View Full Version : BR 12 finally...

2003-09-06, 11:43 PM
I finally got BR 12 tonight i want to know what i should do now my certifications are:medium assult, Pounder MAX, Galaxy, Combat engineering, Engineering, Darklight and Second Wind implants, what should i do now?:confused: :confused: :confused: what empire?? this should tell you.:trrocks:

2003-09-06, 11:45 PM
I think the next thing to get is Reinforced Armor....heh you stay alive longer with that......and the longer you are alive the more thing you have to shoot at :)

2003-09-06, 11:47 PM
Reinforced, I can only suggest it if you can adapt to the slowed down movement.

And since you don't have a wide array of weapons I'd say get some kind of air vehicle or another weapon cert.

2003-09-06, 11:53 PM
well you figure i could get a whole lot more if i sold engineering

2003-09-06, 11:58 PM
No don't do that. How many cert points do you have that are extra?

Edit: One thing, trade Second Wind for Advanced Regeneration. I had 2nd wind for a while, yeah it can save you a couple times but with adv regen you can heal your self when ever you want.

2003-09-07, 12:07 AM
I recommend Reinforced ExoSuit as well I don't know how you've play without it for so long.

2003-09-07, 01:25 AM
um ya reinforced and change second wind to adv regen or sumin cuz 2nd wind sux

2003-09-07, 01:31 AM
Bigger guns are the best, cant go wrong with bigger guns. that or you could get medic, drop the pounder (unless you r one of the good smart people that has half a brain to watch their fire and not rack up a 1000 greif points in a matter of hours), and get ADV medic, then u could be a nice shiny support class type guy.

2003-09-07, 01:44 AM
From the Movie, Split Second, "We NEED Bigger F***ing Guns."

2003-09-07, 02:47 AM
lol max is good but yea reinforce rocks 2:D

2003-09-07, 03:44 AM
People say Reinforced is a must, no. Some people say Surge is only for traveling faster, no. Me + Agile + Rocklet gun = dead smurfs and barneys. When I come up on an enemy I turn on my surge and strafe all around and back and forth. One clip of rocklet ammo will kill a reinforced. I've gotten a lot of /tells saying I use speed hacks. It's just skill. :)

2003-09-07, 04:03 AM
Man i thought br12 was hard but getting to br16 is HARD!:p

2003-09-07, 04:18 AM
LOL! Wait till you try to get to BR 19. A 5k hack is a little more than half a bar. I can't imagine what trying to get to BR 20 is like :no:

2003-09-07, 08:22 AM
from BR13 to 14 4000 is 50% of ONE cell!
i want to go back to hacking.....you know...invisible stuff.....mass hacks....
isnt that fun to sneak into enemy base where NC respawning to get to fight point and HACK it :) and all terminals....they are sooooo fooled when im doing it :)

2003-09-07, 10:39 AM
dont remind me...I've been going for BR16 so long Im trying to forget about it because at this rate I probably wont get it before the expansion comes out. also, plan on getting engineering and medic at some point. that way, if you get hit by a sniper, just duck down, repair, and you're ready to go.

2003-09-07, 12:49 PM
Get sniper, i got sniper a while back after that i have been getting twice as many kills. There is also one thing that is a must, you need one vehicle cert just for transportation, get skeeter if you aren't going to get reinforced, but if you do get rinforced get ATV thos things a good for getting around in reinforced, also the new expantion ATV looks sweet

2003-09-07, 04:16 PM
At the higher levels you've got to learn to kill. Kills complement capture exp so well it's a must. And to the guys who say reinforced is a much, I dissent. Currently I have HA/AV/engie/med/reinforced/deliverer. If the lancer is a must, then I take out the reinforced, however the mobility of surge and agile armor far outweighs the benefits of 50 additional armor points. So When I don't need to worry much about maxes and vehicles (tower defence and AMS battles) the agile armor is my primary choice.

Vis Armata
2003-09-07, 08:05 PM
Deliverers are very good transports to have in a pinch. No tech plant requirement, decent against infantry and air, moderate armor. Really, any mass transport will make you friends.

2003-09-08, 01:02 PM
Lmao im br 19 cr 4 lmao now THIS is hard.

2003-09-08, 01:20 PM
Originally posted by Vis Armata
Deliverers are very good transports to have in a pinch. No tech plant requirement, decent against infantry and air, moderate armor. Really, any mass transport will make you friends.

The above reasons are why I love the thing :) It can cross water too, but being VS that isn't such a major advantage :p

2003-09-08, 06:29 PM
i got the game a week after it came out and i'm still not b12 :D .

my config: med, reaver, atv, max pounder, sniper; adv targeting

just to give you an idea, i'm a vehicle junkie, so i'll switch atv now and then or till i become br 12 where i got enough for heavy assult.

2003-09-08, 07:24 PM
hey me to i got it on the friday after it came out although i have a BR6 character on Markov i don't use i played on that server first. Which is too bad i might have gotten to BR14 by now

2003-09-08, 08:15 PM
get heavy assault and trade second wind for surge, then make your load out a Minichaingun,3 boxs of normal ammo,6 med packs,your rek, and your bank. then pop on surge and own ;)

2003-09-08, 11:01 PM
I'm 18/3 in a little more than three weeks.. they joy of being unemployed... =D

2003-09-08, 11:20 PM
Originally posted by Xxzard
hey me to i got it on the friday after it came out although i have a BR6 character on Markov i don't use i played on that server first. Which is too bad i might have gotten to BR14 by now but BUGGER is my main character. i got other characters sitting on the side too which are at the highest, br6. but 3 months, on the second best outfit on Markov's TR, and i dont even use 2 implants! thats like an embarassment.....wait, that means i actually got a life.:D