, since everyone just focuses on zerging, rather then trying to stop the zerg before it starts, it's useless to try and coordinate.