View Full Version : Zerg?

2003-09-04, 11:38 PM
Sorry to ask, but what does 'it' mean? In comonly PlanetSide talk?

2003-09-04, 11:42 PM
The mass rush of troops toa single base. it crushes the opposing forces not due to tqactics, but sheer overhwelming numbers. Th only time its fun to follow the zerg is when it collides with one or more zergs from the oppsoing empires.

2003-09-04, 11:43 PM
This question has been asked so many times:( .

2003-09-04, 11:44 PM
Well hopefully that means that new players are coming in for PS.

2003-09-05, 01:10 AM
And it also means that people dont search for topics. And if you did search with no success I'm sorry about posting this.

2003-09-05, 01:29 AM
useless trivia fact: "zerg" comes from a starcraft tactic, in which players who were on the zerg race side would build up hundreds of the extremely low-cost basic troops and simply overwhelm the enemy with them.

2003-09-05, 01:33 AM
Protoss were better than the Zerg and Terran then it was the Terran I hate the Zerg especially since there drones turned into the bulding and the Terran had SUV had to stay there while it built it the Protoss just had to make a building there and leave.

2003-09-05, 05:15 AM
Terrans rock mate. They can form amn effective defense with bunkers, mines and Siege tanks.

I didnt know wat the zerg was until 3 days ago.

2003-09-05, 05:30 AM
protoss, terrans, and zerg were all a horrible HORRIBLE rip off of warhammer 40,000's Eldar, Space Marines, and Tyranid. the entire star craft idea was a half assed spin of WH40k mashed into the then-popular RTS set ups. if you don't believe me let the facts stand for themselves. search out some of the units in WH40k and compare them to star craft. Ultralisk? uh-huh, right. try Carnifex.

yes, I do loathe star craft.

2003-09-05, 05:59 AM
StarCraft was cool, although, yes, a big rip off of WH40K.

Man, i was on solsor last night, and trying to defend the base from both VS AND TR zerg!!!, attcking from opposite sides. It was a blast fest!!!!. Us poor NC were sadly out numbered and i remember respawning, coming out into the corridor to see no less than 5 VS MAX's coming stright at me!!!!!. Needless to say, i got about as far as "Oh Shi......." before i was toast!.

2003-09-05, 06:18 AM
It�s pretty hard to claim a title to the whole futuristic advanced aliens, humans, and feral bug-aliens. Odds are if Starcraft was a rip-off of WH40K, the 40K was a rip-off of every single sci-fi novel and movie in existence. (expensive buggers too)

If GW had any confidence in Starcrafts infringement on their copyright it is fairly likely they would have had a team of lawyers with base-ball bats arriving on the Blizzard developer�s doorsteps by now.

(GW is really strict about their IP; the recently shut down all non-GW internet retailers simply because they alleged that they were violating their IP, posting images online.)

Anyway, slight thread hijack....

Playing NC, I have come to recognize the bright blue zerg, as being the kind of people decending en mass on a base, then blowing up EVERYTHING in it. (Coincidently, almost everyone is nearly completely blue. :p) Anyway, when this happens I usually tell my squad to guard the Generators of a hacked base with their life, TK anyone who tries to kill them (unless, somehow the zerg met another zerg) Also to guard the Equipment terminals with similar vigor. (Who runs around a completely secure, hacked base killing all the terminals and then tries to kill the gens?)

2003-09-05, 09:36 AM
Originally posted by Eldanesh

Playing NC, I have come to recognize the bright blue zerg, as being the kind of people decending en mass on a base, then blowing up EVERYTHING in it.

Zerg is a great name for the massive crush of an unplanned offensive. But, we should also come up with a name for friendly players who go around destroying turrets, spawn tubes, equipment terminals, medical bays, vehicle terminals, generators, and other friendly players of secured bases that is near the end of a hack.

Someone used the term 'asshat' a few threads back, but I think this forum can do better.


2003-09-05, 09:52 AM
Originally posted by GeistX
Zerg is a great name for the massive crush of an unplanned offensive. But, we should also come up with a name for friendly players who go around destroying turrets, spawn tubes, equipment terminals, medical bays, vehicle terminals, generators, and other friendly players of secured bases that is near the end of a hack.

Someone used the term 'asshat' a few threads back, but I think this forum can do better.


err.. there called traitors arent they?

2003-09-05, 10:29 AM
sigh, so many n00bs

2003-09-05, 12:09 PM
Click here (http://www.outlanders-outfit.org/node/view/31)

"This tactic is named after the "Zergling Rush" from the real-time strategy game Starcraft. This game can be purchased for less than $10 at any Wal-Mart these days, and I heartily recommend it for long fun-filled hours of mindless destruction.
The Zerglings in Starcraft are very "cheap" units to produce. The idea behind a Zerg rush is to simply manufacture as many of these units as you can and throw them at the enemy in wave after wave of suicidal frenzy. Because you can produce so many so cheaply, it's often a very effective tactic to win a game early on without a protracted, multi-hour slugfest.

The analogue in Planetside is similar. Simply throw wave after wave of friendly soldiers at a well-defended base, overwhelming them with massive numbers of your troops, and you will win. In general, there are very few tactical advantages in Planetside that can overcome an overwhelming ground and air force (or ground force + anti-air). Most players in Planetside, at this point in time (a month after release), meet this criteria. Nearly every player finds him or herself mindlessly rushing into a base to be killed, respawn, and rush in again, pushing in a bit more each time.

There are better ways, but the Zerg Rush is an effective tactic if you have the numbers. It generally requires an AMS to be present (several if you can), and control of a nearby tower. It is generally impossible to Zerg a base without first controlling the tower or having one or more AMS units very near the base you are attempting to overpower. Trying to do a Zerg from a nearby friendly base without ground or air transport units and an AMS generally always result in your soldiers trickling into the enemy base to die one-by-one.

We'll spend much of the rest of this manual figuring out how to avoid the Zerg, enjoy more competitive squad-based teamplay, and hold bases despite overwhelming numbers against you."


2003-09-05, 12:39 PM
I'm going to install Starcraft now, bnet watch out :p