View Full Version : Digital Marines

2003-09-01, 06:04 PM
Originally posted by Lonehunter187
Like I said, I know what it is. My outfit leader did it this way so did other people. It is now an outfit secret.
First of all, what I was talking aout was a bug. The bug would make you an unkillable corpse. I would encounter this bug when I used Advance regeneration. My health would go to 101 and I would be a corpse, my outfitleader had the same implant. This implant is very useful in combat. We never told anybody (outfit secret) becouse we didn't want anybody to know, I didn't at least.
I would just like to get the word accross. Please feel free to express you usual opinions.

P.S. Hamma, keep an eye out on this thread becouse I'll probably end up getting banned ;)

2003-09-01, 06:07 PM
Why did this need a new thread?

2003-09-01, 07:02 PM
Why do you need to continue living?

2003-09-01, 07:05 PM
Y are u trying to get banned?

2003-09-01, 07:11 PM
He's trying to be tough and cool(He probably spells it tuff) and thinks he's "badass" for doing this. If he wants to get banned he could post child porn, but he doesn't because he actually doesn't want to be.

2003-09-01, 07:14 PM
I r lnoehuntar! I like teh bugz in teh planartzide! my ourtfit leadar uzez thm, but he dont want uz uzin tham cuz they r eviol!

2003-09-01, 07:14 PM
Sputty thinks I'm trying to be a "tuff" guy and that I'm not really trying to get banned, well then. Just wait. ;)

2003-09-01, 07:16 PM
Originally posted by Lonehunter187
Sputty thinks I'm trying to be a "tuff" guy and that I'm not really trying to get banned, well then. Just wait. ;)


We know of my trying to get banned. We dont want Sputty to know BECAUSE we think getting banned is bad. I OPENLY admitted my trying to get banned so I am not hiding it! Stop waisting your time trying to defeat me! Mother!

2003-09-01, 07:24 PM
Well farewell, I will now stop posting and advance in my plan to get banned. Good bye, good luck, and good riddens.

2003-09-01, 07:30 PM
i have a question: if this fucking bug thing with the digital marines is pissing so many people off, how come it wasnt brought up until AFTER the bridge incident? can someone answer me that plz?

(and No, I am not condoning their actions)

2003-09-01, 07:31 PM
Because noone gave 2 shits about the Digital Marines before they showed up and tried to act like a bunch of tough guys.

2003-09-01, 07:31 PM
It's not just with the Digital Marines, everybody had it. Yes I know I siad I wasn't going to post anymore. I will now be making a new thread dedicated to my banning.

2003-09-01, 07:34 PM
Originally posted by Lonehunter187
Well farewell, I will now stop posting and advance in my plan to get banned. Good bye, good luck, and good riddens.

I hope the door whacks you in the ass on your way out fucktard.

2003-09-01, 07:35 PM
Originally posted by Sputty
He's trying to be tough and cool(He probably spells it tuff) and thinks he's "badass" for doing this. If he wants to get banned he could post child porn, but he doesn't because he actually doesn't want to be.

Wait, are you saying you want to see some child porn?...some people are just plain sick!

:sniper: :nazi:

2003-09-01, 07:36 PM
Everyone had it, you admit to using it intentionally, more then once I did it more than once becouse it was unavoidable. When I'm gaurding a CC with under 20% health, I'm going to use adv regen.
The first time I went to 101 health and people said I was a corpse, another time I had 2% health, used adv regen to 75 (not enough stmina) and people said I STILL had the bug. So using adv regen would just trigger it Now what, pray tell, did you expect to be the results.

Other outfits knew about it, hell, everyone did, but very few used it but none have gone so far as to admit it on a public forum.

Edit: shit, that was in response to something originally, dunno what, but i'll let it stay just cause i like it

2003-09-01, 09:16 PM
nobody gave a shit about dm until they ruined the bridge event. They brought all of it on themselves when people got mad about the bridge event, and then instead admiting that they were idiots they tried to act stubborn and tough, and made assholes out of themselves. The bridge event anger towards dm could have blown away after awhile if they would have acted mature and admitted that theyre actions were stupid and wrong. But instead of that they tried to defend themselves and flamed other people instead of taking any blame for theyre actions. They made asshats out of themselves, and now they have a bad rep.

2003-09-01, 10:19 PM
meh all i can say is FROG GOOOO KICK SOME ASS U DKA LOVIN MOFO!!!!

Happy lil Elf
2003-09-02, 12:20 AM
It's not just with the Digital Marines, everybody had it. Yes I know I siad I wasn't going to post anymore. I will now be making a new thread dedicated to my banning.

Immortalis Vita didn't, and anyone found to be using any bug intentionaly would be kicked from the outfit immediately. It doesn't matter that the bug was available for everyone. The fact that it was used intentionally and with the apparent blessings of the leadership is what makes you a bunch of tools.

Hate to see you go Lone. You've been here quite awhile. But if you thinking exploiting bugs, especially invulnerability ones is good, then by all means don't let the door hit your worthless cheating ass on the way out.

2003-09-02, 04:29 AM

Will reiterate this again.

1. The "cheat" in question was a bug that was patched weeks ago. So talk of cheating regarding this bug is a moot point. Furthermore the bug was something most people over br 10 knew about and many knew how to do it.

2. If you have proof of anyone in DM cheating, please post it, I for one would love to see it. If not please stop calling out "cheater cheater".

3. I also believe the quote in question said that our leader did that bug the other night, not he does it 24/7. As I said before, just because I know a few bugs in the game and have played around with figuring out how to do whatever, doesn't mean I do it on a regular basis. Mostly cuz I have more fun just playing the game, as do most of you.

2003-09-02, 05:06 AM
The first time I went to 101 health and people said I was a corpse, another time I had 2% health, used adv regen to 75 (not enough stmina) and people said I STILL had the bug. So using adv regen would just trigger it I did it more than once becouse it was unavoidable. When I'm gaurding a CC with under 20% health, I'm going to use adv regen
Now the timestamps don't line up, the second one was posted first, since the bug was sealed up weeks ago, he had to possess the knowledge for the second post when he made the first, now, onto whats important

That would be an open admission by the Digital Marine Lonehunter that he was exploiting the corpse bug. Now remember, most peope reguard exploiters as cheaters who are too lazy to learn to code. Also, KNOWING IS DIFFERENT FROM using, everyone knew about the exploit, everyone knew how to use it, the Digital Marines intentionally USED it, that is what seperates them.

Linkage (http://planetside-universe.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=13705&pagenumber=2) it'll probly be on the end of the third page, start of the 4th for most people.

Edit: Jesus, i need to remember what i write, i have almost the exact same thing posted alittle bit earlier in this thread, then again maybe you should learn to read because you don't seem to have noticed it.

2003-09-02, 05:23 AM
Yes I did see the post earlier and yes I can read, but thanks for the insult. Come on now incompetent i've played in the same squads as you, be nice.

Bottom line for me is I just don't think Lonehunter exploits bugs. I haven't seen it and I've played in the same squad as him many times.

I guess the better way to respond would be to post some poll to see how many people used the regen implant prior to the patch of the corpse bug. (waste of time IMO so i'm not gonna do it). But the people who would say they did would be innadvertently guilty of the corpse bug.

I'd chalk up lonehunters conflicting answers to the subject of the regen bug and his usage. well i'd say that just like a lot of the people posting on the subject of the bridge/cheat thing, he was upset. Being angry is the only thing I've seen him guilty of. Doesn't mean he isn't going to continue to be angry at you guys, nor will you guys stop having your opinion about him, but thats my answer to the conflicting posts regarding dates and such.