View Full Version : First Certs?

2003-09-04, 08:26 AM
I'm considering deleting my BR20/CR5 char and starting anew on NC, I might even get another account, so I can preserve my current character.

But what are a good first certs? With the six points gained from VR Training?


2003-09-04, 08:41 AM
I can't specify it enough. MEDIUM ASSAULT. It's a neccessity. You can't do well toe to toe, without it. Unless you go all MAXes. Then maybe. EIther Medium Assault, or ScatterCannon MAX.

2003-09-04, 11:03 AM
I'd say it's personal preference. I took medium assault and found it to be worthless other than being a stepping point to other weapon certs. In my opinion, get some kind of vehicle. There is nothing I find worse than being stranded without a ride.

2003-09-04, 11:11 AM
I was thinking of going infil/adv hack, and throwing in a MAX or veh cert later, so I could hack a term and camp the spawn tubes.

But I need to know in what order I should go, from the get go.

2003-09-04, 11:21 AM
Get the MAX or vehicle first. Damage dealling is crucial, especially early on. Hacking is all well and good but it doesn't get you exp. It's something you should get later on to round your character out.

2003-09-04, 11:22 AM
OK, I gain the two BRs in VR, I now have six cert points, what should I buy? (NC)

2003-09-04, 11:52 AM
Medium assult, (SUPRRESSOR OWNS OMG!1!) and a vehicle. Then you can choose a cheap max suit, or capture like 3 bases for an more expesive one.

2003-09-04, 10:43 PM
Go either medium asssault wiht like a vehicle or another assault.. or go infil with adv hack on next level :) thats what i do as my noobs cause they cant tell what BR i am :)

2003-09-04, 10:46 PM
personaly, since i play as terran, i would check out the phoenix, because i love lootin off a people and then usin em to chase after ams's.

2003-09-06, 03:03 AM
I recommend

1. Reaver, 4 certs
2. Medium Assault, 2 certs

Vis Armata
2003-09-06, 03:52 AM
Depends on where you want to focus your character.

If you're doing any sort of vehicular work, get engineering immediately. You might have to wait one BR for that Reaver, but engineering is invaluable for air units, once you face down Strikers and Starfires. Of course, you could get a Liberator, strip out the bombs, and fly around with the 35mm blazing away.

If you focus on infantry, reinforced armor and medium assault are great. Carry a Punisher (AP and rockets/plasma) and a Sweeper, or whatever combinations you wish. I would wait to get medical for awhile, but grunts that double as advanced meds are great squad assets.

If you go for MAXes, you could get the AI and the AA MAXes, which are the best NC has, for 5 cert points.

Something to think about. Good luck.

2003-09-06, 05:24 AM
gte medium assault and some buggy then when you will get much more points sell buggy buy heavy assault and get a vanguard or reaver....

2003-09-06, 07:34 AM
I agree with vs armate, any kind of vehicle (other than atv) get engineer.

The reason I have a higher amount of kills than is usual for my BR is because I make 1 or maximum two straifs with my reaver, then go and repair it. I'll usually kill 1 to 3 people per straif. Of course there are the rare 10 kill straifs where nobody is shooting at you and you can just sit there semi-hovering. But i am getting off the subject. Almost any vehicle can be lethal for a short period of time, before the damage racks up. If you can repair it after retreating, then your golden. If you can't repair it, you have to wait that 4 or 5 minutes before getting a new one or count on others to repair.

I hope you name your new NC character smiley777 again ;p

it'll be nice to get exp from killing you instead of grief :lol:

2003-09-06, 08:28 PM
med assault, heavy assault

if you know what you're doing u dont really need a vehicle to get to the action

also, u'd be surprised at how easy it is to get a ride if you hang by a courtyard of a base

2003-09-06, 08:35 PM
Medium Assault + Heavy Assault

Medium Assault + Reaver

Engineer + Lightning

Engineer + Vanguard (if you can find gunners)

2003-09-08, 11:20 AM
I got Enforcer+Medium Assault to start, then gained two BRs and got Rexo, now I'm going for three more BRs and I'll grab Phoenix.

Then I'll have a well-rounded grunt with transport.