View Full Version : What's your favorite weapon cert?
2003-09-03, 04:20 PM
i just posted a poll on favorite vehicles and now i want to know weapon certs
2003-09-03, 04:29 PM
I chose antivehicular cuz ilove the stryker.:)
Standard Assault all the br20s use it cause it rocks. lol JK I choose medium assault.
2003-09-03, 06:06 PM
Knife cert
Originally posted by X-113
Knife cert
There is no knife cert, you just have it all the time.
2003-09-03, 06:11 PM
It's a joke... Sort of. I really like using the knife though. It's just so cool when you get a kill with it. :D
2003-09-03, 06:24 PM
If knife was on there, i would have picked it, but besides that, its a tie between sniping and the magscatter (Standard Assualt) I chose sniping.
2003-09-03, 06:45 PM
Sniping of course, heh what else would you choose? Heavy Assault? Yeah like that's real useful.
2003-09-03, 07:57 PM
2003-09-03, 08:02 PM
Special Assault rocks!!!
2003-09-03, 08:15 PM
Medium assult.....
2003-09-03, 08:48 PM
medium assault is the one cert I will never ever toss.
2003-09-03, 09:05 PM
I love Medium assault, i odnt any other weps certs
2003-09-03, 11:29 PM
Scatters are awesome, Med Assault is nice, Gauss and Sweeper pack a punch.
I'm thinking of trying Sniping and Hvy Asslt too.
2003-09-03, 11:48 PM
Medium Assault, followed closely by Spec Assault
2003-09-04, 12:16 AM
I chose Medium Assault, because it's neccessary for any other weapon cert, and because I use the Sweeper and the Pulsar always. I have one or the other in my fav combos.
2003-09-04, 04:03 AM
Put Sniping cos it's my favourite out of the ones there...
You missed off Max's!!! they're pretty much a weapon cert (true, you get a funky looking suit of armour and the ability to run really quickly, although move really slowly otherwise)
Just reckon that would have been nice...
ScatterMax :D
SparrowMax :D
2003-09-04, 04:33 AM
Well, MAX's half breeds. They are half Infantry, half Vehicle.
2003-09-04, 04:36 AM
Yeah, I suppose so....
Basically a means for carrying around a big-arse gun :D
2003-09-04, 02:42 PM
Spec assault all the way. Its the most versitile spec.
The rocklet can be used on vehicles and infantry. it has decent range and accuracy (if in primary mode).
The decimator is the anti-max weapon. Switch to secondary mode and almost any max is going down. It's also very accurate at long distances if you kneel. It'll put a serious hurt on any vehicle.
The thumper is all around multi-purpose. Frags for quick damage to infantry and armor damage to maxes and vehicles. Plasmas for infantry, especially those sneaky infiltrators (Mmmm, extra crispy cloaker...). Jammers can clear out deployables quickly. Plus they make a nice firework display in the sky after a base cap :)
2003-09-04, 02:48 PM
special assault, never the leave the spawn without 3 decis and my jh :)
2003-09-04, 10:34 PM
srry i forgot about knife cert... its my favorite too:) it can go with standard assault i guess :)
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