View Full Version : lag =(

2003-09-01, 09:16 PM
i got planet side and iv been playing it and it is lagy as hell is this for everyone or just me ?

2003-09-01, 09:18 PM
i get it all the time, whenever i get near any action it gets laggy as crap and i cant aim at all, which makes it hard as hell to snipe, im glad that im not the only one with crazy lag.

2003-09-01, 09:23 PM
My favorite line is "I lag to hell and back"

2003-09-01, 09:31 PM
when it lags i cant do anything and the pilote blows up and i die not even seeing the guy who killed me

2003-09-01, 09:33 PM
I sometimes lag but not so bad that I can't aim and stuff it's usally a little lag and then it goes away.

2003-09-02, 06:00 AM
I had a guy /t me and call me a lagger, I asked why he thought i was a lagger, he said that I was hard to hit........ hmm......

2003-09-02, 06:17 AM
Yeah, ive noticed quite a bit of lag in large battles which can be really annoying when your in the middle of a fire fight, cos it can get you fragged.

I did notice though, when i incresed my computers RAM from 512m to 1gig, it did get a bit better. I think if you play for more that 1/2 hour with 1/2 gig memory, the game's mem-leak slows down you computer when it starts swaping to the HD, which in turn creates lag....

Anyone else notice this ?

2003-09-02, 06:40 AM
First off, I love Planetside. I hope it evolves into a longstanding game in this competetive market.....but I digress. As far as the lag goes I upgraded to 1G ddr along with my Windows XP, SL 5.1, 2.0G P4 Geforceti4400 128mb and the lag still kills me. I have a cable conn, no router, turned down graphic settings and still.... nothing worse than going up to an equip term and trying to wait 90 secs to equip or just dekeing for cover from a tough battle only to find a minute later u got whacked!!!!! Are there are any solutions? Do I need a Supercomputer?

2003-09-02, 06:58 AM
Originally posted by kreeten
First off, I love Planetside. I hope it evolves into a longstanding game in this competetive market.....but I digress. As far as the lag goes I upgraded to 1G ddr along with my Windows XP, SL 5.1, 2.0G P4 Geforceti4400 128mb and the lag still kills me. I have a cable conn, no router, turned down graphic settings and still.... nothing worse than going up to an equip term and trying to wait 90 secs to equip or just dekeing for cover from a tough battle only to find a minute later u got whacked!!!!! Are there are any solutions? Do I need a Supercomputer?

Im on XP too, but i think the Equip terminal Lag is different ( and a whole nother issue!!! ).

Nope, a supercomputer wont help you, unless SOE got one and used it to host plantside!!!! ;)

2003-09-02, 08:12 AM
The Eurpoean server's lag has really gotten ridiculous lately. Just a min ago I was playing in Forseral and was trying to cap Gwydion when I got that dreaded "Connection problem" pop-up. I swinged my stick at the puter and uttered several phrases of various kinds and as I suspected I crashed just 30 secs before a 5k cap.

Really, really, really annoying...

Also I heard from some buddies that play on the US servers that those servers get less connection problems than the Euro server?

Is the Euro server really that crappy?

It'd doing ok at night and late evenings but during the day it's frickin silly with lag here, and of course, connection problems.

2003-09-02, 08:56 AM
The reason the Euro servers lag is so crappy is cos there is only one machine to server the whole of bloody europe!!!!!. When are SOE going to pull a finger out and add more servers!!!???

The reason its so crappy during the day is internet traffic is a lot higher. The servers connection must not be too good. I think they really need a seperate server for England and another for the continent....

2003-09-02, 09:59 AM
Originally posted by shadowseed
The reason the Euro servers lag is so crappy is cos there is only one machine to server the whole of bloody europe!!!!!. When are SOE going to pull a finger out and add more servers!!!???

The reason its so crappy during the day is internet traffic is a lot higher. The servers connection must not be too good. I think they really need a seperate server for England and another for the continent....

Yeah, either add more servers for Europe or beef up the existing one with twice or three times the hardware.
There are more people in Europe than in all of the US together, and we have only one server.

In 1993 the population was estimated as being around 694,000,000 in Europe compared to about 260,000,000 in USA.

2003-09-02, 10:27 AM
I totally agree, they MUST add another euro server...though maybe they're trying to be cagey and wait to see what SWG does to the population - I know a few peeps who are leaving and I'm sure everyone else does too.

There's nothing MORE annoying than getting to a terminal and standing there like a sitting duck for over a minute - then someone jumps in front of you, so you pressed G "to interact with this avatar"....

...if I'm in a squad at the time it's hard to move away but very very tempting, my comp can't keep up - and I'd never fly a galaxy over a busy facility, that's more lag than most can handle :(

2003-09-02, 03:52 PM
Hmm i usually dont get that bad lag and i only have a standard broadband, GeForce 2 and Windows 98. myabe im just an anomely.

2003-09-02, 04:17 PM
Okay, now this is weird, but I swear it's true and I tested this last night. I can walk up to a group of 25 friendlies and a bunch of friendly vehicles and the game will not lag hardly at all. If I walk up to one enemy the lag will lock the game up badly, often more than enough time for them to kill me with a pistol.

I can fly over a friendly base without much troube, but fly over an undefended enemy base and it lags really badly again.

Battles are by far the worst.

2003-09-02, 04:24 PM
aqbout 2 patches ago every1 started 2 get MAJOR lag. its not becuse your connection or anything. its becuse of the last patch. the place the lag hurts the most was last night on ish there was MAJOR lag AND a dust storm where u couldnt even see your gun. that sucks ass

2003-09-02, 06:11 PM
Yeah I tried the server again a few hours back and it was tolerable, no Conn probs until when I charcged past a enemy held tower with my vanguard, and then I lagged. Damnit was that ever annoying! Just as I was to run over a enemy and came under fire also...

Happy lil Elf
2003-09-02, 06:24 PM
In 1993 the population was estimated as being around 694,000,000 in Europe compared to about 260,000,000 in USA.

Number of people total means nothing. Number of people who play the game is what matters ;)

2003-09-02, 08:04 PM
Originally posted by Happy lil' Elf
Number of people total means nothing. Number of people who play the game is what matters ;)

Yeah I know, just wanted to show that the potential number of players is more than twice as much :)

*sniff, want better server*

2003-09-03, 01:27 AM
I think Nc get lots of lag due to all those jackhammer rounds going off at once :D

2003-09-03, 04:07 AM
Originally posted by Excalibur77
I think Nc get lots of lag due to all those jackhammer rounds going off at once :D

Really ???!, I thought it was cos the server was tracking the millions and millions and millions of rounds all the hundreds of TR chain guns are fireing off per minute!.

Or it could be that the server is having to track all those lasher rounds being fired by the VS's (no accuracy required) lasher gun, which, as you know, every VS grunt carrys.

:D :D :D :D :D

2003-09-03, 04:58 AM
My lag was fine till i find my first enemy and then it lags really bad then afters he has killed me its fine for the rest of the battle.

2003-09-03, 01:12 PM
Lmao i lagged and CTD'd while waiting in a warpgate for amerish 3 times yesturday. Each time i ctd i exploded...and killed apx 30 people each time. lmfao

2003-09-03, 02:19 PM