View Full Version : Planetside Petition
In an effort to get the opinion of the PS community. I started a "petition" just for the heck of it.
Even though it says "petition" I dont want it to come across as moody or rude. I just want SOE to see its community and their response to the way things are going. I tried to word it as benignly as possible and I look forward to seeing the results.
Please add your comments and be nice. If it gets nasty or rude... I WILL remove the petition.
2003-09-05, 08:26 AM
2003-09-05, 08:49 AM
*signed* and I agree..
2003-09-05, 10:00 AM
Super-ultru-mega SIGN attack!!!!
It begins....woooo.
2003-09-05, 10:21 AM
All I know is that my signature wouldn't count: as a non-customer, my opinion no longer matters. In any case, it would be a good publicity thing, and you only have to do it once. Better now then later. Besides, there'll be a grip of expansion packs down the road later on, and you could probably make money on those.
2003-09-05, 11:12 AM
Signed, but you should put this in the lounge as well as possily the official forums??
2003-09-05, 11:17 AM
This will never happen... Why would Sony turn their expansion that most likely at least 40% of the population will buy into a free download? Anyone that has quit or is on the verge of quitting is bored of the game, adding more weapons, more bases, and spreading combat even thinner is not appealing at all. So free or not, it will not make a difference. I purchased a six-month subscription, and I have not even launched Planetside in the past three months, even if Core Combat was free I would not play it.
2003-09-05, 11:42 AM
signed but its not gonna happen
2003-09-05, 11:52 AM
Originally posted by Gohan_VA
signed but its not gonna happen
2003-09-05, 12:19 PM
What a ridiculous and stupid idea. Why cant people understand that monthly fees do not mean free expansions. Free content will always trickle out, such as the lib and skyguard, and it may always suck. If you are an adult that actually has a job, you would understand the simple economics that shit aint free and those devs work hard and expect to make money to pay the bills. If you think the profits from the monthly fee arent immediatly redirected back into the business, then you are extremely naive
2003-09-05, 12:30 PM
Yeah but it would still be nice if it was free :D
2003-09-05, 12:38 PM
Jesus christ, you are an idiot.
Do you have any idea of the amount of time it takes to make just the art for 3 new weapons, 3 new vehicles, 6 caverns and any other misc. stuff needed, let alone the code work (which is admittedly done at the same time).
It's not an afternoon's work. And the dev team aren't doing this FOR you, they are doing it as a job, they need paying, hence expansion costs money.
I'm fed up to the back teeth with whiny dumb arse people who have no idea about the development process of games who think that everything should be done now and be free.
(No, I didn't sign)
(Yes, I'm in a bad mood)
2003-09-05, 12:41 PM
And yes, while it'd be nice to have it for free, try sitting down and actually honestly thinking whether it should be free or not. Not whether you'd rather have it free or pay for it (hmm... duh), but whether it actually _should_ be free.
2003-09-05, 01:58 PM
Not signed.
Having to DL all the PS patches on a 56k takes 7 and a half hours now. God forbid I'd have to dl an entire freking expansion.
Besides, putting Planetside back on store shelves is a good thing. If you release it as a dlable expansion then whos gonna know about it but the players? SOE wants MORE players, therefore, it gets put on the shelves for the average Joe to see.
Not only that, but many avid gamers go by what they hear on how well a game sells. If they hear a game has only sold a couple copies in the past month, odds are the average uninformed person wont buy it. So with an estimation that even a mere 30% of players buys the expansion, not counting "wait and see" people, and random pasers by, thats still a good enough sale volume for one store. Plus its an online game, so it cant usually be returned. (devious, but effective)
2003-09-05, 04:47 PM
With attached comment:
"I'm quitting over this. Not because I'm not happy with the game, but I'm not going to support Sony's business plan by helping them think it could actually work."
2003-09-05, 04:50 PM
Originally posted by WhiteBear
With attached comment:
"I'm quitting over this. Not because I'm not happy with the game, but I'm not going to support Sony's business plan by helping them think it could actually work."
Youre quitting a game you like because you'll have to spend another $20??? :huh: Sounds like youre straining for a reason to quit.
2003-09-05, 04:51 PM
It's on principle, and you don't have to agree or disagree with it. Like everyone else's opinion, including yours, it stinks.
2003-09-05, 04:54 PM
So what is this "business plan" that SOE has that is so bad? Seriously, not flaming here, just want to know.
2003-09-05, 04:59 PM
The business plan that includes a policy of:
Releasing a bug-ridden game early - We all know that new games are buggy, but this one was really bad, compared to others I've seen. However, due to time constraints put on the devs, it can be forgiven.
Leaving known, well-documented bugs in place while working on "new content" - This, however, cannot be forgiven. At least not by someone who pays for a service. Ignorance of a problem can be overlooked, but the devs have known about most of the bugs that still infest the game since before Beta ended.
Charging an established player-base money for the remainder of the game - This, in my opinion, can NEVER be forgiven, under any circumstances. How upset would you be if you bought a hamburger and the wait-staff brought you out an empty bun and fries, saying "oh, the meat will be an extra $10". Absolutely ridiculous.
2003-09-05, 05:07 PM
Originally posted by WhiteBear
The business plan that includes a policy of:
Releasing a bug-ridden game early - We all know that new games are buggy, but this one was really bad, compared to others I've seen. However, due to time constraints put on the devs, it can be forgiven.
Leaving known, well-documented bugs in place while working on "new content" - This, however, cannot be forgiven. At least not by someone who pays for a service. Ignorance of a problem can be overlooked, but the devs have known about most of the bugs that still infest the game since before Beta ended.
Charging an established player-base money for the remainder of the game - This, in my opinion, can NEVER be forgiven, under any circumstances. How upset would you be if you bought a hamburger and the wait-staff brought you out an empty bun and fries, saying "oh, the meat will be an extra $10". Absolutely ridiculous.
1. I agree. Very forgiving on that too.
2. Also agree. Ever tried to fly a Gal through a warpgate into Cyssor or Amerish? :lol:
3. Dont agree. Time=money in the business world. I believe that the devs only had enough time to implement what they have now, and that the end product is nothing like what they origionally wanted. Now, however, they have the time and money to "complete" the game content wise. After they get the game up to its origional Vision(tm) they will likely start to refocus on the bugs.
2003-09-05, 06:56 PM
1) You have no friken idea how smooth the PS release was compared to other MMO releases. Remember WW2 online? Remember AO? Remember the original launch of EQ? SWG was and still is a friken joke. nothing but perhaps WW2 online could compare to that one. All in all it was a very very good release. Bugs? sure but expect all games to have them. I for one think that considering the revinue this game is making (not much) the Devs are doing a great job at fixing bugs and improving the game (LLU kinda sucked but oh well)
2) I mostly agree but it is forgivable. The really important stuff like the cheating and crash bugs they do thier best to fix IMO
3)Remainder of the game? Its an expansion, get it through your heads. The money you pay each month is for your character storage, bug fixes, and all the maintinance that a persistant world requires (bandwidth, servers, sys - admins) The very little bit that is left goes right back into the company to make it better for its next offering. This money does not grant you free content for years to come. Its a kudo and a perk when they do add stuff and should be treated like a gift
2003-09-05, 07:05 PM
Originally posted by Queensidecastle
SWG was and still is a friken joke.
SWG is significantly more ambitious, and is significantly farther along than PS was at the same point. SWG also sees massive patching every week and is not nearly the bug-ridden joke that it was made out to be at release (and even then it wasn't as bad as people made it seem).
I'm not siging that. SOE is a buisiness, not charity. These devs all spent a lot of time laerning what they know, college, prior job experience, etc. Now they're going to use all of that knowledge to create and give away an expansion they've been working hard for? No, that's not right. I will gladly pay money for it. Not to mention this would be hell if for the 56k players, they would have to spend a week downloading it.
2003-09-05, 07:18 PM
Originally posted by Madcow
SWG is significantly more ambitious, and is significantly farther along than PS was at the same point. SWG also sees massive patching every week and is not nearly the bug-ridden joke that it was made out to be at release (and even then it wasn't as bad as people made it seem).
You forget the most ginormous player base that game has. Not to menion the huge investments, and backing by 2 big companies. Take those factors in to consideration and SWG is comparitavely little more then Shadowbane was.
2003-09-06, 12:39 AM
If a game's price reflected its quality, you would have paid a hell of a lot more for PS than you did. Quit looking the gift-horse in the mouth and show some respect for the tremendous amount of skill and hard work that it took to make this game.
Happy lil Elf
2003-09-06, 02:42 AM
I think releasing this as a free expansion would do wonders for PS. I have no proble with paying for it, and I'll most likely be getting it on the release day, but at this point the number of people it would bring back and the number of new people an offering this could potentially bring in would be a great thing for the game.
That said it'll never happen which I'm ok with because, like I've said before I have no argument with it being buy to play and not free content. I just think making it free would do wonders for the player base /shrug
It would be cool if Core Combat would be free but I don't really mind buying it and I think it's totally fair that SOE is making us pay for it.
2003-09-06, 02:49 AM
Signed, it'll never happen, but it's nice to think that SOE would give something extra to the community rather then stab it in the back, lie to it and fail to deliver on it's promises.
If SOE does give us Core Combat for free I will be very happy cause we already pay the subscribtin fee. But it'll never happen.
2003-09-06, 05:12 AM
what? Core Combat will requre new subscription? well i love that game but im not Bill Geits to pay for PS and for PSCC each month!
2003-09-06, 07:52 AM
Originally posted by Queensidecastle
What a ridiculous and stupid idea. Why cant people understand that monthly fees do not mean free expansions. Free content will always trickle out, such as the lib and skyguard, and it may always suck. If you are an adult that actually has a job, you would understand the simple economics that shit aint free and those devs work hard and expect to make money to pay the bills. If you think the profits from the monthly fee arent immediatly redirected back into the business, then you are extremely naive
Hello, your a tool.
Much like the screwdrivers in my tool box you do a job without complaint or more importantly, thought. The sad thing however is that my screwdriver serves me, you are a bought and paid for plow of corporate america. If you have ANY doubt that Sony and more speficly their SOE division has a pretty safe profit margin built into your monthly fee I suggest you find their corporate profile online, I will get you the link later. Furthermore you confuse economics "that shit aint free" while ignoring one of the basic pretenses "the cost paid will be what the market can bear". To you and your ilk I say the following.
Please do not disparage a peacefull grass roots movement in the player/consumer base. Not only does it make you look ignorant, It also seems to make you sound like a communist. You will be issued the game and it's features exactly according to your needs.
You cite the somewhat rough releases of other MMORPGS to date. I will grant that Planetside went fairly smooth, however when did we just accept buggy releases at the base line, what is wrong with players demanding that higher standard. It's cliche' "but if cars followed the same development process as software........they whould blow up once a year randomly killing everyone inside" and people whould be ok with that. Traditionaly in a MMORPG there is a lot more "content" in the game, mobs quests etc. I'm not saying that the ammount of content is bad or wrong, however it is not uncommon for people for free to release mods for games, especialy first person shooters. So in a game that all the gameplay is provided by other players, is it too much to ask that the game maker, who I pay a monthly stipend to, to provide more "toys" for "free".
It is a misnomer to think of the petition as requesting these items be provided "free" when in truth we've already paid for the core that everything else is laid upon and continue to pay for further development.
2003-09-06, 12:24 PM
Talk about a tool lol, that vomit was so funny it was almost worth reading but not quite
2003-09-06, 01:28 PM
Now now, play nice. Eveybody is entitled to their opinion.
2003-09-06, 01:53 PM
Personaly I dont think the petition has a snowball's chance in hell of getting it's stated goal done. Having said that I do very much support the effort, and am a little miffed when someone cannot state their opinion without ragging on someone else, and then does it poorly.
2003-09-06, 01:57 PM
Originally posted by Veteran
If a game's price reflected its quality, you would have paid a hell of a lot more for PS than you did. Quit looking the gift-horse in the mouth and show some respect for the tremendous amount of skill and hard work that it took to make this game.
A gift whould imply that it was given freely this is a contradiction in terms of an expansion I'm going to have to pay money for.
2003-09-06, 02:05 PM
so i didint got it? i gotta subscribe to play with expansion again and pay 12x2 $?
2003-09-06, 02:30 PM
Shit dont give them ideas.
Your subscription price will remain the same although there will be an upfront cost for the expansion.
2003-09-06, 03:33 PM
I don't mind expansions. Hell knows I've bought them before and I don't mind paying for this one. What bothers me is there is they are bringing it out before known issues haven't been fixed and promised content hasn't been delivered. Trying to upgrade something that is broken is pointless and a waste of money.
Thats why I'm signing the petition. I don't necessarily believe that this should be a free expansion, but that all content should be free until the game is fixed and promised content is delivered. Either hold the expansion until that is taken care of, or give the content away free.
2003-09-06, 05:08 PM
Originally posted by Doppler
Shit dont give them ideas.
Your subscription price will remain the same although there will be an upfront cost for the expansion.
as far as i know, expansion can cost money IF it has completly new or completly upgraded engine with total rebuild of the game like Resistance expansion for Operation Flashpoint...but i dont want to pay 50$ for 3 vehicles and 2 new worlds!
no graphics optimization,no fixes of bugs..........that would make a tight push for their game if they will release it as big patch....30% of people will buy the pack.....but others will be still on old islands and other who bought it will want to stick with their friends,outfit members so the new lands will have only 5-50 people on it...
2003-09-06, 05:22 PM
Originally posted by CraZy
as far as i know, expansion can cost money IF it has completly new or completly upgraded engine with total rebuild of the game like Resistance expansion for Operation Flashpoint...but i dont want to pay 50$ for 3 vehicles and 2 new worlds!
no graphics optimization,no fixes of bugs..........that would make a tight push for their game if they will release it as big patch....30% of people will buy the pack.....but others will be still on old islands and other who bought it will want to stick with their friends,outfit members so the new lands will have only 5-50 people on it...
So you expect them to develop new areas, new weapons, new vehicles, and a new gameplay dynamic for FREE? The devs dont have to redesign PS to spend money. And if they spend money, they have to make it back with profit. I seriously doubt the expansion will cost $50 too. $30 at most. I dont know why you seem so unwilling to pay a mere $30 (more likely to be $20) for new stuff.
2003-09-06, 05:29 PM
Is this supposed to be a comical petition? :rofl:
2003-09-06, 05:38 PM
Originally posted by X-113
So you expect them to develop new areas, new weapons, new vehicles, and a new gameplay dynamic for FREE? The devs dont have to redesign PS to spend money. And if they spend money, they have to make it back with profit. I seriously doubt the expansion will cost $50 too. $30 at most. I dont know why you seem so unwilling to pay a mere $30 (more likely to be $20) for new stuff.
Actualy yes I do but we've been through this. Team fortress counterstrike, tribes renegades, tribes shifter, and many many other mods for games just added weapons. I will bet you money it costs between 40-50$
2003-09-06, 07:40 PM
Originally posted by Hamma
Is this supposed to be a comical petition? :rofl:
Ouch... harsh... Why don't you just tell him Santa doesn't exist and in the real world things cost money! Really make him cry...
2003-09-07, 08:23 AM
well......3 weapons 3 new tanks....i dont see graphics optimizations and thats the MAIN prob in PS now.....
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