View Full Version : Enemy assets from hacked terminals?

2003-09-08, 11:53 AM
Instead of providing just your own empire's assets, would you prefer if you could acquire enemy assets by hacking their terminals? This would mean you could become a Pounder at a hacked TR terminal if you were certified in your empire's AI MAX, or you could get a MagRider at a hacked VS vehicle terminal if you were certified in Prowler or Vanguard.

This seems like a pretty elegant solution to disparities in faction-specific assets, but only you, the voter, can make that call.

2003-09-08, 12:16 PM
I LOVE this idea, but I think it should require an additional cert. Perhaps called Hacking Mastery


2003-09-08, 12:16 PM
spork alrdy answered this. Too exploitable.

2003-09-08, 12:27 PM
He may have answered it, but they need to go back and look at it again, and then again untill they can figure out how to do it. It is a great idea

2003-09-08, 12:33 PM
I don't have a problem with it...but I would say that if you are going to provide enemy equipment from hacked terminals, then you should ONLY be able to obtain enemy equipment from said terminals. Why would enemy equipment terminals have your faction's gear in it?
This could be a problem for things liike MAX's

2003-09-08, 12:48 PM
Really its not all that exploitable. Think about it this way, the terminal has three states, enemy, neutral, and friendly.

A friendly terminal relinquishes frienly weapons and common pool weapons.

Once a facility has been hacked, it should only produce common pool weapons. The same goes for a neutral facility.

A hacked enemy terminal will produce enemy weapons and common pool weapons, again until the facility has been hacked, then it will revert to common pool.

It's true you could go deep behind enemy lines and hack a terminal and stock-up, but you would have to carry your loot to the nearest frienly locker. I think the easiest way to do that would be with a deliverer or something, but any means would take alot of time.

Along these same line, I wish you didn't need advanced hacking to hack a terminal. That was one of the gheyest changes the devs have made to date.

2003-09-08, 12:53 PM
Step 1: Go to an abandoned base in the middle of no where.
Step 2: hack terminal
Step 3: grab all the weapons you want, completly destroying the varaity in the different empires.

If you want enemy weapons

A. Earn the weapons by shooting the mofo up and taking it
B. Be a lazy ass and set up a weapons trade

-End line

2003-09-08, 01:01 PM
I also thought restricting equipment terminals to advanced hackers was a bit draconian. It's common knowledge that advanced hacking is essential to an uber br20 template, so why put the fine point on it? It's harsh and unkind to people who spend on team-building certs like troop transports or medical.

/I only criticize this game because I love it.

2003-09-08, 01:06 PM
cause without the terms being on avd hacking, everyone was using regular, and being teh leet hacker for 3 points, making avd hack useless.

2003-09-08, 01:12 PM
Three certs to slowly hack any terminal for its booty seems fair. Think of how many hacks have gone through because of the speed of adv hax. It's probably pretty large.

edit: looting weapons costs as much time and effort as might be gained by possessing those weapons. It's a terrible way to counter your opponent's advantage. Getting killed while looting only stresses this point.

2003-09-08, 01:31 PM
If you could hack enemy terminals they would literally have no choice but to allow you to destroy friendly terminals. Otherwise, you'd practically be handing out your factions weapons during a defensive operation. This would just cause people to destroy them way too much when there was no need for it. (In a perfect world, you could sabotage an entire base, gen and all, once it became clear your faction was going to lose it... stupid greifers)

2003-09-08, 01:33 PM
agreed need new cert that will requere 3 points or 2 called Master Hacker
is that nice to jack NC Anti-Infantry MAX from enemy terminal?

2003-09-08, 02:39 PM
Gerbil is correct. The time an energy it would take to fill you locker with enemy weapons is equal to what it would take to focus on looting to accomplish the same. Also, when you use up weapons in your locker when you die, you run out and have to complete the process spending just the same ammount of time you always would.

The novelty here however is the poetic justice of a hacker magmowing some VS in thier own base, a pounder dominating a spawn room...etc. Also it would give each player unique perspective as well as requiring a large a mmount of specialization to achieve (master hacker 3 + 2 + 2(3? ) ) Normal advanced hacking could still produce the same result as always and the game would be much more fun for all methinks

2003-09-08, 02:40 PM
Actually, you know it would be quite comical if they called that cert "Elite hacking" rofl

Happy lil Elf
2003-09-08, 02:58 PM
I always thought the switch to make hacking V-pads and Equip terms requitre Advanced was dumb. I would rather have seen those stay as regular hacking and let Advanced hackers do more than just hack enemy vehicles.

The way it is now there's basically no reason to have just hacking. The speed increase certainly doesn't justify 3 certs. The only real reason is to get advanced hacking. If they truely wanted a spread, or rather for Hacking to be a viable cert for something other than a prerequisite for Adv Hacking, they should have left it the way it was and given Advanced Hacking more benefits.

To the matter at hand, yes, it certainly would rock if you could hack enemy equipment out of enemy terminals. As long as you can't hack lockers (which I've never tried) filling up your locker would be a pain requiring multiple trips and even the most remote base can suprise you as you find a squad that stopped off to pick up a Sunderer or a hacker getting another vehicle only to pause long enough to backstab you a few times. Not to mention Phalanx turrets can do a number on you if you decide to come in with a vehicle, which unless you like to walk long distances, you probably would.

Point being it would be quite a bit of trouble for not much gain so why not give people the option. I'd go it just to steal a Mag/Thresher because they're insanely fun to drive and a nice change of pace from my Lightning/Vanguard :p