View Full Version : Critters

2003-09-03, 06:35 PM
I think they really should have Critters and have like a 1-point cert that lets you be able to ride them. They could have continent specific critters, and 2-3 critters that can be found on each continent. It think it would be really cool to come across some random animal, run up to it, press G, and hop on its back. THey should have one of the critters be able to carry 2 to 3 people on its back, like some elephant-like critter. Anyone else think this would be cool? :sniper:

2003-09-03, 06:38 PM
Good idea! We could make it like Star Wars and ride ewoks!!!

2003-09-03, 06:40 PM
Ph3ar teh bunny riders of doom...

2003-09-03, 06:43 PM
Muahahah, we could all get elephant critters and ride across the continent like hannibal!!! That cert would be awesome, even though it would be hard to put critters in the game, if they did I would want that cert badly.

2003-09-03, 06:45 PM
I can't believe your serious..........

2003-09-03, 06:45 PM
To be serious for a second, it will never happen. An online massive FPS isnt ready to accept NPC path coding. And Planetside is strictly PvP with no NPC interaction. I'd like to keep it that way.

2003-09-03, 06:47 PM
You see it always happens someone starts a cool idea and ruins them by saying something like lets ride the back of freakin critters for no apparent reason at all.

2003-09-03, 06:50 PM
I, personally...think that would ruin the game - this is Planetside not EverQuest ;)

How does a critter keep up with even an ANT? I can't see it working, if you want horses and various creatures there's games catering for it already :)

Plus you'd stick out a mile, how would you attack a base on one of those? ;)

2003-09-03, 06:52 PM

2003-09-03, 06:54 PM
To be serious for a second, it will never happen. An online massive FPS isnt ready to accept NPC path coding. And Planetside is strictly PvP with no NPC interaction. I'd like to keep it that way.

If you read earlier my post on why critters wouldn't work you would see that I know it proably won't happen. Needs a separate AI server to talk to the other server they have. Alot of other things I said but I don't want to type them all... again.... But then again it wouldn't be impossible.

I don't care if we all get slaughtered. i would proabably have my trooops go at the people with medieval bows and arrows and swords if this game had any. Would be fun, don't care if it's useful or not.

You see it always happens someone starts a cool idea and ruins them by saying something like lets ride the back of freakin critters for no apparent reason at all.

The reason is, it would be fun

Oh and I know what I'm talking out, I'm ranking commander and have read way to many threads on this site

2003-09-03, 06:58 PM
Originally posted by 00AgentDuck

Oh and I know what I'm talking out, I'm ranking commander and have read way to many threads on this site

Watch out everybody or he'll..... Uh.... Be very commanding!

2003-09-03, 07:02 PM
Watch out everybody or he'll..... Uh.... Be very commanding!

That or trample us with his herd of critters and shoot us with his bow and arrows.

2003-09-03, 07:06 PM
Yeah that's a good idea even though it'll never happen.

2003-09-03, 07:27 PM
that definatly sounds like star wars galaxies because that is kind of what you do in it. now all it needs is dancing wookies.:zzz:

2003-09-03, 09:11 PM
I'm saying a commander because I've replayed to alot of treads and it says I'm a commander because I have replayed to 225+ threads, and read a whole bunch of them. I know it won't happen but still it's just an idea... you don't have to like it. I know more then you about this kind of stuff because I've been around longer on this sight, not saying I'm better then you though. So yes, I know critters won't happen, and can we just please just stop talkign about this topic?

2003-09-03, 09:26 PM
Listen, just because you've made a lot of post doesnt make you more or less knowlegable on the subject than anyone else. Same thing goes for EVERY other post, too. Your "rank" here on the site really doesnt mean shit as every other commander can flame and troll just as good as any recruit.

So in the end, no, you probably DONT know more then I do about this subject. And no, we WONT stop talking about this subject because, well, its the subject! And just because you have submitted your opinion doesnt mean others dont have anything else to submit.

2003-09-03, 10:04 PM
I know that I don't know everything. But I've also read a whole lot, not just posted, I've thoght bout what I posted not justed spammed. Well anyway, I think PSU was better awhile ago. And I don't flame or troll so please just chill and forget about this.

Kind of also funny how the topic has changed from critters to this.

2003-09-03, 11:21 PM
All things technical aside, I'm not sure I'd like to see critters. See, I get most of my hacks and kills by NOT being noticed by the other sides. I guess if I'm saying that, if you want to ride creatures, go right ahead, but I'm perfectly happy walking, running with my MAX suit, or driving my AMS around.

On the technical side, It's not that they would have to have a seperate AI server that's the problem. It's all the AI path coding that would be the problem. It takes 3 seperate 'pathways' (I can't think of the actual correct word, so please bare with me), 3 path ways for an AI bound character to go from point 'A' to point 'B'. And that doesn't even tell the AI bound character what to DO between 'A' and 'B'. You might ask, why 3? why not 2? Simple, 1, to code the AI, 1 to start walking, and 1 to stop the character at point 'B'. This is all just conjecture on my part, as this is only how I see things from my programming experiance. I could be wrong about any of this, but from the work I have done, this seems to be correct. So, how much coding would it take for one character to move around, do things, attack invaders, attack other AI bound characters? What about for hundreds of AI bound characters doing the same? Would SOE just make them stand still, to save space?

You can't think of things from only the Coolness factor, you have to think of the entire picture when it comes to something. One of the Major problems about AI bound characters isn't the problem with Ping or Fps, it's with the limitness of AI. At this moment, AI is limited by how much a computer is allowed to do. I'll give you an example...

In Medal of Honor : Allied Assault, someone was able to code Attack Dogs into the multiplayer aspect, and then these dogs we're able to be introduced into a Multiplayer server. How they worked is that they would spawn in certain places on a map. If one was observant, one would be able to figure out where, and either kill them as they spawned, or simple stay away from them. Now, how these Attack dogs worked is that they would spawn, wait till someone got within a certain range of them, and then seek out that player, and ONLY the player who came close, till that dog was killed. These dogs could enter buildings, as the door would open for them, don't ask how, but they could NOT reach anyone standing above them by, I believe, 5 feet. Easy, stand on a desk, railing, stack of boxes, roof, what ever, and shoot the dog till it was dead. The AI was too limited, plus too predictable and easy to bypass. I forgot to mention, there could be 1 dog on a server, or there could have been 50 at one time. The number is set by the person who introduced the AttackdogAI file, or PK3, as they are named for MOHAA. And the second problem with that AI is that the more dogs, the worse everyones ping got.

So, in my opinion, AI bound 'characters' is not a very viable option for such MMO games as this. HOWEVER, it just might be. See, I've never played Everquest, I don't know how the AI works in that. I HAVE played Asheron's Call 2, and the AI in that was pretty much like those MOHAA attack dogs. The characters would stand around, maybe move a little here and there, and if someone got close enough, they'd attack that person till one or the other died. Very limited. Very dull. I never played Asheron's Call for more than a week.

2003-09-04, 10:20 AM
They said there would never be NPC's

But then again they said there would never be artillery either and we are getting some in core combat :ugh:

2003-09-04, 12:25 PM
Same goes for bombers

I thought TEH NO RISK = NO

but i guess if you whine enough :/

2003-09-04, 04:02 PM
Ok, um, just because its a futuristic FPS doesn't mean "Oh no! There wull be absolutely NO animals in the future, we cant put critters in!"

#2: Im not saying "Hey, critters will be the most powerful things in the game! We can charge the enemy base and slaughter them all!"

#3: The critters would be for transportation only

#4: They don't have to make AI for them, they can just have them standing still, lol. Yeah, uve got a point there, it would look pretty lame, but id still get the cert!

2003-09-04, 09:55 PM
Personally, I like the idea. It will never happen, but it's fun to think about. I mean, wouldn't you like to charge into battle on a camel, sloth, or horse? I know that I would. All though, if it got hit by any bullets, it would fall over and toss you off. Plus, what kind of wild animal would just let you get on it's back? I guess you could have some kind of futeristic armor on the animal.... O wait critters will never come out. Ok I'm done.

Happy lil Elf
2003-09-04, 10:41 PM
Critters aren't really needed. Sure it'd be fun to run over fuzzy little bunnies, but the trade off wouldn't be worth it imo.

AgentDuck, the number of posts you have has nothing to do with this issue. It doesn't mean you opinion is any more or less valid. Using it as an argument to support your opinion is not only in poor taste, but pretty fucking gay as well.

2003-09-05, 06:57 AM
You know "happy lil' elf" looking at that last post, you don't seem all that happy...And I dont think you should all of a suddden jump into matters that you aren't even involved in.

Remember, this thread is about CRITTERS, not the importance of being a commander or soldier or whatever. So just DROP IT.

2003-09-05, 07:31 AM
Personally, I like the idea. It will never happen, but it's fun to think about. I mean, wouldn't you like to charge into battle on a camel, sloth, or horse? I know that I would. All though, if it got hit by any bullets, it would fall over and toss you off. Plus, what kind of wild animal would just let you get on it's back? I guess you could have some kind of futeristic armor on the animal.... O wait critters will never come out. Ok I'm done.

Lmao snipe j00 horse down. I would prefer a mag or a reaver to some slow ass animal lol.

Ok, um, just because its a futuristic FPS doesn't mean "Oh no! There wull be absolutely NO animals in the future, we cant put critters in!"

#2: Im not saying "Hey, critters will be the most powerful things in the game! We can charge the enemy base and slaughter them all!"

#3: The critters would be for transportation only

#4: They don't have to make AI for them, they can just have them standing still, lol. Yeah, uve got a point there, it would look pretty lame, but id still get the cert!

first of wtf where is number 1?

Second, third and forth points. What would their uses be? We have vehicles already. If critters were put in, my basillik could 0wn you giant lizard. This isnt eq. We have engines, not horsepower.

Do we really want the devs spending months designing a new VEHICLE that can go about the speed of an ANT that looks like an GIRAFFE?! I know i sure as hell dont. I want meh fucking LFB (linked facility benifits)

2003-09-05, 09:04 AM
I think they should start a new 4th faction : Critters!.

There bases could be burrows and instead of spawn tubes, you could be born from a giant queen worm/bug/bee/politician, and you could equip from a nest terminal.

Then instead of implant, you could have genetic evolutionary enhancements. You could have :
Skunk tail : Lama spit : Elephant arse..

Just think of it, you could run around the continent looking for pollon and things to mate with!.

or not.....

2003-09-05, 10:01 AM
Actually, if they can make shooting range targets, im sure they can make critters ;)

2003-09-05, 10:19 AM
Originally posted by shadowseed
I think they should start a new 4th faction : Critters!.

There bases could be burrows and instead of spawn tubes, you could be born from a giant queen worm/bug/bee/politician, and you could equip from a nest terminal.

Then instead of implant, you could have genetic evolutionary enhancements. You could have :
Skunk tail : Lama spit : Elephant arse..

Just think of it, you could run around the continent looking for pollon and things to mate with!.

or not.....

Hey! Now theres an idea! critter faction. :D It's like the zerg with fur. And since when does anyone NOT run around the continent looking for things to mate with? :O_O:

2003-09-05, 10:27 AM
Originally posted by X-113
Hey! Now theres an idea! critter faction. :D It's like the zerg with fur. And since when does anyone NOT run around the continent looking for things to mate with? :O_O:


Happy lil Elf
2003-09-05, 10:47 AM
You know "happy lil' elf" looking at that last post, you don't seem all that happy...And I dont think you should all of a suddden jump into matters that you aren't even involved in.

Sorry, Raz, this isn't a private discussion. If you want to have a private discussion click that neat PM button. It's a public board and I can, regardless of what you think, all of a sudden jump into any thread I choose. Then of course I also commented on the topic at hand. So please, by all means, bite me :)

See? Smiley face. I was happy when I said that :)

Remember, this thread is about CRITTERS, not the importance of being a commander or soldier or whatever. So just DROP IT.

Sorry again, Raz. AgentDuck brought the issue into this. That makes it fair game ;)

2003-09-05, 11:53 AM
Lets just throw everyones ideas together and make PS a big critter orgy!!!!

2003-09-05, 11:56 AM
:O_O: Originally posted by Aen
Lets just throw everyones ideas together and make PS a big critter orgy!!!!

Beastiality = nasty

2003-09-05, 12:06 PM
Beastiality = nasty

I think so too. But we should wait for AgentDuck to defend himself on this one.

2003-09-05, 04:09 PM
LOLOLOLOL Ya know, you guys are very sad, very very sad. I feel sorry for you guys actually, and whoever you get married to since when I say something you can't drop it, hopefully whoever you marry can deal with you. So hey anyway I got a life other then this, you hate me that's fine, I don't mind one bit. Just remember this, choose who you hate more carefully, it helps. Oh and again abotu the commander thing, I listen to people who have posted more then me alittle bit more, since experienced people normally know more. Except ya know, even experienced people can be idiots sometimes, so please like Rarzo said, DROP IT!

2003-09-05, 04:16 PM
ok, for whatever sad little freak asked "what's #1?" it would be the first thing i said

Second, Rarzo is not able to to bite you at this moment, because he is on a fat-free and ***-free diet

Third, for the retard that said "My ATV would own your horse any day": The critters would be out in the wilderness, just being an alternative to walking all the way to the nearest facility. Instead, if you're getting a vehicle for the speed and not the firepower, you could just hop on the nearest ugly ostrich-looking thing and ride that to a sniping place, or battle, or enemy tower, or wherever the heck it is u want to go.

and also said "This isn't EQ. we have engines, not horsepower" I just explained that. Just because it's in the future doesn't mean that there are no animals. What do you think the people would eat? Bunch of retards...

2003-09-05, 04:27 PM
This is funny.

Happy lil Elf
2003-09-05, 04:42 PM
Second, Rarzo is not able to to bite you at this moment, because he is on a fat-free and ***-free dietRaven, I'm not sure where you got included in this but if you want to play to I suppose I can oblige you. Do the world a favor, next time you have an urge to try to fight off the large man who rapes you on a daily basis, give it a shot. It's obvious the shit he's been pumping into you has reached critical levels and has started spewing from your mouth. Please at the very least give that stuff some time to settle before opening your mouth again. Just to save yourself from the embarrasment if nothing else.

I never said I hate you AgentDuck, settle down. You just used a piss poor argument to reinforce your point. Hell I could use it and say I'm an admiral and Ravenblade is a donkey raping shit eater. Now, that I said he's a donkey raping shit eater isn't what makes him a donkey raping shit eater. The reason he's a donkey raping shit eater is that he rapes donkeys and eats shit, not because I, as an admiral, said he is.

Now then, did you want to play some more, Raven?

2003-09-05, 04:48 PM
I hope so. This shit is entertaining!

Happy lil Elf
2003-09-05, 05:22 PM
I know :) Helps the day go by on slow days at work :p

2003-09-05, 05:55 PM
.... ok then, I wonder what happened to the old PSU, it's gone now. THis will be my last post here on this thread

2003-09-05, 06:13 PM
"Raven, I'm not sure where you got included in this,"

I started this forum u retarded hermaphradite.

Oh, I'm sorry, i used too big of a word for the guy who sits at his computer and watches porn half the day, then goes out and rapes people for a living. A hermaphradite is a person who is born with the reproductive organs of both sexes, such as "Happy lil' Elf". You sick ***, you turned this conversation about critters into a war, and I'm gonna end it. I started this forum for a game discussion, and you corrupted it into something fouler than your stench, and that's saying something. Why don't you go lay hands on yourself, you sick pervert, and leave this forum for people who want to criticize or support me, i don't care which they do, as long as they're not typing to annoy and insult the people who actually want to have a decent converstion about Planetside gameplay. Begone freak.

Happy lil Elf
2003-09-05, 06:16 PM
PSU is the same as always. Post count has never had much bearing on anything other than...hmm...well ok post count has just never really had any effect on anything.

If you're reffering to the nice little flame war going on, I'll admit the pretty fucking gay comment was a bit out of line but then using that argument was really stupid. I guess I could have gone with that instead, oh well the damage is done I suppose. As far as the continuing flame war goes, a pair of morons decided to attempt to flame me. I flame back because it amuses me /shrug

2003-09-05, 06:17 PM
Yay, the war is over, peace has come back to Auraxis once more.

2003-09-05, 06:27 PM
Yep I agree I shouldn't of said I was a commander, I was just using that though as saying I've read some threads before and have some idea what I am talking about, I'm sure you do also. So yep I call for peace.

Happy lil Elf
2003-09-05, 06:31 PM
You started this forum? Could have fooled me I always thought it was Hamma. Oh now I see, you ignorant dipshit, you meant "thread". Guess what that entitles you to as far as control over what is said in this thread and who says it? None. If you don't like my posts there's a neat button labled ignore you can use :)

You and Raz degenerated this, I simply have no problem fighting on your level, because poking fucktards with sticks amuses me. I made no attack on either of you until you decided to respond with flames to a post directed at AgentDuck. Please don't try to take the high road after starting this, it makes you look even more ridiculous than you do when you're riding your parents.

Now once again, do you want to play more or are you done?

2003-09-05, 06:33 PM
I haven't been here very long but Elf, it seems like you never post anything nice or constructive. :(

Happy lil Elf
2003-09-05, 06:42 PM
*Edit because I missed AgentDuck's message*
Agreed, sorry if my original comment offended you Duck, explained below a bit more in response to Otis.

/shrug I debate things, depending on the person debating them I can be harsh or very polite. Really depends on the tones used. If someone pisses me off though I tend to be harsh, as I was with Agent. I really don't like people using post count as a reinforcing argument. Usually if they don't seem to realize it wasn't intended to offend but rather than to express displeasure on my part I'll appologize and back off, as I just did with AgentDuck.

If some random person starts flaming me though things like, well, see above happen.

2003-09-05, 06:52 PM
So your saying that because Rarzo and I stuck up for our friend, we deserve to be flamed? You piss me off, and I agree with Otis. The only things I see you doing on any forums is pissing people off. I attmepted to bring retarded flame war to an end, but you couldn't stop, could you?


2003-09-05, 06:54 PM
Originally posted by Ravenblade
...I agree with Otis...
Whoa, whoa, whoa, don't get me involved.

2003-09-05, 07:02 PM
Im not trying to, just agreeing with your statement, though i wouldn't put it past Elf to get you involved.

2003-09-05, 07:13 PM
First off, I was the first person to corrupt the thread. (see bunny riders of doom)

Second, its generally a BAD idea to make a call for peace AFTER you call them a retarded hermaphrodite flaming fucktard etc etc. One of you is going to have to be mature enough to say "ok, I'm sorry if I offended you. Peace?" and not "I'm sorry I offended you. You stinking sack of shit. Peace?"

2003-09-05, 07:32 PM
Why can't we all just get along? :groovy:


2003-09-05, 08:25 PM
Wow, I hadn't read this thread before so I thought I'd jump to page 4 to decide if the whole thing was worth reading. Guess not.

2003-09-05, 10:24 PM
But u see X-113, that wasn't corruption. That was stating that u felt it was a bad idea in a somewhat strange way. I don't care if people do that, in fact, i think its funny. I DON'T like it when people start cussing ME out, or the other people who thought it would be cool. Then they're not even criticizing the game, they're criticizing me.

Happy lil Elf
2003-09-06, 01:02 AM
Raven, you started flaming me, not the other way around. Like I said, don't try to take the high road here. You took it from "bite me" to "on a low-fat low-*** diet". You escalated it, I simply had no problem dropping that level, and then some.

No of course I wouldn't flame Otis, he presented his criticism in a reasonable manner and I'm more than will to speak reasonably to people who don't annoy me right off the bat (which admittidly isn't all that hard) or go out of their way to offend me.

Yes, you did try to bring it to an end. I totally missed that post by you and I appologize for that. After the previous flame the last thing I was expecting was a peace offering immediately following it and so I didn't really check for any messages from you. I wrote the flame immediately after the message to Agent and, again, completely missed your peace offering.

So that said, flame war over, gg all.

2003-09-06, 01:18 AM
Yay! :clap:

2003-09-06, 02:04 AM
that would be fun.. you could trample nmes and do drive by's and stuff... you could get like super strong ones, flying ones, and all types of critters!


2003-09-06, 02:10 AM
It would be cool if on one critter you can sit on it and it'll fly and you can control it's mouth as a weapon. First attack would be fire breath and second attack would be eating people you go low and press the second attack and it will open it's mouth and take the person in and then you can press either one of two buttons one to take a bite of him and kill him or the other to keep him in your mouth for a maximum of 3 minutes (this means if you get shot down they can take him out and he'll be unharmed). Then you can fly over water and drop him in it.

2003-09-06, 08:33 AM
WHAT! Critter!?!?!?!

Oh yea, that is what this thread is about isn't it?

2003-09-06, 11:05 AM
The only reason I can think the Devs would add critters was so that people would kill THEM instead of killing eachother when they are bored.

2003-09-06, 11:11 AM
Yeah, sometimes ill get bored and kill someone on my sanc by running them over, but i usually say "sorry, was bored"

It think what would be really fun would be to get on a critter, ride up on someone, and be able to swing your knife at them. Or when u get on the critter, when u hit 5 u get a sword instead of a knife, because in reality, a knife wouldn't be able to reach someone on the ground if you're on a critter. Or you could just trample them beneath ur critter's claws/hooves/zucchini-shaped feet :D

2003-09-06, 11:49 AM
Originally posted by 00AgentDuck
I know that I don't know everything. But I've also read a whole lot, not just posted, I've thoght bout what I posted not justed spammed. Well anyway, I think PSU was better awhile ago. And I don't flame or troll so please just chill and forget about this.

Kind of also funny how the topic has changed from critters to this.

so, you're saying you've read more posts than I have? :)

2003-09-06, 12:54 PM
This thread sucks.

2003-09-06, 08:41 PM
So do your stats. Lt Colonel?! From your kills I would estimate that you only discharge your weapon every 50th enemy you encounter.

2003-09-06, 09:59 PM
I run a-
933 Mhz
256 RAM
Geforce2 MX

If the enemies actually load on my screen, I shoot at them.

As for my rank, Vash insists I'm a team player. I say I barely deserve Major, but no, I'm an Lt. Colonel.
I didn't ask for that rank.