View Full Version : vs and vechicals

2003-09-02, 04:28 PM
okay it just might be my sever, or the time or place i fight. these are the vs vechicals iv seen use:

1:countless magmowers
2:2 threshers
3:2 reavers
4:and 2 jacked vanguards

vs players, plese inlighten me why these are the only vs vechicals i see.

(ps i got rid of the pictures are u happy now:furious:)

2003-09-02, 08:34 PM
:confused: :confused: :confused: I play vs and I've seen every single vechicle used there is. Seen atv's, delivers, sunderers, galaxys, magmowers, threshers, liberators, etc...

Happy lil Elf
2003-09-02, 08:54 PM
I see Vanu Reavers and Mosquitos all the time. I see a lot of Magriders (duh) and I also see quite a few Deliverers and Sunderers, not to mention the obligatory AMS swarms. The one I hardly see at all would be the thresher and I'm even seeing more of those nowadays.

2003-09-02, 10:01 PM
Same as Happy lil Elf... but every day i see at least like 12 magmowers

2003-09-03, 08:28 AM
i forgot about amses iv seen 10 of those, but like i said it might just be my server, where i play or when i play

2003-09-03, 11:55 AM
Heh vehicles cant guard the cc you are just looking in the wrong place. I have seen every singlevehicle there is to see, its just that.


The mag is the ONLY thing that keeps us above 10% pop

Its our only good assest. Ever wonder why we get our asses kicked when we dont have a tech plant?

2003-09-03, 12:29 PM
Originally posted by Gohan_VA
Heh vehicles cant guard the cc you are just looking in the wrong place. I have seen every singlevehicle there is to see, its just that.


The mag is the ONLY thing that keeps us above 10% pop

Its our only good assest. Ever wonder why we get our asses kicked when we dont have a tech plant?

All we need now is some coordinated roaming Magrider wolfpacks. I've seen the NC and TR do it, but haven't really seen the VS have a large scale coordinated armor assault. I've seen a lot of Deliverers used (great for moving the LLUs) as well as Harassers, and an increasing number of Skyguards.

2003-09-03, 12:55 PM
All we need now is some coordinated roaming Magrider wolfpacks. I've seen the NC and TR do it, but haven't really seen the VS have a large scale coordinated armor assault.

Partly because MAGs in large numbers tend to crash into each other a lot. But for charging into an enemy base a squad of five mags and gunners would rule, run everyone over, shoot everyone on the walls/roof, then secure the main door.

2003-09-03, 04:47 PM
now that you have mentioned it, I don't recall ever once seeing a VS Deliverer, once a VS Sunderer, I always see NC using the Sunderer the most, and starting to see TR using them more.
Just from my experence when playin my Vanu character, The VS are the least orginized Empire, but seem to have the larger numbers. I have been seeing more VS MAX's lately being used.

2003-09-04, 01:02 AM
Originally posted by GeistX
All we need now is some coordinated roaming Magrider wolfpacks. I've seen the NC and TR do it, but haven't really seen the VS have a large scale coordinated armor assault. I've seen a lot of Deliverers used (great for moving the LLUs) as well as Harassers, and an increasing number of Skyguards.

Oh, I've seen it on Emerald a few times. And let me say, it puts heart into me when I do see fully manned wolfpacks. Makes me fight all that much harder for Tech plants.

2003-09-04, 02:15 AM
Originally posted by Piith
now that you have mentioned it, I don't recall ever once seeing a VS Deliverer, once a VS Sunderer, I always see NC using the Sunderer the most, and starting to see TR using them more.
Just from my experence when playin my Vanu character, The VS are the least orginized Empire, but seem to have the larger numbers. I have been seeing more VS MAX's lately being used.

larger numbers??? are u on crack the numbers are so down for VS right now. And about the dilivs thats all my outfit uses to move around and they work great.

VS as a empire they arnt real organized but you would be supprised how good some of the outfits are (at least mine)

2003-09-04, 07:24 AM
Originally posted by Harps

VS as a empire they arnt real organized but you would be supprised how good some of the outfits are (at least mine) [/B]

yeah that's what I mean, when I play my VS Character, as long as Im with my outfit we do great, but there are moments that I am away from them, and not to mention the hours I play they are not, getting something orgainized is like only a dream, now as my NC character, they are always making plans, 'cept there have beeen a few that just don't know stratitgy,a nd are complete flops . .
Now when I play TR, they seem to just work together.
as in when I was talking about larger numbers, at the time I play there is always more VS, also if I was to look at the leaderboard, the VS have the most members

2003-09-04, 10:11 AM
Lets see... As vanu I see an awful lot of aerial vehicles of all types. I see a lot of magriders and sunderers. The other vehicles are less common but at any large battle you can see them. Often times when we've decided to move to a new area you can see people crowding around the vehicle bays and all kinds of stuff will come out of there. If there is one thing Vanu have no shortage of, it's vehicles.

One of the times I was waiting for my turn at the vehicle bay, a Liberator flew over and bombed us. I imagine he got a pretty good kill count from that, there was a huge swarm of people there.