View Full Version : The Official WTF?!? Thread

2003-09-05, 11:20 AM
Okay. This is a lighthearted thread to just post all the things you've seen (and done) that make you go WTF?!? Standard idiotic stuff that most likely makes people laugh. Unless I'm the only one who pulls stuff like this but whatever.

1. Reverse races. Okay, most flying vehicles go very slowly in reverse. Sometimes when I'm going to a locked continent I manage to talk other pilots into reverse races. Just hit the reverse buton and see who can make it out of the warp bubble the fastest. It's best when you have an announcer to make it seem more suspenseful.

2. Suicide runs. I do this stuff once in a while when I'm having a bad day. Load up on frag grenades, find a continent thats held completely by an enemy if you can. Once there, go to one of the middle facilities and just start lobbing grenades. (this works best if you have adv hacking so you can go to a gear console to get more) Normally I've found I have a 5-10 minute wait before somebody shows up and investigates. Most of the time they'll watch you lobbing grenades at nothing for a bit before they decide to kill you. I've even had one come up to me and say "So... throwing grenades, huh?"

2003-09-05, 11:41 AM
Just did it now

equipped with rexo, darklight, knife

just killed 3 stealthers :)

first one was approaching so I got up behind him and knifed him :) same with the other two 20 secodns later :D

Only did this as I had to go and was recalling on next death :)

then after the third guy died I was shot by another cloaker who then was killed by a sniper :)

then I died from a pulsar while surging toward him, I did get within 150metres ;)

2003-09-05, 12:24 PM
After solo ninja hacking a tower, I ran into a TR guy on my way out, hiding in some trees. I pulled my thumper and naded him, and he macro'd "stop". So i did, and we had a nice chat for a few minutes. Abruptly he pulls out his MCG, rips me apart, then sends me a /tell "thanks for waiting for my weapons lock to run out". It was halarious :D

2003-09-05, 12:27 PM
lmao id be so pissed if that happened to me

Him: Stop

Me: negative
Me: sorry
Me: unloads into his forehead

2003-09-05, 12:32 PM
When I was trying out melee boost implant with my infil I had gone through a line of about 6 snipers using only my knife. I came across an NC with a Gauss and he was crouched and (I assume) zoomed taking some shots. I went secondary mode on the knife and got one stab in before he was up and circling around. I froze, hoping he might not have DL and prepared to make my break. His DL icon came on, and as I was about to make a break for it he put his rifle away and took out his knife. I was so stunned I didn't even react as he charged me and gutted me. It was awesome.

2003-09-05, 02:13 PM
After getting my Gal blown up repeatedly trying to get through a warp bubble (a WTF moment in itself) I decided to just screw it and drive an AMS to the other end of the continent where the squad was. I was driving on a bridge and two enemys were running side by side. I say "hey its mowing time!" and drive towards them at top speed. About 3 seconds before I hit them they both turned around. One jumped off the bridge into the water and the other guy did the "Stop!" macro and I just ran him down while his hand was still out in front of him. :D

At this point I'm lmao and took my finger off the accelerator. When I stopped laughing for a second I noticed the other guy on the opposite shore coming out of the water. So I hit autorun and get to the other side of the bridge, make a u-turn and see he's still running parallel to the shore. So I hit top speed and run him down.

Then the maniacal laughter ensues. After a few seconds I noticed that I was underwater and quite dead. I FORGOT to turn off autorun!!! WTF?!?!?!

2003-09-05, 03:02 PM
I landed my Reaver on the beach next to the shoreline (no warning messages about illegal landing spot or anything). As soon as my skids hit the sand I was shot backwards at high speed out into the ocean with the accompaining message, 'You have lost control of the vehicle, vehicle underwater'. Was so far out I couldn't run back to shore and just let myself die.

2003-09-05, 03:10 PM
Ah, heres anothe one I just remembered.

I was in my gal, flying about and was going to take a base on Searhus. It was just me in my Gal (going solo) And I notice the area is SWARMING with NC. These guys seem to be zerging on towards the next base and didnt notice me. So I land the gal behind some cover and quickly get out. I go to the edge of some woods for cover and wai for the NC to clear out before I run in and hack the base.

I'm thinking "If they dont notice me, I'll be fine." So then I hear this LOUD explosion behind me and I look over to see that my gal had slid down the hill I had parked it on and into a tree. WTF?!?!?!

I got blasted by the zerg a couple seconds later. :tear:

2003-09-05, 03:43 PM
today i had so much fun with reaver...
well on one base me and one guy galaxy made a little competition...who will come first to the other base....so we started and i got like 250 with afterburner....and what i see after? im flying at 150kmph and that guy is flying like a rocket! he won! how galaxy can reach that speed? afterburner? but at start i got 280 in 5 secs.....thats something crazy.....

NightWalker XI
2003-09-05, 03:57 PM

2003-09-05, 03:59 PM
I was capping the VS Sanc WG Tower on Amerish, when a herd of VS unloaded from a Sunderer outside and went downstairs to load up on ammo and stuff, so I jumped off the balcony, jacked the Sund, drove away and turned back around to gain speed, and mowed them all as they came streaming out.

Funny, but not a WTF?! moment.

2003-09-05, 05:11 PM
I dunno how I did it... I was flying at low speed in a reaver at the courtyard of a base, just messing around, bored.... think I reversed my reaver into a wall and my reaver went straight up to the flight ceiling and exploded.... but..... didn't kill me and I dropped without the dampeners into the middle of a freindly squad and died.... they laughed at me.... :tear:

2003-09-05, 07:41 PM
I great WTF moment, seeing a VS MAX firing orbs of energy out of it's penis. Another one, I was parking my skeeter close to the shore and I slid to the water, when I hit it I was shot in the air and I hit a tower with all kinds of friendlies on it. I killed about a dozen of them, but I recieved no grief, WTF?

2003-09-05, 10:12 PM
Here's one. My Basalisk was getting shot up pretty badly, and I managed to chase them away. I get on, and it starts sliding sideways at the Basalisk's top speed. I couldn't get off. I slid, maybe 500 meters, right into a lake, I was hoping I would slide out the other side, maybe hit a rock and stop and be able to get off. Nope. Did the quarter in a bowl, and slid down into the lake, where I was finally able to get off. I started hoofing it with surge, and I was about to make it out, and I had a quarter air left, when I promptly died.

2003-09-05, 11:02 PM
I was in my lightning, assaulting a VS tower, and this enemy with a deci pops out. He hits my lightning and is dancing around, so I bail out.
I go through the tower wall, and land in the tower safely.

Later, I'm running along, and I find a Starfire MAX with its back towards me. I run up, and start pumping sweeper AP rounds into it. I'm running around it and its firing everywhere until I run out of ammo. So I whip out my Scatter and start blasting it. Then I grab my sweeper again and reload, and while Im doing that it hits me for about 50 armor damage.
Then I blew him away with the sweeper.

It was awesome.

Med Asslt.-Crapfire MAX

2003-09-06, 05:22 AM
ok another one...
once on emerald there was a huuuge battle VS vs NC vs TR...on Forseal..something crazy 5000 exp for each base it was.....
i recalled to spend some cert points then i seen continent locked....ok i took HART and dropped on the continent that has warpgate to Forseal...i enetered warpgate and wjo did i seen awaiting for teleportation? 5 NC 6 TR 1 TR Reaver 1 NC Mosquito.....and me 1 VS guy :) i stock with em for an 30 mins there...good for me i teleported faster :) talked to one NC guy with /tell they are nice guys :)

2003-09-06, 12:09 PM
think I reversed my reaver into a wall and my reaver went straight up to the flight ceiling and exploded.... but..... didn't kill me and I dropped without the dampeners into the middle of a freindly squad and died.... they laughed at me....

Ok, thats a damn funny story haha.

2003-09-06, 07:58 PM
So I'm cruising around in a mag with my new Vanu character, and some random grunt climbs in to gun for me. We were kind of behind the front lines, so we had to drive across about 3 bases worth of Amerish to get to the action, and along the way this mosquito starts chipping at us. So I stop so he can line up his shots, and he just sits there staring into space. I send him a tell to shoot the mosquito and he kind of looks around with the turret and fires a couple random shots into the air (not towards the skeeter). I'm getting kind of annoyed, and realize maybe he can't tilt it high enough so I go park on a hill to give him more elevation. The mosquito is still chipping at us. The gunner is f*cking useless and refuses to take the mosq seriously or something, cause he isn't shooting it at all. I move again, try an incline from the other side, still sending tells to take out the damn skeeter.

At this point the mag is already at about 2/3 armor so I'm getting a little antsy about being stuck in the middle of nowhere without a ride and a shit-for-brains gunner. Then the skeeter comes in real low and hovers right behind us unloading from close range. The gunner is staring forward, and I keep sending tells like "turn around, he is behind u, he is low, u can hit him twice and kill him" but he just swivels side to side firing into the air. That's it, I floor it and cruise over the mountains towards the ocean, off a cliff and into the water. At least if I'm gonna lose my mag, it's not to a fricken skeeter, plus I was able to kill the useless gunner.

2003-09-07, 02:04 AM
Ok, here goes.

I was in a MAX suit, and me and two other MAXs hot dropped on the air creation pad of a techplant. Noone being able to open the dorrs, we just sort of stand around. While peeking into the window, a vanu walks in to buy a vehicle, then stops to stare at me. I wave at him, he waves back, we both just stand there. Then, he shifts over to the side a bit. Not realizing he triggered the door, my fellow MAXs rushed in and mowed him down. Priceless.

2003-09-07, 02:12 AM
Originally posted by Jagd
So I'm cruising around in a mag with my new Vanu character, and some random grunt climbs in to gun for me. We were kind of behind the front lines, so we had to drive across about 3 bases worth of Amerish to get to the action, and along the way this mosquito starts chipping at us. So I stop so he can line up his shots, and he just sits there staring into space. I send him a tell to shoot the mosquito and he kind of looks around with the turret and fires a couple random shots into the air (not towards the skeeter). I'm getting kind of annoyed, and realize maybe he can't tilt it high enough so I go park on a hill to give him more elevation. The mosquito is still chipping at us. The gunner is f*cking useless and refuses to take the mosq seriously or something, cause he isn't shooting it at all. I move again, try an incline from the other side, still sending tells to take out the damn skeeter.

At this point the mag is already at about 2/3 armor so I'm getting a little antsy about being stuck in the middle of nowhere without a ride and a shit-for-brains gunner. Then the skeeter comes in real low and hovers right behind us unloading from close range. The gunner is staring forward, and I keep sending tells like "turn around, he is behind u, he is low, u can hit him twice and kill him" but he just swivels side to side firing into the air. That's it, I floor it and cruise over the mountains towards the ocean, off a cliff and into the water. At least if I'm gonna lose my mag, it's not to a fricken skeeter, plus I was able to kill the useless gunner.
If I were you, I would have driven that Magrider over to a lake and kicked his worthless butt out. He'd sink to the bottom and half to die. Or do a pass through an enemy held area and kick him out then.

2003-09-07, 02:18 AM
My official WTF moment happened to me on Ceryshen.

Flying around in my Reaver. We had just capped all the bases there and were concentrating on doing mop-up tower caps. I decide to fly down to the West Oshur gate watchtower. I'm trying to find a good place to land this without taking any damage. I find a spot near the cliff, but I think it's safe there. No sooner I land I start sliding backwards off the cliff. The whole time I'm trying to take off. I slide right down the side of the cliff, over the small beach, and finally end up in the ocean. At this point I tell my teammates via Teamspeak;

"Christ, I just pulled a Hamma. Splash one Friendly Reaver."

2003-09-07, 02:50 AM
My WTF!? moment was when i was playing my vanu char. So i got a gal went through the esamir WG. Then, when the level is finished loading i see my gal clingint to the top of the WG arm. So,
i tried to bail it said just simply get out or whatever so i press g then fall al the way down losing over half my health my gal still clinging to the WG arm.:)