View Full Version : Origion of Continental and Base Names?

2003-09-08, 08:20 PM
I was just wondering, what is the origion of the naming for the continent and bases on Auraxis. I already know Esamir is after Norse mythology and Solsar after Egyptian. But what about the others?

2003-09-08, 08:21 PM
why dont you do a search on the names

2003-09-08, 08:27 PM
there was a giant list that had all the naming stuff in it on the official forums at one point. do a search for it.

2003-09-08, 08:28 PM
Originally posted by NNY
why dont you do a search on the names

Because all that pops up are Planetside sites. :(

2003-09-08, 08:31 PM
Ive noticed a certain pattern with certain names. Almost all the continents have some sort of Gwendy or Gewdry or something like that name. I think its some sort of Vanu (the alien ones) conspiricy so that when they come back they will rip all the of the bases with Gs and Ws in their names and steal the humans for alien testing.

Just a random theory. Hey, in some alternate universe, its true!

2003-09-08, 08:32 PM
The names of the bases are based of different mythologys. For instance, one continent has bases named after Norse, one after Egyptian, one after greek, etc.

2003-09-08, 08:35 PM
Originally posted by MilitantB0B
The names of the bases are based of different mythologys. For instance, one continent has bases named after Norse, one after Egyptian, one after greek, etc.

Yes, but I'd like to know which continents have which themes.

And Strygun, I searched the OF. Got nothing. :(

2003-09-08, 08:54 PM
they're named after gods from various polytheistic religiouns. e.g., solsar's bases are named after gods from Egyptian Mythology. Searhus is Hawaiian mythology. I believe esamir is Norse mythology.

2003-09-09, 12:41 AM
Did you realize that the game your playing borrows nearly all its city names from ancient mythology from all over the world? Maybe you got a clue with Thoth and Hourus, but far from just Solsar, every content has a set of deities named in it, and each content is specific to a culture or set of cultures, included is some information about the names of cities I could find. Also the contents often represent in climate the mythological names associated with it (ie: Norse - Essimere, Ceryshen - Inuit & Eskimo = snow covered)

Everyone seems to pronounce all the names of the towns and continents differently. (for obvious reasons) So I made a phonetic name list of the names in the game, so we can call them the same things (maybe not all the RIGHT things, but the same). I hope knowing the proper pronunciation (when it can be found) of the names and their meaning may help people remember them better. In places where its not obvious by the phonetic spelling the words are examples of how the pronunciation should sound. If there is no phonetic, then it is assumed that the name is pronounced as read.

Names of cities/contents and orgin

Ceryshen - say-r-ish-an 9 bases

(these facilities are named after Inuit & Eskimo mythology)
(snow covered - Alaska/Cananda)

Igaluk - ig a luck (supreme god)
Sedna - said nuh (goddess of the sea)
Anguta - ang (sang) oo ta (conveyer of the dead)
Nerrivik - ner-riv ick (mother of all sea creatures)
Akna - ack (back) na (goddess of childbirth)
Pinga - (the one on high)
Tootega - too teg (beg) a (diety who resembles an old lady)
Tarqaq - tar ack
Xeelut - zee lut

Amerish - amer (hammer) ish 12 bases

(these facilities are named after Native American Gods)
(temperate climate - midwest forrested)

Tumas - two mas (man with crow wings)
Onatha - o noth a (spirit of wheat/harvest (Iroquois)
Sungrey - sun gray (a powerful shaman)
Qumu - cue moo (fire medicine)
Azeban - az i (if) ban (trickster)
Verica - ver (very) ick a
Xelas - zee las (last) (transformer-culture-hero (Lumni Indians)
Mekala - mech ala (gala) (terrfiying female spirit (Aymara)
Ikanam - ick an num (myth (chinook term)
Cetan - see tan (hawk spirit)
Heyoka - hey ok (oak) a (clown / does things backward)
Kyoi - Koy (the creator (Sinkyone))

Cyssor - sigh zor 17 bases (largest)

(these facilties are named after African gods)
(humid grasslands - central Africa)

Wele - we lee (supreme god Vugusu / Kenya)
Chuku - choo koo (supreme god Ibo peoples)
Ekera - eck (heck) era (the afterworld.)
Aja - ahh jah (forrest goddess)
Faro - faro (pharoh) (sky & water god)
Bomazi - bomb ozzy (ancestral deity of Congo)
Honsi - hon zee (one of a pair of mythical twins)
Gunuku - gun oo coo (principal deity of the Nupe / Nigeria)
Kaang (creator god of African Bushmen)
Mukuru - muck oo rue (creator god of Herero Bushmen)
Nzame - n zam (ham) (supreme god of the Fan / Congo)
Tore (wood god of Pygmies)
***a (creator god central Africa)
Itan (myths and tradtitions)
Pamba - Pom ba (creator deity of the Ovambo)
Shango (god of thunder)
Orisha - or ish a (word for god)

Solsar 9 bases

(these facilities are named after Egyptian mythology)
(arid desert single oasis - Egypt/Israel)

Seth - set (h is silent) (god of chaos)
Aton (pharoh 1300 BC)
Bastet (cat goddess)
Mont (falcon headed god)
Hapi (god of the Nile)
Sobek (crocodile god)
Thoth - toth (no 1st h) (god of wisdom / writing / divine mediator
Horus - whore us (creator god)
Amun - Ahh mon (primordial creation diety)

Ishundar - ishun (fussion) dar 12 bases

(these facilities are named after Mesopotamian mythology)
(airid and hot - middle east)

Baal - bay'-uh (sun god)
Dagon (vegetation god)
Hanish - rhymes with danish (divine storm and bad weather)
Girru (god of fire)
Irkalla - irk'ella (queen of the underworld)
Lahar (god of cattle & sheep)
Akkan - a (at) ken (Saami Goddesses)
Kusag - coo sag (patron-god of priests)
Enkidu (god of animals )
Marduk - mah'-duk (creator of the universe/humankind)
Neti (chief gate-keeper in the underworld)
Zagar (Zakar god of dreams)

Forseral - force rall 9 bases

(these facilities are named after Celtic mythology)
(Mild Climate - Britan/Scottland)

Bel (sun/fire god)
Pwyll - pwill (lord of Dyfed)
Laugh (Lugh sun god of all crafts)
Neit - knee yet (god of battle)
Dagda (god of earth)
Ogma (god of eloquence / learning)
Eadon - eden (nurse of poets )
Anu (fertility goddess)
Caer - sayer (an Irish swan maiden)

Hossin 11 cities

(these facilities are named after Inca/Mayan mythology)
(swamp covered - Amazon/Central Americas)

Kisin (god of earthquakes)
Ghanon (an inferrior shaman)
Acan (god of wine)
Voltan (god of the drum)
Naum (god of mind and thought)
Hurakan - huricane (god of wind & storm (of course))
Ixtab (goddess of the gallows)
Bitol (sky god)
Mulac (a giant)
Zotz (bat god)

Oshur - oh sure... 9 cities

(these facilities are named after Persian mythology)
(rough desert - Iran/Iraq)

Mithra (god of light)
Dahaka - da hock ah (god of death)
Hvar - ha var (sun god)
Rashnu (angel of justice)
Yazata - yaz otta (god)
Izha - is a ('offering' godess of sacrifice)
Jamshid - jam shed (the first man)
Atar (god of fire)
Zal (father of the hero Rustam)

Esamir - essa mere 13 bases

(these facilities are named after Norse mythology)
(snow covered - Greenland/Iceland)

Andvari (a dwarf who can become a fish)
Jarl (great Norse warrior)
Dagur - dagger (personification of the day)
Ymir - ya mere (frost giant)
Eisa - e sah ('embers' daughter of Loki)
Mani (personification of moon)
Freyr - frayr (god of sun & rain)
Nott (personification of night)
Gjallar - gallar (silent j) (horn carried by watchman of the gods)
Vidar (son of Odin)
Helheim - hell i'm (house of hel ruled by Loki's daughter)
Ran (goddess of storms)
Kvasir - ka'vass ear (wisest of the nature gods)

Searhus - searus (silent h) 14 cities

(these facilities are named after Hawaiian/Polynesian gods)
(Island volcanic / Hawaii & Pacific Islands, (get it the volcano))

Laka (goddess of song/dance pele's sister)
Wakea - wake'ah (creator god/first man)
Karihi - car ithee (maori deity)
Hiro (trickster god)
Iva (spirit land where souls live)
Matagi - matangi (wind)
Tara (sea goddess)
Mjaru - maru (no j) (Miru god of the dead)
Oro (god of war & peace)
Pele - pay'-lay (goddess of volcanic fire)
Akua (gods who created everything)
Drakulu (cave entrance to land of the dead)
Rehua - ree'-ya (star god)
Sina (Samoan name for the moongoddess)

(footnote) ALL of the mythological descriptions & some but not all of the pronounciations were obtained from the followoing sites, without them this listing would not be nearly as nifty, please visit them for more information.

By far the most usful site is the Encyclopedia Mythica at http://www.pantheon.org/areas/all/articles.html
this one above all others nailed down nearly all of the toughest mythology names i could find nowhere else. Everything not found on that site is listed in the following

Native American Gods

African Gods

Egyptian Gods

Celtic Gods

Edit: Cyrus posted this on our boards from the OF, not sure who to give credit for writing it too.

2003-09-09, 01:50 AM
just a little bit of knowledge, which you may (or may not) find interesting...

Oshur, Mithra

Mithra was actually poached by the Romans in about 200 (i think) BC and renamed Mithras, becoming the Roman God of the Warrior, there was a HUGE cult among the Roman Armies which followed this God, even to the extent of initiating those forces who became allied with the Romans (through invasion and occupation of their home countries)...
not really important, just a little bit interesting...


2003-09-09, 10:48 AM
Even if you don't know about it they make it easier to rember

2003-09-09, 04:15 PM
Incompetent, that was EXACTLY what I was looking for. Thanks! :thumbsup:

2003-09-09, 04:15 PM
Auraxis is a ripp off of Dune. I checked it out this weekend, the names are very similar.

2003-09-09, 04:28 PM
Originally posted by Valcron
Auraxis is a ripp off of Dune. I checked it out this weekend, the names are very similar.

what you mean arakas?(sp) desert planet... dune.

2003-09-09, 05:33 PM
Arrakis, or in the later Herbert works it becomes shortened to Rakis. Source of the spice, home of the giant sandworms.