View Full Version : Starfire MAX: Nerf it or Leave it?

2003-09-03, 11:15 AM
With the buff of the Starfire MAX, I've noticed that every VS and their brother have it, this isn't a bad thing, but it makes it impossible to fly over a Vanu base, as Starfires camp on the roof and shoot down passing aircraft.

The Sparrow is fire and forget, you lock, you fire, they hit, whether you keep the lock or you don't. The Starfire forces you to maintain the lock until the plasma sphere strikes.

Not to mention the sphere does aggravated damage, not just the direct explosion damage.

So you trade fire and forget, for aggravated damage.

But the question still lies, should the Starfire be left as is? Or should it be nerfed, or should the certification cost more?



2003-09-03, 11:31 AM
This thread makes me laugh. Flying over VS bases now is simply the same as flying over TR and NC bases have always been.


2003-09-03, 11:49 AM
Originally posted by Queensidecastle
[B]This thread makes me laugh. Flying over VS bases now is simply the same as flying over TR and NC bases have always been.


2003-09-03, 01:53 PM
Not to mention the aggravated damage is worthless, as it doesnt stack.

2003-09-03, 02:04 PM
Sparrow and Starfire are on par with each other. it is nto the aggravated damage that makes Starfire so good, it is that it handles like a striker.

Starfire can fire 6 projectiles into the air, then lock on to an aircraft, so the lock on warning is only on for a second. (You can get 7 if you are lucky; after that, the 8th will run out of time.

So it is not aggravated damage vs fire and forget, it is fire then lock vs lock then fire and forget.

Now the burster needs to hit the roof. (Though those things are deadly as is; not quite as dangerous as the striker.)

Happy lil Elf
2003-09-03, 02:57 PM
Please, someone tell me this was a joke poll :(

2003-09-03, 03:29 PM
Idiocy has struck again. This time, in the form of a poll...

2003-09-03, 03:45 PM
No, that doesn't need a nerf, but complaining about anything Vanu will get some stupid replies, like "Vanu are the weakest" just because they were weak in beta.

2003-09-03, 04:34 PM
i think that the burster needs improvement

2003-09-04, 01:09 AM
I think things are fine the way they are. ON All sides. I just got the Starfire this morning. It's awesome against Air. and decent against 1 infantry, and even one MAX. More, and it's tough, being as it's not meant for Anti Infantry. Vehicles? Ha. It takes 16 shots to take a full Turret out. And it takes about 8 shots from a Lancer. Go figure. Starfire is fine. It does what it's meant to do. Anti Air.

2003-09-04, 05:08 AM
you're joking right? the vanu ANTI-AIR MAX gives aircraft a problem when you pass over the base and you start a poll asking about potential nerfage while the terran ANTI-VEHICLE infantry weapon does the same thing without the 5 min timer.

2003-09-04, 05:53 AM
Quite frankly, then neither are much of a problem if you're a good pilot (and have a decent squad with you)

I fly a Galaxy, and whenever I head to a base to drop troops in, then there's a very easy way of doing it..

First of all make sure your passengers are paying attention, then get as high as you can, and as fast as you can (without using afterburners... you're gonna need those)

Then, when you pass over the Base/Tower/Drop Point, everyone Hot Drops (remember, i said you had to make sure they were paying attention)

Adjust your course by at least 45 Degrees and slap the afterburners.

You can get in and out of the Hot Zone really quickly, and generally the only thing that you have to worry about are enemy aircraft... But that's a whole other manouvre..

It's simple, and means i rarely have any trouble with Maxs or Infantry..

Psycho Gal Pilot
'I just love the screams when the passengers realise they're headed straight at the ground with afterburners on :D'