View Full Version : Balance.....why can't we leave it alone?

2003-09-03, 02:07 PM
Why is half the discussion on every board about nerfing this weapon or that vehicle? Why can't we leave things alone.

I truly think things are pretty balanced as they are. Each side has its superior weapons in different categories. Do I hate it when I die repeatedly by certain weapons or vehicles? Of course. But that doesn't mean I think they should be nerfed.

I wish the developers would spend more time on fixing longstanding bugs rather then continually toying with the balance.

2003-09-03, 02:11 PM
There is significantly less balance arguments than we've seen since release. I think the last Lasher nerf actually did balance things out pretty well. There will always be people complaining about balance (balance to many people means being able to beat the other empire more easily). Luckily there is very little CSR/Dev talk about weapons other than a vague AV statement a few weeks back. I don't think the PS squad is really focusing on balance right now which is a good thing.

Of course as soon as the expansion hits, the balance discussion will most likely go crazy again.

2003-09-03, 02:48 PM
we can't leave things alone because they aren't balanced. by your statement the VS should have said nothing about their Starfire MAX, because everything is balanced. it wasn't, but that's what all the other empires kept telling VS. 'oh I've used the starfire and it kill stuff just fine. quit whining' etc. etc. this kind of dicsussion will continue ad nauseum. find some starcraft forums sometime. people are STILL saying there's imbalances in that game and it's how many years old?

2003-09-03, 03:32 PM
Hardly any of the topics here are about balancing weapons and stuff. Especially now since they made the Lasher lets powerfull.

2003-09-03, 04:05 PM
I totaly bump...leave it alone, VS you got your Versatility TR has its Shoot first shoot alot ask questions later and NC has its power per shot. All i hear about Nef/upgrade is Bicker Bicker Bicker......