View Full Version : Obnoxious People.

2003-09-04, 08:31 AM
I was at Kyoi on Amerish when I see an unattended Van Guard on the overhead map behind the vehicle tunnel.

So I crouch-walk up the vehicle tunnel and around to the Van Guard. The base was running on power and the Van Guard's owner was a Combat Engineer, so he went over and layed a bunch of mines around the silo.

In the meantime, I jack the Van Guard and climb up into the gunner's position and wipe him out, he sends me a hate tell, and puts me on ignore.

Why are people obnoxious like this?

2003-09-04, 08:39 AM
Because some people just suck?!? I don't know. Maybe he was having a bad day. I've had that. Killed 7 times in a row, by the same guy. BUT I don't do that. Usually, they do it to me. Althought I did have a nice chat with an NC by the name of Vulgar, I believe. He was coming to a tower, and I jumped down almost on top of him, and shot him dead with the Sweeper. He wondered if I used Surge. We had a nice little chat. He was cool. So, some people are asses, and some are nice guys.

2003-09-04, 10:13 AM
I hate those types but there are ones are ppl who tell u to get of your vehicle and start shooting u. "Get of the bike now!!" blam blam blam "guess u didnt see my friend in the Reaver".

U will always meat obnoxious ppl just cope with them the best way u can but that usually racks up the Grief points :twisted:

2003-09-04, 10:47 AM
Yeah. There are a lot of people out there who are jerks and take the game way to seriously. I get angry and frustrated sometimes when I can't seem to take anybody down, or when I'm fighting on foot and one of those stupid vans rolls up but I never bring it into the game with me.

2003-09-04, 11:53 AM
Cause people are dumbasses.

2003-09-05, 05:24 AM
Simpl enad to the point :)

2003-09-07, 04:19 PM
Unfortunately we've all run into both types.

Ran into a VS on Johari named DocHolliday, we traded kills back and forth trying to cap/hold a base. We finally got some help and sent him packing. Had a nice chat with him .. he actually bested me in kills. Enjoyed the contest. Those are the kinda players I like to go up against.

2003-09-07, 04:59 PM
well....once the NC cloaker jacked my reaver..my new reaver....i was sooo mad....but i didnt put him to ignore..sheesh thats just a game....and games are made? for F_U_N

2003-09-07, 06:33 PM
Sometimes I acctually start to wonder how the people I'm killing feel. Yesterday I was doing a counter-clockwise NTU refill on a mostly empty Cyssar. I enter a base and get near the silo, just as I'm getting out the warning lights flash. I finally creep my way down to the CC and rehack, but an infil attacks me. I acctually live (gotta love medpacks) and retreat a room. I come back and act like I'm rehacking (it was down to 3 min now). I see a glowing blade floating infront of me (which I wish I had a screen of). The guy charges me and gets me down to a couple health, I medpack again, he hits me, I pull out jackhammer, switch to secondary and tripple blast him to heck. I rehacked the base and saved it, but I felt bad for the guy, he did so much work only to be jackhammered by a guy with 15 hp. :p

2003-09-07, 07:46 PM
people are like that, but most arent. i was on hossin and an nme reaver was shooting at me and a bunch of other guys(on the ground) he ran outa ammo so he kamikazies and kills no one, we had a fun talk about it, see most people are like that, they like having a good laugh about what they did in the game, but yea, there are asses too.

2003-09-07, 09:45 PM
Yeah, sometimes I /tell people that I notice I'm killing alot or kill in strange or interesting ways and either get return hate tells, a nice friendly conversation, or no responce at all. Getting the friendly chats from time to time is worth the hate tells though.

A couple incidents that come to mind are: I'm a lone infiltrator in an enemy tower (combat engy infil). I hack the tower and set a boomer. I then proceed to kill the people coming to resecure, I stick around, run out of ACEs, reload, come back, after being there a while I notice none of them have darklight. So I'm tormenting a good 10 NC for at least 10 minutes placing boomers, slashing with my knife from time to time, and /l taunting ("you guys should really consider investing in darklight" etc.). Finally a new guy comes along with darklight and finishes me off. Well I got no /tells from that incident (it was a blast though ;)) but later on (that day or the next, can't remember) I'm helping defend a tech plant CC, I place a boomer in the stairwell (in the same place I was placing boomers in the tower stairwell) and lo and behold along comes one of the guys I was tormenting, I boomered him again and he /tell'ed me "Oh no not you again". I got a good chuckle out of that :D.

The other incident was with Sandworm (from the PSU forums). He was infiltrator and I had audio amp. I noticed him on radar when someone came along and attacked him, he ran off and got away though, but I followed him on radar and saw where he went, then tracked him down and got him. I then /telled him that I had audio amp and that's how I had detected him and he /telled back, we had a nice little conversation for a few then he logged.

Anyways, people like that make the game more enjoyable, really shows that it's actual people on the recieving end of your guns, sometimes they have a good sense of humor, other times they're just a moron who buys into the crap their fictional empire 'feeds' them (I had one go off on me when I jokingly poked fun at him in a /tell, he went off about how I should be attending tea parties or something to that effect, in other words, the best insult he could come up with was to call me gay cause I was VS...).

2003-09-07, 10:21 PM
Yes, I've had both. I ran a poor guy over in a AMS and he /tell me "What the hell did you do that for?" What do you say to that? I said, "For fun." What else was I to say? I've had people /tell me to stop killing them. I tell back that I'm just doing my job. *LOL*

I've had nice conversations with guys from the other side. I jumped down from a tower on an NC by the name of Vulgar and Sweepered him. He /tells me asking if that was Surge. I'm like, nope, I jumped down. And we had a nice talk, for about 3 minutes, about surge and other implants. I told him that when we next meet, I hope he puts up a good fight. He said the same for me. And you know what? That happened 3 days later. At a huge battle for a base on Oshur, I think. I'm in a MAX Quasar and he's got a JH. We are circling each other, him trying to stay behind me, me trying to keep him in front. People are streaming around us on both sides, them trying to get to our tower, us trying to get to the base. I think we circled for two minutes trying to best each other. I finally killed him. I sent him a tell, "Thanks for the good fight." And he tells back, "You too, that was great."

So, not everyone is an asshole. Just every other person. J/K.

2003-09-08, 05:07 AM
yesterday i seen TR heavy armored guy with cool weapons is looting VS corpse....i came closely in cloaked mode and just watched him......he even didint noticed....when he is done i followed him to the tower and waited till he will pack his VS weapons to the locker...then i send him a /tell "hey, im VS cloaker please look behind you"
he said lol and didnt turned.....i felt bad for shooting him in the back :(
i dont like killing as cloaker....im using it for mass hacks.....

2003-09-08, 10:42 AM
Originally posted by Unknown
So I'm tormenting a good 10 NC for at least 10 minutes placing boomers, slashing with my knife from time to time, and /l taunting ("you guys should really consider investing in darklight" etc.).

Just FYI, local chat only shows up for friendlies so that's most likely why they weren't responding. If you use voice chat they can hear it, but not local.

2003-09-08, 01:39 PM
I personally don�t understand why they gave the enemy the ability to talk to each other. I�ve had a couple of nice conversations, but they weren�t worth all the flaming I get. Seems like lately, my NC JH monkey has been getting WAY more hate tells from TR than normal. All crying because I killed them with a n00bhammer. One of them was on the leaderboard for TR.

Last one I got was from a TR who blamed their bad decision on the JH. A TR force of maybe 2-3 squads was attacking our Tech Center. We had enough NC there to hold them off. But this one TR was able get into the CC and hack it(NC/Markov often leave their CCs un-attended). So here is a TR with a Cycler who just hacked the NC�s CC. This TR is all alone. No back up. No tubes are down. We aren�t having any trouble holding the TR off. So this lone TR hops on top of the CC console and waits for someone to come in.

So I come in and make quick work of her with my Jackhammer. But considering she was sitting on the console and didn�t move � she made herself a sitting duck for anyone that came in. I could have killed her just as easily with a Gauss or Sweeper. Heck even a Suppressor could have got her. But I just got a nice tell whining that I was just talent-less n00bhammer user and that she �knew� that a noobhammer would come in. I replied asking her if she knew it was going to happen, why didn�t she prepare for it instead of making herself an easy target perched on the CC?

Apparently she expects to be able to defend the CC with her cycler from a stationary position. A position, which I might add, puts any JH user in ideal range as soon as they walk through the door. According to her, she played the situation out perfectly and was simply outmatched by an overpowered weapon being carried by a player who is clueless. I guess tactics like leaving the CC and hiding in another area near it to ambush re-hackers is out of the question. I guess thinking �Hey, I�m in a base with a couple of squads of NC and sitting in this CC by myself. Odds are not in my favor, I might want to take a different approach to this until backup arrives� isn�t a possibility.

If you got a problem with the JH, then take it to the devs, take it to the boards, but why bitch to the players? I talk smack, but only if it�s done to me 1st. Which lately has been more than I care to do.

And a final note, I have also had people send me a nasty tell after I kill them and immediately put me on ignore to prevent any reply. I mean that is hands down the most cowardice thing you could do. Just avoid any multi-player game if you�re that big of a sore loser.

2003-09-08, 03:07 PM
just yesterday i had a freindly talk with a TR, my reaver was half way damaged, and he was in his sunderer, he hoped out got into its gun landed a shot on me, i then pummled his sunderer with rockers, he hoped out, i destroyed his sunderer and ran outa rockets, so i was real low on health and he had a good defensive position to shoot back from, and i couldnt shoot him, unless i outmanuvered him, and after a while he hits something like VVS, and yelled stop, so i flew away, landed my reaver started to repair it and he ran up on me with a knife and got one blow in and i quickly back steped and filled him full of lead, he sent me a tell and said, lol i was out of ammo, and we had a chat from there. not everyone on oposing factions are jackasses

2003-09-08, 03:43 PM
they arent....im even making fun out of jacking....
just found AMS full of NC near our tower...i sit near tube and began hack....noone looked at me everyone were in fight...i jacked it and deconstucted.....man that was fun to see how they are surprised