View Full Version : That Head is ALIVE !!!!

2003-09-07, 12:43 AM
well last night or was it early dismorning, any ways
I did a drop from the GAL landed just outside the door to the Tech base air terminal, but, guess I landed wrong, only my head was above the deck, I could shoot kill what ever, just could not move, so my head only it was, I stayed, got a kill, guess that dude didnt relize that was a living head that can shoot :D , later I was drawing a crowd, I was some kinda sideshow freak
"come come, everyone gather around and see the killing head" :rolleyes:
of course most asked if they could kill me so I wasn't stuck there anymore, but I said no, not yet, being a head guarding a door had it's advantage, ;)
but when the crowd was getting larger to see the side show, I figured it was time to die, so they shot me :eek:

2003-09-07, 01:12 AM
*Blinks* Nope. I don't believe I've seen that. I have seen a guy floating in mid air, Inside the Warpgate Warp beam. He must have been there for, hmm, 2 days. As far as I know, he's still there, floating in mid air.

2003-09-07, 01:29 AM

best i saw was prolly wildboarQA on public test in a VS MAX and driving a basilisk


2003-09-07, 02:11 AM
Take any Screenies? Any 1 id like to have a look so i can marvel at the head of doom.

2003-09-07, 03:47 AM
I've seen somebody walking around without a head, once he died I could see it on his corpse though.

2003-09-07, 11:55 AM
Once I saw a guy that was stuck upside down in the air so his head was pointing towards the ground and he was hovering like that. I got a screen shot of that also, I know how to turn it into a jpeg but I don't know how to insert it after I do that.

2003-09-07, 04:02 PM
I once saw a galaxy inside of the spawn room! I wonder how it got there......

2003-09-07, 04:04 PM
I have unintentionally replicated this bug. I was stuck in an airpad though so it was a rather useless location.

I wish I could have seen that max in a basilisk. I remember getting heavy armor's into scouts Tribes :)

2003-09-07, 05:59 PM
The period is your friend.

2003-09-07, 10:33 PM
I've got quite a few Huh? Screenshots. But I can't post them, or submit them, they are too big. Plus my submission thing doesn't want to work.