View Full Version : Punisher

2003-09-09, 02:03 PM
Now I know u all love ur empire only medium asault weapons but i think this weapon is underrated, it has a high rate of fire medium damage and a long range also whats this on the battom could it be a rocket launcher perfect for softening up maxes and veichels or large groups.

All i'm asking is you go online tonight and try out that punisher try it you'll like it:D

2003-09-09, 02:08 PM
Hate it. Doesn't compare to the Cycler as a standard rifle, and the secondary fire mode only allows you one shot. I'm better off carrying a few grenades to lob.

2003-09-09, 02:14 PM
I'd use it if the grenade/rocket luncher held more than one shot. Like at least 3. Actually I have a loadout for my VS character that carries the punisher but i rarely use it, having to reload that launcher after every shot really nullifies any benefit.

2003-09-09, 02:20 PM
2 ways I see people useing the punisher:

1)Medium assault from the base defense walls launching plasma and firing bullets instead of having to spend 3 cert points for the same effect

2)All purpose weapon for driving a vehicle in Agile. The punisher can serve as medium assault and also sport EMP nades for clearing mines of bridges when you are driving, and plasmas if you have to eject and fight


2003-09-09, 02:26 PM
I don't use the thing much myself, but i know a few people in my outfit who can use it to great effect in 1v1 situations. You just fire off a plasma nade and then a short burst of AR fire, the enemy will be dead before they stop burning, but if the enemy brings a friend you might as well lay down and die because it can't outshoot much of anything in a straight fight.

2003-09-09, 02:41 PM
I agree with the fact that a 2-3 shot clip would help but lets face it do people complain that the m16 can hold 1 grenade in is launcher in counter-terrorism/present day games do they ? ok lets all complain to sony to see what they can do agreed :) alright its a long sshot but it worked with other thigs and i really do think he punisher is under used which no weapon should except the suppressor ;)

Happy lil Elf
2003-09-09, 02:50 PM
Ah, but the poeple the m16 is used against don't usually survive that one grenade and if they do, they're still out of the fight.

That said I use it because I don't have special assault or AV. Tossing a couple plasma/frag grenades at a MAX then surging him with a sweeper w/AP loaded will usually get the job done if I really need to take out a MAX.

2003-09-09, 04:27 PM
I'm one of the converts Incompetent was talking about. I am enjoying it more and more these days. You're right in that 2v1 or more it doesn't work very well, unless you decide to launch a plasma grenade and have a few friends backing you up. You may die, but your friends will have an easier time and avenge your death. Then your friendly neighborhood Advanced Medic comes by and....damn, I released before he got there.

2003-09-09, 05:37 PM
actually i love using the supressor with Rexo - its SO accurate!
the CoF when kneeling does not expland bigger than the size of someones head in continous fire! (maybe not that tight) and when running its very accurate i use it just cuz its so accurate