View Full Version : This is BS

2003-09-03, 10:21 PM
Well, we've been royally fucked by Sony once again. Observe:
Spork on Content (http://boards.station.sony.com/ubb/planetside/Forum8/HTML/017186.html)

In this link, Spork states that you'll be able to use the base upgrades that will be comming from Core Combat, but NOT use the vehicles or weapons. This contradicts what CatterpillAr said. Gimme a minute, and I'll fish up that link...

[Edit: http://boards.station.sony.com/ubb/planetside/Forum8/HTML/013994.html ]

2003-09-03, 10:27 PM
And this is my surprised face {Blank Look}

I know this is a shock {Blank Look}

But we are getting the rail {Blank Look}

But at least we can enjoy the "New free downloadable content" {Blank Look}

No but seriuosly we CAN enjoy the free content of watching the new vehichles do cool and fun things, we just have to pay to use them. And the only thing that will make me stop showing my blank look is if they charge more for the monthly.

2003-09-03, 10:29 PM
Well yeah, since it's an expansion then why would people who didn't get it to be allowed to go to these areas or use this stuff? If everyone had it what would be the point of getting the expansion? But yeah I don't which is correct CatterpillAr or Spork.

2003-09-03, 10:30 PM
I understand that they're a corporation, and are out to make money, but this is pretty underhanded. They need to get their act together and at least all say the same thing, even if it's the unpopular option.

2003-09-03, 11:31 PM
SOE seems to be determined to drive off the player base. They seem to be doing a good job too.

2003-09-04, 01:12 AM
Here's what I *think* will be the way the expansion works. The new weaps and vehicles will only be available in the new zones that the expansion brings. If you don't have the expansion you can't get into the new zones. Which therefore prevents you from purchasing the new weapons. However someone could bring these out of the new zones which would give the people who don't have the expansion the ability to loot them(if its a weap) or jack them(if its a vehicle).

But I'd bet money even the people with the expansion won't be able to "purchase" these items in the current world. They will always have to be purchased in the expansion zones.

Adding new zones is probably not a good idea at this point considering out of the 10 current continents often only 2 have anybody on them. More than half the world these days is generally a ghost town.

The expansion is only going to make the current world more barren than it already is.

2003-09-04, 02:03 AM
You got to pay to play. There are no exceptions.

That is all.

2003-09-04, 04:17 AM
Originally posted by Cease
Here's what I *think* will be the way the expansion works. The new weaps and vehicles will only be available in the new zones that the expansion brings. If you don't have the expansion you can't get into the new zones. Which therefore prevents you from purchasing the new weapons. However someone could bring these out of the new zones which would give the people who don't have the expansion the ability to loot them(if its a weap) or jack them(if its a vehicle).

But I'd bet money even the people with the expansion won't be able to "purchase" these items in the current world. They will always have to be purchased in the expansion zones.

Adding new zones is probably not a good idea at this point considering out of the 10 current continents often only 2 have anybody on them. More than half the world these days is generally a ghost town.

The expansion is only going to make the current world more barren than it already is.

Only people with the expansion pack will be able to :
1) Go to the new zones
2) Use the new weapons/vechicals

People without will not be able to do the above, but will be able to:

1) See the new vechicals if someone brings them from the new zones
2) See a expantion-pack-holder using the new weapons.

But these new weapons and vechicals can only be purchased in the new zones, regardless of expansion pack or not.

If fact, this means everyone will need updates for the new content, regardless, and buying the expansion pack is nothing short of just buying a new key which enables the use of the content.
So why do they not bother just have on-line keys you can buy a bit cheaper than wasting money and time on selling the update on a CD in a box in a shop....

2003-09-04, 04:47 AM
The answer to that is simple : $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

2003-09-04, 04:52 AM
Or for Those of Us in England (Scotland, Wales and Ireland also...)

�������������������������������������������������� ��


2003-09-04, 10:21 AM
Don't get pissed off just yet, sounds like there is some miscommunication on the dev team to me :lol:

I can't see them not allowing you to use the vehicles. That would be just plain stupid and more programming for them.

Happy lil Elf
2003-09-04, 11:28 AM
Who said there wouldn't be a way to buy the expansion by just buying the CD key. If you don't want to buy it in the store you'll most likely be able to buy the expansion simply by clicking that you'd like to purchase it ala the way LoY and LDoN were done/are being done.

I think I'm going to make a point of taking Flails above ground, blowing up people without the expansion and then laughing maniacally at them when they send bitchy tells :)

2003-09-04, 11:49 AM
Originally posted by Happy lil' Elf
I think I'm going to make a point of taking Flails above ground, blowing up people without the expansion and then laughing maniacally at them when they send bitchy tells :)

Which was my point a long time ago about how this will alienate current subscribers who don't feel like getting gouged by Sony. My best guess is that it will slightly inflate the population for 2 months, bringing in enough new subscribers to gloss over the dedicated subscribers who leave because of it.

By the way, you'll have to hope that you can get underground, get a flail, get it to the top and kill people with it all before your 20 minutes is up and the memory leak crashes you right? I have absolutely no idea how somebody being crippled by that memory leak could actually pay Sony for an expansion without that getting fixed first.

2003-09-04, 11:49 AM
Originally posted by Hamma
Don't get pissed off just yet, sounds like there is some miscommunication on the dev team to me :lol:

I can't see them not allowing you to use the vehicles. That would be just plain stupid and more programming for them.

Hmmmm according to that latest interview, it now looks like people with the expansion pack can enter the caverns, and bring back modules to upgrade facilitys on the surface, at which point, those without the expansion pack can get vechicals/weapons from that base with the upgrade module....

So the only advantage of buying the expansion pack is that you can go into these underground caverns and get these upgrade modules....

Happy lil Elf
2003-09-04, 12:08 PM
Granted but I think I'll go for aiming for the people who whine about there being an expansion already and talk about how unfair it is they don't get the new toys without paying for them.

2003-09-04, 12:16 PM
Yeah the people who can not decide to pass on upsizeing their Big Mac combos every day for a week, so they can buy the damn upgrade piss me off. Buy the stupid upgrade or just STFU. I dont think people should even see the graphics if they dont buy, screw em. Make everything look like beamers and AMSs. It is not like it is that friken expensive.

I have no patience or tolerance for these people whatsoever.


2003-09-04, 01:46 PM
Excellent, pay for the expansion or else your opinion is worthless. Imagine your loyalty if you were actually on the Sony payroll.

2003-09-04, 02:40 PM
Its utterly ridiculous to expect that you should benifit from the expansion while not being willing to pay for it

2003-09-04, 02:44 PM
I understand the "Pay for privledges" mentality. I shouldn't have all the benefits that you guys have if you buy the expansion pack. However, it's sheer idiocy to suggest I should be unable to use a peice of equipment that fits into the criteria of what I'm allowed in-game. It's also just testament to the fact that half the dev team has no idea what's they're telling us, or what eachother are saying. If this new equipment will be as uncommon on the surface as it sounds like, it won't matter in the long run anyway. There's no problem with not allowing us to procure this equipment if we do not invest in the expansion pack, but they are creating an inharent imbalance by not making the weapons *usable by everyone*.

Like Navaron said, they can deny it all they want, but I defenitely think that they're just flinging around information to build up sales.

And no, non-expansioners will not be able to use expansion weapons or vehicles even if they procure them. That includes passenger seats. Source: http://boards.station.sony.com/ubb/planetside/Forum8/HTML/017261.html

BS, plain and simple. I would think that I would be able to use the weapons if I manage to get my hands on them regardless of expansion status purely for all the missed deadlines and absent features. While we're at it, why don't the devs try to get a solid, achievable deadline on the features I'm paying for now? As someone else said, it's great that they can put a releasedate for an expansion pack, but not for the contention features.

I'm starting to wonder what I'm paying my monthly fee for. What ever happened to customer appreciation?

[Edit: As for you Queen, it's not based on the cost. It's based on the principle and the lack of respect that SOE has for their playerbase. First they jack the LLU idea on us, an idea that NOBODY wanted, they they pull this royal fuckover. It's got nothing to do with cost.]

2003-09-04, 02:46 PM
heh, you think these guys work for free and owe you something. Its really comical

2003-09-04, 02:53 PM
Did you think before you posted? Seriously, let's invest more the 15 seconds thought before you shoot another off-the-hip response that has no relevance to the issue.

They don't work for free, I pay them. I pay them 15 bucks a month. They owe me what I pay for. The comment I made regarding monthly content was strictly regarding the fact that they can't get what I pay for (Content) out on time, and bug free, but yet want to imbalance my game with new weapons that I can't use or procure in any way.

It's a customer screwover, game inbalance, and a slap in the face to what we pay our monthly fees for all in one. And I never stated or implied that the devs work for free, that statement is idiotic considering that I mensioned monthly fees in my previous post.

2003-09-04, 03:00 PM
Here is Caterpillars and Sporks reply in order to clear up the confusion:

Developer posted 09-04-2003 09:55 AM
user search report post
I was wrong in my previous post. Simple as that.

I did not lie or try to fool anyone, what would be the point of that? I simply passed on what I thought was the correct information at the time. In hindsight I should not have posted anything at all, as this is not my area, design and layout is.
I apologize for the confusion. I was trying not to keep you guys in the dark.

Spork has the right info (as usual).


Developer posted 09-04-2003 10:39 AM
user search report post
The conflicting information is unfortunate and I apologize for it. The correct answer is that expansion equipment can be brought to the surface. However, it cannot be used by players who do not own the expansion. The exception will, of course, be the Router. Although players will not be able to drive or deploy it unless they have the expansion, they will be able to use its teleportation functions when it is deployed (it would be weird otherwise, ya know?)

Victor Wachter
Community Relations Representative
Many questions can be answered by reading the PlanetSide Game Info and FAQ

and the link: http://boards.station.sony.com/ubb/planetside/Forum8/HTML/017261.html

2003-09-04, 07:47 PM
Originally posted by Queensidecastle
Yeah the people who can not decide to pass on upsizeing their Big Mac combos every day for a week, so they can buy the damn upgrade piss me off. Buy the stupid upgrade or just STFU. I dont think people should even see the graphics if they dont buy, screw em. Make everything look like beamers and AMSs. It is not like it is that friken expensive.

I have no patience or tolerance for these people whatsoever.


:clap: :clap: :clap:

2003-09-04, 07:54 PM
I don't know but if the only thing your gonna miss out on is the new underground places is it really worth buying the expansion? If you can't use the new vehicles and weapons then it's totally worth buying the expanison. But then again I guess I'm just gonna by the expansion so I could do everything you could do in Planetside I mean it would be annoying if your whole squad went in one of the underground places and you couldn't cause you didn't buy the expansion.

And I'm not sure which one is correct but I would go with the one that is more recent.

2003-09-04, 08:13 PM
Who's suprised? That's a gigantic "miscommunication". Either someone's dumber than I thought, or me, Incomp, and LNS are right.

2003-09-04, 08:45 PM
Mightybig indeed, one might even say... ::pinky to mouth::..Intentional?

2003-09-04, 09:40 PM
You guys are getting your panties in a bind. From my view, here is what you are paying for.....

Use of high speed, high powered servers. NASA Quality.

24 hour/ 7 day a week in-game customer support. Thay are always there, they are always watching.

New in-game content, not barring expansions. EI: Skyguard, Liberator, LLU....a few others not yet implemented, such as platoons, and the base stuff.

The Ability to play online, 24/7 with hundreds, even thousands of others, and against hundreds or thousands. You problems with your computer/modem/internet provider are not their problems. This RAM drain is. It's being looked at by a few people, they even have a guy playing their game when ever he wants to, he gets paid to play, but he is paid to collect data on the game.

There may be more that I am not seeing, but these are the things I see, and these are the things you are paying for. You are not paying to play an expansion. It would be like having a carpenter come to your house, and build another room onto it, and then you don't pay him for it. THINK FOR ONE SECOND PEOPLE. Programming is not easy. It takes months of hard work.

I for one will pay for the expansion, and not bitch about it, unless when I try to install it, it fuks up my game. Then I'll piss and moan.

Happy lil Elf
2003-09-04, 10:47 PM
LNS where in that quote did it say they couldn't be passengers? All I saw was they couldn't drive the vehicles or use the new weapons.

2003-09-04, 11:30 PM
Spork said that the ONLY exception was the Router, which non-exp-ers will be able to teleport through, that is the only interaction possible. So I doubt he'd leave off passengers if we were able to do it.

Originally posted by Flammey
You guys are getting your panties in a bind. From my view, here is what you are paying for.....

Use of high speed, high powered servers. NASA Quality.

24 hour/ 7 day a week in-game customer support. Thay are always there, they are always watching.

New in-game content, not barring expansions. EI: Skyguard, Liberator, LLU....a few others not yet implemented, such as platoons, and the base stuff.

The Ability to play online, 24/7 with hundreds, even thousands of others, and against hundreds or thousands. You problems with your computer/modem/internet provider are not their problems. This RAM drain is. It's being looked at by a few people, they even have a guy playing their game when ever he wants to, he gets paid to play, but he is paid to collect data on the game.

There may be more that I am not seeing, but these are the things I see, and these are the things you are paying for. You are not paying to play an expansion. It would be like having a carpenter come to your house, and build another room onto it, and then you don't pay him for it. THINK FOR ONE SECOND PEOPLE. Programming is not easy. It takes months of hard work.

I for one will pay for the expansion, and not bitch about it, unless when I try to install it, it fuks up my game. Then I'll piss and moan. ::laugh:: What servers are you using? I think we're playing two different games here.

2003-09-05, 12:42 AM
Jesus i can't believe how willing some people are to bend over and take it up the ass from some corporate fuck. The only reason they are doing this is because some numbers man who can't exist in the same room as a girl told them they would make marginally more money if they did. Basic humanity should be a requirement for a high level management position. I wonder if i'm going to have to pay extra to have the doors open when they're supposed too.

Goodwill and keeping the playerbase happy has jack shit to do with this, all they want is as much money as they can get in as short a time as possible, killing the game and ripping you off while your at it. And it's shit like this Its utterly ridiculous to expect that you should benifit from the expansion while not being willing to pay for it that lets them think they can get away with it. I already pay almost 15 dollars a month, as far as i'm concerned getting three new guns and three vehicles is proper compensation for all the shit we put up and all the upgrades they never delivered on. God forbid that they try to inspire some good will, or customer loyalty, no, they're gonna screw you over and your gonna let them, maybe even encourage it.

And for the record, I was going to buy the expansion up until I heard this, but now I am seriously contemplating dropping the game. Nothing, not the corpse bug, not the HA imbalance, not invisible reinforced with jackhammers, not being trapped in the spawn tube, not any of the numerous door bugs have ever made me consider that, but I get sick whenever I realize my money is going to people like that, and i'm not sure I want to feel that way anymore.

2003-09-05, 12:56 AM
Okay, I want to know this then, IF you don't agree with my opinion, which I think is a viable one, then WHY, in all good god fuck, are you still paying and playing?????????

2003-09-05, 01:20 AM
Nicely summed Incomp.

2003-09-05, 02:01 AM
Okay, I want to know this then, IF you don't agree with my opinion, which I think is a viable one, then WHY, in all good god fuck, are you still paying and playing????????? If you don't like the carpet in your apartment you rented, you don't move, you try and convince your super to change it. I LOVE the game, I HATE the way it is managed and the way people just go with it because they're told by others they are supposed to.