View Full Version : You will exit in 10 seconds.

2003-09-09, 04:16 AM
Doe it really bug anyone else that when you want to quit the game, you have to "wait" a period of time?! , does this really piss anyone else off ?

Why the hell, if im quiting the game, do i have to wait 30 seconds if im in an enemy sphere of influence, and more to the point, why do god damn f*ck to i have to wait 10 seconds when i quit if im at my own santuary???!!!!

Please, oh please, someone give me a logical reason for this, cos the only one i can think of is that if u r in the nmy sphere, you can quit and reappear by coming back into the game, but i dont see that as a huge problem, and it does not explain why you need to wait when you are in oyur santuary...

2003-09-09, 04:29 AM
I voted No, we shouldn't have to wait, but then again, if you could just jump out of the game (or recall to sanc) really quickly when in an enemy SOI then it would open up the game to exploiters (jump out then jump back in at a slightly different place to avoid dying), ut when in your Sanc and wanting to leave the game, you shouldn't haveto wait...
One way around it would be to cut the waiting time for quitting when in your sanctuary, but ONLY be able to exit the game when in Sanc (of course problems then arise from LD and being booted at warp gates....)

anyway, just my opinion...


2003-09-09, 04:40 AM
Originally posted by dymetrie
I voted No, we shouldn't have to wait, but then again, if you could just jump out of the game (or recall to sanc) really quickly when in an enemy SOI then it would open up the game to exploiters (jump out then jump back in at a slightly different place to avoid dying), ut when in your Sanc and wanting to leave the game, you shouldn't haveto wait...
One way around it would be to cut the waiting time for quitting when in your sanctuary, but ONLY be able to exit the game when in Sanc (of course problems then arise from LD and being booted at warp gates....)

anyway, just my opinion...


Errr.... you can recall to santuary, but you cant just jump back in anywhere, you have to hotfoot it back or H.A.R.T it in (and even then you have to land outside of the SOI).

Recalling to satuary from an nmy SOI, yeah : you need to have a delay, but not if you are hitting the quit button to leave the game.

2003-09-09, 07:21 AM
im pissed off when i gotta wait not 10....30 seconds!!!!

2003-09-09, 07:23 AM
we are under attack!

*a squad of people go to the cc and log out instantly while being attacked*

5 min later...

Log back in and surprise everyone, they all dead...

Well that was sort of a stupid anology, but instant action and quit shouldnt have a timer while in sanc.

2003-09-09, 07:35 AM

2003-09-09, 07:50 AM
If you Alt+F4, theres a good chance your character won't be saved, and you risk losing a few kills, but if you don't care about saving your character down to the kill, then sure, alt+f4 is the way.

2003-09-09, 08:56 AM
Originally posted by Aegis

If, like me, your machine is on 24/7, exitiing in such a way can have a deprimental effect when you try to connect to the game next time.

Ive had before a situation where i could not connect to the planet server, untill i restarted.

And besides, thats not the issue....

2003-09-09, 10:26 AM
I have to reboot my machine before i play PS whether i quit properly or not, otherwise i get constant CTD problems.

As for losing a few skills, well it saves about every 10 minutes so unless you are levelling amazingly fast i dont see much of an issue.

Happy lil Elf
2003-09-09, 10:34 AM
One guy rushes into the CC as an AI MAX. He makes it but is heavily damaged. If he can quit instantly rather than having to wait he can simply quit, wait a few minutes and log back in suprising the crap out of everyone. There you go. Logical reason there's a timer. Why is it thirty seconds? I don't know, why the hell are you trying to log out in an enemy sphere of influence?

As far as 10 seconds go in the Sanc I have no idea. If I recall correctly just about every other MMO made has a timer when you log out though. I know EQ does and I'm almost positive AO and DAoC do. Not sure why exactly, maybe it has something to do with making sure your character is saved before you leave /shrug

2003-09-09, 10:48 AM
Originally posted by Happy lil' Elf
One guy rushes into the CC as an AI MAX. He makes it but is heavily damaged. If he can quit instantly rather than having to wait he can simply quit, wait a few minutes and log back in suprising the crap out of everyone. There you go. Logical reason there's a timer. Why is it thirty seconds? I don't know, why the hell are you trying to log out in an enemy sphere of influence?

As far as 10 seconds go in the Sanc I have no idea. If I recall correctly just about every other MMO made has a timer when you log out though. I know EQ does and I'm almost positive AO and DAoC do. Not sure why exactly, maybe it has something to do with making sure your character is saved before you leave /shrug

Perhaps a better idea would be that if, when you are coming into the game, you are to appear within and nmy SOI, then you would be spawned in the nearest friendly facility instead....

There are ways around, so its not the issue. Perhaps it is to make sure your char is saved, but why cannot it just save on exit ?...

2003-09-09, 10:56 AM
I love logging out in friendly controlled CC's because you never know what will happen when youlog back in. I've got a screenie where I logged in to 4 pounders and a half dozen softies one day. I hacked the base, but didn't last too long after that.

2003-09-09, 12:57 PM
The wait is fine. Get rid of the farkin popups


2003-09-09, 12:58 PM
Its like this so you cant quit in the middle of a battle and rip someone off

Happy lil Elf
2003-09-09, 02:08 PM
Perhaps a better idea would be that if, when you are coming into the game, you are to appear within and nmy SOI, then you would be spawned in the nearest friendly facility instead....

Are you by any chance familiar with the acronym KISS? It stands for Keep It Simple Stupid. It's one of the golden rules for just about any good engineer. The more complicated you make something, the more oportunity for something to go wrong. The wait doesn't hurt you. It's a very minor inconvenience.

2003-09-09, 05:43 PM

hit windows+m and just ctrl-alt -del and turn off the program

Happy lil Elf
2003-09-10, 12:27 AM
I do that anyways, can't get Zonealarm to let PS close out. Locks my computer everytime :p

2003-09-10, 03:21 AM
The wait make sense especially if you are in a enemy or neutral SOI.. but when in the Sanct, unless it is required by game saving, should be reduce to 5 secs or eliminated.

..just my 2 euro cents.

2003-09-10, 03:54 AM
Originally posted by Happy lil' Elf
Are you by any chance familiar with the acronym KISS? It stands for Keep It Simple Stupid. It's one of the golden rules for just about any good engineer. The more complicated you make something, the more oportunity for something to go wrong. The wait doesn't hurt you. It's a very minor inconvenience.

Well thank you for that little educational lesson Mr Elf, but im a Software Engineer, and have been for a long time, so i really dont need lessons from a drugged up hippy :D

Avoiding complexity at the cost of performace is not being a good developer, its being lazy.

2003-09-10, 09:20 AM
i tried to quit the other night and of course my character decloaked and i got the normal"you will log out in 10 seconds.

I came back to my computer 5 mins later to find myself still logged in uncloaked with three vs muppets stood in front of me. at first i panicked until 2 of them walked past me as if i wasnt even there.

so i tried to equip a frag grenade hey presto it appeared in my hand, so i lobbed at the bloke as hes trying to rehack, what do you know chalk another kill up.

i dont know if this is abug or what but id have loved to see the look on his face when the grenade landed at his feet.:D


Happy lil Elf
2003-09-10, 12:46 PM
Well thank you for that little educational lesson Mr Elf, but im a Software Engineer, and have been for a long time, so i really dont need lessons from a drugged up hippy

Avoiding complexity at the cost of performace is not being a good developer, its being lazy.

You're right, avoiding complexity at the cost of performance would be a bad idea. Of course the logout feature is performing perfectly so that isn't what we're talking about here. Now had you said avoiding complexity at the cost of a tiny inconvenience you would have been more on the mark. Of course that's not lazy, it's sound thinking.

You know what though, if the best you can come up with for an insult with no factual basis is "drugged up hippy" you're obviously not creative or intelligent enough to even have an enjoyable flame war with which, apparently, is what you'd like to start. Come back when you can come up with something a little better than that, maybe then we'll talk. :)

So I guess I'll just say this. It's not going to change. You're going to have to wait 10 seconds in any friendly SOI, 20 in any neutral SOI and 30 in any enemy SOI. So even though you seem to view it as a major flaw, which it isn't, you'll simply have to continue complaining, or cancel you account. Either way it makes little difference to me ;)