View Full Version : What would you ask the devs?

Camping Carl
2003-01-08, 10:57 PM
If you could ask the devs whatever questions you want, what would they be?

2003-01-08, 11:09 PM
I would ask them if they wanted some candy and then when they said yes and put thier hands out I would be like, not so fast busters, you can have some candy when this game is released.

2003-01-08, 11:11 PM

2003-01-08, 11:27 PM
i would ask them if they could send me a specialcompy of the game now, and if they do, I will give them candy

2003-01-09, 03:39 AM
I would like to ask them how they plan on maintaining server balance or at least a sense thereof. Specifically, are they willing to step in and close an empire from acquiring more individuals if that empire is already too dominant and larger then the other two. Basically, I want to know to what extent are they going to make sure this game stays reasonably fair on all fronts?

2003-01-09, 03:52 AM
From what I've heard, they will be offering experience bonuses to smaller empires. They may well have other tricks up their collective sleeves, but that's what I remember.

2003-01-09, 04:10 AM
Originally posted by Zalo
I would like to ask them how they plan on maintaining server balance or at least a sense thereof. Specifically, are they willing to step in and close an empire from acquiring more individuals if that empire is already too dominant and larger then the other two. Basically, I want to know to what extent are they going to make sure this game stays reasonably fair on all fronts?

The only thing they can do is give incentive. Provide the underdog with a slight BEP/CEP gain bonus (like +5% at most) based on how severely outnumbered they are. The only problem with this is determining who is and is not considered an active participant on that server. Otherwise, no, they can't stop people from joining a certain server/Faction. That'd be terrible for new people who want to play with their friends, only to find that that server can't be joined.


But I'd be interested in seeing if they're going to tackle this issue right away, too. Not that it's terribly important, given that things will balance themselves out to a degree, but it'd give you an idea of what their priorities are.

I'd ask them about the sounds in the game, personally. Whether they have very good sounding weapons, bullet impacts, bullets whizing when they pass near you, rockets with a good sound to them, full-bodied (heh) explosions, detailed aircraft noises... that sort of thing. As with graphics, some well-crafted sounds can do wonders for a game. Really adds to the immersion.

2003-01-09, 05:33 AM
:mad: so i can shoot down Galaxies before they unload :D